foreign key « Map « JPA Q&A

1. How to mapping foreign key as just ID (a long) rather than the entity with Hibernate annotations

I would like an entity "A" to map only to the primary key over a foriegn key.

class A {
   long id;
   long bId;

class B {

2. Hibernate foreign key mapping?

I have an entity A that has a foreign key of entity B:

entity A --> id, entity_a_name, foreign_key_entity_B
When I call
return session.createCriteria(EntityA.class).list();
I get the property of entityB inside entity A ...

3. delete entity that map with another entity

entity A --> id, entity_a_name, foreign_key_entity_B entity B ---> id, entity_b_name when i delete entity B record, it suppose to auto delete entity A that has foreign_key_entity_B ?

Error: ORA-02292: integrity constraint ...

4. Is it possible to have foreign key enforced without object-to-object mapping?

Assuming the following mappings are provided:

<class name="A" table="a_table">
  <id name="id"/>
  <many-to-one name="entityB" column="fk_B" not-null="false" unique="true"/>

<class name="B" table="b_table">
  <id name="id"/>
Java class:
public class A {
   private long id;

5. hibernate foreign key mapping many-to-one

I have been working on it for quite a while, but still can't figure out what's wrong with my code. Each Service has multiple profiles, but each profile only has one Service.

Long ...

6. Foreign key not stored in child entity (one-to-many)

I'm quite new to hibernate and have stumbled on this problem, which I can't find solution for. When persisting parent object (with one-to-many relationship with child), the foreign-key to this parent is ...

7. Hibernate mapping to object that already exists

I have two classes, ServiceType and ServiceRequest. Every ServiceRequest must specify what kind of ServiceType it is. All ServiceType's are predefined in the database, and ServiceRequest is created at runtime by ...

8. Map two entities using a shared foreign key column in hibernate

I have four entities to map together, "Association", "Account", "Transaction" and "TransactionEvent". The id of Association is a simple integer id. Account and Transaction each have embedded id's consisting of a ...

9. hibernate foreign key mapping - table creatino

HI everyone, How can I create a foreign key in HIbernate mapping file. I am new to hibernate, and no matter which way i tried to implement the foreign key, an ...

10. Hibernate mapping with foreign key table

I'm trying to create a hbm.xml to map some persistent objects in java with hibernate. My Domain looks like this: A Property has a Folder which has root Folders. Property has a key ...

11. Hibernate. Foreign key mapping by id

I want to create @ManyToOne mapping between Acount and Record. One account can have a lot of records. But i don't want to add Account field in Record class or vice ...

12. restricting hibernate to create foreign keys

If in hibernate mapping files we have one-to-one and many-to-one hibernate creates foreign keys physically in db also. Is there a way to restrict this?

13. Hibernate - Foreign keys instead of Entities

Currently, Hibernate allows me to load objects defined by *-to-one relationships directly with

Is it possible to get the foreign key instead of the object? The current approach which I see is ...

14. Mapping compound foreign key in hibernate

I asked a question here on how to design a database schema. In summary I have an addressbook that can contain contacts and groups. Groups can also contain contacts, but ...

15. hibernate foreign key

I have a Task table. It has a foreign key task_status_id.
I have a TaskStatus table. It has two primary keys: task_status_id and lang_id.
I have a LanguageType table. It has a primary ...

16. Hibernate one-to-one mapping file

I have Address and Organization tables. Address has FK named organizationID. Address class has following property:

Organization organization;
Organization class has following property:
Address address property;
Mapping for Address:
<one-to-one name="organization" class="entity3.Organization"

17. Hibernate parent/child and foreign key relationships mapping

I am trying to understand some concept of O/R mapping using Hibernate by taking some pseudo example. I have two entities Student and Instructor. Both of these have some common properties like first name, last name, address etc. Also these can have specific properties like student has roll number while instructor has employee code. To model this I have created following ...

18. Hibernate - Mapping foreign keys tables

I have been reading the book Hibernate In Action in order to better understand OR Mapping to improve my current project. In particular I want to move away from more direct mapping of classes to tables to a better 'domain model' (if I understnad this concept properly) for use by my business tier. The tables this concerns are arranged as below ...

19. Hibernate one-to-one mapping with foreign key

Hi all, I was starting to learn hibernate, and found it a bit difficult to start up, and thought it would be helpful for me (and others after me) if I were to create a bit of a tutorial. To write the tutorial, I will have to solve many problems. And once finished, i've come through a journey of learning, and ...

20. Mapping problem multiple foreign key

21. Inheritance with invalid foreign key table

Hi, I'm trying to implement an inheritance with a discriminator. And I want to have a set of the classes in such an inheritance tree. Class Parent {} Class Child1 extends Parent {} Class Child2 extends Parent {} Class Scheme { Set data; } I would like to have in a Scheme class a set of Child1. And when I'd like ...

22. problem de mapping Foreign key one-to-one

Author Message chady Post subject: problem de mapping Foreign key one-to-one Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:29 am Regular Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:31 pm Posts: 54 hi every one all I have two tables with same primary keys. Note that I m not the dbA. And when I make the association between the two I have the ...

23. Update to child column with foreign key makes no change?

Newbie Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:18 pm Posts: 19 Hi Hibernate users. I've been staring at this problem for hours...I'm sure it some silly mistake on my part, but I'd appreciate any suggestions. I have 4 tables, all of which have a relationship to one of these tables, "Attachment". Everything works fine, except for when I update Attachment, It never ...

24. Multi-Foreign-Key mapping spread in two tables

@Entity @Table(name = "Task") public class Task implements Serializable { @Id @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = "TASK_ID") private Long taskId; @JoinColumn(name = "CLIENT_ID", referencedColumnName = "CLIENT_ID") @ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) private ...

25. Mapping foreign keys

Hi. I have a set of tables, where some correspond to uml classes, and some to associations. The complete database structure contains foreign keys to link the the tables together on a database level. The tables are created through an import.sql script at startup, into an empty db. My question is: How do I map this in Hibernate? ------------------ FK ----------------------- ...

26. Parent Child and Foreign key reference

27. inheritance with foreign key

28. One-to many child object foreign key member update question

Hi all, First of all, sorry fo the long subject, but it's the best way I could describe my question. I'm using Hibernate 2.1. I have a one-to-many relationship between tables A and B modelled in Oracle 9i such that each B record contains a field a_id, identifying the A record that the B record is associated with. The corresponding Java ...

29. Problem at mapping with foreign keys

Hey, I got a problem with the mapping between 2 tables with foreign keys. The tables are: CustomerOrder ----------------- private Date createDate; private Date deliveryDate; private int price; private int freightCost; private int status; private int paymentMode; private int totalVolume; private int totalWeight; private int totalCost; private int versionNo; private CompositeCustOrdLinesID compOrderLineID; CustomerOrderLine ---------------------- private String articleNo; private String articleName; private ...

30. Mapping fault with several foreign keys in 2 tables

I got 3 foreign keys in my table CustomerOrderLines and 2 in CustomerOrder. Right now I'm getting this fault: Foreign key (CUSTOMERORDERLINE_T [CUSTOMERORDERNO])) must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key (CUSTOMERORDER_T [CUSTOMERORDERNO,COUNTRYCODE]) Do I need any specific tags in the xml-files to manage this situation where different amout of keys are used? CustomerOrder ------------------ ...

31. Mapping problem with several foreign keys

I have a mapping problem. I run my main program and Hibernate throws a MappingException. When I print it, it looks like this: ERROR = net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: Repeated column in mapping for class net.sf.hibernate.CustomerorderT should be mapped with insert="false" update="false": COUNTRYCODE Now, According to documentation section 8.2 Limitations ( it says that: Quote: Hibernate assumes that an association maps to exactly one ...

32. Ways to Handle Foreign Key Mapping

Hibernate version: 2.1 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle / Postgresql Hi I am Newbie to Hibernate . I have few queries on delete operation. I will take dept and employee as example. Say this dept is used in many places . Suppose I want delete the dept I want to do a check whether the department ...

33. How do I map one-to-one with foreign key???

public class Person () { Long id; String name; Account account; } public Account() { Long id; String number; Person person; } LEGACY DB: TABLE PERSON ID NAME TABLE ACCOUNT ID NUMBER PERSON_ID How can I map these classes to given DB schema?? I can use to map person in Account. But how do I map account in Person??? Rihards ...

34. Foreign Key Mapping Question

Hello All, I'm very new to Hibernate and have tried various mappings to get a User object containing its role (already in User table) and the user's set of functions (role_function.fk_function) given the table definitions below. Both User and Fcn contain a foreign key into the Role table. How would the mappings look for these tables to get the function values ...

35. Mapping when a single column is used in two foreign Keys

Suppose I have something like this: Table T1 with primary key (common_id, T1_ID) Table T2 with primary key (common_id, T2_ID) and an association table A3 modeling a many-to-many relation between T1 and T2. A3 has primary key (common_id, T1_ID, T2_ID), and two foreign keys: (common_id, T1_ID) =>T1, and (common_id, T2_ID) =>T2. Note that both foreign keys share the "common_id" column. When ...

36. one-to-many mapping using a foreign key, how?

Hi all, we're using Hibernate 2.x and I have a simple problem which I don't know how to solve (even after reading this forum and the specs). Two tables: [code] create table list_something ( id int primary key, translation_id int foreign key references translation(translation_id) ..., ); create table translation ( id int primary key, translation_id int not null, locale_id int not ...

37. Joined sub-class mappings over a foreign key

38. Hibernate Foreign Key Mapping Excception

http://worg.hibernate.MappingException : Foreign key (FK79D994BA24E43F9A:BILLING_COMPONENT [SALARY_ACCOUNT_NO])) must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key (VENDOR_ACCOUNT [VENDOR_ID,SALARY_ACCOUNT_NO]) at org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey.alignColumns( at org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey.setReferencedTable( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.secondPassCompileForeignKeys( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.secondPassCompile( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory( Hi Guyz, I have been trying 2 solve the above error for quite some time......I have 3 Table "Billing_Component","vendor" & "Vendor_Account". The Primary key in "Vendor" is "VENDOR_ID"..Which in turn is a ...

39. foreign key mapping

These composite-id's are killing me. Does anyone know how I can setup the primary key on class B as a one-to-one with the composite-id on class A? Basically class B has to use the composite id of class A as it's primary key somehow. Class A: I made several ...

40. Mapping association with a foreign key different from the Id

Hi! I am trying to make a cascading one-to-many association based on a foreign key which is not the Id. Has anyone already encountered this problem? It works fine when I am inserting a child with a new parents - both persistents objects are inserted. But it does not work when I am inserting a new child for an existing parent: ...

41. Foreign key not the same type! Mapping problem

42. Foreign key mapping

I dont understand what you want to say exactly... I only need to obtain the xml that corresponds to my tables definition. I know how I can relation two tables with compound keys but not in this case. In this example, one element of foreign key fk1 in table1 correspond to many elements on table2.

43. Mapping a foreign-key on the far end of a many-to-many


44. Specifying a static foreign key in a mapping file.

Hi there, I want to map a property in my class to an entity using a relationship. So far all the Many-To-One relationships i've used specify a column for the foreign key of the required entity. But in one case i actually want to specify a value (some instance of the primary key) rather than the foreign key column name. ...

45. Request help with Foreign Key Mapping Problem

Newbie Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:09 pm Posts: 4 I am having difficulty mapping multiple foreign keys in a single table. The way the problem is manifesting itself leads me to believe there should be a hibernate property setting somewhere that I could adjust, but I don't know where nor what to set it to. Any help in resolving this ...

46. foreign key - what mapping to use

Hi, Probably a very trivial one in the Hibernate world. I am a newbie. I have 3 tables which are linked as = , B.ref=C.ref. My goal is to get the data from all these tables together and put into a single Java data structure. I am unable to figure how to have a mapping. Should i put them ...

47. One to One Mapping with Hibernate - Strange foreign key prob

Hibernate version: 3.1 Mapping documents: detail ...

48. Foreign Key mapping in Hibernate

49. Creating a Child with Parent's Foreign Key Value

I'm trying to create a child object that is linked to a parent object. The problem is I am attempting to retrofit this into an application that used a lot of SQL SPs and at the point where I create the object I only have the value of the Parent's unique ID, not the whole object. What is the best practice ...

50. Problem mapping a table with a declared foreign key

Hi Folks, I have a table called Trim that contains a TrimId and ModelId column. The TrimId is the PK and ModelId is declared as the FK Then a separate table called TrimContent has columns such as trimCode, trimPrice etc. I join up the columns in the TrimContent table to the Trim table using a join tag and all is well. ...

51. map with one-to-many without foreign key

Hi :-) Is it possible to create a with without having a foreign key? Consider this: Code: CREATE TABLE tab1 ( id PK, map1 INT, map2 INT, map3 INT, ... ); CREATE TABLE tab2 ( id1 PK, id2 PK, value VARCHAR ); id1 ...

53. can't map to foreign key

54. PRoblem with foreign key and mapping

Hello everybody, I'm a beginner in Hibernate and I'm trying to implement a simple application. At present time I created a MySQL DB and through Eclipse plugins I generated mapping files. (the DB is pre existing). The mapping files that I generated contains the following lines (some table column has been removed, in order to ake shorter the post):

55. one-to-one Mapping unable to get the foreign key child table

Hello friends Presently iam working on a small project iam getting an problem in the database. when iam using an one-to-one mapping. in the child table iam unable to get the foreign key column and value. can any one kindly help me in this issue plz. i have taken two POJO venue and venue address. i have mapped these two table ...

56. Mapping of a foreign key

Hi I want to map a one-to-many association over a MySQL foreign key. But it throws a SQLGrammarException: Code: Hibernate: select categories0_.FK_SURVEYID as FK6_1_, categories0_.CATEGORYID as CATEGORYID1_, categ ories0_.CATEGORYID as CATEGORYID5_0_, categories0_.CATEGORYNAME as CATEGORY2_5_0_, categories0_.CATE GORYDESCRIPTION as CATEGORY3_5_0_, categories0_.ORDER_NUM as ORDER4_5_0_, categories0_.FK_PARENT_CAT EGORYID as FK5_5_0_ from CATEGORIES categories0_ where categories0_.FK_SURVEYID=? 44359 [http-5555-Processor24] WARN org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter SQL Error: 1054, SQLSt ate: ...

57. Hibernate Foreign Key Mapping

Hi, I'm new to Hibernate, I'm having table in Oracle with parent and child relationship. PartRequest(Parent Table) and PartRequestInformation(Child Table). PartReqId is the primary key in the PR table and foreign key in PRI table. In the PR table i'm generating the partrequestid through my customized class, it's working fine. But in PRI table, i need to refer the partrequestid which ...

58. using foreign key in multi level inheritance

Hi, class Person { ... } class Employee extends Person { ... } class Manager extends Employee { ... } I'm trying to get hibernate to work with my inheritance Hierarchy of Person, Employee, Manager. I have a table per subclass setup in my mapping file. This is fine as long as I use hibernate exclusively to access data in the ...

59. foreign key in one side of one-to-one mapping

Hi all, I am trying to map a one-to-one relationship, the problem is in the parent table I dont have a reference to the child table, and it is the parent table that I retrive via hibernate. This dosnt really cause an issue because hibernate maps the two tables ID's. however I need to use a foreign key in the second ...

60. one-to-one with foreign key on child table.


61. Mapping foreign Keys

Hi, Am a newbie to Hibernate. Am using Hibernate 3.2 GA and MySql5 I have the table schemas: School {id, name, level,location} Pupil {adm,schoolId,name,sex,age} The School source code is: package school; public class School { private int id; private String name; private String level; private String location; private Set pupils = new HashSet(); /..Getters and Setters.../ public void addPupils(Pupil p){ pupils.add(p); ...

62. Need help in mapping foreign key..Solution not working.

Newbie Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:58 am Posts: 8 ok I tried it.I am getting errors though.I am pasting the code,xml files and the error from eclipse console below.Please have a look and tell me where I went wrong. Thanks in advance public class Employee { int Deptno; int serialno; String name; public int getSerialno() { return serialno; } ...

63. How to map an optional foreign key

Hi everyone, I have two tables parent and child. Child of course contains a foreign key so it can references his parent. But according to my business model, a Child can be orphan (it has no parent) so its foreign key should be null or zero in that case. The problem arises from the fact that the generated DDL by hibernate ...

64. Maps and foreign key references

Hi, I'm having a problem figuring this error message out. Foreign key (FK3C7A6DB3B11727E9:inventory_item_map [inventory_number])) must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key (inventory [user_number,idx]) I understand that the foreign key needs to reference the same as the primary key. The primary key is not composite, just one column, so I don't know why I get this message at ...

65. mapping for a table that only has 2 foreign keys

how do i create the hbm.xml file of a db table that only has 2 foreign keys as it's fields? It has no other fields but the 2 foreign keys.. I tried this: But this is not's asking for an ID.

66. Mapping foreign key reference

Hi, I am new to hibernate.I want to know about mapping a relation between two objects[foreign key]. I just need to know conceptually , how its done. I am not posting the actual code.In case if I get into any problem implementing it , I will post the entire stuff. This is my scenario. I have 2 bean class , say ...

67. Mapping IdClass to foreign keys

68. Mapping a column that is a foreign key

Hello. I am new to Hibernate and I am unable to correctly map a column in a table in my database. Please could someone let me know how this is done? An example could be a leaf table with a foreign key 'treeid' which is the primary key 'id' of tree table. Thank you and hello !

69. one-to-one with foreign key in child table

[id, other field etc ...]

70. problem with inheriting foreign key property

Your mapping is kind of inconsistent if you change your type. Any Disc can belong to a DiscCollection, but a DiscCollection only consists of AudioDiscs? Thats not logical, so hibernate does not support it. It's like defining a vehicle which can be parked in a building, but also saying that this building can only contain bicycles (which are vehicles).

71. Deferrable Foreign Key mapping

@Entity @Table(name = "t1", schema = "temp") public class T1 implements { private int id; private T2 t2; private Set t2s = new HashSet(0); public T1() { } public T1(int id, T2 t2) { = ...

72. Need Help mapping Foreign Key. This should be easy

I have two tables that I want to map correctly. A user table, and a user_session table. The User_session table gets populated with one row per user when they log in, and then that row is deleted when they log off. I was planning on linking the two tables by username (which is unique but not a primary key in either ...

73. foreign key mapping

class file for dependent ...

74. (Beginner) foreign key mapping issue

Hi folks, I did not know a good title for my question. I hope my problem related to this group too. I have a sample project and two objects called User and UserDetail. I want a normal select query with a given user id then see all user information and details in a row. When I debug my project, I can ...