formula « Map « JPA Q&A

1. compute child table values in formula field of hiberntate

I am facing a problem in hibernate property formula field. Not able to combine both table columns.
shift_id column belongs to parent table of job_card and duration column belongs to child ...

2. Hibernate mapped property to SQL formula fails after update to 3.6.5

I have just updated to Hibernate 3.6.5.Final from 3.3.0.GA and have run into a problem with a SQL formula call on an XML mapped property:


3. JPA Hibernate manyToMany with non-unique key

I have two entities (tables): Department and Person. Both tables have a field CODE which is not unique. How can I define manyToMany bidirectional relations between these tables?

  1. Department has collection ...

4. Hibernate 3.1.3: many-to-one mapping with property-ref to formula

Hi, I also posted this in the Hibernate forums ( ) but didn't get any response. So here is my problem - an hints would be highly appreciated: We have two tables in our database, modeling habitats and districts. There is a many-to-one relationship from habitats to districts. We have a fixed set of districts, that is the district table ...

5. Map of "discriminator"-ed objects, with formula key

Oh yeah, and since it wouldn't fit in the subject, I'm also using a mixture of hbm.xml's and annotations. Apparently, I'm a glutton for punishment. I don't have the exact code at the moment, so I'm going to try to explain approximately what I'm trying to do. Following 5 classes (pseudoish-code) Code: public class Obj { @Id ...

6. @ManyToMany with formula in annotation, possible?

Hi Forum, I'm trying to get this work. I have one table, let's say: User, and Role. User to Role are many to many relation. But there's a flag on Role (deleteDate) to indicate it's been deleted. So, the join relation should have something like: where role.deletedate is NULL (0 in MySQL). Currently, I'm using: @ManyToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST }) ...

7. Formula properties and Inheritance

I just bumped into a small problem. I have a couple of classes that all have a different field mapped to the identifier property. I'm using so hibernate will understand this. Similar logic is implemented in the classes. I have two problems with this. A. Hibernate wants a setter for the generated property, eventhough my javaclasses have their own ...

8. Promblem with formula mapping and is null

I have the following as a mapping element: ( select count(*) from participant_employer pe, participant p where pe.employer_id = EMPLOYER_ID and pe.termination_date is null and pe.user_id = p.user_id and p.status = 'active' ) The sql genereated by hibernate is : Hibernate: select [...other field removed...] ( select count(*) from participant_employer pe, participant p where ...

9. Formula inside Key Mappings

I'd like to do a join within a mapping to another table with a composite primary key, where one of the columns of the composite key in my mapping should be fixed, i.e. something like the following: [code] [/code] I'm working with legacy data, where I cannot change the schema. ...

10. Runtime parameters in formula property mapping

Try turning on the show-sql attribute into your hibernate configuration and then lookup into the console for the hsql alias for your table, generaly it is class_name0_ (calssname+zero+underscore) and use it into your formula, but dont use wildcards (?). true If you dont use the hsql alias, you can put a subselect which is executed ...

11. many-to-one mapping, read with formula

Hello, is it possible to have different mapping-behavior for reading (formula) and writing (normal)? I have a many-to-one mapping to another class (entity-mapping) eg. What Id like to do is to have a formula for reading this property, but writing should not be affected, eg:

14. Order by formula in mapping

I need to be able to order by a formula in a hibernate mapping. I am using criteria api. My mapping looks like this

17. Mixed inheritance strategy, @Formula and FetchMode.SELECT?

@Entity @DiscriminatorValue("V") @SecondaryTable( name = "SUB", pkJoinColumns = @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "F_ID") ) @Table( appliesTo = "SUB", fetch = FetchMode.SELECT, optional = false, inverse = false ) public class Sub ...

18. many-to-one association mapping with formula

PK(ID) ... ...

19. Mapping a property using formula does not work

20. How to use formula when mapping a set?

See my following mapping xml. Say,I have student table ,course table,book table. And use student_link table to handle many to many mapping. Course and book is many to many mapping through course_book_link table as well. Now I want to add a derived property in which is defined like:Set bookNames;//which represents all books need for this student I'm trying on the ...

21. using formula in map-key, using annotation
