classpath « Map « JPA Q&A

1. can mapping files be outside the classpath

2. storing hibernate mapping files outside the classpath.

[b]Hibernate version:2.1.4[/b] [b]Mapping documents:[/b] net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect com.inet.tds.TdsDriver jdbc:inetdae:CONTRACT1:1433?database=CDRAaron true I want to store my hibernate mapping files outside of my classpath. My hibernate mapping files are stored in a directory called conf/resources, which ...

3. Reading mapping files from classpath question

Is there a way to read in runtime all mapping documents from specific location of JARs in classpath? I would like to have application that knows nothing about mapping of data that belongs to components. Component has it's own jar with "hbm.xml" files in "mapping" directory. In runtime all mappings from all jars are read into Session Factory. Is there a ...

4. Accessing configuration and mapping files on the classpath

I have solved my own problem DTDEntityResolver: private static final String URL = ""; public InputSource resolveEntity (String publicId, String systemId) { if ( systemId!=null && systemId.startsWith(URL) ) { log.debug("trying to locate " + systemId + " in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/"); // Search for DTD ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); InputStream dtdStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream( "net/sf/hibernate/" + systemId.substring( URL.length() ) ); specifically uses ...

5. How to make SessionFactory search the classpath for mappings

I am trying to build a Configuration object, so that I can create a SessionFactory that will search my classpath for all mapping files. If the mapping files are on the file system, it's possible to use the Configuration.addDirectory( File f ) API - so that the entire directory will be searched for mapping files. And it's possible to specify a ...

6. Can Hibernate mapping files be located outside the classpath

Our client asked us to move all Hibernate mapping and config files outside our WAR file. We did that, but included this external location in the application server (WebSphere) classpath. Now, the client wants us to remove the classpath reference and explore file-loader/class-loader options to load the mapping files when a Hibernate request is made. My question: Can teh Hibernate config ...