Polymorphic 2 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Polymorphic property    forum.hibernate.org

I vave a class Instruction that is mapped to an INSTRUCTION table. The class instruction has a property that is a state. I want this state to be a class herarchy that has its own behavior depending on the specific instance. how can I make hibernate instanciate the appropied instance based on the value of the state field in the INSTRUCTION ...

2. Query on (many-to-one) polymorphic association subclass    forum.hibernate.org

The problem: Querying on a property of a subclass of a polymorphic association does not work. The resulting SQL query refers to an alias that does not exist, causing a "unknown column" SQL exception. This is similar to the following posting except in my case it is a many-to-one association. http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.ph ... highlight= There was no proper response for that topic. ...

3. Adding a Polymorphic Child    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:3.1 Hello All, I have the following classes (I don't think the interfaces are important but I've included them nonetheless). NotificationImpl implements Notification SourceNotificationImpl implements SourceNotification extends NotificationImpl EventImpl implements Event SourceNotificationImpl is a joined subclass of Notification. Here's a snippet of the mapping: ...

4. Mapping interfaces and non-polymorphic queries    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, It's been here a million times but always in a different flavour. I've got UserType interface implemented by UserTypeVO. Naturally I would like to map the interface rather than implementation. I've mapped it kinda successful, but Hibernate forces me to supply a class disciminator, which I have not (there is no inheritance). Is there any way to overcome this? All ...

5. Polymorphic query could not resolve property: class of    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have added an object-model structure which consist of 7 diffrent class-types to hibernate. After putting in some data I wanted to find out which object has been updated since a given timestamp. Every class has the property "serverTimeStamp" which is a long. So I started out with a polymorphic query like this: session.createQuery("from java.lang.Object obj where obj.serverTimeStamp>" + sinceTimeStamp).list(); ...

6. Problem with XML persistence for polymorphic associations    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a relatively large UML model that has been used primarily for XML Schema design. I'm trying to use Hibernate for creating an API for this model. So far, the XML persistence seems to work really nicely except in the following rare case (that unfortunately is essential for our model): There is an entity ProtocolCollection 1---->0.* Protocol (association called ...

7. non-polymorphic request ?    forum.hibernate.org

8. Polymorphic associations mapped lazily    forum.hibernate.org

In Secion 6.4.1 of "Hibernate in action" the authors speak about some nuances of polymorphic many-to-one associations noting along, the way, that when such associations are mapped lazily there are limitations on the use of casting due to the use of proxies: .. if BillingDetails was mapped with lazy="true", Hibernate would proxy the billingDetails association. In this case, we wouldnt be ...

9. Polymorphic HQL results in a faulty SQL statement    forum.hibernate.org

I have a problem with a polymorhic HQL query that produces a SQL query that is missing a term I would have thought should be there. The classes involved in my problem Customer, PersonCustomer and CompanyCustomer. My customer (I'm a consultant) have determined that they need to have this separation. Excerpt of mapping files involved: Code: ...

10. Polymorphic Mapping with Interface -> PropertyNotFoundExc    forum.hibernate.org

I am getting an error when building the session factory caused by the mapping document below. I am attempting to map a table per concrete class using union-subclass. The parent class is an interface and the subclasses implement that interface. They also extend another abstract class, so I cannot change the interface to an abstract class. The interface I reference as ...

11. PSQLException from polymorphic query on "any"    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:34 pm Posts: 5 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp When I try to query on an "any" association (i.e. find all objects with a certain object in one of its fields, and that field is a java interface), I get an error from inside postgres complaining that too many columns ...

12. Help Polymorphic queries, One-to-Many, and owners?    forum.hibernate.org

I'm really having trouble creating some queries for my domain model. I need some guidance. I have two classes Component, and Group that contain DocumentInstances through a OneToMany relationship. I'm using two join tables to map that relationship. Here is the mapping for Group and Component: Code: public class Component { @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = DocumentInstance.class ...

13. Is polymorphic map-key-many-to-may supported?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello! Is polimirphic map-key-many-to-many supported in hybernate 3.1? I have a class with map. The key for this map- is basic class inherited by some other classes (Table per subclass strategy is used). So, I can store different classes and keys for these map, but then I read object from database - I always got basic class Does anybody has any ...

14. Need help w/ Criteria query + polymorphic property    forum.hibernate.org

This application uses Hibernate 3.0, I think :-), and I wrote a query that looks like this: Code: final DetachedCriteria crit = DetachedCriteria.forClass (Order.class); if (lastName != null) { crit.add (Restrictions.like ("nameLast", lastName)); } ...

15. polymorphic queries    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, This may sound trivial and it probably is, but I'm having problems accessing data belonging to subclasses when querying an abstract class. For example, if I do: session.createCriteria( ContentVO.class ).list(); It returns instances of ContentVO and its subclasses. So I save a vector of ContentVOs like this from the resultset: ContentVOSet conVOSet = new ContentVOSet(); ... ContentVO conVO = (ContentVO) ...

16. "Polymorphic" Queries    forum.hibernate.org

A newbies question: I have a table, which maps to different Subclasses of a Abstract Class depending on the value of a type field in the table. How would i map that table to the Subclasses in Hibernate? And how would query them? Example: different types of deductibles, which are held in the same table and have more or less the ...

17. Turn off polymorphic query for a session?    forum.hibernate.org

18. Polymorphic Query    forum.hibernate.org

i do have an inheritance tree of 3 classes: subject, person and organisation. subject is my abstract superclass whereas person and organisation do inherit from subject and are concrete classes. i have mapped this classes in hibernate 3.1.3 using the table-per-subclass strategy. now i want to fetch all persons and organisations using the criteria query api. i used Code: DetachedCriteria.forClass(Subject.class); this ...

19. Polymorphic query: different subclass properties    forum.hibernate.org

Greetings, I have the following model. Party - id Person extends Party - firstName - lastName Organization extends Party - name Person and Organization are "joined" subclasses (table per subclass strategy) of Party. The schema reflects the model where both Person and Organization tables share the Party primary key and extend the table with their respective unique attributes. What I would ...

20. Polymorphic queries, fetch joins and performance    forum.hibernate.org

[Using hibernate 3.2 and postgreql] Hi, I have some problems and questions with performance using hiarchy and fetch joins. I have some Enitities, [P] - that is a superclass mappad to one table [C1], [C2] ... [Cx] - are sub-classes to [P] and they are mapped to to diffrent tables. Using an HQL like "select p from P where ..." hibernate ...

22. how to fetch subclass data in polymorphic queries    forum.hibernate.org

Hai Friends I am working with Hibernate 3.0 and my DataBase is MS SQL 2000 I have a class called Contact and there are two classes which extends this class,these are called ContactAddress,ContactQualification.I am using table per subclass stratergy. My problem is i want to retrieve all the information to a particular ID along with the subclasses data also.Can anyone help ...

23. Unexpected results in Polymorphic HQL Query    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 9i (9.2) Hello, We have the following object hierarchy (where "<-" is supposed to represent a UML gen/spec relationship): Base <- Item <- SpecialItem Base <- ItemAssignment Base contains a unique identifier that is mapped as a generated id in all of our mapping files. Item ...

24. How to map a polymorphic collection?    forum.hibernate.org

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25. polymorphic native query    forum.hibernate.org


26. Polymorphic mapping - basic question    forum.hibernate.org

I'm using the Table per subclass mapping, following the example in the hibernate reference documentation. So I have an abstract class for Payment, with shared properties like amount, and 3 separate concrete subclasses which extend the Payment class. On my CreditCardPayment class I have a specialized property called creditCardType. Lets assume that in addition to the example mapping I have a ...

27. Polymorphic results from a property of a queried object    forum.hibernate.org

I have a question related to the polymorphic queries. I have a class hierarchy as the following: Base class Cat subclass AmericanCat extends Cat subclass AsianCat extends Cat I have another class called Master which has one to one relationship with the Cat using the catId foreign key Hibernate version: 3.1 Name and version of the database you are using: MS ...

28. Polymorphic resultset using SQLServer 2005    forum.hibernate.org

29. Criteria constrained on polymorphic collection    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:54 pm Posts: 10 Hibernate version: 3.2.1 Mapping documents: Code:

30. Troble with polymorphic Criteria query    forum.hibernate.org

I have Subclass1 and Subclass2, that are members of parent Superclass. While creating for Subclass2 (or Subclass1) a query Criteria based on Superclass: createCriteria(Superclass.class ), I get an objects of Subclass2 with not initialized Subclass2's properties, but inherit Superclass's properties are ok However if i create same query but based on Subclass2: ...

31. Polymorphic association to an interface    forum.hibernate.org

32. Polymorphic query problems    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp More detailed description at the end. Hibernate version: 3.2 cr4, August 24, 2006 Mapping documents:

33. Polymorphic associations with annotations    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:15 am Posts: 3 Location: Amsterdam Hi all, We're encountering some problems with polymorphic associations. First of all where using hibernate version 3.2.1. Overview of domain model (simplified version) Code: ----------------------- ----------------------- ...

34. Polymorphic association not persisting correctly    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:47 am Posts: 9 3,2,4,GA I am having a problem with a polymorphic association in dynamic-map mode. I have the following structure: Document.get( "lines" ) is a one-to-many to DocumentLine's BidDocument extends Document BidDocument.get( "lines" ) is a one-to-many to BidDocumentLine's I declare the association in Document using the following: Code: ...

35. Table inheritance and polymorphic FK    forum.hibernate.org

I have the following problem. I currently have several tables, e.g. Foo, Bar, Foobar, and several affiliated tables, e.g. Foo_Attribute, Bar_Attribute, Foobar_Attribute. The attribute tables essentially have a name column and a value column and a FK reference to the affilated table (which should be obvious via the names). These attribute tables provide some flexibility to add new attributes dynamically so ...

36. Polymorphic collection?    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.2.5ga I have: Class A Class B extends A Class C extends A Table per subclass mapping (joined-subclass). Class Z { Set items = new HashSet } Items are mapped as many-to-many, through a xref table. What I would like to have is items contain all B and C instances found in the xref. What I get is just ...

37. polymorphic metadata    forum.hibernate.org

My content management system has content of a certain type siloed into tables by application. I'd like to build a query UI to allow the user to pull either all the content of a type or type content from a specific table. I'll probably use the hibernate polymorphic support to pull all the content of a type. Is there a way ...

38. Polymorphic queries and table per hierarchy subclassing    forum.hibernate.org

I have 2 subclasses, NetSettlement and GrossSettlement which are both derived from the superclass SettlementBase. A discriminator column is used to map to either the subclasses. ie: @MappedSuperclass public abstract class SettlementBase ... @Entity @Table(name = "TIW_SETTLEMENT") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "MessageType", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.CHAR) @DiscriminatorValue("N") public class NetSettlement extends SettlementBase ... @Entity @Table(name = "TIW_SETTLEMENT") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name ...

40. Abstract Superclass Polymorphic Association Mapping Troubles    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message kjunek Post subject: Abstract Superclass Polymorphic Association Mapping Troubles Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:25 pm Newbie Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 11:47 am Posts: 1 Hibernate version: 3.2.6 Mapping documents: Code: ...

41. polymorphic persistence error    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to upgrade from hibernate 2 to 3 and one of my existing mappings is giving me errors. It says I need a descriminator for a polymorphic mapping. The mapping I have is not polymorphic though. There is just one class mapped to this table. SEVERE: AAAA failed to get session: org.hibernate.MappingException: discriminator mapping required for single table polymorphic ...

42. Problem on Polymorphic queries    forum.hibernate.org

Hello all, Is it possible to run a polymorphic query using ordering and where predicates on fields which belong to a subclass of the base class? More specifically, my application includes a grid/table with search and order functionality. The rows of the grid represent hibernate beans which have the same super class. A column in the table could display values which ...

43. problem in Criteria query on polymorphic one-to-many    forum.hibernate.org

Im working on a hibernate-3 based application with following POJOs as domain model: @Entity @Table User{ Long id; String username; String password; List infosets; ... @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) public List getInfosets() { return infosets; } ... } @Entity @Table @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) BaseInfoset{ Long id; ... } @Entity @Table PersonalInfo extends BaseInfoset{ String firstName; String lastName; ... } @Entity @Table AddressInfo extends BaseInfoset{ ...

44. polymorphic association with derived class    forum.hibernate.org

Folks: Is that possible to have polymorphic association in which a derived class has a different key type? Example: (from http://www.developer.com/open/article.p ... _3559931_5 ) Listing 7. Table-per-subclass mapping ... ... Now, let's say I need to add a class, say CompositeEvent, in which ...

45. Fetching strategy not working on polymorphic query    forum.hibernate.org

Suppose we have the following hierarchical model: class Person { public void initDependencies() { } } class Notary extends Person { @Fetch(SUBSELECT) Set functions=new HashSet(); public void initDependencies() { this.functions.size(); } [...] // getter and setter } When performing a polymorphic search on Person (sub classes Notary elements will also be gotten from DB) like the HQL: String hql = "from ...

46. Polymorphic queries    forum.hibernate.org

47. Problem w/ polymorphic queries -how to map to constant value    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, here's my problem : I have a MappedSuperClass A, with two Entity subclasses B and C, mapped on separate tables. A declares a foreign key property, say 'children', which is properly implemented in B. But C, for usecase specific and performance reasons, never has children, and should not have it in its db mapping : Code: ...

48. Polymorphic associations to interface hierarchies    forum.hibernate.org

Hi guys, how would you map the following object diagram (with the sensible restriction that User, Product and Stuff go to different tables). Code: ICommentable IRateable ^ ^ ^ ...

49. polymorphic associations do not work with annotations but wo    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: hibernate 3.3 hibernate annotations 3.4 domain model diagram http://forum.springframework.org/attach ... 1232047492 I am using Spring 2.5.x and Hibernate3.3. I have attached my model diagram (model.jpg). In short, Transaction-to-Risk is a many-to-many association for which we have used a intermediary Transaction_Risk join table (which has two columns Transaction_id and Risk_id) Transaction <-> Transaction_Risk (jointable) <-> BaseRisk we are trying to ...

50. Polymorphic Collection and Poor Performance    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message aafritz Post subject: Polymorphic Collection and Poor Performance Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:25 pm Newbie Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:48 pm Posts: 2 Hibernate version: 3.3.1.GA Mapping documents: Using annotation (see code snips below) Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: No exception occurs. Name and version of the ...

51.  Collection mapping, polymorphic association and JPA    forum.hibernate.org

Hi list! I'm new here in the mailing list. I have a association between 2 legacy tables: Code:

52. Polymorphic Association with super class    forum.hibernate.org

I'm switching from hbm xml to annotations (in order to use the envers framework) and have run across something I don't know how to express using annotations. Code: public abstract class AbstractA implements AInterface {} public class P implements PInterface { private AInterface myA; } public class ASubclass1 extends AbstractA {} public class ASubclass2 extends AbstractA ...

53. Polymorphic queries    forum.hibernate.org


54. help in persisting polymorphic generic collections....    forum.hibernate.org

i searched the forum regarding this topic.... it may simpler ... but i cant able to make it.... below are my classes...... MyRack class has a list of Discs..... I don know how to write mapping file for this persistant class...... Code: public class MyRack { private String rackId; private String location; ...