List 5 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Using Hibernate with the Java List

As I see it the answer you got from araqnid on stackoverflow is correct. Technically it would also be possible to use a mapping since that is implemented with lists, but that will also allow multiple references between the same student and course. It doesn't need an extra index column but this also means that order is not preserved.

2. Hibernate projection for a list of entities.

3. Hibernate List Index null problem

Hi friends. I was using a Set but now due to a widget restriction, I need to use a list.a a sample of my mapping file using A SET and a List are as follows. Can someone help me to place the list index. I am getting some confusion. **Attribute Mapping File using Set** ?xml version="1.0"?>

4. List of objects with many to one relation and setMaxResults

First of all, this is the first time that I use Hibernate so my questions might seem naive. I have two tables, DsJobs and DsEvents. Events has a foreign key relationship on the DsJobs table (EID column in DsJobs table corresponds to the ID column of DsEvents table). I have creted the mapping with anotations, what I care about is unilateral ...

5. query.list() type casting

6. query.list() type casting

Query q=getSession().createSQLQuery("select loan_dar.loan_account_id,loan_dar.transaction_date,loan_dar.due_date,loan_dar.principal_amount,loan_dar.interest_amount,loan_dar.penal_amount,loan_dar.dar_Flag,loan_dar.current_Due,loan_dar.installment_no,loan_dar.fc_entered_date,loan_dar.prin_balance,loan_dar.int_balance,loan_dar.prin_overdue,loan_dar.penal_overdue from loan_dar left outer join gl_txn_ledger_master on gl_txn_ledger_master.fc_gl_txn_id=loan_dar.gl_txn left outer join gl_txn_ledger_entry on gl_txn_ledger_entry.fc_gl_entry_id=loan_dar.principal_gl_entry and gl_txn_ledger_entry.fc_gl_entry_id=loan_dar.interest_gl_entry and gl_txn_ledger_entry.fc_gl_entry_id=loan_dar.penal_gl_entry left outer join user_table on user_table.fc_user_id=loan_dar.fc_user_id where loan_dar.loan_account_id='"+account+"' and loan_dar.dar_Flag='"+darflag+"' and loan_dar.transaction_date<'"+dueDate+"' "); this is my query contains joins i scomplex........query is working fine when query.list() returns many rows (may be returning object[]) when typecasting iam not able to type ...

7. query.list() returns empty result after manual editing of DB

1.) Initially the Image table in my DB has no records. 2.) I am executing the below method. The size is correctly displayed as zero. 3.) Now I am manually inserting 3 records through Mysql Query browser. 4.) Again I am executing the below method. ** watch** the size is still zero 5.) the manual changes I made are not getting ...

9. How do I map Map> ?

10. Problem With list method

11. HQL query with list compare

Can someone help me with my query? I have an custom object defined with a list of strings in it. These string are id's of a different type I have a list of strings of those id's with which I want to check equality against. public class Foo { @CollectionOfElements(targetElement = String.class) private List bar; } I want to be able ...

12. HQL query with list compare

Can someone help me with my query? I have an custom object defined with a list of strings in it. These string are id's of a different type I have a list of strings of those id's with which I want to check equality against. public class Foo { @CollectionOfElements(targetElement = String.class) private List bar; } given methode List findGebruiksBesluiten(final List ...

13. Query.list() return proxy

hi,is there someone tell me when Query.list() return proxy?? I had a problem,my code is below Code: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List