entry « Map « JPA Q&A

1. JPA TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance: How to only SELECT superclass entries?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using EclipseLink as the JPA provider. Further I'm using the following TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance structure

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
    @NamedQuery(name=Parent.QUERY_FIND_ALL, query="SELECT p FROM Parent p")
public class Parent {

2. @ManyToMany Duplicate Entry Exception    stackoverflow.com

I have mapped a bidirectional many-to-many exception between the entities Course and Trainee in the following manner:

    private Collection<Trainee> students;

3. JPA, duplicate entry on persist in join table when using @ManyToMany relationship    stackoverflow.com

I want to create custom JAAS authentication where my users and principals relationships are defined in JPA as shown: class AuthUser

public class AuthUser implements Serializable {

    // own properties

4. Hibernate : Delete child entry using hql    stackoverflow.com

Good Day to all, I have a trouble in hibernate and i am a fresher in hibernate, i wish to delete a child entry using hql , if you have a solution please help ...

5. Inheritance scan for all subsequent entries.    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have a datamodel wich uses lots of inheritance with strategy JOINED. I.e. I have A base type MyDocument in which I define all common properties of the document. This is super-type for other types. Is it possible to solve the task in general to scan for all child fields (and those child fields) of the abstract document, which are ...

6. Exclusion of null-valued map entry    forum.hibernate.org

7. many-to-one mapping - Unsupported Entry Type error    forum.hibernate.org

RequestStatusVO Constructor public RequestStatusVO(Long requestId, String state, Calendar dateStateAttained) { this.requestId = requestId; this.state = state; this.dateStateAttained = dateStateAttained; } TestCode: RequestStatusVO requestStatusVO = new RequestStatusVO(requestVO.getId(), state, cal); ...

9. Using hibernate filters to filter map entries    forum.hibernate.org

I have a question how to use hibernate filters with map-collections: Where do i put the filter-element in my mapping-file for filtering keys of the map of a many-to-many relation? I try to explain it with an example: Given an Item-class that has a many-to-many-relation to a Resource-class. The resources have a language-property. When i access Items from the database sometimes ...

10. Inheritance mapping with annotation returns duplicated entry    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @Table(name = "interview") public class Interview implements Serializable{ private Integer interviewId; private Firm firm; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "interview_id") public Integer getInterviewId() { return interviewId; } public void ...

11. Removement of map entries with Null value problem    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:57 am Posts: 7 Hi, I have a map there the values of type String can be null (as I remember Oracle also stores empty strings as null). I can add elements and get the elements without a problem. If I want to remove the elements, the are successfully removed from the Java-Map, but they ...

12. Using Map entry values in a Criteria query    forum.hibernate.org


13. one-to-one mapping, more than one entry.    forum.hibernate.org

I have the following three tables which I have mapped 1:1, DC -<1:1>- SUPPLIER -<1:1>- CUSTOMER In the db however there CUSTOMER table can have multiple entries for each SUPPLIER. Not ideal, but this is an existing project and I can't change it. So, In the SUPPLIER mapping file I have the following to map the 1:1 relationship: Code: ...

14. Occasionally duplicated entries on using ManyToMany    forum.hibernate.org

Duplicated entries on using ManyToMany Hi, I'm working with a legacy database, that's why the database schema isn't that fine. I'm using following classes: Code: @Entity @Table(name = "TS_STATI") class Status { @Id @Column(name = "STATUS_ID") private Long id; @ManyToMany @JoinTable(name ...

15. Cascade delete map entry with @MapKeyManyToMany    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.3.1.GA Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5.1.31 Hi, I have this Map: @Entity public final class ResourcePermission { ... @CollectionOfElements(targetElement = AccessLevel.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @MapKeyManyToMany(targetEntity = Group.class, joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "groupId")) @Column(name = "accessLevel") @JoinTable(name = "GroupAccessLevel", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "resourcePermission")) @Sort(type=SortType.NATURAL) private SortedMap groupAccessLevel; ... } Group is another Entity ...

16. ManyToMany unidirectional - duplicate entry for key error    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, We've recently switched over to Hibernate (latest) and MySQL 5.1. We have an unidirectional ManyToMany relationship between two objects Student and Module. A Student has a Set of Modules, but the modules have no knowledge of the Students. There are many Students and many Modules. Our classes are set up as follows; @Entity public class Student extends User implements ...

17. Mapping to one instance in a set of other entries?    forum.hibernate.org

When mapping set associations to an entity, is it possible to map just entry from that set using selection criteria? Take the following example: a 'Project' entity has a set of 'ProjectStatus' entries. Typically the Project class would include a set of all 'ProjectStatus' entries, as shown in class 'Project1 below... Code: public class ProjectStatus { ...