Initialization « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Dozer Mapping and Hibernate lazy initialization

i have the following dozer mapping: afield afield customer customer I load MyClass with with hibernate. But i have a ...

2. How can a child entity reference return a LazyInitializationException in an app using OSIV approach (Open Session In View)?

The session seems open immediately before the child objects are referenced, but there is no record of the specific child object set (even though other child objects are included) in the ...

4. How to detect a mapped collections initialization state ?

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 I have an persistent object with mapped collections. SalesTransaction SalesTransactionItems SalesTransactionPayments The items and payments are lazy initialized, and I use Hibernate.initialize in my DAO's for the instances where the view is going to need the item/payment details. My problem comes in debugging, and the toString method of SalesTransaction. I am looking for some way to detect if ...

5. Avoid collection initialization when new children is added

Hi, My problem looks something like this: - There is a bank account (parent) and the account has a history of transactions (children). Here is what my parent class (Account) mapping looks like: In my child class (Transaction) mapping, here is what I have:

6. Initialization of the ManyToOne with NO-PROXY option

Hi, I have following manyToOne lazy association to the same model object (recurssive inside one class) defined in my domain object (with bytecode instrumentation enabled): @ManyToOne @LazyToOne(LazyToOneOption.NO_PROXY) @JoinColumn(name = "NAME1", referencedColumnName = "NAME2", nullable = true, insertable = false, updatable = false) Lazy loading works fine but I'm unable to initialize this association through query using FETCH JOIN phrase. If I ...