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1. detached entity passed to persist

Newbie Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:41 am Posts: 19 Hi all! When I try to save a row in a table the application server throws to me this exception: Code: org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: com.uw.diode.entity.ParametrosInforme; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: com.uw.diode.entity.ParametrosInforme org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest( ...

2. detached entity passed to persist

Newbie Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:41 am Posts: 19 Hi all! When I try to save a row in a table the application server throws to me this exception: Code: org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: com.uw.diode.entity.ParametrosInforme; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: com.uw.diode.entity.ParametrosInforme org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest( ...

3. detached object cascading changes

I'm seeing behavior after calling Session#evict where changes to that object are stll persisted. Here are the details. Hibernate 3.3.1GA I have a User class with a set of roles: Code:

4. Dealing with Oracle Char datatype in Detached Criteria expr

Hi, I am writing a subquery that look like this: select * from SUPPLIER where trim(suppProdId) IN (SELECT ProdId FROM PRODUCT) The 'suppProdId' in SUPPLIER table is of char(20) data type. The 'ProdId' in PRODUCT table is of varchar(40) data type So in order to retrieve the records, I will need to do a trim to the 'suppProdId'. Below is part ...

5. Dealing with Oracle Char datatype in Detached Criteria expr

Hi, I am writing a subquery that look like this: select * from SUPPLIER where trim(suppProdId) IN (SELECT ProdId FROM PRODUCT) The 'suppProdId' in SUPPLIER table is of char(20) data type. The 'ProdId' in PRODUCT table is of varchar(40) data type So in order to retrieve the records, I will need to do a trim to the 'suppProdId'. Below is part ...

6. Detached entity errors

I'm using Hibernate on an application server to work with AMF serialized data types. What this means is that the client (AS3/Flash Player) declares classes and the way that they are serialized (eg. writeObject() writeUTF() etc.) and the server that runs Hibernate takes these objects and deserializes them, mapping them to Java classes specified by the client. The client specifies this ...

7. How to read detached criteria from a file?

Hello everyone, I am writing a client for a RMI service that has basically one function: I give it a detached criteria and it returns me the corresponding objects. I need to allow my users to write their own queries so I thought it would be nice if they could write them in a XML file that my code would use. ...

8. How to avoid "detached entity passed to persist" e

When doing an EntityManager.persist(myEntity), the entity is persisted only if its current state is "transient" (i.e. not yet persisted). We've got some problems while persisting objects for which Hibernate could not determine they are transient, so are sharing our experience here. Software used: Hibernate 3.3.1.GA Webshpere (JTA transactions) Seam 2.0.0.GA Lets define the following entity: Code: @Entity @Table(...) public class ...

9. Problem with detached objects

Hello, I'm writing a web application using Hibernate (JPA) + Wicket + Spring for my university project, and in certain situation i have detached entity passed to persist exception. The object i try to persist has colletion of elements (One-To-Many relationship) of which every single one has association to another domain object (Many-To-One relationship) - Examination has collection of Samples, and ...

10. Detached Entity Passed to Persist errors

Ok. I tried using merge(brand) before the persist(model) and it doesn't seem to have made any effect. I'm fairly new to the whole hibernate/jpa setup. I was expecting that hibernate would realize the brand was already in the database and just wouldn't do anything. Only if the brand was clearly not in the db would it get persisted. I was under ...

11. Do detached objects need to be in context to be deleted?

This means you dont have to reattach (with update() or lock()) a detached instance to delete it from the database. In this case, the call to delete() does two things: It reattaches the object to the Session and then schedules the object for deletion, executed on tx.commit(). The state of the object after the delete() call is removed.

12. Find out the state of an object (transient or detached)

Is there a simple way to find out the state of a given object? I need to know if it's a new object (transient) or if it is detached. Because if it is detached lazy loading of a collection will fail. - So before accessing the collection i have to session.update() the object. But if it is transient session.update() will fail. ...

13. detached objects updated in a new Session

Hi, Is what I'm doing correct? basically, I start a transaction, obtain a list of objects, close the session then: 1) I can loop true the list, I assume these are detached objects, they are still accessible 2) I open a new Session and Transaction, then set some properties on the objects in the list obtained from old instance of Session, ...

14. Update detached objects in memory

Newbie Joined: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:02 am Posts: 1 Hi everyone, I use Spring with hibernate 3.1.3. I have a project where I have 'Rule' entities, profiles and endpoints. The assiciation between them is that a profile can contain several rules. And an endpoint can contain multiple endpoints. Now because the endpoint object are frequently accessed (and it must go ...

15. I know "detached entity", but with 2 contexts?

Hi, I have two contexts c1 and c2, each mapping one database, repsectively Production and Archiving. I "find" entity in Production : c1.find* and persist them in Archiving. : c2.persist* and the found entities gets detached from c1. Why? shouldn't they get detached for c2 and stay NOT detached in c1? See, if I want to make an extra action by ...

16. Potential bug: Saving objects with detached associations

Pro Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 8:07 pm Posts: 229 Location: Brisbane, Australia We are having a problem with Hibernate related to the saving of objects with references to detched objects. I have a simplified and self-contained example, the source code is attached below. I also have a (maybe very bad) idea for a patch to fix the issue. Basically, the ...

17. How to handle detached contained objects?

I have a OneToMany mapping and if the user loads the "one" and then gets an instance of one of the "many" items contained by the "one", then persists either object, clears caches, reloads the "one" item and finally they alter the detached "many" instance, Hibernate does not complain nor does the alteration get persisted. OK, that was a crazy verbal ...

18. Detached Objects

I have the following scenario: The User object and the user's Roles on various projects are persisted in the database. The User object and the Role objects are loaded using hibernate when the user logs into the application. Now, if the admin user logs in and changes the Role of the user on a project, then the change is affected only ...

19. Genericall re-attaching detached objects?

I have a situation in which I need to re-attach detached objects to a hibernate session, although an object of the same identity MAY already exist in the session, which will cause errors. Right now, I can do one of two things. 1.) getHibernateTemplate().update( obj ) This works if and only if an object doesn't already exist in the hibernate session. ...

20. Problem refreshing detached entity

Hello everyone, I'm having a problem with refreshing a detached entity in hibernate. I'll try and keep my explanation of the situation as simple as possible. I have three classes. Class A, B and C. All classes are entities. Class A contains an object of Class B with its CascadeType set to refresh only. Class B contains a list of Class ...

21. Deleting detached objects

i have associated objects . e.g vehicle |__Two wheeler i have the ids of the vehicles to be deleted. So what i am doing am creating a new object of vehicle and setting the id in it. Now i say session.delete(vehicle) i could see reocrd only from the vehicle table are getting deleted. Child reocrds are not getting deleted. is there ...

22. Detached Criteria and join

23. Detached Object Problem

hi, I am using an online tutorial to learn hibernate I am facing problem to understand the following piece of information and code... In session, Hibernate guarantees no two Persistent objects represent the same row. Again, this guarantee no longer holds with Detatched objects. In fact, this problem can create very unwanted consequences. Explore the code below. Code: Session session = ...

24. Detached criteria as sub query not generating joins

Regular Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:02 am Posts: 50 I'm trying to inject a sub query into my Criteria based query. This sub query is actually a join of three tables... Code: Expert --> Training episodes --> Training Class The code is like... Code: DetachedCriteria aSubQuery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(FullExpert.class,"expert_sub"); ...