Proxy « Map « JPA Q&A

1. NHibernate creating a proxy instance failed due to abstract method

I'm new to NHibernate, and am trying to map a domain model that has a bit of inheritence etc (see this question for full details on my model, starting a ...

2. persist proxy objects, dynamic proxy objects, maps

In my earlier post, I have asked for ways to persist maps directly. And while retrieving from the database, hibernate gives it as a collection of objects. Instead can it give as a collection of Maps. If there is no direct way to do that, can this feature be added to Hibernate? I would appreciate if some one could help me ...

3. Proxy Object with Inheritance

Hibernate version: 3.05 Interesting scenario occuring for me here. I have mapped my inheritence tree the following way: A root class B inherits from A C inherits from B D inherits from B Here is my mapping doc (Note: object B is not mapped because it does not have any new functionality than object A):

4. Validation of proxy declaration in mapping files is broken ?

Hi, In a particular parent-child use case, my object graph looks like this : Code: [ParentImpl] [ParentInterface] [ChildInterface] [ParentInterface] [ChildImpl] [ParentImpl], [ChildInterface] While mapping them as hibernate entities, I had specified "proxy=[ParentImpl]" for the parent class and "proxy=[ChildInterface]" for the child one. However, this resulted in Hibernate cribbing "org.hibernate.MappingException: proxy must be either an interface, or the ...

6. help: custom id type (mapping, proxying, etc.)

Newbie Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:30 pm Posts: 4 I have an existing (open-source) project (kind of CMS/DMS) where entities (from a customizeable data-model) can be persisted via an exchangeable component. Now I want to write an implementation for persistence using hibernate to gain all these benefits like abstraction from RDBMS, caching, etc. The thing is that my entities use ...

9. getId() on entity map key doesn't pass through proxy object

Hello, I am using the below hibernate mapping, which defines a map, "widgetMapping". Using this mapping the data is properly persisted, but when it is retrieved and I try to get the ID of the SourceWidget, it returns null, even though the ID is indeed set. Under the debugger I was able to see that calling getId() did not hit the ...