Embeddable « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Embeddable Inheritance    stackoverflow.com

I have an object with a field that can be a number of object types. This object is encoded in a single table with a discriminator column for the field's subtypes. ...

2. Hibernate mapping a second @Embeddable field in a subclass    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to map an @Embeddable object in a subclass whose parent class already has a field of that @Embeddable type. The hibernate Embeddable Objects documentation claims I can use ...

3. A class that behaves like @Entity and @Embeddable    stackoverflow.com

I have a one way @OneToMany relationship between a Team and Player class. I would like to save a Team object among your Players. Player's identifier IS COMPOUND by Team foreign ...

4. A @Embeddable that behaves like a @OneToOne (HIBERNATE)    stackoverflow.com

I have a class named Parent as follows

public class Parent {

    private Integer id;


5. JPA entitylisteners and @embeddable    stackoverflow.com

I have a class hierarchy of JPA entities that all inherit from a BaseEntity class:

@EntityListeners( { ValidatorListener.class })
public abstract class BaseEntity implements Serializable {
    // other stuff
I want ...

6. Automatically Add a Prefix to Column Names for @Embeddable Classes    stackoverflow.com

I am developing a project in which I am persisting some POJOs by adding Hibernate annotations. One problem I am running into is that code like this fails, as Hibernate tries ...

7. Does JPA support a kind of "Any" mapping for embeddable objects?    stackoverflow.com

I'm extending the data model of an Java application to include some kind of a setting facility. Settings in this application would basically be Strings or Numbers, no entities or other ...

8. Mapping exception in hibernate with CollectionOfElements    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to get this mapping to work, but I get this strange exception message Could not determine type for: foo.ProcessUser, at table: ProcessUser_onetimeCodes, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(processUser)]

public class ProcessUser {


9. Equivalent to Hibernate's @embeddable / EF's ComplexTypeConfiguration in NHibernate?    stackoverflow.com

Is there an equivalent to Hibernate's @embeddable annotation / Entity Framework's ComplexTypeConfiguration base class in NHibernate? I'm aware of the possibility of a 1:1 mapping, but I'm looking for a solution ...

10. Make an @Embeddable class optional?    stackoverflow.com

I have a DateInterval class that is annotated with @Embeddable and it has two persistent fields, startDate and endDate. A DateInterval field may be optional depending on the persistent class that ...

11. Hibernate @embeddable annotation equivalent for XML mapping file?    stackoverflow.com

I have a class that I am creating a Hibernate mapping which contains a legacy object that I can't modify, so it doesn't have the necessary id field to play nicely ...

12. Should embeddable jpa class implement equals and hashCode?    stackoverflow.com

Let's say I have the following scenario:

public class Person {
    private Long id; //Surrogate key

    private Name ...

13. JPA: How can an @Embeddable object get a reference to its owner?    stackoverflow.com

I have a User class that has @Embedded a class Profile. How can I give the instances of Profile a reference to their owner the User class?

class User implements Serializable  ...

14. How hibernate store embeddable obj    stackoverflow.com

kind of stupid question but i didn't find the answer anywhere. How @Embeddable object is stored in the database, is it kind of OneToOne with FK or... For example if i ...

15. ManyToOne column in embeddable class    stackoverflow.com

I have two entities who embed (@Embedded) the Adress embeddable. In the Adress class there is a property who points to an entity Location. In the Adress class I put @ManyToOne ...

16. Is it possible for a JPA embeddable to contain Embeddable or Collection of Embeddables?    stackoverflow.com

I wonder whether it is possible to have an ElementCollection of Embeddable inside another Embeddable ? Here's an example of my Supplier entity which has a list of Addresses, which is of ...

17. How to build ElementCollection of Embeddable type?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Hibernate 3.5.6 as my JPA 2.0 implementation. I'm attempting to build an @ElementCollection inside my entity (many fields omitted):

public class Buyer implements Serializable {

18. hibernate, query on embeddable object    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to query on Embeddable object from separate query? E.g., we have

class Person{
private Address address;

class Address{
private String street;

is it possible to create hql-query like this : getHibernateTemplate.find("from Address"); ? Thank you ...

19. Embeddable abstract class with JPA (+Hibernate)    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to implement this JPA model:

  • Class Owner is an Entity. It has @Embedded instance of class AbstractParent.
  • Class AbstractParent is @Embeddable. It is an abstract class, and this class has two ...

20. Embeddable PK Object not populating after persist and flush    stackoverflow.com

I have an embedded PK object that doesn't populate the id field after persisting and flushing to the database. The ID is an auto-increment field in the database. Now normally, I ...

21. Hibernate @Embeddable Annotation    coderanch.com

I have created a Customer table which has Name,id and phone I have an embeddable class Name having firstname and lastname. Code is as follows.. Customerbean.java ==================== @Entity @Table(name="Customer") public class CustomerRegistrationBean { private CustomerName CustomerName; private long phone; private String customerid; public CustomerRegistrationBean() { } public CustomerRegistrationBean(String customerid,String firstname, String lastname, long phone) { this.customerid = customerid; this.CustomerName = new ...

22. JPA Embeddable and MappedSuperclass    coderanch.com

23. (JPA) questions about embeddable class    coderanch.com

Cainiao Zou wrote:1. Can I embed an embeddable class with @embedded in an embeddable class? (nest) I got a Attribute "xxx" has invalid mapping type in this context error. 2. Must the embeddable implement the Serializable interface? As you know the "@embedded" annotation indicates that an instance of a class can be imbedded into an instance of another class. In the ...

24. 3.1 Embeddable EJBContainer and JPA/weaving problem    java.net

I don't see how I could run the tests without having CompanyService in the junit classpath. If I try do so, and call java.lang.Object through reflection instead of CompanyService, the test works. But any time I try to use the actual CompanyService class (it does not matter whether it is from actual dum-ejb.jar, or created ejb client jar) the Eclipselink weaving ...

25. JPA 2.0, Embeddable with Map used multiple times in Entity    forum.hibernate.org

Let's consider the following code @Embeddable public class MultiLanguageString { private String defaultValue; @ElementCollection private Map otherValues; // getters, setter, ... } which models a String that can beside a defaultValue have values in other languages (i.e. key of the map is something like "en" or "de"). Then I want to use this multiple times in an entity. @Entity public ...

26. Query with criteria on embeddable much slower?    forum.hibernate.org

28. TableGenerator inside Embeddable not working?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am trying to autogenerate an id inside an Embeddable entity but is not working, just ignores the TableGenerator and the GeneratedValue. Code: @Embeddable public class StatPk implements Serializable{ @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.TABLE, generator="stats_seq") @TableGenerator(name="stats_seq", table="sequence_table", pkColumnName="seq_name", valueColumnName="seq_count", pkColumnValue="stats_seq", allocationSize=1000) @Column(name="stat_sequence") private Long statSequence; ...

29. @ManyToOne inside @Embeddable causes exception    forum.hibernate.org

hello i have a question regarding a case where i need to associate an entity type (Bar) inside an embedded type (Foo). is there any way to do that? it seems that i can't work it out as i constantly get a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException. i use Hibernate 3.5.3 configured with Spring 3 sessionFactory, and it's done quite simply: Code: @Entity public class ...

30. How to map class that has field of type @Embeddable    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:40 pm Posts: 1 I have a class called Organization. This Organization class has 4 fields that are of type EPhoneEntry. This EPhoneEntry class has an annotation above the class declaration of @Embeddable. Anyone have an example of how to create the hbm.XML mapping file for a class similar to my organization class? My problem ...

31. Embeddable null values in JPQL    forum.hibernate.org

32. Embeddable for an abstract class    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity public class Page implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name = "id", nullable = false) private Long id; @Embedded private AbstractContent content; [...] }

33. EnumType.STRING in @Embeddable not work    forum.hibernate.org

34. Problem with @CollectionOfElements for @Embeddable?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All, I just cannot use @CollectionOfElements with @Embeddable. The following is my classes and mappings: @MappedSuperclass public abstract class AbstractEntity implements Serializable { @CollectionOfElements protected Set audits; ... } @Embeddable public class Audit implements Serializable { @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name = "user_id", nullable = false) protected User user; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column(name = "time_stamp") protected Date timeStamp = null; ... } @Entity ...

35. @PreXXX annotations and @Embeddable @MappedSuperclass    forum.hibernate.org

Hello Hibernate users, All @PreXXX annotations have following javadoc in common "Is used to specify callback methods for the corresponding lifecycle event. This annotation may be applied to methods of an entity class, a mapped superclass, or a callback listener class." An @Entity E has @Embedded an @Embeddable M, which extends a @MappedSuperclass S. Methods on S annotated with @PrePersist or ...

37. @Embeddable, primary key update    forum.hibernate.org

SirketDAO sdao = new SirketDAO(); Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance(); c1.set(2004,00,01,0,0,0); Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance(); c2.set(2006,3,18,0,0,0); Calendar c3 = Calendar.getInstance(); c3.set(2006,8,17,0,0,0); ...

38. Using native sql when working with embeddable entities    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have the following relation - Person which owns PersonAddress (as embeddable). This relation is optional. I'm trying to build native sql query (small as possible) in order to load Person objects. The result query as following : Select id,name from Person I don't want to load optional PersonAddress when running query.list() - I'm getting the following error: could not ...

39. Associations inside embeddable objects    forum.hibernate.org

40. Re-using @Embeddable in different Entities?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello there, just a conceptual question: is it possible to re-use a @Embeddable (In earlier versions of Hibernate: component) in different Entities using Hibernate 3.2 and EJB3 Annotations? I couldn't find anything in forum/ref/faq affirming or denying this... Background: i'm currently porting a Hibernate 3.0 project to 3.2 and re-using a single @Embeddable in different classes won't work... In the old ...

41. Embeddable-Objects with inheritance    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, just a general question: is there a way to have an @Embeddable-Object, that has different inheritance-levels? For Example Ive got three classes: "EmbeddableBaby" extends "EmbeddableChild" extends "EmbeddableParent". Now I have a class "Foo", that should have one of these classes as an @Embedded-attribute and depending on what level I choose, it also holds the parent-attributes. Last question: if there is ...

42. Problem with Embeddable    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity @Table(name="SecondTable) public class SecondClass implements Serializable{ @Id private SecondTablePK id; @Column(name="Name") @Type(type="string") private String name; @Embeddable public class SecondTablePK implements Serializable{ public SecondTablePK(){} @Column(name="SecondTablePK") ...

43. Embeddable gives PropertyAccessException on merge    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:48 am Posts: 6 Hibernate version: 3.2.5.ga Hibernate-annotations: 3.3.0.ga Hibernate-entitymanager: 3.3.1.ga MySQL 5.0.41 Hi! I have a problem with embedding which I managed to cut down to a simple test case (I misused JUnit for it, could have also been a simple class with a main method). In words: I have a Container with an ...

44. How do I get collections inside @Embeddable classes to work?    forum.hibernate.org

Here's some sample code. Note that if @CollectionOfElements annotation is there, I get : WARNING: com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException If I delete the annotation, then I get the following: org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.List, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(partNumber)] Code: @Embeddable public class SystemBoardType implements Equals, HashCode, ToString { @XmlTransient protected List partNumber; ...

45. Access Strategies: @Embeddable and Properties    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity public class A { @Id @Generatedvalue private Long id; // Hibernate surrogate key @Embedded B b = new B(); // Other private members that persist perfectly fine ... } @Embeddable public class B { // Dozens of transient members used as place holders during work ...

46. Embeddable PK with generatedValue    forum.hibernate.org

i wasn't specific enough : Code: @Entity @Table(name="CORETASK") @IdClass(CoreTaskPK.class) @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) public class CoreTask { //Task general Data private Integer coreTaskInternalKey; private Integer coreTaskMemberInternalKey; @Id ...

47. Embeddable and Polymorphism    forum.hibernate.org

I have classes and annotations as following. class A { @Embedded B getB() { return b; } } @Embeddable abstract class B { } class C extends B { } class D extends B { } See, I declare B an Embeddable entity. Also I turned on Discriminator parameters for B, C and D. I try to persist instances of A. ...

48. Embeddable with null properties    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity public class Zone { ... @CollectionOfElements @JoinTable(name = "mediaholder", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "zone_id")) private Set mediaholders = new HashSet(); ... } @Embeddable public class Mediaholder { private int zoneScopedId; @Nullable @Column(nullable = true) ...

49. Problems with @id and @Embeddable    forum.hibernate.org

Hello All, Why I don't use one @Id into @Embeddable? I updated my hibernate version for the Version: 3.4.0.GA, 20-08-2008 and when I deploy my app the console show this error: br.com.***.***.vo.AssociadoUpVO$AssociadoUpVOId must not have @Id properties when used as an @EmbeddedId. Before this version I have no problem with this. Please help-me. Thanks, Ricardo Cabral ** sorry for the english ...

50. Deleting Embeddable objects    forum.hibernate.org

I am struggling a bit finding information on the best approach to handle deleting things from a table that comes from an embeddable object. The parent object will stick around in this case but daily I need to delete the records of the embeddable object that have the prior days date. Maybe I am doing this the best way but I ...

51. Use a Java5 enum as @Embeddable    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I need to store some enum in database, but can't use either the ordinal nor the enum "constant" name. I need to use a value passed to the enum in constructor that is used internally : public enum Acte { ACHAT( 10 ), ACTIVATION( 2 ), ANNULATION( 8 ) ... } I'd like to use such enum class as JPA ...

54. Embeddable Entity    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I want to always refer to the IdClass when referencing an entity instead of utilizing its entity class. For various reasons this makes the object nice for serialization and communication. My first most obvious concern is that I map as an entity the embeddable class that is also the IdClass of the original class. It works but i have to ...

56. Subquery on an Embeddable object    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity class Person { @Id long id; @CollectionOfElements(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) List skills; } @Embeddable class PersonSkill { @ManyToOne Skill skill; short level; } @Entity class Skill { @Id long id; String name; }

57. Problem with @Embeddable    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:53 am Posts: 4 Hi, I've created an Entity 'User', which holds a property "cookie". "cookie" has to be stored in the database lowercase. I want to outsouce this functionality in a class "Data". Code: @Entity @Table(name = "USERS") public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = ...

58. CompositeUserType in repeated @Embeddable => repeated column    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have made a CompositeUserType (NumberHelper) that consists of two fields (big decimal "value" and string "type"). It works as expected, except when I use it inside an @Embeddable type that is then used more than once inside an entity. Code: @Embeddable public class Benefit implements Serializable { (...) // Interval @Columns(columns = { ...