TYPE « Map « JPA Q&A

1. How to map Duration type with JPA    stackoverflow.com

I have a property field in a class that is of type javax.xml.datatype.Duration. It basically represents a time span (e.g. 4 hours and 34 minutes). JPA is telling me it is ...

2. Conditional mapping in Hibernate 3.0?    stackoverflow.com

How to create mapping in hibernate that depends on the type property, insert/retrieve the data into/from proper column. Structure: TABLE COLUMNS:

class Pojo {


3. one-to-many mapping for basic type at many side    stackoverflow.com

I want to know annotation based one-to-many mapping for basic type for example Person has many nick names. Person is class type and nick name is basic type String. One Person ...

4. How do you map a collection of base type objects in a derived type of the same inheritance tree?    stackoverflow.com


The object model is such that:
  • A 'Component' is a primitive, it cannot be made up of smaller parts.
  • A 'Part' is a composite. It can be made up of 'Components', other 'Parts', ...

5. collection-type argument in Hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

I was thinking if I could set the list elements type in hibernate mapping files. So far I found this collection-type attribute like here: <list name="privileges" cascade="all" table="user_privilege" collection-type=""> , but I am ...

6. Can hibernate map a Java collection of different object types?    stackoverflow.com

I have a Java HashMap object that contians a User object and a Room object. Can Hibernate cope with mapping this to a database, or can hibernate only deal with mapping ...

7. Java /JPA | Query with specified inherited type    stackoverflow.com

I am building a query on a generic table "Sample" and I have several types which inherit from this table "SampleOne", "SampleTwo". I require a query like :

select s from Sample ...

8. Hibernate: how to map java object on two columns automatically?    stackoverflow.com

Imagine I have one common functionality: series and number (string and integer) of some document. My object (insurance policy) contains information about series and number of different documents, so I would ...

9. Mapping one-to-many collection of different types    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to map with Hibernate following object model: SomeAbstractClass { Collection elements; } and various realizations of SomeAbstractClass like ClassOne extends SomeAbstractClass{} ClassTwo extends SomeAbstractClass{} where elements held by ClassOne or ClassTwo are ...

10. hibernate - query return type    stackoverflow.com

I have a (relatively) simple HQL query that returns two joined entities, that have a one-to-many relation. As a result of the query, I want to obtain a list of type entity1, ...

11. Which collection type can choose in mapping in hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have two entities i.e.,customer and order.A customer having mulitple orders.I trying to bidirectional one to many and many to one.So,Which collection object can i choose i.e.,bag,map etc.So,what basis can i ...

12. Chicken or egg type hibernate mapping problem    stackoverflow.com

I got a class with a one-to-one relation. Basically, in "class A" I have a one-to-one relation to "class B". This relation uses a primary key join column. Now my issue ...

13. One-to-One mappings of basic type, into a single class in Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

So the situation is as follows: there is an entity which needs to be connected with a dictionary. Imagine a following structure

create table Address (
    addressId ...

14. Mapping inheritance with joined and type    stackoverflow.com

I've got a pretty basic question. Let's say I have a class hierarchy A <- B (class B extends class A). Both are beans and saved by hibernate into the database. ...

15. Hibernate Mapping Types.    coderanch.com

When I have this in my mapping file (hbm.xml): the generated SQL is : `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment But I want SMALLINT and not int(11) How do I specifically specify the SQL types that I want ? Hibernate generates "approximate" datatypes for both the SQL and Java sides which, to me, is quite annoying. ...

16. Hibernate mapping types    coderanch.com

17. Different Mapping Types in Hibernate    coderanch.com

package com.examscam.mappings; import javax.persistence.*; import org.hibernate.Session; import com.examscam.HibernateUtil; @Entity public class Thing { private long id; private String name; private ThingDetail thingDetail; @Embedded public ThingDetail getThingDetail(){ return thingDetail; } public void setThingDetail(ThingDetail detail) { this.thingDetail = detail; } @Id @GeneratedValue public long getId() {return id;} public void setId(long id) {this.id = id;} public String getName() {return name;} public void setName(String name) ...

18. How to replace standard Java - Hibernate type mapping    forum.hibernate.org

Dear guru! Could you please tell me is there a way to tell that, for example, all Java String types should be mapped not to Hibernate.STRING but to some custom type? I know that it's possible to specify custom type for some specific field but it's too annoying and time wasting to add this customization for every field especially if there ...

19. Mapping a Double raises a wrong column type    forum.hibernate.org

20. Hibernate true_false mapping type    forum.hibernate.org

So I have an issue with conversion of boolean types when dealing with an oracle 11g database. It appears that when a boolean type is mapped to type="true_false" it inserts a uppercase T or F in database instead of a desired lowercase t or f. I have set my query substitions to true='t' and false='f' but records are still getting inserted ...

21. Type for mapping binary uuid    forum.hibernate.org

Hi guys. I have been creating an domain model and have problem with primary key. As primary key I use uuid, here is definition which I'm using in entity: Code: @Id @Type(type = "uuid-char") @GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid") @GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid2") @Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = false, length = 32, ...

22. One type that maps to two different tables?    forum.hibernate.org

So I have table A and hibernate needs to poll this table and return objects that map to the columns of A. Later in the program an error needs to be created and the error is simply an A but it has an additional 2 attributes. Now I can use native SQL to build the SQL used to poll vs insert ...

23. Hibernate migration 3.5* to 3.6*, Type mapping    forum.hibernate.org

24. Using wrapper types in mappings    forum.hibernate.org

25. what is hibernate mapping type for tinyint?    forum.hibernate.org

26. any type mappings    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm trying to persist a polymorphic collection using Hibernate. The collection could include several classes which are all declared as subclasses of same parent using table per class hierarchy technique. I suppose "any type mappings" are meant for this purpose. But I couldn't get a clear understanding from the docs, neither could find instructions elsewhere. Any advice, help on "any ...

27. Problem with mapping specific column type    forum.hibernate.org

28. How to use any type mapping    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all In the user reference pdf 5.2.5 , it said the any type mapping is good for audit logs, therefore, I would like to use that feature for audit logs, however, I don't know how to use and if there is anyone who has used that for audit logs and can show me how it's been used and also please ...

29. how can i map this type    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all I have an project using hibernate. We have an Class named "Program" and it has some attributes. There is a attribute named "params" containing the type of list of Integer(String ....), in brief, is a list of basic types. And i want map the Class Program in table ,but i would not like use some wrapper class to wrap ...

30. net.sf.hibernate.type.SerializationException: with MAP    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a simple one-to-many relationship that I want to map, but getting SerializationException; My code Looks like this: Session sess = getHibernateSession(); List resultList = null; try { Criteria crit = sess.createCriteria(ItemGroup.class); resultList = crit.list(); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new DaoException("Error Creating Query: getDataOBjects(Query)" + dataObjectClass, e); } finally { closeHibernateSession(); } My mapping looks like this: ...

31. Class/type mapping    forum.hibernate.org

32. Issue with mapping of type    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:53 am Posts: 5 Location: Beijing Guys, i used hibernate 2.1.1 in the project. here is the code and the mapping Code: class PlanItem { //...there are some other properties and getters/setters private List loggedDataList; public List getLoggedDataList() {return this.loggedDataList;} public void setLoggedDataList(list) ...

34. collection mappings don't limit contents by type    forum.hibernate.org

I have a table that contains elements of different types... for example: my_table id (a long) type (and enumerated type, eithe 'foo' or 'bar') they can be link together in a link table my_link_table parent_id child_id I have three mappings (one parent, and two subclasses):

35. How to map a type safe collection class (non 1.5)    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version:2.1.6 Is it possible to map the following using only 2 tables? : Class A contains a single instance of a type safe collection class B (1..1 to 0..1), which in turn contains a java.util.Set with multiple data objects in it (4 properties per set entry) We have class B for two reasons : 1.) its type safe, and 2.) ...

37. Can I return a non mapped class type?    forum.hibernate.org

For example: select user.* from User user where user.userID = ? will return a user object (since it is mapped) I want to do something like: select user.userid, user.firstname from User user where user.userID = ? and like to return an unmapped class called UserCore (which ONLY has properties userid and firstname). Dino

38. Same child type, several parent type    forum.hibernate.org

39. More than one collection type for single child relationship?    forum.hibernate.org

Is it possible to carry along multiple collection types of the same collection of child objects? I would like the functionality of a Map for my child collections, but due to some apparent limitations I also need to have a Set of the same Objects. Is this possible? Is this a bad practice? Can you run into synchronization issues?

40. Single Query for children of N objects of the same type    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All, Just wondering if there is a more efficient way to create many to many mappings than i'm currently using? For example, I have setup 2 objects, Car and Driver. Car has Id, LicensePlate and a list of the Driver ids. Driver has Id, Name and a list of the Car Ids. I have not linked the objects as i ...

41. mapping: two object types in one set - to two tables    forum.hibernate.org

It seems I haven't been very clear. I already store my objects correctly, but need to change something to them when they're in a group. This is my group mapping file, which has to be changed: Code: ...

42. Mapping two tables with columns of different types    forum.hibernate.org

Just want to bring this up one more time. I went through the documentation and Hibernate in Action book. No example on how to associate two table on columsn of different types. I have come up with solutions, but they are ugly. Anything elegant that I can just do using mapping files and UserTypes? Thanks.

43. map-key with parameterized type support    forum.hibernate.org

44. Mapping class with collection of interface types    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am new to Hibernate, and have hit on the following problem : I have a class has a composite element of a HashMap, which contains key-value pairs of : String - MyInterface. Different instances of the class may have different implementations of MyInterface as the value in the Map. The error traces below occur when I try to retrieve ...

46. Is there object-type-converter mapping type ?    forum.hibernate.org

47. Howto map not standard types    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am completely new to Hibernate and I fear that the question has been asked quite a few time, but I could not find any answer. I have an existing object model, which should not be changed. In this data model a lot of artificial keys are used like for the following class class User { private OID oid; private ...

48. Hibernate Mapping Types - be precise    forum.hibernate.org

integer, long, short, float, double, character, byte, boolean, yes_no, true_false Type mappings from Java primitives or wrapper classes to appropriate (vendor-specific) SQL column types. boolean, yes_no and true_false are all alternative encodings for a Java boolean or java.lang.Boolean.

49. Mapping collections of derived types    forum.hibernate.org

I was looking for a way to map collections of derived types where the foreign key for the collection resides in the PK of the base. The following thread describes the situation. I'll quotes pieces here. http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=941990&highlight=joinedsubclass dtabuenc said: Quote: I have ran into this problem as well. The problem is that there is no way to tell hibernate that the ...

50. Mapping for: Class containing objects of the same Class Type    forum.hibernate.org

I have two classes Form and a Group (of questions). A Form can contain a Group (of Questions). Similary a Group can contain another Group of questions. Here are my POJOs: public class Form { private String formId; private String formName; private Set areas = new HasSet(); } public class Group{ private String groupId private String groupName; private Set groups= new ...

51. type mapping table    forum.hibernate.org

52. Hibernate Inheritance - Change Class Type    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, Is it possible to change the subclass type of an existing record. If possible, how can I do it? For example, I got the one super class A, which has two sub classes B, C. I have an existing record which is type of B, can I change that record to type C? Must I do it in SQL statement ...

53. mapping types    forum.hibernate.org

Hello: I am using Hibernate tools 3.2 Eclipse plugin. I have some data fields of type 'numeric' in a databse table. There is a rule states that the field value is either '1' or '0'. Hibernate generation tool sets the type of those fields to boolean. Can some explain to me why Hibernate using 'boolean' instead of 'numeric'? Thanks Sorry for ...

54. Query class mapped with associatino of type     forum.hibernate.org

... ...

55. Using Map as return type in HQL    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I was going through hibenate documentation and found that it is possible to return map from HQL by using code: select new map( max(bodyWeight) as max, min(bodyWeight) as min, count(*) as n ) from Cat cat But I am not able to understand when I execute query how to get map and use alias for retrieving each column. The method ...

56. Which solution for non-standard type mapping    forum.hibernate.org

I have the POJO below : public class CommDeviceSetting { protected int commDeviceType; protected Process bridge = null; protected InputStream inStream = null; protected InputStream errStream = null; protected OutputStream outStream = null; protected Reader reader = null; protected Reader errReader = null; protected Writer writer = null; ... } My question is how can I map these properties with types ...

57. collection type mapping...    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, We have an application in .Net that we are migrating to Java with the help of Hibernate. Following the way that relationships between two objects are stored. Defect -> (links to ) Task Assume defect has two types of links to tasks: Defect.MandatoryTasks and Defect.OtherTasks. Hibernate uses two relationship tables to maintain the same "Defect_MandatoryTask" and "Defect_OtherTask" where as in ...

58. GregorianCalendar type in hibernate mapping?    forum.hibernate.org

59. Confused On Type Of Mapping Needed    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, Hibernate 3.x. I am getting confused on what type of mapping to use in the following scenario. I have a table lets call it A. It has a PK (surrogate). ------------------------- TABLEA int id (PK) varchar type NOT NULL --------------------------- This is mapped as an entity with a sequence, all good here. Now it has a assocaition to TABLEB ---------------------------- ...

60. Mapping Types    forum.hibernate.org

63. How to change type mapping for JPA ?    forum.hibernate.org

64. Problem with mapping: Wrong column type    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:23 am Posts: 12 Hi everyone, I'm devolpping a jboss seam 2.0.3GA application, and I have same problems when I try to map my tables from my database (Postgresql 8.2) , here is the exception and I can't deploy my application to the server: Code: 16:18:57,609 INFO [TableMetadata] table found: public.aire_protegee 16:18:57,609 INFO ...

67. Map object of type java.lang.Class    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, this problem was may be solved in this forum, but it's very hard to find a anwser due to to ambiguity of the term "class". So, sorry if I missed the corresponding thread! What I like to do is, to map objects of type Class with Annotations. The results should be that, whenever a Class object is saved, Hibernate ...

68. JPA+Hibernate mapping a join with different column types    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, im having such a trouble to do that. I need to map a join between two tables but in the first, the column is an string and in the second is an int. Before you say anything, dont have control of database so i cant change column types. Using: JPA + Hibernate 3 on EJBs 3. Tks all.