array « Map « JPA Q&A

1. mapping a postgres array with hibernate

has anyone successfully mapped a numeric array in postgres to a numeric array in java via hibernate? sql:

CREATE TABLE sal_emp (name text, pay_by_quarter integer[]);
INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES ('one', '{1,2,3}');

2. How to map a 2-d matrix in Java to Hibernate/JPA?

I have a legacy database I'm trying to redesign into the 21st century. One of the existing data structures involves a particular class which contains a 2-dimensional matrix of values. ...

3. Mapping array with Hibernate

Can you please help me to map th class Hbernate?

public class MyClass{
private Long id;
private String name;
private int[] values;

//omitting getters and setters
I'm using PostgreSQL and the column type n the table is ...

4. How to map a String[] in hibernate

How would you map the following class in hibernate:

private class Book {
    private int id;
    private String title;
    private String[] chapterTitles;


6. How to map String[ ](Array) mapping in Hibernate

import java.util.TreeSet; public class Score implements Comparable{ public int compareTo(final Object object) { final Score score = (Score)object; return (this.percentMatch - score.percentMatch); } private int percentMatch; private String matchingParser; private String matchingCriterionIDs[]; /** * @return the matchingCriterion */ public String[] getMatchingCriterionIDs() { final String[] matchingCriterionIDs = new String[this.matchingCriterionIDs.length]; System.arraycopy(this.matchingCriterionIDs, 0, matchingCriterionIDs, 0, this.matchingCriterionIDs.length); return matchingCriterionIDs; } /** * @param matchingCriterion * ...

7. Mapping array of objects

I have a question regarding the result transformer and mapping of an array. (ex). I have a view that returns records as below. id Image --------------- 1 Blob1 1 Blob2 2 Blob3 I have a java object that has the id and Image. The image atrribute is defined as an array of blobs. In the above case, I want hibernate to ...

8. how to map an array inside a map?

Hi, I am having difficulty in mapping an array inside a map. I have a Class A which has a map of Class B and Class B contains an array. Class A { private HashMap map = new HashMap } where Class B { private int[] bs; } I managed to do a hack but i wanted to know ...

9. Map multiple columns to one array?

Yes, got i working like this. Code: ...

10. Array & mapping

Thanks for our answer. Then I've several questions : - It seems that "set" are more used that "array". Why ? Aren't "Array" reliable ? - Has someone already used "array" in a mapping ? Can he give me some hints ? - What is, in our opinion, the best practice ? Convert my "java arrays" into "java sets" in order ...

11. Mapping SQL3 Array type

12. Mapping an array-valued columne from Postgres.

I've got a table named Configuration that has a values columns of type varchar[]. E.g., in PostgreSQL: CREATE TABLE "common"."configuration" ( "name" varchar(256) , "values" varchar[] , "typename" varchar(32) , LIKE "common"."usage_tracking_columns" INCLUDING DEFAULTS ) WITHOUT OIDS ; And the mapping for this file (generated by middlegen + hibernate plugin) has: for that column. Now ...

13. How to map a two dimensional array?

Hi, I have class with a two-dimensional array of booleans as a member. How do I do I the O/R - mapping in Hibernate for this? Basically, I would like to to have a table that looks like this: Row Column Value 1 1 true 1 2 false 1 3 true 2 1 true 2 2 false 2 3 true . ...

14. Native array mapping

So i have class with String[] , and as reference says i am mapping it as: I dont see any issues with dtd in it, and then i am getting: Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.bindArray( at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder$7.create( at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.propertiesFromXML( at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.bindRootClass( at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.bindRoot( When i am trying to add mapping to hibernate. I tried to specify ...

15. how to map String array to Clob

Iam trying to map String array to table of column type Clob. Iam using following XDoclet. * @hibernate.array table="ITEM_DATA" cascade="all" * @hibernate.collection-index column="DATA_IDX" * @hibernate.collection-key column="DATA_ID" * @hibernate.collection-element column="DATA" type="java.sql.Clob" is there anything wrong with this mapping. Iam getting following exception. java.lang.ClassCastException at net.sf.hibernate.type.ClobType.set( at net.sf.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeSet( at net.sf.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeSet( at net.sf.hibernate.collection.AbstractCollectionPersister.writeElement( at net.sf.hibernate.collection.ArrayHolder.writeTo( at net.sf.hibernate.collection.AbstractCollectionPersister.recreate(Abst at net.sf.hibernate.impl.ScheduledCollectionRecreate.execute(ScheduledCo at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.executeAll( ...

16. one-to-many array canot remove child link afterchilddeletion

emmanuel wrote: there is a bug in your code. But you don't show it... Try to simplify your pb in a simple testcase UserActivity object has one-to-many relationship with Activity object (children).... This are the steps I did in saving my UserActivity method: 1) removeMarkDeletedActivity(userActivity); 2) dao.saveUserActivity(userActivity); // save my 3) return this.getUserActivity(userActivity.getUserActivityId()); // retrieve the object again here.... inside removeMarkDeletedActivity(): ...

17. mapping sql array data type

18. Multidimensional array mapping

mcorleone wrote: I was thinking, maybe i should store it in a Byte array If database portability is a concern, be careful with array data types. Some databases don't support array-valued columns. Maybe something like One idea (not saying it's necessarily a good one, though ;) ): Code: ARRAY_ID INTEGER ARRAY_INDEX INTEGER ARRAY_COLS INTEGER VALUE ...

19. How to map multiple columns in one table to an array?

Now I have tried to map a group of columns to an integer array by using CompositeUserType. Most of it is pretty straightforward. But my question is if we can find out the total number of columns that are mapped to the UserType. For now, I have to hardcode the array length in the CompositeUserType class. It means I cannot re-use ...

20. Mapping array String[] - nulls inside are not inserted

Hello! I need to persist an array of String, which can contain null values. I expected that loaded array would be same as persised, but Hibernate doesn't save last null values (only these which precede not null values). Can I set something in mapping or handle it another, but simple way? Here is a simple test code and mapping: //save hsession ...

21. Mapping array of CompositeUserType's

Newbie Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:15 am Posts: 7 Hi, I have a problem mapping an array of CompositesUserType's. The setup: A "Router" class has an array of "IpRange's". The "IpRange" class consist of two String values. To be able to map this to the Database via Hibernate, I have implemented the CompositeUserType interface called "IpRangeType". My problem is: How ...

23. Can hibernate map an array of objects?

One more thing. The index or list-index column. Do I really have to have this field in the DB? How can I tell hibernate to not care about this? I do not really care about the ordering of index of the array. I just want hibernate to persist an array without caring about the ordering. Is there a way I can ...

25. on cascade delete not working with String array mapping?

I cant seems to delete a parent class with a subclass with an array mapping of Strings. I am using mysql 5.0. and issue the following command delete com.model.AutoResumeQueryParams where id in (1,2,3); It just throw a foreign key constraint error, I checked the contraint error against the database and is it definitely the array mapping. how come the array data ...

26. Can i get a zero length mapped array instead of null?

If i have a class with an array property of size 0 it becomes null after a save/load with hibernate. Is there a way to get hibernate to construct me a zero length array instead of null or do i have to munge the object by hand after i get it back? Thanks in advance. Matt

27. problem with mapping array of objects

Hello All. Hibernate version:3.1 I need to mapping of the next objects and have small problem: if made mapping over , that hibernate need in column for indexes of array ( / ), but in my case it's imposible, because classes generated by build script. What can i do ? class ViewData { String key; //primary key ResponseData[] array; } class ...

28. Persisting a map containing an array with value semantics

Hi. I'd like to persist a map containing a few properties and a (simple) array with value semantics. Something like this (which does not work!): Code: ...

29. Mapping a simple array of Strings? (solved)

Hibernate version: 3.1.3 I am trying to store an array of Strings from my POJO using hibernate. The POJO looks something like this: Code: public class Task { private Long id; private String owner; private Date creationDate; private String task; private String[] items; ... } The ...

30. Array mapping via property-ref in an entity with compositeid

Author Message dominik_steiner Post subject: Array mapping via property-ref in an entity with compositeid Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:29 am Newbie Joined: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:58 am Posts: 5 Hi there, I'm having following exception when loading my entity Code: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystemException: IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of l.CompositePK.vorgangsnr; nested exception is org.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of ...

32. mapping a java array

33. Hibernate mapping for String array

I am looking for solution to map an String array using hibernate. I am using XDoclet1.3 that comes with appfuse 1.9.4. It uses all XDoclet2 hibernate tags Here is my array declartion in POJO: private String[] interactionType = new String[0]; //here is the xdcoclet hibernate tags /** * @hibernate.array table="AI_INTERACTION_TYPE" * class="java.lang.String" * @hibernate.key column="AI_ID" * @hibernate.index column="IT_INDEX" * @return ...

34. mapping array of strings

Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: xml-based I have a class, which contains a String array. I have a table with information on the class which is linked to a table with information on the array by a primary key in the former, and a foreign key in the latter column. I'm (pretty sure) that I should use a one-to-many mapping for ...

36. Mapping an array of object

Hi, I have a class person with many properties where one is private Address[] addresses; public Address[] getAddresses () { return addresses; } public void setAddresses (Address[] addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; } In mapping xml file where I have On run time, when Hibernate attempted to load ...

37. Native array columns (multiple dimensions). How to map?

I work with sales and I need to store the average sales of a product, for example, the average of sales per day of week. How could I map the following table: create table average_perweek ( product_code int, average_total int[7], average_count int[7]) The average_total would be the average value and average count would be how many times did I calculate it. ...

38. Mapping a map with string array

39. Mapping array or map(key,value) across table columns

Hi, I need to know if a java array or a map can be embedded with an entity object so that the array or map values all appear in one row as separate named (maybe map key or fixed prfix) columns in the database table. I would like to avoid coding this my hand to map 10 elements to columns manually ...

40. How to map a key=string value=array of string

Hi everyone, I am having troubles with mapping a map containing an array as it's value type (a simple array of string). The only piece of information relating to my problem I could find was the following: ... 00025.html It is in french but the person answering mainly explains that his understanding of the DTD makes him think that it's ...

41. How do I map file data,Which is in the form of array of byte

I want to insert the file data into the column of database called FILE_DATA How can I map any array of bytes with a single column and in the same row. Hibernate version:hibernate3 Mapping documents: hibernate.cfg file jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase com.mysql.jdbc.Driver root ...

42. ManyToMany-Relationship with array

Thanks. Now I know what this IndexColumn is good for. But what can I do to avoid creating such a column? For me it doesn't make sense to create a column to serve an implementation issue. I have a unidirectional many-to-many-relationship and instead of a Set I want to have a List or an Array. This should be possible, shouldn't it? ...

43. String array mapping-id field (i.e primary key) definition

1) If I map an array type field to a separate table ( not the parent table), is there a way to define the primary key field (i.e "id" field) of the child table? The element does not allow an nested element. 2) Is the use of the correct way to map the value of the array type ...

45. mapping two dimensional byte array to single database column

Hi, I need some help in mapping mapping a two dimensional array to a single database column. I need to store some encrypted messages array. My business do not allow to create sub table for storing message or adding some more columns. I need to store them in blob field. Code: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger ( log4j:WARN ...

46. Mapping collection to object array

using Hibernate 3 Have POJO generated with XMLBeans which models unbounded child elements as an object array which presents a problem when mapping Collections in Hibernate. Whole idea behind persistent collections is to react to remove/add/set as delete/insert/update calls. Pushing a collection into an array defeats that idea. XmlBeans doesn't allow generation with lists/collections only Array[]. JAXB might be an alternative ...

47. how to map an array of objects in a

hi, I need to do mapping for the following class: public class Policy{ private Map executors = new HashMap(); } where Config is.. public class Config{ private Money[] priceList; private Condition openingCondition; private Condition closingCondition; } where Money and Condition are again user defined classes. I have done the following mapping for my Policy but I don't know how ...

48. problem in hibernate mapping an array in a map

Hi, I am working on my 1st project using hibernatea and I am stuck with this problem. Can any one please tell me what is the way to map an array of objects inside a map? Problem is is not shown inside the tag. Any reason for this? Class to be mapped is Class Policy{ private Map executors ...

49. How to map an array of objects?

Hi, I am working on my 1st project using hibernate and I am stuck with this problem. I have to map an array of objects in Class Executor which is as follows: Class to be mapped is Code: Class Policy{ private Map executors = new HashMap } Class Executor{ ...

50. Is it impossible to have an array of objects in a map??

Hi All, Java does allow me to create a class with a map in it and each element of this map to have an array of objects. Code: Class Policy{ private Map executors = new HashMap } Class Executor{ private String name; ...