1. JPA mapping interfaces stackoverflow.comI am having trouble creating a mapping when the List type is an interface. It looks like I need to create an abstract class and use the discriminator column is this ... |
2. Hibernate one to zero or one mapping stackoverflow.comI'm trying to map a one to "zero or one" relationship in Hibernate. I think I may have found a way using a many-to-one.
3. Can hibernate map EnumTypes with whitespaces? stackoverflow.comHaving a hibernate mapping a legacy database I want to use EnumTypes to map certain columns that contain string constants with whitespace to some Enum class. The mapping:
4. hibernate one to one mapping example stackoverflow.comi have 2 tables table 1) cid jobtitle 2) pid jobspecif i want that pid show be forign key in table1 can anyone provide me hibernate ... |
5. hibernate: Is this mapping allowed? stackoverflow.com
where class Foo is nothing special, just implements Serializable.
Essentially I want ... |
6. hibernate mapping class stackoverflow.comI have a project which it's domain contain following classes:
And My database also has these tables:
and the classes which hibernate makes for above tables has same name of them.
Should I use ... |
7. A Stackoverflow mapping (Hibernate) stackoverflow.comSuppose a mapping like this one
8. How do i create this many-to-one mapping using JPA? stackoverflow.comI'd like to achieve the following schema: Table A: Table B: ... |
9. Check invariants in hibernate mapped classes stackoverflow.comOne challenge using hibernate is that manged classes have to have a default constructor. The problem is that there is no explicit point where the class is initialized and invariants can ... |
10. Hibernate Mapping Conditional Many-To-One stackoverflow.comI have to map a lecagy database for read-only purposes that contains the following structure:
Depending on the value ... |
11. Hibernate mapping stackoverflow.comI got a table with a PK and a value "country", all my labels are definied in another table which has composite-ids. Does anyone has an example for me how I can ... |
12. Breaking up a large Hibernate class stackoverflow.comI have a Hibernate class which is essentially just a wrapper around loads of collections. So the class is (massively simplified/pseudo) something like: @Entity public class MyClass { @OneToMany ... |
13. hibernate::map maping stackoverflow.comI have some class C that contains Map<A, Set<B>>, where A and B has long id and mapped in tables a and b. I want do some mapping of C into ... |
14. Completely evicting Maps from Hibernate PersistenceContext stackoverflow.comWhen I create or load an object with a simple HashMap that uses persistable objects for both keys and values and pass that object to evict(), the evict is only cascaded ... |
15. How to map these classes with Hibernate? stackoverflow.comSuppose I've these 2 classes:
I'm omitted the ... |
16. Confusions in hibernate mappings stackoverflow.comHi i am new to hibernate technology and i have few issues. Suppose if there are two tables. For Example: Table1 table1_ID table1_value Table2 ... |
17. Hibernate Map Mapping Problem stackoverflow.comHi I am trying to Persist a Map in Hibernate as follows:
18. How to read Hibernate mapping stackoverflow.comI need to know which physical column is associated to a persistent's attribute. e.g. Class LDocLine has this attribute
which is mapped in hibernate like this :
19. Map denormalized hibernate stackoverflow.comI have a Summary class which contains a list of Qualities. A Quality contains a String name and int value. This data is stored in a denormalized db structure, one table ... |
20. Hibernate Bi- Directional many to many mapping advice! stackoverflow.comi woundered if anyone might be able to help me out. I am trying to work out what to google for (or any other ideas!!) basically i have a bidirectional ... |
21. What is the "owning side" in an ORM mapping? stackoverflow.comI'm new to JPA. Now I have a question: what exactly does the owning side mean? I only have a rough idea of it. What is an explanation with ... |
22. How to map XMLType with JPA/Hibernate stackoverflow.comHow to persist XMLType column via JPA/Hibernate? As per oracle documentation, there are two ways in declaring storage clause for XMLType. They are, LOB and Object-Relational. I dont want to go ... |
23. Liquibase diffChangeLog against a Hibernate mapping definition stackoverflow.comThis question is related to "Hibernate using JPA (annotated Entities) and liquibase". I was actually wondering what to expect when doing a Liquibase diff against a Hibernate mapping definition. What it seems ... |
24. Hibernate Mapping a Map stackoverflow.comComing from NHibernate, I've tried to do something like this in Java (first example): http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2009/06/03/nhibernate-mapping-ndash-ltmapgt.aspx I have the following code:
25. Hibernate mapping for one-to-one stackoverflow.comI have two classes binded mapped with Hibernate and I can't figure out the configuration to map a Drug entry to my PrescribedDrug class.
26. Hibernate one to many mapping stackoverflow.comI have two tables:
27. Hibernate many-to-many mapping stackoverflow.comI am one of hibernate user in Australia. Recently, I have been dealing with hibernate many-to-many mapping and not going well though. I got in trouble with "join/associate table with extra columns ... |
28. How to map derived identities in hibernate 3? stackoverflow.comI have the following situation:
29. Hibernate: mapping many-to-many to Map stackoverflow.comI am developing an application which deals with two following entities: Products (let's name it as X, Y, Z) and Materials (a, b, c, ...). It's known that every product has ... |
30. JPA/Hibernate: What use is an ORM (Hibernate) when it doesn't get all JPA mappings right? stackoverflow.comI've played a lot with Hibernate and JPA mapping in the last couple of months/weeks. My DB uses composite primary keys and I've reported approximately 10 to 15 Hibernate and 5-10 ... |
31. Problems mapping UUID in JPA/hibernate stackoverflow.comAccording to the documentation, hibernate 3.6 should have support for the java.util.UUID type. But when I map it like:
I get the following exception:
32. Mapping EnumSet in Hibernate stackoverflow.comHow to store EnumSet in the DB (using Hibernate)?
If I try to ... |
33. How to map a Map of Sets in JPA stackoverflow.comIs there a way in JPA to map an attribute with type
34. one to many and many to many mapping in hibernate stackoverflow.comone to many and many to many mapping in hibernate. What does this mean. |
35. Hibernate Mapping Question stackoverflow.comI am trying to learn Hibernate and I could create some simple CRUD operation using a Single Class and Single Table. I am just reading the Hibernate Doc and some online ... |
36. Hibernate One to One Mapping stackoverflow.comI have two class
Can someone tell how to set this one to one mapping in XML, it must ... |
37. Question about hibernate mapping stackoverflow.comI am trying to setup a Many-To-Many relationship using annotations. here are my entities
38. Hibernate Mapping Question stackoverflow.comi am trying to map some classes using some hibernate and arrived at a case where i am unable to find the best way to achieve the solution. i have three classes ... |
39. Hibernate mapping one-to-many problem stackoverflow.comI am not very experienced with Hibernate and I am trying to create one-to-many mapping.
Here are relevant tables:
40. cyclic reference problem in hibernate stackoverflow.comWhile learning hibernate i came across a situation where it seems Hibernate is having cyclic reference and i am clueless how to come through this situation. i have two classes a ... |
41. many to one problem stackoverflow.comi have this error for some hours now and i don't get it anymore. It's a project with Spring 2.5 and hibernate3. I have tried with declaring a project object in ... |
42. Hibernate mapping problem stackoverflow.comI have some objects mapped via hibernate. A has one B B has many C I create B, give it a list of Cs, and set the B in A. Save it and ... |
43. Hibernate Mapping stackoverflow.comI have two tables, intially i have n't define any kind of relation ship between two tables. after inserting data into tables then, there is possibilty of relation ship may existed two ... |
44. get hibernating mapping from application code stackoverflow.comIs there a way to get the hibernate mapping from within my application code? for example, for the below mapping, I want to return createdDate given created_date from my application. ... |
45. Hibernate mapping confusion stackoverflow.comThe below definition is taken from Hibernate association mapping tutorial here Each book is related to one publisher while one publisher may publish many books. I'd represent the above definition the ... |
46. DO i need to put mapping in hibernate config stackoverflow.comOn internet tutorial says that i have to add
in the hibernate config file
But i am using annotations and in one example which i tested i didn't used ... |
47. JPA Map of Maps stackoverflow.comI have a data structure that boils down to:
To try and make ... |
48. why the one-to-one undirectional mapping exist? stackoverflow.comI am learning hibernate,and I am confused by the one-to-one undirectional mapping. For example: one wife for just one husband and vice versa. The wife.java:
49. Mapping problem with Hibernate stackoverflow.comI am new to hibernate and i am having trouble with specifying the location of the mapping file in hibernate.cfg.xml file. I have created an Event object in org.hibernate.tutorial.chapter1.domain.Event.java package with its ... |
50. Problem using Hibernate CompositeUserType stackoverflow.comI am trying to use HibernateCompositeUser type to handle i18n specific data in my application.
i am trying to use the below approach.
I have a table named |
51. Hibernate Mapping Scenario stackoverflow.comConsider the following scenario.We have three objects.
These objects are my business objects.
Now I have two tables.
So ... |
52. Hibernate mapping problem one-to-one/many-to-one stackoverflow.comI'm facing a problem using Hibernate. I have 3 tables: tb_user, tb_book, tb_lending. In the tb_lending, I have the following fields:
53. best latest Hibernate book stackoverflow.comWhich is the latest hibernate book that includes information about hibernate 3 and also the latest JPA specification. |
54. Hibernate mapping stackoverflow.comThere are two objects, parent and child Both parent and child implement colour Child and Parent is mapped by one to many relationship. However, only parent map to colour column, where colour column only ... |
55. Hibernate marker interface mapping using jpa stackoverflow.comHi I am new to hibernate and am facing problem in mapping marker interface. I have a marker interface.
Then there are two classes which implement ... |
56. How to add a "where" to Hibernate many-to-one? stackoverflow.comI currently have a many-to-one relationship set up from class Exp to class Fin like this: From Exp.hbm.xml:
What I need to do is ... |
57. Hibernate strange createAlias bahaviour stackoverflow.comI'm getting a very strange behaviour from Hibernate. If I execute the following query, everything works as expected:
58. Hibernate: how do you set up a simple uni-directional one-to-one mapping? stackoverflow.comI've followed the hibernate documentation to the letter (http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.3/reference/en/html/mapping.html#mapping-declaration-onetoone), but handling the one-to-one mapping still seems cumbersome. Please let me know that I've misunderstood something here, and there's ... |
59. Hibernate: Problem with mapping stackoverflow.comI have a problem with hibernate. ((( !!! Image with Database Schema !!! Mapping (for getter's/setter's i use lombok) User.java
60. how to map a LinkedHashMap with Hibernate? stackoverflow.comI would like to map a LinkedHashMap with Hibernate (annotation driven). I know the property @MapKey and @IndexColumn, but can I used both to map a linkedhashmap with basics strings ? Please don't ... |
61. One to many mapping with many possibilities stackoverflow.comI'm trying to persist my data but am having trouble coming up with a schema that will work for hibernate in a sane way I have two objects: a channel and user. ... |
62. designing classes and hibernate mappings stackoverflow.comwhile going through code in some hibernate books ,I noticed some strange things about entity classes. For example a Customer has an Address.The mapping given is
63. Hibernate Mapping stackoverflow.comi want write a mapping File for following Class, but i dont know how.
64. Hibernate: mapping two classes to a common third class stackoverflow.comI am searching for the correct mapping of a many-to-one relationship of two classes pointing on a third one.
An example is shown in the image below:
65. Hibernate Master-SubDetails Mapping stackoverflow.comI'd like to explore hibernate and used it in my project instead of JDBC. My table design is higly normalized. Suppose, I have this use case: Each insurance applied by a customer has one ... |
66. Hibernate Mapping issue stackoverflow.comI've 3 tables: A, B and C. A holds a one-to- many relation with B and B holds a one-to-one relation with C. When I do a session.save(objA), a row will ... |
67. Hibernate one-to-many mappings stackoverflow.comI am new to Hibernate. In my application I am maintaining a one-to-many mapping for a List. The mapping in the hbm file looks like this:
68. Hibernate mapping issue stackoverflow.comvery simple problem here... but I can't work it out. I have a simple class from my model
69. hibernate mapping "rules" stackoverflow.comIs it possible to do a one-to-one mapping to a property, not using primary keys? Basically, what i want to do is to have a property in my "Parent" class, which ... |
70. Hibernate one-to-one and one-to-many stackoverflow.comI currently have a one-to-many relation between 2 table: I have:
In the mapping this is done using <list>.
The issue ... |
71. What is the need for many-to-one mapping in hibernate? stackoverflow.comWhy don't we just specify the table name and column name? How specifying many-to-one helps in generating query? |
72. Hibernate @DiscriminatorValue not picked up stackoverflow.comI have the following hierarchy:
73. jpa result-set-mapping throw NPE stackoverflow.comI can't map query result to POJO. JPA executes query ok (it trace in logs) but in mapping process throws a NPE. What is wrong? NPE:
74. Best practice for testing Hibernate mappings stackoverflow.comI am wondering what people have found their best practice to be for testing Hibernate mappings and queries ? This cannot be done with Unit Testing, so my experience has been to ... |
75. Hibernate - proper one-to-one mapping stackoverflow.comHow should I map one-to-one association between A and B classes in case A.id != B.id (as hibernate offers for one-to-one association) and I want to have an association like A.b_id ... |
76. Abstraction over different OR Mapping frameworks stackoverflow.comThe Data access layer of my product today uses Hibernate as the OR mapping framework.In future would like to use other frameworks like iBatis.
77. Hibernate BatchUpdateException stackoverflow.comI am trying to insert some data using hibernate but facing some issue while achieving this.i am using following configurations
I am using org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect as my dialect
i have ... |
78. How to do this hibernate mapping? stackoverflow.comI am newbie to hibernate world, so sort of confused in writing mapping file in following condition. I have following class which I want to persist using hibernate :
79. hibernate mapping coderanch.comIf I understand you right you already have the mapping (your xml file) so you don't need to build the mapping. There are tools avaliable with Hibernate to create schema from mapping files (look at Hibernate's site for the Schema Export/Schema Update utilities. However, if you are unsure how to create a DB schema independently of Hibernate, I'd go and learn ... |
80. Hibernate Mapping Question coderanch.comID is a required child node of the class element. The Hibernate docs are very insistant about proper relational identity, so it's pretty ridgidly enforced in their design. I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do though - does your application add the (not guarenteed to be unique) fields to the table, then later on you assign ... |
81. Hibernate- one to many mapping problem coderanch.comHi, I have a classical bidirectional Parent Child relationship in my tables. Parent has a set of Child Objects and each Child has a reference to the Parent. This is implemented in the database tables. I used middlegen to automatically read the database schema and generate the mapping files and the POJO's. My problem was that the mappings were generated something ... |
82. mapping in hibernate coderanch.comIm having a bit of problems figuring out how to do the best mapping for my domain. I have a: User object that have a Bookshelf The bookshelf have Booklines that contains a reference to a Book and some other atributes I have the bookshelf because i thought it would be best to have methods there and not on the user ... |
83. Hibernate mapping no good? coderanch.comI am trying to run a junit test with Hibernate. When the session.save() method runs, it does not seem to find the values I have assigned to the parameters to be stored. For example: From test class: |
84. hibernate mapping quiz coderanch.comHi all, I designing an app, and I have something like the code bellow, I can't find a way to map it. What I want to do I to map it all in 1 table, and I don't know if it's posible, as car 'has a' Value this should be mapped as a component, but component doesn't support inheritance, I could ... |
85. special hibernate mapping coderanch.comHi, I have a special case of data model, which is the following: 1- I have a table where my entities, i.e table names are stored: CREATE TABLE [Entity_tbl] ( [id] [INT] NOT NULL , -- (PK) [name] [NVARCHAR] NOT NULL ) 2- I have a table where I store values, which it's used by any entity, for instance [Status] value ... |
86. Hibernate Mapping Question coderanch.comI have a question about how to solve a design problem. My application has a Java Class which is mapped twice in the XML Hibernate mapping, as a component of two distinct "parent" Classes (not "parent" in the sense of inheritance, but "parent" in the sense of that which a dependent component is dependent upon). In each case, there is a ... |
87. Hibernate 2.1 mapping coderanch.comhi, i am new to hibernate. i have a query. i have the following class heirarchy Interface A Class B implements A (class B is an abstract class) Class C extends B Class D extends B Class E extends B Class F extends C What will be the mapping for this if i were to use table per class hierarchy what ... |
88. Hibernate: Can someone verify my mapping configuration? coderanch.comI'm still experimenting with Hibernate, and I would really appreciate if someone could provide me some feedbacks on my mapping configuration. My test app has 3 database tables: PERSON, CAR and CARTYPE. The relationship between PERSON and CAR is one-to-many, and CARTYPE to CAR is one-to-many. These are my JAVA bean classes:- Person Table ---------------- LongpersonId StringpersonName Setcars Car Table ---------------- ... |
89. Hibernate mapping question coderanch.comAndreas, Is the cardinality between device and fault_record really 1 to many? Both tables have the same primary key, do they not? The easiest way to map this might be to ignore the relationship between fault_record and error_text. To get the error_text, get the device entity from the fault_record and then retrieve the error_text from the device. To limit the error_text ... |
90. Hibernate Map mapping problem coderanch.comHi all! Hibernate newbie here, I've been using these forums over the last couple days to iron out some issues I have been having, so thanks! and thanks in advance for any help on this issue. I'm sure I am just missing something dumb I have two tables: hotel: hotel_id PK locale PK ... other fields ... hotel_images: hotel_id PK name ... |
91. problem in mapping hibernate class coderanch.comhi all, i am getting " org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not read mappings from resource: src/emp.hbm.xml" error. below i am pasting .CFG as well as .hbm files. can somebody please help me out. // hibernate.cfg.xml------ |
92. Problem with Hibernate Mapping coderanch.com |
93. Hibernate mapping issue coderanch.comI have very limited hands on Hibernate experience, so please be kind. I have a table CURRRPT -------- I_Report integer I_Remark_ID integer C_Remark_Type char(2) T_Remark varchar(80) The CURRRPT table connects to a Report table via the I_Report field and the I_Remark_ID is a generated number as there will be many rows. I have an object for the Report Table and setup ... |
94. Hibernate mapping problem coderanch.comHi, i have the following DB table, very simple CLASS ------- class_id class_name STUDENT --------- student_id student_name STUDENT_STATUS -------------- student_id class_id midterm_score final_score my mapping is as follow |
95. hibernate + mapping a class more than once coderanch.comHi all! At the system that Im workin on, its necessary to map a class more than once - this means: one class -> 2 tables. I found out how to do it on http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/v3/reference/en/html/mapping.html#mapping-entityname My problem is: at the save operation both tables should be updated, but it successfuly happens only with the first table (declarted at my hbm.xml file). ... |
96. One to One One to Many Mapping in Hibernate. coderanch.com |
97. Hibernate Mapping coderanch.com |
98. hibernate mapping coderanch.comhi friends. I have a problem in hibernate mapping between two tables. the below is the mapping file: |
99. Mapping a UUID in Hibernate coderanch.comHi, I want to have a class that contains a UUID id attribute e.g. public class X{ private UUID id; public UUID getId() { return id; } public void setId(UUID id) { this.id = id; } } My database table for X contains a VARCHAR(36) because a UUID is 32 characters long plus the 4 dashes. How can I therefore tell ... |
100. One to One mapping in Hibernate 3 coderanch.comHi, I am trying to write a sample for One To One mapping in Hibernate 3. Following is the scenario. I have an Employee object and a Parking Space Object. The have a one to one relation i.e., an employee will always be associated to only one parking space, that parking space should not be associated to any other employee. I ... |