Projection « Map « JPA Q&A

1. How to use projection with inheritance

Hej i didnt wont to spam unnesesery data but i will try to write everything my hql Code: "select " + ", " + "wod.symbol, " + "wod.warehouseName, "+ "wod.creationDate, " + "docIr.clientRequestSymbol, " + "from " + ...

3. Need help with fetching association as Map using Projection

Hi, I am working on Projections to retrieve only certain properties from my Object. I have a TaskInstance which contains { private long id; private String name; private String desc; private Map variableInstances; . . } VariableInstance{ private String name; private String value: . . . . } TaskInstance has a 1 to many relationship with VariableInstance I am trying to ...

4. Using Projections/Transformers to return Map

Hello, I'm using Christian Bauer's example of a GenericDAO as a base class for my own DAOs. If you're not familiar with it, here's the relevant code: Code: public abstract class GenericDAO { public List findByCriteria(Criterion... criterion) { Session session = ...

5. Projection required in ome-to-many mapping

Hibernate version: 3.1 Have two object 1. PurchaseOrder 2. Item PurchaseOrder has one to many relationship with Item and it has below property in hbm. My question is , Want to select only particular properties from Item object Defaultly all properties of the Item object will be loaded while accessing setItems() from purchase order object, but i want to load only ...