Insert « Map « JPA Q&A

1. many-to-many JPA mapping inserting but not fething the child collections

i've hit a block once again with hibernate.I've posted numerous times on different aspects of the user and contact management that i've been building. The sad thing is that i ...

2. ManyToMany in JPA: how to insert record into join table

I have 2 entities in application: Groups and Users, ManyToMany connection between them. When a User is created, it should join several existing Groups. I saw examples that show how to update ...

3. Hibernate Many-to-Many mapping not working correctly on insert

I have inherited a Spring+NHibernate c# app that we are doing a major overhaul on (and I'm fairly new to NHibernate). The user/role set up in the database was less ...

4. How to cascade if child entity is not inserted, else no cascading

We are currently using seam framework. And we have a little trouble with annotating entities. We have a Deal entity that has a Tag entity child. We annotated entities as following;

public ...

5. @ManyToMany:How to avoid the extra update in table B when inserting in table A,Join Table

i have two tables: Authority, Permission they have many to many relationship

class Authority{

@ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    @JoinTable(name = "authority_permission", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "authority_id", nullable = false, updatable = ...

6. Data is not inserted in Many to Many mapping?

i have three DB tables

  1. route(route_id)
  2. stop(stop_id)
  3. route_stop(route_id,stop_id)---mapping table
<set name="stops" table="route_stop" cascade="all"><key column="route_id" /><many-to-many column="stop_id" class="com.trackingsystem.model.Stop" /></set>
<set name="routes" table="route_stop" cascade="all"><key column="stop_id" /><many-to-many column="route_id" class="com.trackingsystem.model.Route" />
but data is not inserted in the DB, it is showing ...

7. Invalid Mapping Exception while inserting data through hibernate

Hello All, I am getting this error message while I try to insert data through hibernate. Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not pars e mapping document from resource Person.hbm.xml at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseMappingElement(Configuration.jav a:1587) at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseSessionFactory(Configuration.jav a:1555) at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure( at PersonMain.openSession( at PersonMain.main( Caused by: org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping docume nt from invalid ...

8. Hibernate One to Many Mapping inserting only the first object

Hi All, I am using one to many mapping and trying to store few records. I am using Spring 3 with Hibernate 3. Mapping ...

10. [MAPPING] many-to-many, give me partials inserts (an fail)

user ...

11. Insertion in Parent and child table

hi, i am using hibernation, and i want to insert a parent and child record, my hbm code is as follows seq_parent seq_child ...

12. Insertion in Parent and child table

hi, i am using hibernation, and i want to insert a parent and child record, my hbm code is as follows seq_parent seq_child ...

13. One to Many Mapping inserting only the first object

Hi All, I am using one to many mapping and trying to store few records. I am using Spring 3 with Hibernate 3. Mapping Code: # # # ...

14. Parent child mapping cascaded inserts question

I'm sure this is a question that would have been asked many many times. However, I could not find one that suites my situation . Please help. I have 2 tables parent and child. Structure as below Parent ------ ID Name Child ----- ID Dttm Name xyz abc Java for Parent ----------- Class Parent{ private long ID; private String Name; Set ...

15. ManyToMany with extra columns - pb when inserting

Hi everybody, I have a database with two table "Item" and "Order" which are associated by a third table "Item_Order" which store some additionnal information : Table Item : Id Integer Table Order : Id Integer Table Item_Order : item_id Integer, order_id Integer, status String I am using hibernate 3.3.2 GA and Spring. My Java Object are : Code: @Entity public ...

17. what happen to with hirachical mapping

18. Data is not inserted in Many to Many mapping?

Hi All, i have three DB tables 1. route(route_id) 2. stop(stop_id) 3. route_stop(route_id,stop_id)---mapping table Route.hbm.xml Stop.hbm.xml but data is not inserted in the DB, it is showing these select queries Hibernate: /* get current state com.trackingsystem.model.Stop */ ...

19. Automatically inserting children using implied Parent Id.

Hi There, I've searched the documentation and forum but can not find an answer to my particular question. I have a Product object which contains a list of Software Versions (each product can contain may software versions, each software version is for just one product). My Software Version table has an autogenerated (sequence) id field and a not null foreign key ...

20. Child needs Parent, but Parent not inserted (inserse=t/f?)

Hello, (I have a feeling this has something to and inverse="true/false", but would appreciate guidance with adding inverse='true/false" to the correct side of the relation) Summary of the problem: Saving one domain model POJO does not save (insert) another, required domain model POJO. Details: 2 tables: ACCOUNT & USER_INFO 2 domain model POJOs: Account & UserInfo When saving UserInfo to ...

21. should be mapped with insert="false"

Hello, I have some declaration: But on fly I got this error: [junit] Error HibernateExceptionRepeated column in mapping for class com.inp oc.editContent.TypeAttributeValue should be mapped with insert="false" update="false": ta_id But composite-id can't ...

22. SQL mapping mismatch when inserting

When trying to save my object into my designated table, i get an sql column mismatch on the primary key. Hibernate: insert into Contact (lastname, firstname, street, suburb, ContactNumber) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) My ID or primary key (ContactNumber) is the first column in my table, not the last, therefore it won't insert. Here is my config file for ...

23. using set childs not inserted,query trying to update

hi, I am using hibernate 2.1 and sybase. by using set I am trying to save a parent and along with it its children.Parent is inserted well but for childs it is running update query instead of insert. I have tried with cascade=all and others options also. what could be the problem?? Thanks and Regards

25. Inherited class insertion error.

i have two classes like these: Code: public MyBase() { Long id; String name; .... } public MyClass extends MyBase { String serial; ... } and my mapping file is like this: Code: .... ...

26. Collection mapping using : inserts not working

Hi, I am having the following problem: I am loading tree structure from a table (item_group) into ItemGroup object. [color=green]Class ItemGroup implements Serializable{[/color] private Integer itemId; private Integer parentItemId; private Integer topParentItemId; //map of ItemGroupRelation objects representing children of this ItemGroup. Map childreMap; //getters and setters [color=green]}[/color] [color=green]Class ItemGroupRelation implements Serializable{[/color] private Integer groupId; private Integer itemId; private Integer parentItemId; private ...

27. Set parents id on child on insert

I have two objects that have a one-to-one relation. When I'm adding them to the DB I first create a separate instance of the two objects. The I assign the child object to the parent. The problem is that when inserted into the db (MySQL) the child does not get the parents id. Simplified example of my code: Code: User user ...

28. Parent/Children insertion issue

I have Parent Class P and a Child Class C(one-to-many), I set cascade="all", when I tried to insert P, the output SQL statements: "insert into P..." and "update C..." instead of "insert into C...", what problems with my mappings? (There is no problem for deletion) Thanks in advance. Parent mapping: ...

29. delete old child set before insert new child set

30. 1-to-1 with primary key association won't insert children

I know I'm doing something stupid, but can't figure out what. Please help. here's the parent's mapping: Code:

31. Unabe to insert Paranet and Chld. It is inserting only child

Hibernate version: Version 2.0 Mapping documents: Code between ...

32. Inserting Parent and child records into database as composit

Hello, I am trying to insert a parent and child record in respectively Parent and Child table. Child table contains column for parent record identifier as foreign key. I am receiving integrity constraint error mentioning parent key not found. Please see error and mapping files below: Error: 12:46:46,415 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] ORA-02291: integrity constraint (DB.FK_PARENT_CHILD) violated - parent key not found ...

33. why insert parent/child data incur deleting action?

I have 2 tables(parent/child) TEST1( ID NUMBER(19) not null, NAME VARCHAR2(255), primary key(ID) ) TEST2( OBJID NUMBER(19) not null, VERSION NUMBER(10) not null, NAME VARCHAR2(255), primay key (OBJID, VERSION) ) Alter table TEST2 add constraints fk foreign key (OBJID) references ID. mappping file: ...

34. Slow insert of 10k child records in a one-to-many join.

Im testing an insert of one parent record and 10,000 child records into a mySQL (v. 4.1.9-standard) database using a one-to-many join via Hibernate 2.1 and am getting transaction times in excess of 20 minutes! I see that Hibernate... (1) inserts the parent record, (2) inserts the child records without the parent id, and then (3) updates each child record with ...

35. Delete exiting child table records and insert new records ?

Hi, I have parent - child tables with one-to-many relationship. When i save the parent with new child records, i want only the new records to saved into the child table. i.e. i want the corresponding child table's old records to be deleted and the new record to be inserted. How do i do this ? Thanks in advance -godhs

36. Not inserting rowusing mapping type "text" with cl

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 2.1.2 Mapping documents: Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Session session = null; try { //get the HibernateSession object session = HibernateGatewayFactory.createConnection(); sanctionLetter.setSanctionLetterImage( messageBody );; session.flush(); } catch( HibernateException he ) { throw new FatalException( he ); } catch( Exception e ) ...

37. Insert Child data

How do I do 1. Parent - id:1 ( 1 row ) 2. Child - id= 2, id =3 ( 2 rows) 3. SubChild - need to insert a row in this level for above 1 child i.e id = 4 for the relation ship with 1, 3 in parent table Any suggestion Thanks Ramesh

38. Unexpected update to Parent when insert Child

Author Message grainne Post subject: Unexpected update to Parent when insert Child Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:06 am Newbie Joined: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:37 am Posts: 16 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Parent.hbm.xml Code:

39. many to many insert mapping problem

Hibernate 3.0 Postgres 8.0 I have looked at the Hibernate documentation but I am confused on something. I have 2 classes(Server, Service) In the database I have 3 tables server, service, and serverservice(many to many table). OK my mapping file I have a set service which are the services that a server has. I am haveing troubles when I try to ...

40. Getting weird error: should be mapped with insert="fals

Hey recently i get this error: net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: Repeated column in mapping for class de.cagara.spieleweb.library.Duelle should be mapped with insert="false" update="false": canceled at net.sf.hibernate.persister.AbstractEntityPersister.checkColumnDuplication( i dunno why this happenes. I guess it has something todo with the folling two mappings but im not sure. Could you please help me? Duelle.xml: Ergebnisse.xml:

41. Why Child gets updated? insted of Insert?

When you say "child", do you mean the wsRateplanVOList bag? That's not being touched. And what is the RATE_PLAN_INFO table? That's not in anywhere in the mapping you've provided. Is that the child that you're talking about? I think even the project gurus would need to see the mapping for that table before answering your question. When you respond to this ...

42. No records insert in ManyToMany problem ??

class Item { @ManyToMany @JoinTable(table = @Table(name = "FUNCTIONITEM_ROLE_LINK"), joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "item_id") }, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "role_id") }) List roles; /** * @param roles * The roles to set. */ public void setRoles(List roles) { this.roles ...

43. Inserting into Parent and Child tables.

44. Parent Child Insertion problem Pls check my code

Hi , Pls check my code and tell me Why Data is not inserted in Child table.Allthough It is insertion in Parent table sucessfully and no error is showing. my Parent Class ::::::::::::; package eg; import java.util.Set; public class Blog { // private Long _id; private String _id; private String _name; private Set _items; public String getId() { return _id; } ...

45. Force inserting Parent/child

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message ljpaff Post subject: Force inserting Parent/child Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:01 am Beginner Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 9:48 am Posts: 31 Hi all, i have two tables joined by a foreign key.The relation between ...

46. Inserting Parent - Child with one to many relationship

Hi All I am having problem while saving parent and child object to the database. The relationship is one to many and only parent object is inserted in the daabase. Hibernate version 3.1 Mapping file

47. Child records are not inserted with assigned id's

Hibernate version: 3.1.2 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 10G Rel 2 I'm using sample code to insert a parent / child record into the database by using the following mapping

48. How to insert additional column to Many-2-Many mapping table

suppose i have two tables: User and Role which have many-2-many relationships. the third mapping table is called REL_USER_ROLE in user.hbml.xml The problem is that i need insert some additional information to the relation table (rel_user_role), e.g. add one column "status" where value is fixed (say it ...

49. Insert followed by extra update (one-to-many class mapping)

It looks like hibernate is using an insert followed by "extra updates?" when creating objects having a one-to-many class mapping. These "extra updates" seem to be un-needed overhead. Is there a way to avoid these updates? (Please see the sample code below with Message mapped to one-to-many comments) Hibernate version: 3.1.3 with all required libs for standalone jdk1.4 Hibernate configuration: Code: ...

50. Inheritance mapped insert causes ConstraintViolationExceptio

I'm getting a ConstraintViolationException when I try to add an inheritance-mapped object to my database. Hibernate version 3.1.3 Spring 1.2.8 Apache Derby 10.1 Mapping: Code: ...

51. Insertion problem in 2 parent table, 1 child table scenario

Hi, I am not able to insert in 2 parent table, 1 child table scenario. I have 2 parent tables(say P1, P2), 1 child table(say C). Primary keys: P1-->p1; P2-->p2; C-->p1+p2(These keys are foreign keys and primary keys). In hbm files, the mapping given as below: Parent P1 has Set mapping to child C. Parent P2 has Set mapping to child ...

52. @ManyToMany insertion behaviour

Hi all, I'm using EJB3 with its JPA through jboss-4.0.5.GA and it's Hibernate implementation. The experience has been quite good in general, but when trying to insert a record in a @ManyToMany relation an extrange behaviour happens: Supose A has many B's (and viceversa, but the navigation is A -> B), so If I want to add one B, let's say ...

53. cascade insert - update from a parent to distinguished child

Author Message dominicus Post subject: cascade insert - update from a parent to distinguished child Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:52 am Regular Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:50 am Posts: 55 Location: Mallorca I have a Parent - Child relation where the parent has a distinguished (principal) child. I want to cascade insert-update operations from the parent to ...

54. Newbie: Parent/Child insert fails--using annotations

Newbie Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:38 pm Posts: 4 Hello, I'm learning Hibernate from the Java Persistence w/Hibernate book, and I'm using annotations. I have a parent class (Bucket) and a child class (Project). Simple 1:m entity association, but I'm getting an exception when I try to add a new Bucket complaining about constraints: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Cannot add or update a ...

55. Save doesn't insert values in link table for a (Hash)Map

Hello, I'm a hibernate n00b, but an experienced Java developer. My problem occurs when saving an object with a HashMap into the database. When I initially save the transient object, it inserts the object's data and cascades to the maps and other objects, but for some reason it never inserts any values in the link table (tk_sheet_to_row). It does save the ...

56. Adding to a map causes insert without id

Hi, I'm having trouble putting new entries into a map collection. Getting the map and changing existing entries work fine. When persisting the map, new entries are inserted without the primary key. Ie. this is what happens: insert into child (parentid,name,value) values (1,"test","testvalue") when what should happen is something like this: insert into child (childid,parentid,name,value) values (child_seq.nextval,1,"test","testvalue") I could solve this ...

57. MySQL 5.0 could not insert the child record

Hi, I'm facing a problem using MySql 5.0 with Hibernate 3.0. When i insert a record in parent table and then in child table , record is inserted successfully but in second attempt the record is inserted in parent but not in child table. Also when i try to use successfully created record (First Time), child record is not loaded perfectly, ...

58. insert child table values along with parent table values ?

Hello , i want to insert values into child table along with parent tables values inserted . i am using one-to-many relationship(Set). i tried with below code: parent table mapping: child table ...

59. Not inserting in a table | Collection mapping using Sets

My program is developed using Hibernate to demonstrate Collection mapping using sets. Basically A product can contain many parts (set). The basic probelm is when i run this program the products table is getting inserted but the parts table is empty. Hibernate version: 3.2.4 Mapping documents Product.hbm.xml Code: ...

60. insertion doesnot happening when using many-to-many mapping

I am using Hibernate 3.2.1 and hibernate-annotations 3.2.1. I am having Three tables namely 1. User 2.Role 3.User_Role_Map In my User pojo , i am having a property java.util.Set roles for roles assosiated to the user. And in my Role pojo, i have java.util.Set users property for bidirectional mapping. I donot have any pojo for User_Role_Map table. when i query for ...

61. Optimizing child inserts

62. Not able to insert Children


63. Child Collection not update or deleting (only inserting)

Any help is appreciated. I'm trying to figure out why my collection will only perform inserts in the database. If a modify an existing child object, my update(subscription) call inserts another new record. Changing my data access layer call to merge() will remove a record when it previously exists but throws an Exception when trying to insert a new one. I ...

64. Mapping question for "missing foreign key insert column

Author Message JFE Post subject: Mapping question for "missing foreign key insert column Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:04 pm Newbie Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:23 am Posts: 3 Location: Wisconsin, USA This is a common condition which I think I do understand. What I don't understand is the mapping syntax I need to address it. I have ...

65. child record is not inserted in one-to-many uni directional

We are using uni directional one -to-many relation . We are facing one problem . Please help me out in resolving this. I have two tables snp_issuer(parent),snp_note(child) CREATE TABLE SNP_ISSUER ( ISSUERID NUMBER (10) NOT NULL, ISSUER_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT SNP_ISSUER_PK PRIMARY KEY ( ISSUERID ) ) ; CREATE TABLE SNP_NOTE ( NOTE_REF_ID NUMBER (10) NOT NULL, ISSUERID NUMBER ...

66. unable to insert data into child table in one-to-many

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:2.0[/b] [b]Mapping documents: [b]Parent[/b] Represents a singleemployee info in the example database. @author Naga Jyothi. (with help from Hibernate)

67. how to insert child if parent already exists

According to your client code, I am not sure polymorphism is the way to go in this case. Person and User, even though in Java they might be subclasses, are being treated as concrete subclasses in your Java example. You can either treat them as a class superclass relationship (possibly with Person Being abstract, or, in your case, with a "table-per-class ...

68. Parent/Child insert. I only need insert the parent

Hibernate version: 3.2.2 Mapping documents: _________________________ The Parent _________________________________________________ .... ... _________________________ The Child ______________________________________________ ..... Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): doing a save of the parent. Full stack trace of ...

69. one-one mapping child table record not inserting

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:3.0[/b] [b]Mapping documents: -- Ticket Master Entity-- @Entity @Table(name="Ticket_Master") public class TicketMaster { // @Id // @GeneratedValue // @Column(name="ID") // private Long id; @Id @Column(name="TICKET_ID") private String ticketID; @Column(name="ASSGN_USER_ID") private String assgnUserID; @Column(name="ASSGN_GROUP_ID") private Long assgnGroupID; @Column(name="ASSGN_DEPT_ID") private Long assgnDeptID; @Column(name="BRANCH_ID") private Long assgnBranchID; @Column(name="TICKET_CREATED_BY") private String ticketCreatedBy; @Column(name="TICKET_STATUS_ID") private ...

71. Reattaching parent with new child inserted into collection

I have a detached parent object that contains a list of child objects. In my BackingBean, after retrieving the parent object (and the children), I add a new child to the collection. I now want to update the parent and have it save the new child object. I'm updating the parent object and the child collection is mapped as cascade save-update. ...

72. Mapping file to insert into another table a constant value

Hello. I was hoping to get some advice on my situation. I'm new to the forum and hibernate, and i've been racking my brain for days for a solution, so any help would be much appreciated. It's a little difficult to summarize, but it involves a Code Table, locale based descriptions. Just wondering if I can set up a hibernate mapping ...