Netbeans « Map « JPA Q&A

1. NetBeans refactoring Hibernate mapping files

When I do a refactoring such as renaming a field in netbeans, the hibernate mapping files are updated accordingly. This could have bean a good thing if the whole files were not ...

2. Mapping Inheritance on Hibernate

Hi, My email is for this folk who is having problems with the PKs in his Hibernate app. Of course for everybody as well. Here you have got a good Hibernate ...

3. JPA Single Table Inheritance

Hi, I'm trying to configure JPA for single table inheritance. I want 2 tables, subjects and subjectrelations, that are used from 4 classes as follows. I tried using OneToMany/ManyToOne annotations in ...

4. JPA question; How to delete child from parent entity

Hi all! I'm having some trouble with JPA and deleting children from a parent entity. Here's the situation: I made a entity App. This has a one-to-many relationship to ServerInstance. My ...

5. Hibernate hql from existing mapping files

I have an existing project with hbm files and POJO classes. How do I add teh mapping files to hibernate.cfg.xml. In the design view the hbm files don't show up, I ...

6. Hibernate mapping support in netbeans

I just started to learn the Hibernate framework using netbeans 6.8 (J2SE). I was looking for a plugin similar to hibernate mapping editor in eclipse. Here is what I was looking ...

7. New Hibernate mapping files from DB

I'm trying to generate Hibernate mappings and POJOs under NetBeans 6.9.1, but I cannot successfully complete the wizard. Running Win7 64-bit. I have a web project configured to use Hibernate with Oracle11. I was able to connect to the database, create the Hibernate configuration file, and create the reverse engineering file. When I select New | Other | Hibernate | Hibernate ...

8. (JPA) how to obtain inheritance mapping using generate entities from database wizard?

Hi, i have three database tables which represents a parent/child relationship : item id PK name book id PK numberOfPages FK id references item(id) audioCD id PK numberOfTracks FK id references item(id) when i generate the entity classes with the entities from database wizard, i cannot obtain an inheritance JOINED relationship. Am i missing something? Or is it a bug on ...

9. eclipselink with JPA with postgresql ... mapping custiom postgresql type

I don't know what i should put instead ********* because if i put there "address" then i get object: Address.getStreet() but in this object is all address means (Street,city,state,zip...) if i put street instead of ******* than i have sql error that column street does not exist, which is right. It doesn't . Only way i can get it is (address).street ...

10. Can you tech me how to use EJB JPA : Entity Relationships, JPA: Inheritance in Netbeans7.0?

I'm new for EJB. I 'm learning EJB but my book use Netbeans6.9. I can't use in Netbeans7.0. I find in Netbeans tutorial in this website but I found a little topic not advace for EJB. So, please teach me how to use EJB JPA : Entity Relationships, JPA: Inheritance in Netbeans7.0.

11. problem in JPA ManyToMany relationship.

degree_id and specialization_id form a compound foreign key. This should link to a compound primary key in the degree_program table (to replace degree_id and specialization_id). This should go in the degree_program table: @EmbeddedId protected degreeProgramPK degreeProgramPK = new DegreeProgramPK(); Add a new class called degreeProgramPK. public class DegreeProgramPK implements Serializable { public static final long serialVersionUID = 100; @Column(name = "degree_id", ...

12. mapping One-to-many relationships using NetBeans and Not Hibernate

Hello, I'm having problems with mapping the one-to-many relationships of my entities to my database. Some software info: I'm using MySQL Server 5.0, NetBeans 5.5.1 and Sun Java System Application Server 9.1. I'm using TopLink as persistence provider. (I Don't want to use Hibernate now because I'm doing a thesis on comparing using Hibernate to not using it, actually.) I created ...

13. Need help mapping Hibernate with Netbeans

I m using Hibernate version 3.2.2 My mapping Document is ---------------(A) import org.hibernate.*; import org.hibernate.cfg.*; public class HibernateUtil { private static final SessionFactory sessionFactory; static { try { // Create the SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Make sure you log the exception, as it might be swallowed System.err.println("Initial SessionFactory creation failed." + ex); throw ...

15. Using netBeans IDE 4.1 - Couldnt read mappings from resource

Salutations! I am new to Hibernate3.1rc3 and trying it out for the first time. Developing with netBeans IDE 4.1 and I have added the necessary JAR files to my project (had a problem compiling when it could not find the Hibernate classes). As in an earlier posting, runtime error : Could not locate hibernate.cfg.xml As suggested I moved the file to ...

16. Netbeans With Hibernate mapping Problem

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp I m using Hibernate version 3.2.2 My mapping Document is ---------------(A) import org.hibernate.*; import org.hibernate.cfg.*; public class HibernateUtil { private static final SessionFactory sessionFactory; static { try { // Create the SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Make sure you log the exception, as it ...

17. Netbeans With Hibernate mapping Problem

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp I m using Hibernate version 3.2.2 My mapping Document is ---------------(A) import org.hibernate.*; import org.hibernate.cfg.*; public class HibernateUtil { private static final SessionFactory sessionFactory; static { try { // Create the SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Make sure you log the exception, as it ...

18. Hibernate: How to set the Hibernate mappings in Netbeans IDE

I am new to Hibernate & start to developing samll applications using this. I am using the Netbeans IDE for development. With Netbeans, in HibernateBean , there are options like 1-1 Relation, 1-N/N-1 Relation, M-N Relation to set the mapping. But I dont know how to set it properly. Can anybody help me with some exmple classes and the corresponding database ...