Map 10 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Mapping API usage examples ?

Can anyone point me to any examples using the Mapping API directly to dynamically map a table and it's columns at runtime ? The Java Persistence with Hibernate book briefly gives an example of adding a column to an existing table mapping, but I need to create the entire class/table mapping at runtime. Thanks in advance.

2. Mapping Question


3. How to map to an interface

I've read through the documentation, and searched the forum, but can't find an answer to my problem with declaring a mapping to an Interface. I apologise if the answer is, in fact, obvious! I have an existing Hibernate hierarchy (say a superclass S with subclasses A, B and C) - mapped with joined-subclass. I now want to say that A and ...

4. Hibernate mapping question

Hi everyone, I'm new to Hibernate and got this problem when trying to map the classes. I have 2 classes UnitDescription and UnitConversion. UnitDescription has a Map (containing all the conversions it could have). UnitConversion has 2 attributes 'from' and 'to', both are type UnitDescription (specifying source unit and target unit of conversion). So the result is some relation 2-to-many, ...

5. Hibernate removes local var syms from non-mapped classes?

I believe that Hibernate does dynamic bytecode modification of classes specified in the mapping file, correct? Assuming that's true, is there any possibility that Hibernate could possibly have any impact on other classes that are not specified in the mapping file? I'm seeing a strange symptom in RAD 6 (Eclipse 3.0) where I'm realizing that my class files are losing their ...

6. Mapping question

7. One-to-one mapping question

Hi all. I have a newbie question about a mapping. I have two tables. One, the primary table, is called Building, while the second one is used to stored Building addresses (called Address). There is an one-to-one mapping between these two tables, which are related through an id property, called bid. This is primary key for the Building table and foreign ...

8. TemporalObject elegantly mapped

Newbie Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:05 am Posts: 2 Hi all, Excerpt: I can't elegantly map a TemporalObject using Hibernate annotations without importing the database design in my object design. Long story: I've run into a difficult mapping problem, and as a long time Hibernate user, I feel that Hibernate should be able to solve it elegantly. I just can't ...

9. Mapping an enumeration that implements an interface

package enumerations; import data.ExtendedSeniorityType; public enum SeniorityType implements ExtendedSeniorityType { Administrative { public String getDescription() {..} public Profession getProfession() {...} }, VE { public String getDescription() {..} public ...

10. How to map a Vector

11. Issue while using SecondaryTable mapping

Newbie Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:08 am Posts: 2 I have an issue where I want to map an entity to two tables. I have an entity 'InventoryItem' corresponding to its table in db 'inventory_item'. I have an another entity 'InventoryReport' corresponding to table 'inventory_report' in db. InventoryReport has a FK relationship with InventoryItem. I want to use few columns ...

12. Mapping problem

@Entity @Table(name="A") Public class A{ private List>> bs = new ArrayList>>(); @OneToMany public List>> getBs(){ ...

13. One-to-one mapping

14. Tricky Hibernate Mapping Problem

Hello, I've got what I believe to be a tricky hibernate mapping problem. I'd like to use hibernate annotations to do the following. I have two(or more) classes, a person, and a game. They each will have an array of comments associated with them. Here comment is also an object and contains a string, the locale/language the comment is in, the ...

15. Mapping character(2) with Postgres

I have a column in a Postgresql DB table defined as: columnName character(2) How do I map that with Hibernate? I've tried a number of things, none of which work. I get errors such as: Initial ...

16. Package mapping

I have implemented hibernate using annotations. In that I have written in hibernate.cfg.xml such as the following: Code: Then I replaced it with the following: Code: causes an error of : Code: org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: org.springframework.samples.imagedb.UserProfile (There is also another classes in the package . addPackage() ...

17. Here is a way to map an EnumSet to a bitMask

I found a simple way to map an EnumSet directly to a bitMask/long value in DB : When you do Code: message.setAllowedEnumSet(EnumSet.of(MyEnum.A,MyEnum.B,MyEnum.D)); In dB you end up with LongVal=11 (bitMask for MyEnum.A,MyEnum.B,MyEnum.D ) Here is the mapping : * The allowedEnumSet field is transient because in fact it's mapped by the allowedBitMask long. * It makes use of the hibernate annotation ...

18. One to many mapping problem

20. Map a Vector

21. Mapping package throws a NPE

Hello, I create a and configure hibernate.cfg.xml to map it: Code: But, after I do this I get NullPointerException: Quote: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at .isAnnotationPresent( at t.isAnnotationPresent( at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder.bindPackage( 220) at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.addPackage(AnnotationConfig at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.parseMappingElement(Annotat at rg.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseSessionFactory(Configuration.jav a:1561) at rg.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( This is the code for Code: @org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDefs({ @org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDef(name = "CondicaoPagamentoTipoType", ...

22. many-to-one mapping beginner problem

Newbie Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:52 am Posts: 6 Hello, I am currently strongly thinking about using Hibernate for my current project. I am creating a test application to figure out how to use it and I am running into a problem. The documentation doesn't state how to express requests for getting informations from bindings (only updating them), which leads ...

23. How to reuse mapping snippets

24. Problem implementing a one-to-one mapping

Newbie Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:03 am Posts: 1 Ok, help with the following table association mapping problem would be much appreciated. I have been trying to solve this problem for a few days by applying sets, FK mapping etc to the various hbm.xml files but to no avail. Hibernate version: 3 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - ...

25. Problem many-to-many mapping

26. Mapping many-to-many Hibernate + JPA

static public java.util.List getListData(Class classBean, String strKey, Object value) { java.util.List result = new java.util.ArrayList(); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(classBean); if (strKey != null) { ...

27. Hibernate mapping problem

Hibernate version: 3 Hi, I am new to hibernate and I used the search function and google before I post here. I have a simple java class and I need to map it with hibernate-mapping files. This is my class: Code: public class Berichtbuffer { private Long idBerichtbuffer; private Stuurgegevens stuurgegevens; private ...

28. problem in one-to-many mapping

Hi Guys, I getting the following exception: org.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: exception getting property value with CGLIB (set hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=false for more info) getter of com.hibernate.poc.MeetingKey.? when i try to run this code Property keyProperty = Property.forName("key"); Meeting gp = (Meeting)ses.createCriteria(Meeting.class) .setFetchMode("chronologyTextValues",FetchMode.JOIN) .add(keyProperty.getProperty("caseId").eq("WAK")) .add(keyProperty.getProperty("eventSeq").eq(new Integer(1))) .add(keyProperty.getProperty("groupSeq").eq(new Integer(1))) .add(keyProperty.getProperty("participantId").eq(new Integer(220))) .add(keyProperty.getProperty("meetingSeq").eq(new Integer(2))) .uniqueResult(); can any one please help me out. Hibernate version: Hibernate 3.1.2 Mapping documents: ...

29. Mapping Many-To-Many (to many?!?) ??

I am having a situation in which I need some help... As you can tell from the subject of this post - I am a bit confused. As you read my issue, let me forewarn you that I am still fairly a beginner with the hibernate framework. Let me describe the scenario. First the entities in my system... I have a ...

30. Confusing about the hibernate mapping

31. Problem with hibernate mapping

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.2.0 GA Greetings, I am fairly new to hibernate and I am trying to make a very small simple project to work. The project is the booking application from Seam and I am using SQL Server 2005 Express as the DB server. The project works, but my problem comes ...

32. one-to-one mapping .reveng setup

Author Message np6np6 Post subject: one-to-one mapping .reveng setup Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:47 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:17 pm Posts: 2 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.2 Mapping documents: None Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): None Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: Name and version ...

33. Question on hibernate mapping

I am relatively new to hibernate but I know MySQL. I feel like the way I am mapping my database tables is inefficient in certain areas. I have been reading link as an example of what I *almost* want. ... ional-join This example uses the following three tables. create table Person ( personId bigint not null primary key ) create ...

34. Mapping Stored Procedure with hibernate

35. mapping choice

Hi , I need help mapping a peculiar relation ship in hibernate. In terms of database, I have a table(p_t) in which a column is associated with two tables. Each row in that table is either linked with one table(p) or the other(t). How would I map this relationship. Would I need to use discriminator for that.? In terms of xml ...

36. one to many mapping

Hibernate 3.2; Database: mysql 5.1 [b]mysql tables::[/b] student; student_id int(10) utid varchar(20) name varchar(20) ------------------------- essay; essay_id int(10) title varchar(100) assign_id int(10) grade_letter varchar(2) grade_deci float(4,2) corrected varchar(3) ------------------------------- essay_x_student; essay_x_student_id int(10) essay_id int(10) student_id int(10) [b]Mapping documents: essay.hdb.xml[/b] .....

37. problem with one to one mapping

Hi, i m having problem in creating one to one mapping. Whatever i know is it can be done in two ways 1> primary ky association and 2> unique foreign key associations but the primary keys must be same in both of the tables. I want one to one mapping between two tables where on can have lesser no of primary ...

38. Regarding mapping and code

39. Regarding mapping and code

HibernateUtil.recreateDatabase(); Session session=HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); Team team = new Team(); Player p1 = new Player(); Player p2 = new Player();;;; team.setName("Pickering Atoms"); ...

40. Dinamic mapping

Hi, I've been working with Hibernate for a few years. Normally a standard mapping requires xbm mapping file available at startup. What I'd like to do is, dinamically fill the mapping not from xml file but programatically. If a structure of an object would be changed I'd like to unregister mapping and reset it to a new version. Is this possible? ...

41. one-to-one mapping issue

Hi I have one-to-one mapping with customer and account, when i try to save the customer with account customer is saved but account is not saving. I am not sure what is the problem, Please have a look and suggest. Also its bidirectional and i am setting the customer and account before saving; Customer -----------

42. Problem mapping many-to-many

43. Problem with Many to Many mapping

Newbie Joined: Thu May 22, 2008 7:11 pm Posts: 2 I have a many to many relationship between a User and Group object. I have mapped and coded it as shown below, but I when I try to add a user to group it fail - actually nothing happen. No error is thrown and nothing is written to the database. Any ...

44. Problem with Many to Many mapping

Newbie Joined: Thu May 22, 2008 7:11 pm Posts: 2 I have a many to many relationship between a User and Group object. I have mapped and coded it as shown below, but I when I try to add a user to group it fail - actually nothing happen. No error is thrown and nothing is written to the database. Any ...

45. Problem to map a class Livro

Could anyone help me?? Give me your opnion about this mapping!! I get this exception when I run my project Table not found in statement [select as id0_1_, this_.titulo as titulo0_1_, this_.ano as ano0_1_, as id4_0_, area2_.descricao as descricao4_0_ from LIVRO this_ left outer join area area2_ on] public class Livro { private int id; private String titulo; ...

46. Hibernate and Maven for mapping generattion

47. Mapping Question

I need a little help with a mapping. Here are my tables and current mappings. Teams: TeamId TeamGroups: TeamGroupId TeamId TeamGroupMembers: TeamGroupId UserId TeamGroupTeams TeamGroupId TeamId If I want to get a specific team group its not a problem, but if I want to limit the number of teams that appear ( for pagination ) it won't work. I think because ...

48. JPA like mapping with Hibernate

Hi , I would like to start Hibernate 3 in my university term project. I have tried to map hibernate and my pojo classesses by using hibernate annotations. At this point, I don't know that is this approach(using EJB3 like annotations) has a negative effect for using full hibernate support in my application. For example, can I use hibernate HQL or ...

49. How do you map double[]?

Hi All, I am using a postgresql db which supports the data type double[]. I have a class which has a member variable of type double[]. I want to be able to map my member variable to the column of the same type but cannot seem a way to do that in Hibernate. What needs to go into the hbm.xml file? ...

50. mapping advice

51. how to do one-direction one-to-one mapping

hi if i have two table table a { id int primary key content varchar } table b { id int pk, content varchar, a_id reference a(id) } how can i do the mapping so that a can a.getB but b can not b.getA??? what should i specify in the hbm.xml file???

52. Problem with mapping

Newbie Joined: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1 Hibernate version: 3.2.4 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 10g Mapping documents: Activity.hbm.xml: Code: ...

53. Results not being mapped to the correct class

All, I'm trying to build a simple list based on a lookup table using: Hibernate 3.2 MySQL 5.0.37 Java 1.6 I tried to use the following code to list all of the members: List custGroups = session.createQuery("SELECT id,name FROM test.CustomerGroup").list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); System.out.println("list : " + custGroups); Iterator it = custGroups.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { custGroup = (CustomerGroup); //Object obj =; ...

54. Hibernate mapping problem

Hi everybody! I have a Problem with a strange mapping in hibernate: lets say i have junctions and roads. Every road starts and ends at a junction and there may be n roads at each junction. So my junction table has the fields junctionId, name. My road table has the fields roadId, startJunction, destinationJunction. The fields startJunction and destinationJunction are foreign ...

55. One to One Mapping JPA/Hibernate

56. Hibernate mapping

I have one Table1(parent table) which is having one primary key column (id) and two other columns (code_type and code_value) combination of both is unique. Now another table Table2, which is a child table, has column (prob_type) which is referencing Table1 column (code_value), and NOT the primary key (id). I dont think that there is any solution from DB point of ...

57. Reintialising a map

Hi, I am using I have a map and I need to wipe that map and add new data to it (for reasons I unfortunately cannot explain). I am using eager loading and I have specified an equals function for the classes in question. Saving and retrieving are done in two separate transactions amd sessions. Does Hibernate allow you to ...

58. Mapping interfaces

public class UserImpl implements User { private long id; private String username; public long getId(){return} private void setId(long id){;} public String getUsername() {return username;} public void setUsername(String ...

59. Hibernate mapping

60. Many to Many mapping question - using JPA

Hello, Would appreciate any inputs on this. I have 3 entity tables A a_id name B b_id name U u_id name and I jhave the foll association table A-B association: many to many A_B_MAP a_b_id (pk) a_id (fk) b_id(fk) some of you may be goin 'whoa' over here because of the completely unnecessary primary key. But this is not my call. ...

61. Single class, multiple mappings.

Hibernate version:3.1.3 Something I searched upon and did not get an answer to. Well, to begin with, I am trying to implement Hibernate on legacy DB, which is pretty much denormalized. Is there any way, how I would be able to write multiple hibernate mappings for a same class? I faced this problem when I first mapped one column CA1 of ...

62. Compound map doubt

63. Hibernate mapping

hi larslars, Actually i want to create i database but i dont know how to use the mappings for my tables i mean if its many to many mapping which table will have the forign key , and similarly for the one to many, many to one and one to one mappings, can you please guide me for mappings. I shall ...

64. Mapping Problem

Hibernate version: Mapping documents: ***Account.hbm.xml*** hibernate_sequence ***LoginDetails.hbm.xml***

65. Problem with mapping (many-to-many)

Newbie Joined: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:56 pm Posts: 3 Hello, I want to map the following situation. I have a table called EDUCATION and a table called SCHOOLS. Between those tables I have an associative table called EDUCATION_SCHOOLS. The (usefull) fields: EDUCATION: id (long) - PK name (varchar) versionNr (long) SCHOOLS: id (long) - PK name (varchar) versionNr (long) EDUCATION_SCHOOLS: ...

66. Problem with Many to Many mapping

I have two table of name User and Customer. Both are having m2m relationship with each other, where User is the primary owner of the relationship. My problem is in one scenario, I do not need to associate any customer to User. So, here whenever I have tried to update user table, I need to associate with a customer. My question ...

67. Mapping company, employees and customers

Hi, I have a database with 4 tables: 1. Company: company_id, company_name 2. Employee: employee_id, employee_name, company_id 3. Customer: customer_id, customer_name 4. Employee_customer: employee_customer_id, employee_id, customer_id - this table models a m-n relationship between employee and customer How simple is to map this in hibernate? And how hard is to determine all the customers based on a company name (to determine ...

68. Mapping Map

Hi, I have a problem to do the mapping of my map. I have an entity Node. Code: ...

69. Special case of a one-to-one mapping

Hello, I have a Servers table with ServerCode as its primary key. There is also a RestoreHistory table which stores all the history of restorations done to the servers, and has a foreign key to the servers table, so that each restoration can be associated to the relevant server. There is also a RestoreDate. Now what I need to do, is ...

70. Mapping one-to-many problem

... ...

71. JPA - Mapping Interface

72. Mapping Issue !!!

Hi, I am new to Hibernate and i would like to know who i can conditionally load the instance variable in my java class mapped to property in mapping xml. I am interested in only few columns in a table for a particular use case but hibernate is loading all the columns to java object right now based on mapping which ...

73. Can Hibernate map a Map>?

74. Multiple Mapping Locations

I have the following scenario. 1 core application jar file with its own hibernate.cfg.xml 8 dependent jar files with their own hibernate.cfg.xml files Ideally, I'd like to only have connection information in the core applications config, and then the dependent jars would specify their own pertinent mapping information. I cannot have all the mapping information centralized because depending on the context, ...

75. Hibernate Mapping Problems

Newbie Joined: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:08 am Posts: 2 Hello, I am testing Hibernate for an application that is already built. I wanted to implement one business service with Hibernate and then compare that implementation with the old one that is using JDBC (through Spring). I have problems mapping the classes below, though, and I would really appreciate if someone ...

76. Problem about mapping.

The problem with that kind of models, is that you cannot use foreign keys. A partial solution for that, at least for Hibernate selects, would be to use 2 views and /or subselects on processes, and then perofroming Hibernate mappings on those views/subselects. This will be only good for selection, though, you will still need a separate mapping to Processes as ...

77. Mapping question

I am a newbie in Hibernate and have a problem with mapping config. I have a class called Person and I will map this class with the table PersonInfo. In that class, I have a field call parent which is another Person, but in the PersonInfo I just have parentId. How can I do the map configuration?

78. Hibernate Mapping issue

Hi, I have an issue in Hibernate mapping... i am using Informix database. And i am try to map two tables. In the first table i am having the foreign key of the second table. When i am inserting a row in the second table and insert the foreign key in the first table, it inserts a zero(0). [code]

79. how to map 2 revisions to each other

I've implemented a revision framework, to have full history for all changes on a certain object, these revisions references each other, works great for now. Each revision has a identifier and references to his previous and next revision. If a identifier has no next revision, this is the latest version. My application is a resource vs demands scheduler. So my demands ...

80. Both a and a ?

Here's the situation: I have an entity class A. Inside it, it has a Map where B is another entity class. The number is stored as a property of B. B also stores a reference back to A. So the tables look like: Code: A: aID NUMBER(19, 0), primary key(aID) B: bID NUMBER(19, 0), ...

81. Mapping Problematic

Author Message partyboy Post subject: Mapping Problematic Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:05 am Beginner Joined: Wed May 25, 2005 8:25 am Posts: 30 Hello everybody. (my apologize if my english isn't always good :) ) I have a mapping problem. I start a new project and I have to connect to an existing database (under oracle). Here is ...

82. Mapping m:n Senses? Insight Appreciated!

class Base @Id private Long oid; class User extends Base @OneToMany private Set userRoles; class UserRole extends Base private int status; @OneToOne private User user; @OneToOne private Role role; class Role extends Base private int a; Using hbm2ddl, I ended up with the following tables: User UserRole User_UserRole Role I did not expect User_UserRole, what's that table for? From the DB ...

83. i want a prg on mappings?

84. Mapping Issue

85. Mapping problem!

Author Message hkyogaguy Post subject: Mapping problem! Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:14 am Newbie Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:43 am Posts: 2 Hi I m fairly new to Hibernate and I trying to create a hibernate mappring between 2 tables Cust_info and vehicle_detail, where a many to one relationship exists as follows: Cust_info(1) --> Vehicle_detail(Many)... when I ...

86. OOR mapping for a class implements Map

In theory, it can be done, but it doesn't make much sense. The members (properties) of a class have to be mapped to columns on a BD, and those columns are fixed in the table, while the key/values you put in a Map are not. Maps are good to persist collections of children objects, because you have a known column (which ...

87. map a class that is only a container for another class

I have three classes A, B, C as shown below. Code: class A { B b; // an instance of B // some other attributes } class B { C[] c; // an array of C instances // has NO other attributes } class C { // ...

88. how to map class to the dual source?

I am doing a project that include generating invoices for subscription service. I have the INVOICES table where these invoices are stored and I mapped my Invoice class to it. I have no problems there but my applications is also suppose to new customers, who weren't yet been invoiced. I have a complex almost a page long SQL query that joins ...

89. Hibernate one to one Mapping

Hi All, I have 2 tables Employee and Role. Both these tables have there own Primary Keys. The table structure is : Employee : EmpId (PK), EmpName, emailID. Role : EmpRoleId(PK) , empID (FK from Employee table) ,RoleID. How can i generate one to one mapping between them. Please note we have different Primary Keys. Please provide me with sample hbm ...

90. Hibernate one to one Mapping

Hi All, I have 2 tables Employee and Role. Both these tables have there own Primary Keys. The table structure is : Employee : EmpId (PK), EmpName, emailID. Role : EmpRoleId(PK) , empID (FK from Employee table) ,RoleID. How can i generate one to one mapping between them. Please note we have different Primary Keys. Please provide me with sample hbm ...

91. Mapping Issues

I have a link table that I am using that has an extra column. This an example of my table structure: Table 1 record_id record_name record_date Table 2 equipment_id equipment_name Table 3 (Link Table) record_id equipment_id type When inserting a record how to I populate the type field that can be null from a set. Please provide an example. I can ...

92. Trouble with mapping a map

Newbie Joined: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:21 pm Posts: 9 Hi all, I'm at my wits' end on this one. I'm trying to map a simple map relationship between two entities. The foreign key for the owner is part of the primary key for the owned entity (which is typical). Using Hibernate 3.2.5 Here are the class excerpts: Code: @Entity @Table(name="tip_action") ...

93. Mapping a URL class

94. mapping textarea

Hi I need store in database text from jTextArea like this: line number text 0 First line text 1 Something else 2 I love hibernate 3 and Java 4 is the best How to map it in hbm.xlm? How implement it in Java to insert and retrive data with lines like above? thanks mk

95. Hibernate mapping

Hi, I need help hibernate mapping tables, actually there is 5 tables, Employee -parent table tempAddress - child table permenant Adderess - child table tempCity permentCity so when am searching employe type "A" i need to get the value for temp addess and perment adress too. and correscponding city also need to retrieve. id is the unique in all columns. anybody ...

96. any body can explain me the below mapping doc.

97. Hibernate mapping

Hi, I need help on hibernate mapping, am too confused on this, plz suggest me the approach. i have table and A, B and C A is parent table, and B, C are child objects. There is id coloumn in primary key of table A refered to foreign key to the B and C, suppose if am searching based on some ...

98. one-to-one mapping problem

Hi , Can anybody help me out how to do the OR Mapping for the following with Hibernate. Table Users: Users(int user_id, varchar username) user_id is primary key and auto increment column. Table Addresses: Addresses(int address_id, int user_id, varchar city, varchar state,...) address_id is primary key and auto increment column. Code: public class User { int userId; String username; Address address; ...

99. one-to-one mapping

That really seems to be weird, as "cees" and "dees" are mapped exactly the same way, but your property-ref. But maybe thats the problem: Property-ref is the part, which I don't understand in your mapping. Do you really have a property "private ClassA c_id" in ClassD?? Because this is what your mapping states. Notice that property-ref is used, when you join ...

100. Suggestions for MAP Mapping...

items: id -> int primary key name -> String fk_groupID -> This is the key to the groupsTable groups: id -> int primary key groupID -> this should be pointed by the fk_groupID column code -> 2 letter language code [en,de.. and so on] name - the localized name for the specific language code