fetch « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate - Avoiding unnecessary join when using foreign key in where clause    stackoverflow.com

Hi I try to optimize the database queries in Hibernate, but I found a blocker:

<class name="SupportedLanguageVO" table="AR_SUPPORTED_LANG" >
    <cache usage="read-only"/>
 <id name="Id" type="java.math.BigInteger">
  <column name="ID" sql-type="NUMBER(20)" not-null="true"/>

2. Hibernate: fetching a set of objects in an entity mapping    stackoverflow.com

I've got an entity Case that has an id CaseId (unfortunately a string due to compability with a legacy system). This id is foreign key in the table Document, and each ...

3. fetch="join" and hql    stackoverflow.com

I'm quite confused about the fetch-attribute in a many-to-one mapping (class Order):

<many-to-one name="Product" column="ProductId" lazy="false" fetch="join" />
Now, if I write a hql-query like
from Order where Order.OrderId = x
Isn't Hibernate supposed to ...

4. hibernate data fetch without entity    stackoverflow.com

I have 'table1' and 'table2' tables present in MySql. The 'table2' has 'table1_id' and 'action' of string type as its columns. I do not have any entity for 'table2'. The mapping ...

5. An internal error "Fetching children of Database"    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have problem while configuring Hibernate tools 3.2.4 version in my eclipse 3.4. I have weblogic 10.3 and oracle 10g. I have created a connection pool in weblogic to oracle. I wanted to configure hibernate using weblogic jndi. I have set the properties as below:- spring true weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory t3://localhost:7021 org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9iDialect

6. fetch children always, 1 level deep.    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, Here's my problem: I have a whole bunch of classes. And whenever i get an object, be it using HQL or session.get(className.class , id), i would like hibernate to also fetch all the children of that object. Only 1 level down though. So if i need the children of the children hibernate will use lazy loading. But if i need ...

7. join fetch returns as many parents as there are children    forum.hibernate.org

I have a Parent/Child relationship and I am trying to eagerly fetch the children from the parent without resorting to several SELECTs. I am using Code: final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); final String queryStr = "from ...

8. Pagination using criteria for fetching parent-child records    forum.hibernate.org

Im fetching entity(parent)-along with child records using detached criteria. And each of these have say 4-5 child records. So when I apply Max results on this root entity object that is If i want to fetch 10 entity objects per page along with their child records, if I use getMaxResults as 10. I only get first 2 entity objects since each ...

9. @ManyToMany fetch problem.    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity @Table(name = "ALT_TEAM") @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE) @Filters( { @Filter(name = "CUSTOMER_FILTER"), @Filter(name = "ENTITY_FILTER"), @Filter(name = "BRANCH_FILTER"), @Filter(name = "SEASON_FILTER") }) public class Team{ private Set players=new HashSet(0); @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY,cascade=CascadeType.MERGE,mappedBy="teams") @Filter(name = "ENTITY_FILTER") public Set getPlayers(){ return players; } public void setPlayer(Set players){ ...

10. one-to-many fetching from child: too many selects?    forum.hibernate.org

I have this hierarchy: .. .. And I need a list of albums with the associate artist ordered by name of the artist (1) or by title of the album (2): (1)list = sess.createQuery("from Album as album order ...

11. Access to the column<->property mapping at fetch    forum.hibernate.org

I'm wanting to use Hibernate, but at least on of my classes is usually fetched via a Stored Procedure, not directly from a table. To support SPs I'm using SpringFramework's JDBC support. Part of that lets me write a simple method that maps a single row of a ResultSet to an object and Spring takes care of the rest. It occurs ...

12. Fetching children count in parent/child relationship    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, In a parent/child one-to-many relationship how can one set a property of a parent that is equal to the count of children? Of course you can use a separate query but I was wondering if there is a way to get the count property of the parent initialized transparently. I also do not want to load all children objects and ...

13. Hibernate cannot fetch a one-to-one mapped data    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I hv 2 tables Code: Partner and Profile PK: partner_ID -------\ PK:profile_ID ... other cols.. ...

14. Fetch Join returns all child POs in collection as parent PO    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message drosenbaum Post subject: Fetch Join returns all child POs in collection as parent PO Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:48 pm Regular Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:35 pm Posts: 63 I have a PO table called CspCmsRgnCd which represents a geographical region (such as "Eastern US" or "Southern US") and has a collection of all associated ...

15. What is the Best practice for optional child fetching?    forum.hibernate.org

I have a typical parent-child setup except that the parent has 3 child tables. The relationship is one parent-many children for each table. Parent - 0..n Child1 - 0..n Child2 - 0..n Child3 For optimization, I wish to retrieve a list of the parent records initially without retrieving the children. A second method will retrieve a specific parent record with the ...

16. partial/manual fetch child records in simple Set    forum.hibernate.org

17. Query with partial child data fetching    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am executing an HQL query like this: Code: select c, ct.title, r from Course c, Request r, CourseTypeVersion ctv, CourseType ct where c.courseStart >= ? and c.courseStart < ? and c.id.request = r and r.courseTypeVersion = ctv and ctv.courseType = ct order by c.courseStart, ct.title This returns a list of Object[] instances and works well with a ...

18. Query fetching three levels deep, involving a Map    forum.hibernate.org

/** @hibernate.class table="models" */ public class Model { private Long id; private Set parts = new HashSet(); public Model() {} /** @hibernate.id generator-class="sequence" column="id" */ public Long getId() { return this.id; } protected void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } ...

19. fetch=join not working map entitymode?    forum.hibernate.org

i've specified fetch=join for a many-to-one relationship since i always need the parent entity. this gives the expected join sql in pojo mode, but in map mode, it doesn't seem to want to use a join in the sql... anyone else seen this or know if this a known issue? here's the mapping.

20. Fetching only one child    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a one-to-many mapping between two of my classes, what I want to archive is that only one of the child gets retrieved when the parent is retrieved. How can i achieve this, I tried to set lazy="false" and batch-fetch-size as 1, at the same time changed the fetch strategy to Join, but this doesn't seem to be working. ...

21. Property-ref Child association has a null session on fetch    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate Version: 3.1.3 Database: Oracle 10g, Dialect: Oracle9Dialect Database Type: Legacy database with no single primary key foreign-key relationship. Also has all sorts of funky natural-business-keys, and we are trying our best to bend hibernate to retrofit for this database. Very well given the back ground, here is what I have... ObjectA has many ObjectB ObjectB has many ObjectC. ObjectA has ...

22. who to avoid fetching children    forum.hibernate.org

this is my hbm file Code: ...

23. fetching parents with some of its children and subchildren    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have to fetch all reservations for each room in each floor in each building. Thus only showing the reservations grouped by the room they're reserved for, the floors those rooms are in and the buildings those floors are in. However a simple group by probably won't solve this and I dont know how to do this with hibernate queries ...

24. Add a new child without fetching all child data(one to Many)    forum.hibernate.org

public Parent getParent(Long p) { String queryString = "from Parent p where " + " p.parentId = :parentId" ; Parent p1 = (Parent) getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() ...

25. Saving the child with out fetching the parent object    forum.hibernate.org

>just create a new child object, load the parent object using it's identifier, set this last object as a parent to your child object In this model, I am loading the full parent object.. I don't want this to happen as it a over head..specially assume that this parent has relation 10 other childeren etc.. if there is way to say ...

26. Join fetch error with child tables.    forum.hibernate.org

I just wanted to report a problem that I found with Hibernate 3.2. I did not build any of our hibernate infrastructure but I encountered this problem trying to run a particular query, after L2 caching was added. A stack trace excerpt is below. I've seen problem reports for this NullPointerException on subselect queries, but our situation does not include subselects. ...

27. New -to-many fetch mode retrieving children ids only    forum.hibernate.org

What I'm proposing is a -to-many association fetch mode (maybe lazy mode) where only children ids would be fetched when we fetch the collection, rather than whole children entities, as it is the case now. Why ? Suppose we use a second level cache for children entities, and that we warm this cache up (fill it up) at application start : ...