data « Map « JPA Q&A

1. How to split a table's data into two sets based on a column value with Hibnernate mappings?

Suppose there are three tables:

Table A (ID, NAME)
Table B (ID, NAME)
Table A-B (A_ID, B_ID, Boolean_Property)
and Table A and B are modeled by classes A and B as follows:
public class A {

2. Hibernate beginner question: why does this mapping result in attempted updates?

This is a real beginner Hibernate problem. I have a problem with the mappings for two tables. The first table is MARKET, and the second is MARKET_MENU_BRANCH which contains ...

3. Fill object data from several tables using hibernate mapping

I'd like to know if it is possible to fill up a class data from database using the hibernate hbm (mapping). For instance:

public class someClass {  

4. access data from two table

Customer class have name property that corresponds to name field in customer table. Customer class also define the map that use for put the fieldName and fieldValue. on database customer name define in ...

5. adding static property data when creating entities

Suppose I have two entity types: User and Country. Country entities are never created and aren't mutable. They're keyed by ISO alpha3 country codes, e.g. "USA". They reside in ...

6. How to Map Lookup Tables in Hibernate for Semi-Static data

I'm dealing with an existing table of events:

Event Table:
id    event_type          status    ...
==    ========== ...

7. Mapping object with data from another table using foreign key with Hibernate

I am trying to populate the data within this class from a database using Hibernate and javax persistence annotations. Here are the relevant database structures.

table Poss_resp    ...

8. Mapping XML datatype to JPA Entities

9. ManyToMany with additional data

Author Message pascallambert Post subject: ManyToMany with additional data Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:01 am Newbie Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:44 am Posts: 2 I've been searching the web with success for the following case but didn't manage to make it work for me (maybe because the example I've seen use TopLink...). So here is the case: ...

10. Mapping of Postgres datatype with Java !

11. Access child data via mapped by?

@Entity @Table(name = "DOC") public class Doc implements { . private Set textItems = new HashSet(0); private Set textItems = new HashSet(0); // try to map child entities . . // THIS WORKS, gives me a set of all TextItems ...

12. Criteria query limiting on child data

Okay let's say I have parent and it contains a collection called child and child has a String called childName. Is there a way to make a criteria query that will return all parents that have a child with childName='Larry'? How about one that only returns parents that contain both a childName='Larry' and childName='Dave'? I thank you in advance.

13. Persisting Data into Parent & child table.

Hi, I have following scenario: The table relationship is like Employee table has relationship with department table as below. EMP : empid Dept: deptid, empid one emp may be related with the one to many depts. I need to insert thr data into emp table first & using id generated need to insert the many records into dept table. I tried ...

14. Mapping many=to-many with non-changing data on 1 side

Hello :) What would be the best way to map the following many-to-many situation? I want to map User (userId, username, password, firstname, lastname, roles) to Role (roleId, name) A role is really just a name and the system contains 4 roles (admin, user, etc). Each User can have one or more roles, and each Role can be assigned to one ...

15. Mapping new and existing data together

Forgive the newbie question. I've searched and searched and not found the answer I'm looking for. Or rather I've found several answers and none of them seem to work for my particular use case. I am trying to map some TV show data from an existing website, with an existing java API into Hibernate. There are some oddities to the data ...

16. Problem while saving data in child table

Hi All, I have a parent child relation ship in my db and I am trying to save data.Data gets properly saved into parent table but it does not get saved into child table. I have defined OneToMany relation in parent table and ManyToOne in child table.All of import statements are importing javax.persistence classes (can that be an issue?). Another thing ...

17. Saving specific data from maps (according to specific keys)

Hi, I am considering into utilizing hibernate in a new project I'm working on... I have a dynamic class which is similar to a map as it can store dynamic values, however when I write it into the DB I only want to save some specific values out of it. Code: // for example my class public class LikeAMap { ...

18. parent/child data object save in two databases problem

hi, i have a problem about parent/child data object save in two databases or load from one database and save it to another database problem. i use two config file to use two databases,one sqlserver,one hsqldb, How can i save them? Thanks in advance! the following is exception information: : An operation failed due to stale data net.sf.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated ...

19. 2 Tables- similar data - map to 1 class depending on Parent

I have to deal with a legacy data problem where I have two tables with similar data e.g. t_cat_features and t_dog_features each has the same data height weight gender breed I created a hierarchy for cat and dog public class Pet { private String name; private Integer ownerId; private Features features; ... } and then; public class Cat extends Pet {} ...

20. Oracle data corruption with one-to-one mapping

On doing a saveOrUpdate of an object whose class participates in a one-to-one mapping, Hibernate is attempting to store a garbage value into a foreign key field (of type Integer) in the corresponding table row. Sometimes the value is a huge integer--other times, it is some weird poison value that even breaks SQL*Plus when I try to view it. The result ...

21. ***Data Validation in the mapping XML file***

22. Programmatically reading mapping data

Hello all, I'm currently working on a part of a J2EE web-based application using Spring and Hibernate. Specifically, I'm trying to implement auditing within the application. To that end I need to pull the database name, schema name, and table name which should be contained within the mappings for the domain classes. I'm just unclear on how to get this information ...

23. Can't import parent/child related data from XML with HB3

Newbie Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 6:47 am Posts: 1 I'm trying to import some parent/child related data from an XML file into an Oracle 8i database by use of the 'experimental XML Mapping' feature. No matter what I'm trying, I do not manage to make the import working (exporting is no problem and works fine). I've been looking around on ...

24. Data Mart Dimension and Fact Tables Mappings

I am designing the persistence strategy for a data mart which consists of two facts tables and five dimension tables. This is based on the classic star schema design. Each fact table contains a composite primary key comprised of each dimension table's single primary key. The elements of the fact table primary key is also a foreign key to each respective ...

25. Mapping data from one table to another with SQL logic

Hibernate version: 3.0 I am pretty new to Hibernate and thought I had a lot of my way figured around, but I haven't tried to do anything like this before, so I'm asking for help. Here's my problem. First of all this is legacy data, so I have no control over the data. I have one table with some data in ...

26. Parent/child relationships with time-dependent data

Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I am having mapping relationships in my legacy database. All of the data in the database is time-dependent and has date/time columns like valid_from and valid_to. The primary key is comprised of a single identifier column and these date fields so if I want to get the value for ...

27. Accessing inherited data members through Criteria sql

I need to query an object based on a numeric field that is inherited from a super class. The database field is numeric as well, but I am allowing wildcard searches (eg My solution so far has been to cast the database field to varchar and then I can do the query for these type of properties. My two approaches ...

28. LazyLoadingException on methods not related to mapped data.

We're using Hibnernate 3.0.5 on a major project in multiple tiers (Weblogic on the Application Server side, Tomcat as the web server). In the web tier, I'm getting LazyInitializationExceptions calling methods that have nothing to do with the mapped data. I boiled a class down to the simplest example I can come up with: Code: public class Foo { ...

29. Accessing mapping data

Hello, I'm trying to get a few things out of the hibernate configuration and can't seem to figure out the mapping. When given an entity's class name, I'd like to retrieve the following things: - All mapped property names (so I can call setXX and getXX). - All mapped property types (java.lang.Long, java.lang.String, etc.) - The primary key property. - Many-to-one, ...

30. Appropriate Mapping for lookup data

Hi, In my application, I have a bunch of reference data tables. With reference data I mean the read only data for the application. I have defined an object model for this reference data. The non reference data maps to these objects with Many-to-Many relationships and every thing works fine. But the low level analysis of the code (through SQL Debug) ...

31. Need help on one-to-one - child data not getting saved

I am trying to run one-to-one Person-address program. The Person data gets saved but Address data is not getting saved. Below is the program that I am running. I am not sure what I am missing, any pointer/help will be highly appreacited Code: Person.hbm.xml --------------------------- ...

33. one-to-one mapping won't write data

I have a mapping that looks like this: When I execute this code, the field ENTITY_ID in KEY_MANAGEMENT receives only a NULL value KeyManagement km = new KeyManagement(); km.setEntity(ent);; Where ent has already been saved in a previous transaction. Does ...

34. taking data from several table to a Map object

Hi All, I'm new in hibernate and now using hibernate 3.2.1. I need to take data from three table and store it in Map object. I have the following tables in the database: Parameter_Definition(parameter_id int, parameter_name nvarchar(100), parameter_data_type int) Parameter_Value(Parameter_id int, parameter_value nvarchar(100)) Dataset(id int IDENTITY, dataset_id int, parameter_id int) The relationships are: Parameter_Definition - Parameter_Value => one to many. Parameter_Value ...

35. What's wrong with the data mapping?

36. xml mapping type for character data

I am trying to map to a database column that has datatype char(5). I have tried using the "character" data type in my xml map but it only brings back the first character. In other words, it treats the column as a char(1). Anyone know what I can specify in my type attribute for this? Here is my .hbm.xml map, the ...

37. Mapping with dirty data

I am using Hibernate 3.2.6, with annotations 3.3.0 Mysql 5.0 I am working with a legacy database, and am trying to convert the jdbc code to hibernate. The data is somewhat dirty, specifically I have a database where one table column references another by the primary key The column should have been nullable, but instead when no matching row was found ...

38. Mapping for char datatype

I think I may have found the answer on the hibernate site. Cool. Following the example provided in the link above, I had to make a minor tweak to get querying that object type to work with a String parameter to the query. Additions to the code are as follows: Code: private final int padLength = 64; ...

39. Want to enter data in pqarent table and not it child table

Hi I am using a table per class structure, where i have a parent class and 3 subclasses of the same. the hbm is like this. ...

40. TimesTen mapping data types

Hi! I'm having a small problem using Hibernate with TimesTen. For a Long type identifier inside a class I want to generate the corresponding PK column inside the table. I have declared the identifier property as of type "long" in the hbm.xml file. Hibernate transforms this into a BIGINT which is not supported by TimesTen: An exception occurs suggesting that the ...

41. How to get data from Child table?

Here is my code : Hibernate version:3.2 Parent.hbm.xml Code: ...

42. Hibernate one to many mapping --data retrieval problem

hi guys... i m trying mapping between team and members... insertion in db works fine but when i retrieve team members value are not comming...i m pasting the code.... member.hbm.xml - team.hbm.xml - ...

43. Hibernate XML Data Mapping

HIbernate Version 3.2.2 I am using the entity mode as dom4j. It is working fine for me for all cases except for bidirectional mapping. When we use bidirectional mapping with embed-xml="true", Hibernate fetches the data but on converting the data to xml string using dom4j leads to an infinite loop and StackOverflowError occurs. Is there any solution to this problem my ...

44. Proper-ref mapping different data types

Hi I am using Hibernate version: 3.0. I am trying to map the Id of class Phone to PropertyRef text field. As this text field is used for other reasons as well. class Phone { int id; PropertyRef propRef; //getter and setters } class PropertyRef { int propId; String text; }

45. tuning hibernate mapping to read static data