database « Map « JPA Q&A

1. mapping database link(drda) tables to entites in jpa

I'm using a oracle thin driver to connect to my database.My database links to another db(DB2) with drda specification.My problem is that I can only view the local tables of my ...

2. Mapping db-imported countries to address entity with JPA

I ran some DDL script to setup a complete country table in my database. The country table's primary key column contains the corresponding ISO code for every country. In my JPA ...

3. How to map a database query into an Object [in Java]?

I have a query that joins 5 tables. Then I fill my hand-made object with the column values that I need. What are solutions here that are wide-common to solve that problem using ...

4. Two mappings for one database table

first of all, i apologize for such a question. I'm trying to find a solution for an architectural error (i'm not the architect :P ) Is there the possibility to have two ...

5. Hibernate Mapping Through Another Entity

Consider this simple database schema:

 User                Course          ...

6. How to Map a table with another lookup table using JPA?

I have two tables: 1) Application(int appid, int statusid, String appname, String appcity with getter and Setter methods) 2) App_Status(int statusid,String statusDescription with setter and getter methods) I want to map Application table with ...

7. Optional one-to-one mapping in Hibernate

How do I create an optional one-to-one mapping in the hibernate hbm file? For example, suppose that I have a User and a last_visited_page table. The user may or may not ...

8. Mapping tables from an existing database to an object -- is Hibernate suited?

I've got some tables in an existing database and I want to map them to a Java object. Actually it's one table that contains the main information an some other tables ...

9. How does multi child query by example in hibernate work?

I'm using query by example and I have an object which has two child objects. The problem I have is I want to make a query which has limitations for both ...

10. one to many mapping

I have a problem of mapping some scenario into data base.Problem is something like this. There are two entities called Employee(empID,empName) and Task(taskID,taskName).

  • A employee can have ZERO-OR-MORE tasks.
  • A task can have ZERO-OR-ONE ...

11. Hibernate: how to map one-to-many with another database?

I have 2 classes: User and Message.
One user can have several messages.
I.e. this is association one-to-many.
My users table is in first database and the ...

12. inheritance in hibernate

I have some 10 tables with the following schema

  • ID
  • Year
  • Code
  • Section
  • Period
  • Date
  • Status
each table has a name data_1,data_2 and so on. Now I want to write hibernate mapping for these tables. As all ...

13. How to map 2 table to 1 entity class with hibernate annotation?

I am new to Hibernate. Now I have a problem. I have 2 tables (Timetable, and Timetable_backup) with similar structure because the timetable_backup table is just back up version of timetable ...

14. Hibernate mapping - two maps in one table

Is it possible in Hibernate to describe following mapping:

+------+                 +------+
|Table1|      ...

15. JPA Character mappings

I am fairly new to JPA and trying to get a basic entity setup. I understand that table attributes are mapped to java types, such as varchar being mapped to a String. In ...

16. can i have a method in entity class without Mapping to the database

I am using Hibernate to map with MySQL I have an entity class in which I have the methods mapped with columns in MySQL The question is, if its possible that ...

17. map three database in the same time

I have to map Three database on my project (Web application),using Hibernate/JPA ,so my question is how can I configure persistance.xml to support the three connections this are my files : persistance.xml

<?xml ...

18. mapping a java map to db table using orm

I have a Map in my class.How can i map it to a db table using a orm(hibernate for example) Map contains key value pairs

key1 val1
key2 val2
key3 val3
key4 val4

19. how does hibernate map its columns to DB

I thought when I have a class that I add the @Entity to it and also map it to a table, then when on a get property I add the @Column ...

20. Show all children given a parentNode with Hibernate

It seems this problem is quite popular on programming. I have a table that among its fields have Id and ParentId. The question is, how to, using Hibernate, handle properly a task like ...

21. Hibernate, parent/child confusion

I have a simple object relation, I wish to persist with hibernate. Basically, its a Parent which contains a collection of Children. All I wish to do, is load the parent if ...

22. what to do with cartitems in db when a shoppingcart is cleared

I have a ShoppingCart which has a set of CartItem objects .When I save the shoppingcart,all the cartitems are also saved.When the buyer confirms a buy,I need to clear the shoppingcart.If ...

23. Hibernate: DB mapping different to output

  1. I'm having some trouble modifying my JSON output using Hibernate which is a bit different to my actual DB mapping. Table name: rooms Columns: number, description, shortname, coords The coords column contains a comma ...

24. Mapping a link DB table in hibernate

Hi All Supposed i have a table student which has fields as: student_id number - this is the primary key student_name varchar student_surname varchar A table student_rel which is the relational table is as: student_rel_id - this is the primary key student_id - this refers the above primary key Table student_details as follows: address_id student_rel_id - mapped from above address Pls ...

25. Database Inheritance in Hibernate

Well Hibernate does suggest a pattern called "table per class hierarchy" which uses a discriminator column to tell Hibernate which type or object a row represents. Have a look in the docs, they cover this. In my opinion, its an anti-pattern. Fine, it fixes what would be a slightly odd bit of OO modelling, but only by introducing poor modelling in ...

26. single hibernate mapping for multiple databases

Hello, I'm developing a tool using Hibernate and postgresql DBMS which will allow users to create project (very large set of information). To optimize performance, we opted to build a single database per user connection to back up only the data are proposed. Summarizing, One USER = One Database. However, the services layer for data accessing remains the same. It is ...

27. Mapping one object to multiple databases?

I'm trying to find out if I can do the following: Essentially, there is database A that we do not want to replicate, but we are transforming some of the data from into new values in database B. Only the transformed data will be stored in database B, but I want to be able to do this in the same hibernate ...

28. Mappings/Database comparison

29. Map entities from different databases

Hi Sorry if this is really easily answered but I've got my head in a spin.... I've two classes. - Person - Address Person has a ManyToOne relation with Address. Is it possible to have Person pointing to one database and Address to a complete different one, in H3? And if so... is it possible too for both classes to be ...

30. My collections are recreated in the DB (m-to-n mapping)

First, I know this is similar to a couple FAQ items. Of course, that doesn't mean I haven't done something stupid :). Basically, I have a m to n mapping between a Group and System domain object. The mapping includes an additional attribute, which is State. Every time I pull back the Set (Group- State for System, or System - State ...

31. Problems mapping to an existing database

Author Message einsteinium Post subject: Problems mapping to an existing database Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:17 pm Newbie Joined: Thu Nov 27, 2003 5:27 pm Posts: 10 Hello. I'm trying to wrap Hibernate around an existing MySQL database and am having some serious growing pains, being new to Hibernate. I keep bumping into unexpected issues, and I've gotten ...

32. Inheritance mapping problem to existing db

In existing db I have two tables, BASE_TBL and BASE_EXPERT. A would like to have BaseExpert class that inherits from Base class. Both tables have baseId field, that si de facto association one-to-one. My question is: It is possible with hibernate to do such mapping next mapping? BASE_TBL will be mapped to Base class and BASE_TBL+BASE_EXPERT will be mapped to BaseExpert ...

33. Mapping with several databases

Hi all, I use Hibernate 2. I have 2 objects : A and B. A have a field of B type. A should be mapped to DB1 and B to DB2. Can Hibernate deals with this kind of relation between 2 databases ? if it is, how the mapping should be done ? Thanks

34. father added to db but not his child

Hi, I have a one-to-many one directional relation: Product 1-------->* ProductAttribut in my code i made : Product pd = new Product(pk,"CU"); ProductAttribut pa = new ProductAttribut(.....); pd.addProductAttribute(pa); session.saveOrUpdate(pd); session.flush(); session.connection().commit(); on the console i see insert into PRODUCTS (LN_SUPPLIER, ........ update PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTES set DT_UPDATE=?, So the product it's added but not the ProductAttribute What do i have to do to ...

35. mapping 1 db table to multiple classes

I've never used hibernate, but would like to. I've got an existing database that I'd like to use hibernate on. Can I map multiple classes to one table. My one table has a "type" column which determines which type or class of object it is. The "type" column can be 1,2,3,4 or 5 So I want to have 5 java classes ...

36. Multiple databases and common mappings

Hibernate version: v. 2.1.4 Name and version of the database you are using: mySQL v4.0.16 My application needs to have the ability to connect to different mysql databases depending on the client logging into the application. In searching the forum and reading the documentaion I know this is possible using multiple SessionFactory instances and multiple hibernate.cfg.xml files but I'm don't see ...

37. Mapping tables accross multiple databases ?

Can anyone let me know if Hibernate can perform a mapping accross multiple databases. Lets say I have two tables with a FK relationship but both tables are located in two different (Sybase) databases, is it possible to perform a mapping (one-to-one for example) relationship between them ? If anyone could shed any light on this it would be very much ...

38. DB to hibernate mapping - is it possible

39. Mapping across multiple (heterogenous) databases (long)

Beginner Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 3:27 pm Posts: 29 I'm looking into the possibilities of basing my next project on Hibernate, but would like your input on how to solve problems like the one described below. The description is over-simplified in order to keep the details to a minimum, but still accurately describes the problem I'm trying to solve. Here ...

40. is it possible to map this "creative" database sch

I am currently evalutating the possibility of using hibernate bridging between an old database schema and a newly developed java object model and I'm wondering if the following can be done in hibernate: There is a table PERSON, holding simple person properties. To keep the column count manageable someone decided to create a new table PERSON_EXTRA that has a one-to-one relationship ...

41. child collection not initialized because no records in db

I use an HQL like this: From Parent p left join fetch p.children The issue is that when a parent does not have any children in the database, the collection of children remains uninitialized. Then I have to loop on the resultant parents and initialize the children collections one by one, which issues unnecessary db requests. I have searched all through ...

43. problems mapping Java-classes to database

Hibernate 2 MySql 4.1.12 for Win32 Hello! I have simplified the Person class a bit (that is, I removed some stuff like age, sex etc). A person class contains several standard data like age, sex and also optional data that can be provided. The optional data is in key-value form (email, ), (address, Sunset Boulevard 132) etc This data is ...

44. Mapping to different databases per request

Here's the situation: Multiple users will be connecting to my application, and each user is hitting a different database for their storage. So, after I log my user in and I see who I'm working with, is there a way to modify my Hibernate connection so that it hits a particular database? Thanks in advance, S

46. mapping inheritance and 1-many mappings from denormalized DB

Hibernate version: V3 Name and version of the database you are using: IBM DB2 v7 We are encountering trouble mapping a mildly denormalized database. By "mildly" I mean there is no duplicated data but tables are combined to reduce the number of queries. I have seen similar denormalization at a few companies so we can't be alone in having to deal ...

47. How to write single mapping for multiple database?

Hi All, How can write single mapping for multiple database? Ie My hbm file should work in MySql as well as Oracle.I have used "native" generator class also.But no luck. Is it possible ? Or Should I use different file for each database? Can any one please help me? Thanks in advance. Regards, Prabakar.

48. Troubles with Hibernate mapping One$DB

Hi everyone, I have some troubles with Hibernate 3.0.5 mapping Daffodil One$DB 4.0 although following this guide . My errors are: - no meta data connection - no suitable driver Hope you can help me with this issue, thx in advance... Greetz.. Some hints: I'm using this dialect file: with these one$db properties for hibernate: hibernate.dialect org.hibernate.dialect.DaffodilDBDialect hibernate.connection.driver_class ...

49. Possible to obtain a map from database directly?

Hi! I have a table with only 2 columns, 'KEY' and 'VALUE'. I would like to retrieve a Map object from Hibernate with the key mapped to 'KEY' and value mapped to 'VALUE' instead of having to create a POJO to represent each record and returning as a list, after which I have to manually retrieve each record and store the ...

50. how to go from java to mappings to database?

Hi Is there a way to start with my java classes, and have the mappings and the database tables generated automatically? I recall I've seen this being done somewhere before but i can't find it anymore. I looked in the docs, tutorials, searched the forums and looked in my Hibernate In Action book, and couldn't find it. I appreciate it if ...

51. 2Databases mapping... Hurry Please!!!

I assumed you wanted to make multiple entries for the same mapping -- in that case you need multiple session factories. You only need to duplicate the .cfg.xml file - one for each session factory. Then, you have to deal with building multiple session factories and retrieving sessions from the correct one, etc. If you want to access multiple databases as ...

52. tables cannot map into databases

faireni wrote: i have create a hibernate project using eclipse wtp. i have written the model file and also mapping files as well. i have created the database manually in mysql server. i used syntax 'grant all on symis.* to 'user@'. what else should i do to map the tables inti database?? thanx. Hi faireni, First Please check which MYSQL server ...

54. How to mapping table of other database

55. Mapping to multiple databases - change the mapping?

We have an environment where we use both SQL*Server and Oracle. Currently I have 1 set of mapping files, for oracle. The SQL*Server mapping is largely the same, but, I need to change things like to be I can do this by having a parallel set of mapping files. ...

56. Mapping across two databases


57. Hibernate - Database mapping issue

The problem: I have multiple entities which refer to a common entity Like User, Company etc and they have one-many relationship with Address. Like user can have multiple addresses and Company can also have multiple addresses. If I were to design between user and address then i can have userId( as foreign key) in the address table and thus i have ...

58. Mapping two tables from two database

The problem: Table1 is on first database Table2 is on second database Primary-foreign key is ID I'm using Spring&Hibernate. What I need is: 1. one Spring&Hibernate configuration file where I put everything about datasources 2. One HBM where I can write all mapping from one table to another. Is this possible, or I need to write all in code. Thank you ...

59. Mapping a virtual feild to a database column

Hi, I need to map a sort of a virtual field to a database column. e.g. my class has 3 fields that go to 3 columns in a table. However, there is a 4th column who's value is composed from the three fields in the class. However, I cannot change the class of extend from it. I was trying to work ...

60. Mapping Databases

Can I use more than one database at the same time? For exemple, my hibernate.cfg.xml below: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect jdbc:mysql://localhost/seb username passw true true 20 75 180 300 100 0 org.postgresql.Driver org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydatabase root paswd ...

61. Mapping collections to database

amar_hyd wrote: I am new hibernate user.I am using hibernate with Java Persistence API. When i try to map a collection to the database . It automatically creates a second table for the collection.Is it supposed to happen that way?? Is there a way to stop it from creating it. Hibernate favors designing an association with a join table. That's actually ...

62. mapping 2 db tables to single java class?

Hi All, I am very new to hibernate and currently trying to find the solution (if it is exist) for the following problem. I have 2 db tables (mySql) Customer table id (int 11, not null, primary, increment) customer_id (varchar 32, not null, unique) first_name(varchar 32) last_name (varchar 32) email (varchar 32, not null, unique) password (varchar 80, not null) account_creation_date ...

63. mapping database lookup to jpa entities

I have the following database tables: lookup and employee. Lookup Table: structure with sample data. class_name * value * description ---------------------------------------------- SEX_CODE * 1 * Male SEX_CODE * 2 * Female BANK_CODE * 1 * HSBC BANK_CODE * 2 * CityBank Employee Table: structure with sample data. id * name * sex_code * bank_code -------------------------------------------- 1 * Yusuf * 1 * ...

64. How to map EAV database table with Java Class in Hibernate?

In our Java application, we have couple of EAV type of database tables in addition to the normalized relational database schema. I am not sure how our Java classes can be mapped to such EAV type of tables in the database, since these tables contain attribute name/value pair to allow for dynamic attributes of entities. Has anyone used such data model ...

65. DB inheritance mapping

66. Mapping problem on a difficult database

Hibernate version: 3 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 10 Hi to everyone, I'm writing because I have a mapping problem. I've already read concernig chapter in "Java persistence with Hibernate" and searched with google, but it seems to be a very particular mapping case. I have this two tables: T_FIRST ---------- PKEY1 PKEY2 DATA CODE T_SECOND ...

67. mapping across databases

I have a CUSTOMER entity which contains a LANGUAGE field. the LANGUAGE is another entity object which comes from another db (sharing geo and language information for different db's). When the CUSTOMER is loaded the LANGUAGE shall be loaded too. q1: Is it really not possible to configure a db name for an entity? Would seem simple to me. At least ...