1. Mapping collections forum.hibernate.orgYes, GroupObjects is a join between Group and ObjectIds. Let me explain my problem more clearly. I want to access (set/get) objectIds based on ObjectType. group.setObjectIds(ObjectType, Collection |
2. Collection mapping is only return 1 result forum.hibernate.orgRegular Joined: Tue May 12, 2009 6:08 am Posts: 92 HI, I was wondering if you can help me with a collection mapping problem. Right now, my collections are only returning one result. Does that sound like a common problem people run into? In both cases (hints and answers collections), there are 2 and 3 results. However, the query only gets ... |
3. How to map two collections to the same table forum.hibernate.orghello, could someone tell me what is the proper way to map two lists (of the same object type), so that they use the same table, but one contains objects with certain field > 0 and the other list the ones with with this field == 0? I know I can use a mapping element ' where="arbitrary sql where condition"' , ... |
4. issue with Collection mapping forum.hibernate.orgHi, I have a parent object Institute which have a collection of classes inside it. My mappings are Code: |
5. Can collections be mapped inside a collection in hibernate? forum.hibernate.orgHi, Is it possible to map collections like map, arrays, list, set etc. inside a map? Why not? as Java language doesn't restict us to define such objects. for eg. a class A, having a Map each of whose elements have a list. class A{ Map |