Complex 3 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. HQL - complex update and delete queries

Hi, I've got three tables connected as follows: PARAMETER>------- PARAMETER_CATEGORY >------ CATEGORY_GROUP. When I try to execute HQL queries of update or delete such as: 1. UPDATE Parameter t SET WHERE and and and 2. DELETE FROM Parameter t WHERE and and and hibernate generates following sql statements (which are incorrect): 1. ...

2. Complex Map

Hi, I have a model where there is a relationship between users and roles but the roles are determined by firm. So for example a user u1 is associated with firm f1 and have roles r1, r2. The same user u1 could also be associated with f2 and u1 would have roles r3, r4 for that relationship. In Java I would ...

3. HQL - complex update query


4. hibernate and complex applications

How to use hibernate with complex applications ? Suppose I have several .ear ( or .jar ) files with some hibernate classes/mappings in base .ears. New .ear files are new modules of complex application and can be deployed on the top of base .ear . The example is a parented deployment in Oracle Application Server. How to organize separate hibernate ORM ...

5. Complex ORDER BY clause

From reading the query I'm unable to guess what the desired ordering would look like. Could you elaborate a bit on what do you want to fetch and in which order you'd expect the results? However the syntax for a order by clause is something like this: order by object0.property0 [asc|desc][, object1.property1 [asc|desc]]... Edit: Ok now I think I understand what ...

6. how to create a complex index for a table with two columns

Hi, I have a table with two columns for example a table test has two columns "id" and "name" where id is a primary key Now I need to create a complex index for both the columns but priority must be (name,id) Following is the query to create this table.. But how do I represent it in .hbm.xml file.. Please help ...

7. Complex, multiple foreign keys in one field

Like I've said in previous posts. I have an Event class that has a field containing a comma separated list of Resource names. Each of these names should link to a row in the Resource table. So when an Event is saved with it's Resource list, the event should be stored (in the Event table), all of the Resource(s) stored (in ...

8. complex relation

9. complex relation

10. Complex Big Queries with Hibernate.

We need to fetch data from Terabase DB with the join of multiple tables. The query uses Subquery inside it to fetch some data for the base query. Its finally a huge query crossing 2 pages. If we execute the same query directly in the DB, its taking some fraction of seconds to produce the reply. But if we use Hibernate, ...

11. complex inheritance problem

Hello, This is my case: In my company we are rebuilding our system and I have 2 different DB tables, one is a legacy table I want to support and the other is a new table. Both tables represent the same entity, but with some columns renamed/ added/ removed. My solution was to create one abstract class (lets call it Item) ...

12. How to get value in hashmap or array for complex hql query

Hello Users, I need you help in following. I am developing my application in hibernate 3 and struts 2 framework. I have following query. I have 3 tables 1. Inspection 2. InspectionMission 3. Timeline Inspection is associated with InspectionMission and InspectionMission is associated with Timeline. Now I have following problem. I have written following query in HQL public List getQuartewiseInspectionList(){ Session ...

13. Register function error - complex order by clause

I need a complex order by, because the field to order by is not in the same table of the main entity. So I tried to register a function that returns that field. These are the classes involved: Code: ..... @Table(name = "product") public class ProductImpl extends RelationableImpl implements Product { private Map attributes = new HashMap

14. problem with complex HQL query join

Hi, I have to convert following complex SQL query into HQL query. I am having major problem joining result of the subquery with another table. can anyone please tell me how to do this----> [from orders o right outer join (select * from position where position.created_at > '2009-01-01 00:00:00.000')] inhibernate??? select distinct o.* from orders o right outer join (select * ...

15. How can I store historical data with a complex object graph?

Hi, I have a object with a fairly complex domain model i.e. the usual collections, subclasses and associations going at least two or three levels deep. I am using foreign keys by and large to allow me to form the appropriate associations. We have a requirement to pretty much be able to recreate the DB at any point in time, so ...

16. How to use join with multiple columns complex condition?

select * from group g inner join group p on p.group_id = g.group_id and p.l <= g.l and p.r >= g.r inner join accountgroup ag on ag.group_id = p.cgroup_id where = 100

17. How to use join with multiple columns complex condition?

select * from group g inner join group p on p.group_id = g.group_id and p.l <= g.l and p.r >= g.r inner join accountgroup ag on ag.group_id = p.cgroup_id where = 100

18. Hibernate for complex hierarchical tree?

Hi Guys, I have used Hibernate in quite a few projects but I am begining to doubt if Hibernate is the right choice for my current project. We have a very complex hierarchical Jtree which talks to a DAO that uses Hibernate to manage persistence. The Tree consists of Object A which has one to many relationship with itself and many ...

19. Complex Query - One to One with Dffective Date

@Entity @Table(name="VENDOR") public class Vendor implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private PrimaryKey pk; private VendorAddr primAddr; @Id public PrimaryKey getPrimaryKey() ...

20. Joined subclasses with complex hierarchy

Hello, I am trying to map a complex hierarchy of objects with the joined-subclass strategy, using annotations. Since the hierarchy is complex and there are many relationships involved, however, Hibernate ends up generating huge SQL queries with over 60 joins to figure out the actual type of each row, which leads to MySQL generating an error. Is there a way to ...

21. How to deal with complex query and aggregate functions

Dear All, I'm rather new to Hibernate and I think it's time to use it in a new brand little application. I have a little desktop application doing relatively simple queries against a complex database. I mapped tables on classes and obtained a simple domain model (every table mapped with a pojo). However, I have a slightly more complex query using ...

22. What is the best to create a complex, dynamic query?

Let's say I have a search query. I don't know what parameters I want to search on until run time - it could be many things like properties, or complex collections, and things like that. Also, the query's order by will also be dynamic. The last requirement is to allow for paging. What is the "defacto" way to do this in ...