file 2 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Char type in Mapping file

Hi, I am facing a problem in mapping to a Char type. In my oracle table i have defined a column as Char(1) as a Nullable column. In Mapping file i have defined in the bean i have defined the switch as char and given set and get methods. I get the below ...

2. Reading/Parsing Hibernate/Mapping file

3. hibernate mapping file not found

Hi, When i deploy my struts+hibernate application on tomcat i get the following error: **** Initilizing HibernatePlugIn for HRIS********** Error while initializing hibernate: Resource: org/theclass/candidate/view/Candidate.hbm.xml not found I have hibernate.cfg.xml under WEB-INF/classes & WEB-INF/src directory hibernate.cfg.xml: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/theclass_TheClassDB?autoReconnect=true root

4. hibernate mapping file not found

Hi, When i deploy my struts+hibernate application on tomcat i get the following error: **** Initilizing HibernatePlugIn for HRIS********** Error while initializing hibernate: Resource: org/theclass/candidate/view/Candidate.hbm.xml not found I have hibernate.cfg.xml under WEB-INF/classes & WEB-INF/src directory hibernate.cfg.xml: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/theclass_TheClassDB?autoReconnect=true root

5. Inheritance in different mapping files. It's possible

I'm trying to map a inheritance using different hbm files. I have a file name Orden.hbm.xml I want to use other mapping file ...

6. Rules for mapping files (formulas maybe?)

Hello, Is there a possibility to specifiy some rules that need to be followed as soon as a bean is mapped? Lets say there's a property that represents a flag and this flag needs always to be set to "Y". It does not make a sense to set this flag in every query over and over again. How can i accomplish ...

7. broken column mapping - mapping file

Newbie Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:00 pm Posts: 1 Location: US [b]Hibernate version: hibernate 2.0[/b] [b]Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: [/b] [2/26/07 16:42:50:454 EST] 5ec15aa0 ContextLoader E org.springframework.web.struts.ContextLoaderPlugIn TRAS0014I: The following exception was logged org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/ramRewriteContext.xml]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: broken column mapping ...

8. Substring as an id in mapping file

Hello, I have two tables that are joined through the field "typeid" the type id is two digit in the first and three digit in the second table..means i have values ike a.typeid = 101 and b.typeid = 01 a.typeid = 102 and b.typeid = 02 how can i make a join on those 2 tables with a substring of the ...

10. Best practice for including mapping file fragments?

Using Hibernate 3, and am running into a code duplication problem. I've got a couple of concrete classes which all share a common set of scalars defined in a superclass: MetadataDomainObject (abstract) createdDate modifiedDate I want to keep these scalars defined in each table for performance reasons, but don't want to duplicate code in each .hbm.xml mapping file. I tried to ...

11. bad formated mapping file

I'm new in the hibernate world and after having tried to use this framework, I still encounter some trouble using my mapping file, the file is like that : Code: ...

12. How to create mapping files from existing tables?

Christian, Some of us are new to hibernate, and rely on examples. Since the documentation is EXTREMLEY week with examples in a NON-gui environment (granted there is the reference), it was difficult to figure out the correct ant lines for my build.xml. As a result, I ended up finding some demo's from middlegen on creating the task, using (agreed) older versions ...

13. Two Mapping files for the same class?

Hi, 1) Would like to know, is that possible to have a two mapping files for the same class? 2) I am having a class with two properties, Address with name and city. Also having mapping defined for both attributes, need to know is there any dynamic querier/switch/properties available, which would say to persist only those properties not all.. For ex ...

14. Mapping files not found

Hi, I created a new dynamic web project using Eclipse. For the database access, I implemented the DAO pattern. The concrete DAO objects use Hibernate to access the database (PostgreSQL in my case). I also use the HibernateUtil from the documentation which should return a SessionFactory. But when I start my software, this class throws an error because the initial SessionFactory ...

15. Configuration and Mapping file disappears

16. hibernate mapping file not found in web application

Hi, I have developed one web application that communicate with database. I am using SQLServer 2000 and Java Application server 8.0. When I deploy that application in server and runs it I am getting following exception. I don't know how to deal with this. Please help me. Stucture of my project is as follows: WEB-INF | ---- com.state | -----all classes ...

18. Hibernate mapping file customization

Hi, I would like know is it possible to do the following on Hibernate mapping files 1. import other file externally into the hibernate mapping file (say common.txt) as i may have a file with common java properties mapped with db columns? 2. is it possible to dynamically change the values on the Hibernate files? e.g. I have a history table ...

19. Efficiency of in Mapping files?

I was wondering how efficient using prepared statements in the mapping file vs prepared statements in code? We have an application that has roughly 200+ prepared statements and it takes a while to load, up to 50 seconds or so but when I removed those statements the app loaded up much quicker....probably 20 seconds or so. So its seems like an ...

20. Define property-value in a file and use it in mapping?

Is it possible to use property values in hibernate mappings, which have been defined in the file? Sample ---------- current_db = my_db ---------- I tried to write a mapping: ---------- ... ... ---------- but it did not work. The part between the {} brackets is ignored. I think that some kind of parsing is ...

21. doubt regarding mapping file

Guys for one to many / many to one I saw in the tutorial to use ... what if the type is not java.util.Set but int? Is it possible to map? I tried giving and but that doesnt work. Or is it must t hat java.util.Set needs to be used??

22. Hibernate Mapping file Modification

Dear Experts, We are developing Issue Tracking product by using Hibernate. We have to handle multiple schema in our product. For example we have two schemas in our Database that are Major and Minor. If the user age is below 18 then the corresponding user details should be stored in Minor Schema, else in Major Schema. To achieve this we have ...

23. Mapping files in the JDK?

Mapping files in the JDK? Is there a way to do it automatically? I don';t recall seeing anything about that. FOr example, I;d like to use the Properties class that comes with the JDK. Is there anything special I have to do to map them? I assume they have annontations on them? I usually use xml maps so, please advise. Thanks ...

24. Problem related to hibernate mapping file

25. How to optimize mapping file if using inheritance

It's table-per-concrete type situation. I have multiple tables, which has these couple of columns, which are same in each table. Example lastUpdateDate, lastUpdateUser etc. Now I got super class having these columns. And all other POJOs extend this class. But in my mapping files, I have mapping of these columns in each class mapping file. Is it possible to define these ...

26. Hibernate mapping files

I don't know if I'm going to be able to explain it property but I'm going to try it. Basically I've got projects, that they have inside galleries. Each gallery has media associated sorted. I've got 4 tables, witch ones I can't change the structure, because there is a big system behind them. This is the database structure: CREATE TABLE `_projects` ...

27. What is wrong with this mapping file.

Thanx Ferozz for your quick response. I had one more question if i dnt have primary key for that table than wat is the solution for this kind of problem. I read from link you provide that it is necessary for a class it must have primary identifier. so can u tell me if i dnt have primary identifier for ...

28. creating the mapping file

Hello, I have the below tables where the relation between CUST and DATA is ONE-TO-MANY. My ultimate goal is to populate the FeedData Object for one of the records in the CUST table. I'm new to creating Hibernate mappings so I'm a bit confused how I go about creating my hbm file for this setup. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ...

29. special characters in mapping file

31. *** many-to-many link table mapping file ***

Hi, I want to create a .hbm.xml file for many-to-many link table because whenever there is some deletion of the row in the link table the child tables of the link table must also cascade the delete. eg: Tables A And B have many-to-many relation. The link table is A_B;this link table has a child table A_B_child; now whenever arow is ...

32. More than one entity in single mapping file

Hi All, We are currently working on converting an existing web application from old platform to J2EE platform. So we are trying to use hibernate 3.0 for persistence. The constraints we have are 1) Entities are already created on a global level(as part of developing other J2ee applications) and used across the enterprise. Hence we are forced to use these existing ...

33. 1 Mapping file and 1 Java class for more than one table

lkline wrote: I take it that you don't mean a Java class that is mapped to a join of two tables, which is quite possible. If you mean changing the mapping at runtime, that might be possible. Explain you situation a bit more. I have more or less 350 different tables... but all of them have a column named ID. I'm ...

34. two mappings on one file with different keys

Hello, I am using the latest version of hibernate and am trying to map a table with two different keys. One with an id and another with a composite id. I get this error message : org.hibernate.MappingException: Foreign key (FK5C6729AD57EEECA:event [userName,eventCategory])) must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key (categories [id]). If I use two different tables it ...

35. Mapping file causing unnecessary db queries kills performanc

I have a problem regarding performance. The following is my hbm mapping file: Code: A Contact within an Addressbook

36. Hibernate mapping for Java Property File?

Hello, I have a need to start storing a Java applications property file data in a database. The Java application is written to the J2EE 1.4 spec and runs on WebSphere 6.x I'm sure it's been done before so I'm looking for either the Hibernate mapping xml file or an open source solution. All replies are appreciated... F

37. hibernate mapping file

hiii i don't want to put the hibernate configuration file in the src... what can i do? what we have: different web sites and applications and we are using the same model (same entities and mapping files) for all of them .. the only thing that differs is the database name (which should be different for each application).

38. JPA - Problem with mixing annotations and mapping file

Newbie Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:21 am Posts: 8 Hi, I have problems with mixing JPA annotations and orm.xml mapping file together. Because of the usage of a internal framework the class InternalModelObject is used with a mapping file instead of annotations. I also use field access consciously because of some internal guidelines. If I use the class InternalModelObject with ...

39. mapping all resource files from external folder

Hello, In hibernate.cfg.xml, can we map all resource files from an external folder. e.g. i have 3 hbm files residing in /dir/hbmFiles (in file system). Then can i have a single mapping in hibernate.cfg.xml to consider all files from this directory? i.e. < mapping resource="/dir/hbmFiles/*.hbm.xml" /> Will the above mapping consider all 3 hbm files from the directory? Thanks, mpatt

40. How can I configure my hibernate mapping file?

In Java there is a standard way of formatting code, including the names chosen for methods. You do not start method names with a capital, and bean properties are exposed through getter/setter methods. The rules is they start with get/is (boolean only)/set. but seems to be an error in hibernate framework, Hibernate has been along for too long and is used ...