UserType « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Map database column1, column2, columnN to a collection of elements

In legacy database tables we have numbered columns like C1, C2, C3, C100 or M1, M2, M3, M100.
This columns represent BLOB data. It is not possible to change anything it this database. By ...

2. Looking for detailed explanation of Hibernate UserType methods for mutable objects

I am creating a custom UserType class in Hibernate. The specific case is for an HL7v3 clinical document (I work in health IT). It is a mutable object and most of ...

3. Hibernate bit array to entity mapping

I am trying to map a normalized Java model to a legacy database schema using Hibernate 3.5. One particular table encodes a foreign keys in a one-to-many relationship as a bit ...

4. Grails: domain class mapping (collection of hibernate user types)

I am wondering if is possible to implement following domain model. Let's have a domain class which contains set of intervals (joda time). I can use org.joda.time.contrib.hibernate.PersistentInterval hibernate user type for mapping ...

5. Hibernate. How to map a Map

How could I map Map < Enum,UserType[] > via hibernate?

public class ResourceDataSet extends DataSet<ResourceDataSet> {

  @Column(name = "avatar_id", nullable = false)
  public PersistentResourceId<AvatarDataSet> getAvatarId() ...

  @Column(name = "resource_id", ...

6. Hibernate UserType problem

I am trying my hands on Hibernate's userType and struck in some is my mapping file

   <class name="MyClass"

7. Mapping a UserType column of oracle in Hibernate

I have a user defined datatype that can contain a list of numbers. How can I map it in Hibernate. While using the reverse engineer feature of hibernate, I get a Serializable ...

8. How to map a collection of UserType

I have a custom user type (class extending org.hibernate.usertype.UserType) that handles the persistence of a Class of my domain (called InformacionPlugin) that is not mapped because their instances are loaded from an external resource (an XML). This UserType maps an "InformacionPlugin" to an INT field using an Id. This works perfectly, a hibernate mapped entity has a many-to-one relationship with an ...

9. Persisting Maps with UserType

@javax.persistence.ElementCollection @javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn(name = "MyMapKey") -> @org.hibernate.annotations.MapKeyType(value = @org.hibernate.annotations.Type(type = "org.hibernate.type.IntegerType")) <- @org.hibernate.annotations.Type(type = "MyUserType") public java.util.Map getTheMap() { return this.theMap; } public void setTheMap(java.util.Map value) { this.theMap = value; }

10. UserType-Annotation returns null in combination w/ ManyToOne

Newbie Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:35 am Posts: 1 Hi Forum, I run the following environment: - Virgo Tomcat Server 3.0.0.M5 (OSGi/Spring environment providing the possibility to deploy "OSGified" WARs) - OSGi enabled versions of Hibernate 3.3.2.GA with Hibernate Annotations 3.4.0.A-A from the SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository (newest available there) - PostgreSQL 9.0.3 (with JDBC4-Driver for PostgreSQL 8.3 as it ...

11. LDAPUser UserType, Mapping?

Sorry about this. I posted this to the wrong forum. If I'm interested in using LDAP to manage users and groups, can someone provide a hint into Gavin's comments about using a UserType or CustomType? From the javadoc of UserType, we have methods that clearly pass in JDBC classes. Should these just be ignored in the case of DoubleType? Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet ...

12. Middle out strategy and repeated mapping w/o UserType

This is part of the mapping I use to generate Java code and sql ddl: ... ... ...

17. Mapping multiple columns to a UserType

Hi everybody, I've got a quite annoying problem with my collegues' database structure. I've tried to solve this over and over again for half a year by now. We have all kinds of entities with translatable properties, e.g. a Catalog with a translatable title. That wouldn't be much of a problem, but the corresponding db-structure is a column for every language, ...

18. Problem in Clob UserType Mapping

19. Mapping for a UserType

... ...

20. How to map parameterized UserType as part of a collection

my.comp.domain.PleElement ...

21. Mapping the variable of userType

22. Mapping two columns in one UserType

I have a CurrencyAmount object in my POJO that contains two properties (currency amount, currency type), each should be mapped to a different column in the database. If either of the two columns is null 'd like the whole object to be null, so I don't want to use a component, since it would instantiate the CurrencyAmount then call the setters ...

23. Custom UserType mapped property makes class not cacheable

Newbie Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:20 am Posts: 1 I have a class that cannot be cached in hibernate's 2nd level cache using EHCache. It works when i leave out 1 specific property from the mapping. This property is a char(1) mapped to a boolean in java through a custom UserType. However, another property is a enum between 2 chars ...

25. UserType for value-only of a java.util.Map

if ( hasIndex /*&& !indexIsFormula*/ ) { loc = writeIndex( st, collection.getIndex(entry, i, this), loc, session ); ...

26. Problem mapping a Custom UserType Field

Hello, Warning: I am basically a hibernate "newbie", although I have considerable experience with O/R mapping. Hopefully I will explain my issue clearly and completely..... I have defined a custom UserType and I am using it as a property within another object which has a corresponding mapping file. This is the first time I attempted to do this in Hibernate. ALMOST ...