Entity « Map « JPA Q&A

1. JPA, How to use the same class (entity) to map different tables?    stackoverflow.com

I have two tables: Ta and Tb. They have exactly the same table structure but different table names. I try to create one entity class to map the table structures. Some ...

2. How can I know if a Class is mapped as a Hibernate entity?    stackoverflow.com

I have an Object. How can I know if its class is mapped to a table in Hibernate?

3. How to remap a JPA entity or defer mapping to a later point    stackoverflow.com

We have common modules (for configuration, security, notifications, etc.) that define the entities and the logic for the module as a reusable JAR. The only imposed dependency is the name of ...

4. how to retrive entity without duplication even though its child are fetched?    stackoverflow.com

I have object called Property. in this multiple concerns associated.

<class name="Property"
        <id name="propertyId" type="integer" column="PRTY_ID">

5. How do I map entities to a common table with Hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

I have a few simple entities that are stored in a simple "code" table with the following structure (all stored as character fields):

code_fieldname   pk
code_value      ...

6. How to map query to non-entity class + entity class    stackoverflow.com

I know how to do query to resultClass mapping in IBatis. How can I map the native query result to the object that is a mix of entity class and scalars in ...

7. JPA Mapping a Map of Entities    stackoverflow.com

Coming off my way-too-popular question from yesterday: Hibernate(JPA) mapping a HashMap I'm trying to map a structure that is essentially the following:

Map<User, List< POJOWithComposite >>
Where User is a basic model, similar to ...

8. Hibernate mapping an interface as entity with multiple implementations    stackoverflow.com

I have the following structure i would like to map in hibernate. class User implements iUser class VIPUser implements iUser class preference public var user:iUser; I've read that it is possible to map ...

9. mapping a entity which have two refer to another same entity    stackoverflow.com

I have two entity,one of them(the Task) own two refers of another entity(The user).

public class Task{
    private int id;

    private User publisher;


10. JPA Entity mapping    stackoverflow.com

I have two entity User and ShortUser and they both mapping to database, but i don't want to map ShortUser to database because i use it only fot result. How can ...

11. hibernate mapping to versioned entity    stackoverflow.com

I have entity that has a version. It has composite primary key where one part of it is id of an entity and other is version. I want to create many-to-one ...

12. How to map common entity    stackoverflow.com

I'm wondering if it is all possible to nicely map common entities with JPA. What is a common entity for me? Say many of my domain entities have (an) associated image(s). So, ...

13. JPA Shared Entity mapping    stackoverflow.com

I have a scenario where I have a Object called Page, and another object called Tag, relationship between these two is Page has Tags(many to many), but the same Tags can ...

14. mapping jms resource from jpa entity    coderanch.com

I have a jpa entity that has behavior, namely a method to send some message to a JMS queue. Since this entity is running inside a JEE container environment, the JMS specifics are being injected in the entity class itself, like this: @Resource(name="jms/jmsQueue") private Destination notifQueue; @Resource(name="jms/jmsConnectionFactory") private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; this entity has a method that uses the resources above, which ...

15. Different mapping for the same entity    forum.hibernate.org

I was wondering if it's possible to do the following mapping: Take a class/table "Person" and a class/table "Asset" (3M share, Coca-Cola shares, Treasure bonds, Central Park Apartment, etc). And each "Asset" have an "AssetCategory" (stocks, buildings, bonds, etc). So, "3M" shares is of type "Stocks". Take this as a Many-to-Many, once a person can invest in several assets. To map ...

17. About mapping a entity inside itself    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, sorry the poor english. Well, I'm doing a little project where I have a entity name User, and this is mapped ok. But I want increment adding a following idea: - A User can be friend of other User, in other words, a User can have a list of User (friends) In MySQL table, I create a table User, i'ts ...

18. Multiple Entities mapped to same table    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I have a table with about 100 columns, but I frequently use about 10 of them. I have created two entities and mapped them to the same table as in the example below. Code: @Entity @Table(name="mytable") public class MyTable{ ...... } @Entity @Table(name="mytable") public class MyTableSummary{ ...... } MyTableSummary has only getter ...

19. Mapping a Queryresult with SqlResultSetMappings to a Entity    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to map a NativeQuery to a Entity, there is no table exisiting, the query creates the resultset through a lot of joins. The example is the following : Code: @Entity @SqlResultSetMappings( { @SqlResultSetMapping( name="TechSpecs", entities={ ...

20. Mapping two many-to-one Entities; one contains the other.    forum.hibernate.org

I need to map two many-to-one Entities; one of this entities contains the other entity primary key as part of its own primary key. We have three TABLEs "PERSON", "STATUS", and "SUB_STATUS" with the following structure: 1. STATUS : Code: COLUMN_NAME | IS_PRIMARY_KEY | IS_FORIGN_KEY | CAN_BE_NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------ STATUS | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE ------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME | FALSE | FALSE ...

21. Single Entity Mapped to Multiple Tables    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All I am trying use the Single Entity Mapped to Multiple Tables . I have two tables Order and OrderHistory. Order is given the entity-name ''OrderObj'' and ''OrderHist'' respectively when the HibernateUtil.beginTransaction() getSession().save(''OrderObj'',order) and getSession().save(''OrderHist'',order) HibernateUtil.commitTransaction() are called within the same transaction only OrderObj is saved and not OrderHist but if they are saved by starting different transactions both of ...

22. how to map two tables into one entity?    forum.hibernate.org

23. Population of non-mapped entity    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have a SelectOption class with the String attributes "value" and "description" and appropriate setters/getters which I intend to use for selectbox parameters in a Collection. The question is, what would be the best way to populate this from tables mapped in Hibernate. I can, of course select out the interesting records and manually iterate over them and generate the ...

24. Mapping one entity to multiple tables    forum.hibernate.org

Hello everybody! I'm new to Hibernate. I have a requirement to map one entity to multiple tables. This is part of exercise in mapping an existing database to Hibernate. Is there any possibility to do that? If we can do it only by subclassing EntityPersister or implementing ClassPersister, I like to know how complex is it and what are the implications ...

25. Mapping a map with entities?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I'am sorry I'am a newbie and I don't understand the docs how to map a map with entities. I have two classes Parent and Child: Code: public class Parent { private Map childs = new HashMap(); private String name; public void setName(String name) { ...

26. mapping entity to itself?    forum.hibernate.org

Is it possible to map an entity to itself with hibernate? I've searched the forums but haven't seen any mention to this. I have a table MESSAGE (pk MESSAGE_ID). It contains an optional column named PARENT_MESSAGE_ID. I'd like to create relationship off of Message called "messageReplies" which would basically fetch all Messages that have a PARENT_MESSAGE_ID equal to this message's MESSAGE_ID. ...

27. Hibernate initialising Map with partially-hydrated entity    forum.hibernate.org

Regular Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:20 am Posts: 77 I'm running into a problem at the moment in my code, whereby when Hibernate loads the object graph, it is initialising a map with key objects which are not fully hydrated, and contain only their ID. Unfortunately, my hashcode for the key objects is based off a unique business key (the ...

28. Common entity mapping to different tables    forum.hibernate.org

29. map an entity class to a stored procedure result set    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I have got this to work using the Hiberbate 3.0.5 jar on BEA with oracle, with the latest ojdbc14.jar. Although this may not be the correct way - i tried this and it works. Hopefully somebody from the Hibernate team will evaluate and let us know whether this is the right way. Stored proc mapping: Code: ...

30. No tuplizer found for entity-mode [MAP]    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:[/b] Hibernate 3.0 [b]Mapping documents:[/b] [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():[/b] [b]Full stack trace of ...

31. Mapping of entities with where="" clau    forum.hibernate.org

17:23:30 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select images0_.hotelId as hotelId1_, images0_.imageId as imageId1_, hotelimage1_.id as id0_, hotelimage1_.md5 as md2_16_0_, hotelimage1_.type as type16_0_ from hotels_images images0_ inner join images hotelimage1_ on images0_.imageId=hotelimage1_.id where images0_.type != 'PR' and images0_.hotelId=? 17:23:30 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 1054, SQLState: 42S22 17:23:30 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Unknown column 'images0_.type' in 'where clause'

32. Mapping dependent entities    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I'm writing a simple access management app and ran into a weird mapping scenario. There're 3 entities -- Role, Resource, Permission -- and the relationship b/w them is: a Role has 0 to N Permissions on a Resource. Implementing this as a link table and I get something like -- Code: ROLE_ID RES_ID ...

33. strange problem with entity mapping    forum.hibernate.org

Has anyone run into this? I get a org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity when I try to build the class name like this in a createCriteria but not when I hardcode the class name: Criteria q = session.createCriteria(className+".class"); I have verified that the class name is building correctly and the string is identical to the hardcoded string. Any ideas?

34. Mapping entities mixed in one table to separate objects    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Apologies for previous post: I pressed submit by accident before the message was complete: Hibernate version: 3 Hi, I have a database design where multiple conceptual "entities" have been stored into a single table hierarchy. Conceptually there is a header and a key-value table with a variable number of rows. Different ...

36. Mapping of entities with usage    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I've got a mapping problem with an AttributeValue Pattern. I want do be my classes to be some kind of dynamic extensible. So I've created an Object AttributeValue which can be added in a collection in each of my business classes. Each business class contains a map with the related AttributeValues of the object. Now I'm looking for a solution ...

37. Trying to map an entity as a java.lang.Object    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to map an entity as a java.lang.Object. I need to do this because I want the "value" to contain different types of objects. Using hibernate 3.0 I tried this mapping Mapping documents: But I was not able to get that to work. If anyone thinks this should work please let me know. ...

38. mapping named hqlquery over multi-tables to one entity class    forum.hibernate.org

hello, I want to make a mapping from a named hql over multi-talbes to one single entity class,some kind like create a db-view which I can pass into parameters. below is my named hql: Code: SELECT channel.rss_channel_id AS {channel.rssChannelId}, ...

39. mapping two entities as a set    forum.hibernate.org

I've three tables AppUser, AppRole and AppUserRole. The first two are entities but since all roles are being assigned to AppUser entity I want to avoid creating an entity for the third table. The AppUserRole table has the following structure id->int AppUser_id->FK_To_AppUser App_Role_id->FK_To_AppRole Is it possible to have some kind of set in AppUser entity? I tried to map my AppUser ...

40. Unknown Entity (but the entitity is mapped!)    forum.hibernate.org

Two different classes can map to a single table without mapping errors, though it's very likely to give other errors later. Normally that sort of thing is done as components. Is the mapping that isn't being found being loaded? Is the file that defines the mapping mentioned in your .cfg.xml file? Try changing the method you use to load it to ...

41. problem with mapping of Entity Map    forum.hibernate.org


42. mapping og address owned by two entity    forum.hibernate.org

/** * @author Filippo De Luca * @version 1.0.00 */ public class Address { private Long id; private Paese paese; private Provincia provincia; private String comune; private String cap; ...

44. Having an entity mapped to multiple tables    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have a case where I have an entity mapped with Hibernate and I need to map it to multiple tables. My use case is this: I have Entity A that goes through some processing, but before a user can save it on their own, their account must meet certain conditions. So if they can't process Entity A right there, ...

45. Mapping an Entity more than once    forum.hibernate.org

46. Mapping an Entity without Table    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, i have written a hibernate mapping which builds an object from SQL resultset. it is actually read only. i dont need an extra DB-table to store this mapped entity. it works fine till now. now i need use hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update in my application. this tool create all the missing tables including my readonly-entity table. how can I tell hbm to ...

47. Question about mapping entities and efficiency.    forum.hibernate.org

Imagine that you have two objects, say Person and Event from the documentation. A person can have multiple event objects. Now imagine, that I have saved a person object which has twelve event objects associated with it. If I make a change to the person object, but not to any of the events, and tell Hibernate to save the person object ...

48. One entity map with two tables    forum.hibernate.org

49. Named queries and Entity mapping    forum.hibernate.org

50. Hibernate & RCP: Mapping of entities distributed by plug    forum.hibernate.org

Hi guys, I want to creaze an Eclipse RCP application whose plugins should contribute their needed entity classes which themselves are persisted by the core application. Therefore, I have to add the entity classes and mapping files to Hibernate's configuration (e.g. by addClass()). My problem is this case is that Hibernate cannot find the entity classes (distributed by the plugins) via ...

51. Hibernate Mapping Question Two entities one class    forum.hibernate.org

I have two entities. One is a customer and other is order. Customer can have n number of orders(one to many). I have two java classes: customer and order. Customer has a list of orders. The database implementation has one table. I have tested a sample out but for the same customer I get x number of customer objects and each ...

52. Map ?    forum.hibernate.org

53. Prent-Child in/with one single Entity/Typ    forum.hibernate.org