Map 2 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Simple mapping issue for Hibernate newbie

I have a one-to-many relationship (at least I think) between a product and production state table. A product can be in only one of the pre-defined states of production at a time (e.g. "in production", "inspection", etc.) The product table has a foreign key called production_state_id. Because the production state table only has a primary key and a description, it really ...

2. Doubt with Hibernate Mapping?

3. JPA mapping/ERD advice

I have a new data model that I am creating to link to an existing legacy database. The legacy system contains address and geographical information. The new system is a Service Request system that needs to tie into the address data from the legacy system. The users have asked to be able to look up and enter service requests via city ...

4. [hibernate-mapping] catalog attibute

5. Problem with Hibernate Many-To-Many Mapping

I'll start out by saying that I'm not good with Many-To-Many mappings. I have two tables, T_TECHNICIAN and T_PROJECT. These two tables are connected by the T_PROJECT_LINK table. Here are abridged versions of my Technician and Project classes: @Entity @Table(name = "T_TECHNICIAN_INFO") public class Technician { @ManyToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinTable(name="T_PROJECT_LINK", joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name="PROJECTID")}, inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name="PERSONID")}) public Set getTechnicianProjects() { return technicianProjects; } ...

6. problem with hibernate mapping

I am having some problem with hibernate mapping. when i run my code i am getting an exception like this. Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: Error reading resource: employee.hbm.xml at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseMappingElement( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseSessionFactory( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure( at common.HibernateUtil.( ... 23 more Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: invalid mapping at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource( ... 30 more Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: ...

7. org hibernate InvalidMappingException : Could not parse mapping document from invalid

I have been trying to resolve the above error for the last one day. But i could not. The below exception is occuring when iam trying to access Spring-Hibernate XML Configuration files from the controller code. Below i copied down the 1) Exception Details 2) Spring-hibernate.xml file 3) sample.hbm.xml 4) snippet of COntroller Code. Can anyone please guide me on how ...

8. Hibernate: InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping document from resource

Hi Everyone, I am on Hibernate 3.2 and trying to use the following mapping but it keeps telling me something is wrong with my mapping file. However, I cannot see any clue as for what element/attribute is wrong.... It might be some of the elements are deprecated. I got the code from some online tutorial that seems to be quite old. ...

9. Hibernate: Call a function that has no return mapping

Hi, First of all, thank you for this wonderful forum which has solved some questions in the project I'm doing. Here's the deal: I want to call a function in hibernate that changes the return value depending on a set of parameters. Although I have all the entities for the different values mapped in Hibernate, I only know at runtime which ...

10. hibernate mapping

hi all, Here i have attached my two table(xml)..tell me how to map this two table..i want to fetch value from two table..i tried but i could not..i visited website also..still i failed this is my Employeeclass ...

12. problem with on to one mapping in hibernate

Hi, i m having problem in creating one to one mapping. Whatever i know is it can be done in two ways 1> primary ky association and 2> unique foreign key associations but the primary keys must be same in both of the tables. I want one to one mapping between two tables where on can have lesser no of primary ...

13. One-to-One Mapping in Hibernate

Hi all, I want to declare a One-To-One association to the same class. Like Person -> substiude -> Person my mapping is: But no foreign key is genrated to the substitudeId. What is my mistake? Can someone help? Thanks, Srikanth.

14. hibernate mapping

I have one Table1(parent table) which is having one primary key column (id) and two other columns (code_type and code_value) combination of both is unique. Now another table Table2, which is a child table, has column (prob_type) which is referencing Table1 column (code_value), and NOT the primary key (id). I dont think that there is any solution from DB point of ...

15. Mapping interfaces in Hibernate

Hi guys, I know this must be a very common situation, but surprisingly i can't find a clear explanation or sample. I'm new to Hibernate and Java in general so if you can please help me to get started I would appreciate it. Basically this is about mapping an interface rather than a class because I have interfaces for all my ...

16. Hibernate mapping

Hi all, every time I make a call to method getAllUsers, I get the following error. I'm using MySQL and Hibernate 3.0. Can any body help,I have tried everything javax.servlet.ServletException: org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: userdetails is not mapped [from userdetails] at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.serviceAction( Code Used ---------- MySQL Database:studentdb Table:userdetails userID INT(10) firstname VARCHAR(256) lastname VARCHAR(256) age INT(10) package com.student.dao; import java.util.List; import com.student.dao.HibernateUtil; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; ...

17. Doubt in JPA mapping

Hi Guys, I have the following scenario: Trip has two colums: traveler_id and requestor_id Person has one column: idPerson I need to map the Trip to have two instances of Person, one indicating who will be the responsable by the travel(traveler_id) and the another one indicating who requested the trip. I tried to use two @ManyToOne, but got the message indicating ...

18. Hibernate Mapping question

I have an entity Component with componentType as a field. This field is not persistable, its value will be set from outside (by caller). My question is how should I handle it? If I mark it transient then its value will not be serialized, which I don't think serves the purpose. Its value must be serialized if object is serialized in ...

19. one to many Mapping @ Hibernate.

In my application we are using one to many mapping.Where we have 3 table . Master Table Parent Table Child Table Parent table is a one-to-one mapping with Master Table. Now we are mapping the Master Table Id(which is in Parent table as Foreign key) and mapping with the child table with one to many relation ship. In this scenario we ...

20. Many to Many mapping in hibernate.

Table1 myUser =userId userName Table2 myDept = deptId deptName Table3 myUserDept=userId deptId Which when reverese mapping using Hibernate generates a myUser.hbm and myDept.hbm and both of it having a Set element to insert myUserDept data into . So in my tester class I am loading a myUser object with its primary key field value and inserting two deptId's using set and ...

22. Mapping Problem in Hibernate

Hi, I am getting the below error in Hibernate... Initial SessionFactory creation field [treserveFactorPK.yearNo] not found on icp.entity.TreserveFactor My mapping doc is as follows,

23. hibernate one to many mapping

Hi, I have done following mappings in my model... public class Meeting{ @OneToMany(targetEntity = Attendee.class, mappedBy = "item", fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @BatchSize(size = 50) @Cascade( { CascadeType.ALL, CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN }) @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE) private Set attendees = new HashSet(0); public Set getAttendees(){ return attendees; } public void setAttendees(Set attendees){ this.attendees= attendees; } } Attendee table follow table class and has two subclasses ...

24. about hibernate mapping

25. hibernate mapping issue

all, I am a hibernate newbie. I work with an older mysql database. This schema does not have foreign-key constraints between various tables syntactically. Although, conceptually speaking, there are many foreign-key relationships between these tables. Eg:- This is a sample table :- create table Item( item_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', item_name varchar(80) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`item_id`) )ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ...

27. Hibernate Mapping

Hello, I cannot deploy my application right now with the following hibernate mapping file, NamedQuery.hbm.xml. When I try to deploy I get a NullPointerException. When I remove this file from my data folder with all the other mapping files, the app WILL deploy fine. I can't determine what is wrong. The one thing that does stand out in my mind is ...

28. Hibernate mapping doubt

Hi everybody. I'm new on Java world and Hiernate. Since I'm working on a project that must be delivered soon, I haven't got too much time for reading books or documentation about Hibernate. I believe my question is simple. 1) Tables: Sql Server 2005 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[father]( [father_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [father_descr] [varchar](20) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_father] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( ...

29. Anyone know how to construct a one to many mapping with Hibernate / Java?

Hi, I'm using Hibernate 3.4.0.GA. I have two objects mapped to database tables (defined in hibernate.cfg.xml like so): In the database tables, a row from the VENDOR table (primary key column = VENDOR_ID), could map to zero or many rows in the VENDOR_EMAILS table, which has the corresponding column, VENDOR_ID, which is a foreign key. ...

30. Hibernate multiple many to many mapping classes problem

Hi all i am new ti hibernate technology and facing some problems I have two tables USERS and GROUPS which are many to many mapped here i am able to insert data normally into them but ihave another table called ROLES which is many to many mapped with GROUPS so when i am trying to insert data into ROLES table and ...

31. Stored procedures JPA and mappings

Hi all, I already asked this question on the Hibernate forum ( but it sims there are a very few people answering the questions. So here it goes: I have a question regarding the stored procedures in JPA. I have the following Entity called RenGaraza which uses two stored procedures "vrniGarazo" and "vrniGarazoPk" that do basically the same thing. The only ...

32. Hibernate mapping

Hi, I am new to hibernate. Right now I am doing a simple project on hibernate. I have a simple question I have two tables for example: TableA and TableB. TableA has TableId and TableAName. TableB has TableId, UserId and TableBScore. Both TableIds are primary keys. Now I would like to retrieve TableAName, TableBScore based on UserId from TableB. I have ...

33. hibernate one-one mapping example issue

Hi, I am trying to riun hibernate one-one mapping example from link When i execute getting following console message log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. Initial SessionFactory creation (org/hsqldb/jdbcDriver) bad major version at offset=6 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at com.vaannila.util.HibernateUtil.( at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method) at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize( at com.vaannila.student.Main.main( ...

34. Hibernate Mapping

Hi, I am little bit confused about hibernate mappings. Let us say i am dealing with one to many scenario where for example 'student can have any number of phone numbers' (consider we have corresponding student, phone,student_phone tables in database. In this case how do i define it in the student.hbm.xml file? If i define like 02.

35. Problem in Hibernate mapping

36. Hibernate : Could not parse mapping document from resource

I got this error message when I tried to enter a new row in my database table. Here's my hibernate.cfg.xml: jdbc/oracle true org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect thread org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider Hibernate mappings file: Consumer.hbm.xml

37. hibernate mapping problem

Hi, All, I am new to hibernate, please help. I want to map different tables to one class like this Tables: 1)Loan: -loanID -currentBalance 2)Address : - addressID - street - citystatezip 3)Property: - propertyID; - addressID; - loanID; I create single POJO class AccountView which contains fields from ALL tables. public class AccountView{ long loanID; double currentBalance; Address address; } ...

38. Hibernate mapping - naming convention

Hi All, I am suspicious about few point in hibernate - 1) What should be the name of mapping file . It should be same as of class mentioned. ------ For example here class name is Event then mapping file name should be Event.hbm.xml. Is it mandatory. 2) ...

39. org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping document from resource customercare.h

Hi iam new to hibernate. i m doing a toy project in jsp .At the backend i m using hibernate. Presently i have created two bean classes user and problemsummary. user class. package customer; public class User { public String id; public String pwd; public String role; DBLayer dbObj=new DBLayer(); public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) ...

41. Issues with findDirty method when using many to one mapping in Hibernate

Hi , I have written a custom MergeEventListener by sub-classing the DefaultMergeEventListener and overriding its onMerge(MergeEvent event) method . My goal is to compare the pre-update db snapshot of an entity with the currently changed entity(the entity that is currently registered with the session ) .My goal is that , if there is a difference some processing will be done . ...

42. [Hibernate] Mapping a Map question

Hello, I have a Company entity which has a Map property called "companyValues". private Map companyValues; The companyValues property uses a Competence entity as its key. Competence is another mapped entity in the system. Could you explain how I would create this mapping in the Company mapping? This is the Competence, which is just an id and a name for ...

43. interface mapping in hibernate

I have a Student class like this class Student{ private int id; private String name; private IBranch branch; } and corresponding table in database is Table Student{ ID int, Name VARCHAR, BranchType int } IBranch is an interface and classes CSBranch, ECEBranch, ChemicalBranch implements IBranch Based on branchtype stored as int in database, a branch is created. How to map branchtype ...

44. mapping in hibernate

45. Hibernate many-to-many mapping

I am one of hibernate user in Australia. Recently, I have been dealing with hibernate many-to-many mapping and not going well though. I got in trouble with "join/associate table with extra columns mapping". Let`s say there are three tables called Product Order and OrderProduct (includes extra column quantity). Product holds many-to-many relationship with Order. My confusion is that do we have ...

46. Enumeration mapping doesn't work in JPA

Hi, I'm stuck on this problem and I'd like to ask you guys for help. I'm having trouble mapping an Enumeration using JPA annotations. I'm using Hibernate 3.5.6 as a persistence provider and I'm also using Spring ORM (version 3.0.4). One of my entities has an enum field. This entity doesn't get a corresponding table generated. I'm getting following errors: Unsuccessful: ...

47. Hibernate Mapping

sir...i am new for hibernate...i make two files names as Login.hmb.xml and Fees.hbm.xml....and i had created two table in postgresDB names as login and fees. Login.hbm.xml

49. (JPA) can I map the inner class?

50. Hibernate - how can I map this?

I am just starting out with this stuff, but could you not use a Query to return you the children with this condition? Also, according to section 9.1.26 of the JPA spec the joinColumns and inverseJoinColumns are both arrays which can take more than one column, so could you not join on id AND surname and add surname to your join ...

51. hibernate mapping question

Hey everybody, I am trying to build a standalone application that uses hibernate to connect to a postgres database. I have managed to make it work by using hibernate.cfg.xml and hibernate.hbm.xml to map the classes to the tables. But this is not what I really want. I'd rather use the tag mapping, something like this: @Entity @Table( name = "mytable" ) ...

52. Mapping a Set in Hibernate.

Hi Friends, I am a novice Hibernate developer and starting to learn how to map collections in Hibernate. I am consulting the book "Java Persistence with Hibernate" written by Christian Bauer and Gavin King. I have reached to chapter 6 - "Mapping Collections and Entity Associations". In that chapter I am reading the section "Mapping a set". Here the example is ...

53. Hibernate mapping issue

Hi all, I am using spring hibernate annotation in my project. I have come to one specific requirement for mapping. on UI I have one drop down box, I have to choose one String value from screen but have to look up another table for that string and retrieve look up code for that string and finally need to save that ...

54. JPA mapping

Query query = null; query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("call some store procedure or SQL", Student.class); If it is a simple select from one table called Student {name, id, address, age}, then in "Student" POJO I can define class Student { private String name; private String id; .... } Now, the chanllenge is --- If I define "Student" class using such naming to suit ...

55. JPA mapping question

in my jsf page(xhtml) i have a dropdown field called Student(persists to Student TABLE) which has 3 options whose values come from an other table(studenttype).i.e Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D There is NO pk OR OTHER Relation between those 2 tables. Can I write my JPA ( like this: @Entity @Table(name="student", schema="student") @SecondaryTable(name="studenttype") public class Student implements Serializable{ //Student table PK @Id @Column(name="STUDENT_ID") ...

56. mapping one to many

57. Mapping with associating class

Hello, I am attempting to the following A -----> A_B <------- B I want to have a 1 - 1 mapping between A and B via the associating class/table A_B I have been able to cheat and use the following to get many to many but i don't want many to many (at least i don't think so), i want it ...

58. Mapping a Circular Reference

Newbie Joined: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:25 pm Posts: 19 Location: Boston, MA I have the following domain model: The basic business rules: An AccountManager will have 1 or many accounts (at least one is required). An AccountManager will have 1 and only 1 primary account. An Account will belong to 1 and only 1 AccountManager. As you can see, I ...

59. How to Retain the zeros after decimal point using Mappings

I am trying to save a value like 25.00000 in Database this column was in datatype NUMBER(13,5) - Oracle 10g But Hibernate saves this value as 25 zeros after dot ".0000" lost. But I need to save the value including this zeros as "25.00000" .. Hbm Mappings It doesn't work out :-( Kindly help ...

60. How do I create a mapping for this use case?

I have an entity called Document and it has a one-to-many relationship with entity Version. Version has a field PDF which contains blobs. I wrote the following mapping for Document: Code: ...

61. Mapping making 1-on-n a 1-on-1

Hello, I'm working on extracting some data from a legacy system and there's some data presentation that I have to do. I've created a mapping file on this table and I need to join another table on a key column (1-on-n). However, there are criteria that makes the joined table 1-1 which is actually what I need: Say, Person has personId ...

62. Many-to-Many Mapping issue

Hi, I have an issue while mapping many-to-many or one-to-many collection using non unique column of one table with the other.(Code of Tables,java and hbm files are mentioned below). In jsp when I try accessing the collection(example department.employees.size()) its throwing below exception. When lazy is true for the collection set in hbm Code: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of ...

63. JPA Locale Mapping

I am trying to use JPA where possible but I have a class containing a Locale which I would like to map to (and from) a String in the correponding table. I cannot seem to find a way to do this using standard JPA - can anyone tell me a way to do this please? From what I can find from ...

64. mapping Interface

hi, I wanna mapping interface to hbm.xml file. (sorry I i repeat this post, i really find not answer) I had a interface Payment, which class CreditCard and class Cash is implements. my code mapping file like this Code:

65. How to map a Map

Hi all. I'm new to hibernate, and have found a problem when mapping a map using annotations. I've been using hbm files, but want to move to annotations. Let me explain myself : Entity PLAN <-- auto generated pk ... ... ...

66. How to map OrdImage?

67. Hibernate many-to-many mapping based on multiple propert-ref

user_membership_koosseis_id_seq ...

68. Stored procedures JPA and mappings

Hi all, I have a question regarding the stored procedures in JPA. I have the following Entity called RenGaraza which uses two stored procedures "vrniGarazo" and "vrniGarazoPk" that do basically the same thing. The only difference is in the were part of the procedure - the resultSet is the same in both cases. Code: @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Entity @Table(name = "REN_GARAZA") @Loader(namedQuery = ...

69. How should I map using hibernate?

70. Structural and mapping problem

I'm sorry if this is wrong forum. In such a case, could you direct me to a correct one for this kind of problem? I have to implement a structure in my project.. and I'd like it to be as good as possible. And so that querying data from db wouldn't be a burden. The problem is as follows: I have ...

71. one to one mapping

public class SupportBean implements Serializable { private Long supportId; private String name; private String status; private Employee employee; public SupportBean() { super(); ...

72. one-to-many Mapping

73. one to many mapping

i have a Class A and Class B,relation between these two are ONE(Class A)-To-MANY(Class B) 1)Class A is having private Long identityId private Long userId private Set setb = new HashSet(); below is the content of classa.hbm.xml 2)Class B is ...

74. Completely evicting Maps from Hibernate PersistenceContext

Hi, I have searched around the documentation, forum and various websites but haven't been able to find an answer to a seemingly easy question: How do you completely evict a Map (HashMap, TreeMap, etc.) from the Hibernate PersistenceContext? When I create or load an object with a simple HashMap that uses persistable objects for both keys and values and pass that ...

75. maping of Map>

76. MAP persistency issue

Hibernate version: 3.3.2 Our project has a parent-child class relationship defined with this mapping: Code:

77. Mapping same class twice within other class

Hello guys, I am having trouble mapping same class twice within other class. To illustrate the problem lets imagine following scenario: Code: @Entity @Table(name="BODY") public class Body { @Id private Integer id; @Column private BloodGroup bloodGroup; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HOW TO MAP THIS PART? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ...

78. one-to-one mapping problem

Author Message yhqian99 Post subject: one-to-one mapping problem Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:34 am Beginner Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:22 am Posts: 26 Hi all, I'm using Struts1.2+Spring 2.0+Hibernate3.0. I have 3 MySQL tables: tb_box, tb_user, tb_match. and one user can only have one box, and one box can only be assigned to one user. The tb_match ...

79. Newbie got stuck in Hibernate Mapping

Newbie Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:44 pm Posts: 1 Code: package com.entity; import java.util.*; public class Department { private String deptName; private int deptId; private Set toolsUsed = new HashSet(); private Set employees = new HashSet(); public Set getEmployees() { ...

80. Problem in Hibernate mapping

81. Mapping Problem

82. Problems mapping resources

250 [main] ERROR org.hibernate.util.XMLHelper - Error parsing XML: XML InputStream(2) cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'hibernate-mapping'. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.hibernate.tutorial.EventManager.listEvents( at org.hibernate.tutorial.EventManager.main( Caused by: org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping document from resource org/hibernate/tutorial/domain/Event.hbm.xml at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource( at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.addResource( at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.parseMappingElement( ...

83. Working directly with member map

@Entity @Table(name = "MasterEnum") public class MasterEnumRecord { @Id @Column(name = "EnumId") @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Integer id; @CollectionOfElements(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinTable(name = "MasterEnumFamIdMfgIds", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "EnumId")) private Set famIdMfgIdEntries; }

84. FKs Mapping for Compisite PKs

Hi, I'm facing a big problem here and tried a lot to find the answers in the Internet but not succeeded... I have tables where two of them have a composite PK, and the third one has two FKs point for those two PKs... Here is the ALTER TABLE that creates the FKs Code: ALTER TABLE FIELD ADD CONSTRAINT FK_FIELD_DEF FOREIGN ...

85. Hibernate 3.5 CR1: "any" Mapping declaration not supported

Did you have any luck with this? I'm facing the same issue as you with jBPM 4.3. I'm attempting to add my jBPM mapping files to persistence.xml, but it fails with the error message: ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=persistence.unit:unitName=#persistenceUnit state=Create: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: any not supported yet Did you find a solution to the problem by chance?

86. CompoundKey/Mapping problem

@Embeddable public class EnumCompoundKey implements Serializable { private String tableName; private String columnName; private int columnType; private int enumValue; ... 4-param contructor, getters, setters, hashCode() and equals() }

87. Class with mapping other classes from two diferents bases

Hi there, probably the Subject was not clear, so I'm going to try to explain what is the situation. I'm developing a system (jsp, servlets, jpa, hibernate; no struts, spring or jsf) that has two diferent databases related to. What I'm wondering is if there is a way to properly map classes from these two databases in one class. Since I ...

88. Special Mapping

Hi, I looked at ManyToAny relationship mapping and I would need similar functionality, but slightly different. My case: Table of primary keys: A { id: long, className: javaClassName } B { id: A ... } Object B id column has the same id as A and reference is established on the database level. We did a proof of concept on the ...

89. mapping a parameterized class

Hello, I have something like this: Code: public abstract class MyClass implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2832228828007049949L; private Long id; protected E myEntity; ...

90. Mapping question

How do you model/map a heavily reused child class/table to many different parent entities? I have several entity types each being persisted into its own table: class A --> table A class B --> table B .... Now I need to make each of these classes the parent of a 1:M child collection. The collection is a history of approvals the ...

91. mapping to inner class

Regular Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:48 am Posts: 106 I got a new error about overriding equals and hassCode. But the problem aint in those functions but it's in my mapping. The problem is in line 6 of the mapping block. Now I use: class="data.StoreRule" But I need an inner class in data.StoreRule called Composite, but how do I call ...

92. Could not parse mapping document from resource...

Newbie Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:40 pm Posts: 1 hi, i'm trying to do something with hibernate using Netbeans... i did the file hibernate.cfg.xml like this: Code: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost/hibernatetutorial ...

93. One to one bi-directional mappings

Dear readers, Perhaps you can help? I've done a number of Hibernate mappings before now, but something has left me puzzled. If I have objects A and B, where A has a one to one bi-directional relationship with B, I define them as follows: public class A { private B b; ... @OneToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(name="FK_b", nullable=false) public B getB() { return b; ...

94. How to realize one-to-many mapping?


95. How to map UUID

Hi all, what is the recommended way to map uuid database type to java type. I use postgres db 8.3 which supports uuid data type. I assume It should be able to map db uuid type to java.util.UUID without any extra problems. I've seen some recommendation to use strings instead, but is there a way how to use proper uuid -> ...

96. One-To-One Mapping

I got a one to many mapping relation, when i try to persist the objects, the record for the one -side relation is persisted well but, the record on the many side relation is inserted with null values, Pls suggest... Mapping file follows Code: [size=85] ...

97. Difficulties with a one-to-many mapping

Hi, I'm struggling to succcessfully achieve a one-to-many mapping. The "one" side is a class called GradingForm, which contains a list of Answer objects. I'm trying to map this using a join table. The relevant portion of my GradingForm class is: Code: public class GradingForm implements Grading, Serializable, Comparable { private static ...

98. Tricky Mapping with Treemaps

Hello everybody I try to do a hibernate mapping hbm file corresponding to my model. I'm searching for a solution for several days. Maybe somebody could help me ? Here is my java domain class with only elements where I have issues : public class Course implements Serializable { ..... private TreeMap classements = new TreeMap(); } public class ...

99. Could not make the mappings work...

Newbie Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:57 pm Posts: 17 I have 4 classes - Category, Consumer, Business, Document. They all have ManyToMany relationships. From all that I had read and tried and using petclinic as a template, I decided to map them with OneToMany and ManyToOne. They do not work. I am new and I could be doing this totally ...

100. Many-to-many with Map

How do I define a many-to-many bidirectional relationship between two entities? I have tried and failed all the time. It looks like such a common case and I am surprised to see that it is not working. I have two entities Country and Language and they form a many-to-many relationship which is bidirectional. I want to represent it as Map on ...