1. Calculated field vs Complex queries in a database (using JPA) stackoverflow.comWe have a stock control system which manages the flow of certain items in and out of the business or given location. We have records in the db representing the movement ... |
2. Best way to use hibernate for complex queries like top n per group stackoverflow.comI'm working now for a while on a reporting applications where I use hibernate to define my queries. However, more and more I get the feeling that for reporting use cases ... |
3. Hibernate Complex type save stackoverflow.comi need to persist an object whose one of the properties is an enum. This whole structure have to be saved in a single table.
The enum defines the possible genders
4. Hibernate Self Join stackoverflow.comBackground
I have a table with columns id, imageId, propertyId.
There could be many images associated with a single property and there could be many properties associated with a single image.
5. Hibernate complex Mappings stackoverflow.comWe use a pesonal design to store modified rows. For the data we need to keep, we use 2 tables; the first with fields that don't change, the second uses soft ... |
6. Hibernate complex query stackoverflow.comI am trying to execute a query against a MySQL database. The query is fairly complex it has 5 inner joins, including 1 join to itself and it returns 3 pieces ... |
7. Hibernate HQL: how to use a complex left join fetch stackoverflow.comI want to add a left join on TASK table when the following condition occurs: LEFT JOIN FETCH ... |
8. Unable to delete entity with complex parent-child relationships stackoverflow.comI have the following relationships in my entity table Table A
9. complex combine sql stackoverflow.comquery 1 : this will count all the record with email 'emali@test.com'
10. Hibernate Query with conditions in a complex db structure stackoverflow.comI have a complex database that's looking like this:
Now I would like to query e.g. all products where user.firstname ... |
11. How can I add a complex order-by using Hibernate Criteria? stackoverflow.comI'm using Hibernate criteria and would like to add an order-by clause that is functionally the same as this SQL:
Where dateSubmitted is a long and the number ... |
12. Automatically Persisting a Complex Java Object stackoverflow.comFor a project I am working on, I need to persist a number of POJOs to a database. The POJOs class definitions are sometimes highly nested, but they should flatten okay, ... |
13. Complex SQL Query to NHibernate DetachedCriteria or HQL stackoverflow.comI have the following SQL Query returning the results I need:
14. DDD and storing complex Value Object in db using Hibernate stackoverflow.comIn the sample DDD project written by Eric Evans (http://dddcommunity.org/examples) there is a Cargo class which is an entity object and is mapped to db table using hibernate. That Cargo domain ... |
15. Complex queries with JPA criteria builder stackoverflow.comCan some one suggets me how to build up following query using JPA Criteria builder api.
Its ... |
16. For TestNG, what is the proper method for pre-populating the data source containing a complex model when it will be queried using Hibernate? stackoverflow.comI wish to write tests for our Seam Framework-based web site's internal search engine that uses Hibernate + Lucene indexing (on DB2) for queries. What is the best solution for populating ... |
17. Complex Search Queries JPA stackoverflow.comIn my Wicket+JPA/Hibernate+Spring project, much of the functionality is based around the Inbox page where, using many filtering options (not all of them have to be used), users can restrict the ... |
18. Can you perform complex aggregate operations using NH3? stackoverflow.comI need to perform a grouping aggregation similar to something like this in T-SQL:
19. Complex order by in JPQL stackoverflow.comLet me start by saying I'm not a DB guy. This stuff just confuses me to death, but unfortunately I got roped into doing this at work, so I'm kinda stuck ... |
20. Hibernate Criteria Class for making complex queries to database stackoverflow.comI'm developing a web application based on Struts2 Framework for implementing the MVC, and Hibernate3 for accesing the database by means of DAOs, and DTOs for mapping the relational objects in ... |
21. Complex JPA persist order issue stackoverflow.comI'm working on a project with some unusual entity relations which i'm having problems persisting with JPA. There are two relevant objects; User and let's call the other X. User has ... |
22. Complex JPQL ORDER statement stackoverflow.comI'm trying to write a fairly complex JPQL statement that sorts results based on a value in another table. I know what the MySQL would look like, but I need help ... |
23. JPA 2/Hibernate - Best way to update complex entities? stackoverflow.comI'm new to JPA/Hibernate and I'm wondering, what is usually the best way of updating a complex entity? For example, consider the entity below:
24. Hibernate Criteria restrict by aggregation stackoverflow.comBackgroundWe carry out tests on multiple items on a regular basis, which produce test results (either pass or fail). A single test can be applied to multiple items, and a single ... |
25. Complex query takes 30 seconds with no full table scan stackoverflow.comI'm running MySQL 5.1 on a 32 bit machine, I'm using Hibernate criteria to generate the query below; for some reason I don't understand it takes 30 seconds to execute even ... |
26. Complex Full text search using PlayFramework Search / Hibernate Search stackoverflow.comSuppose there are only two type of model objects. Tag Article Article can have a variable number of tags, as well as a large text field containing the body of the article. How do I ... |
27. Complex sentence on HQL stackoverflow.comI would like realize the following sentence on HQL. could someone help me to translate the SQL sentence to HQL? select distinct device.description from device, attribute where attribute.deviceid = 1 and device.nodeid ... |
28. Complex Primary Key using Hibernate with Annotation stackoverflow.comI would like to generate a custom ID for an object, depending on values already in database. I know several questions were asked on that subject, but I can't figure a solution ... |
29. Hibernate executes TWO queries instead of ONE for complex JOIN stackoverflow.comI'm having trouble understanding why I cannot get Hibernate to do a somewhat complex JOIN in a single query. I hunted down all of the EAGER initialized attribtues and either JOIN ... |
30. Hibernate and a Complex many-to-one on Two Columns stackoverflow.comI have a
A Business can have a parentBusiness , which is joined from child.parent_id->parent.brn and child.code->parent.code and can be represented ... |
31. Hibernate unsaved transient errors when rendering a complex form with a many-to-many relationship stackoverflow.comBasic problem: I've got a many to many relationship (Stores, Products) with a lookup entity named ProductOffering. In the situation where I have a persistent StoreLocation and try to ... |
32. How to merge complex business validation with JSR-303? stackoverflow.comI'm stuck with validation in my current use case. My app has standard structure (WEB <-> EJB3 Services <-> EJB3 DAO <-> DB). I have an entity which has validation annotations applied to ... |
33. How to cascade persist a complex structure with generated ids? stackoverflow.com
34. Complex JPA relationship stackoverflow.comI need help to build a complex relationship among the following tables:
35. How to write complex join query with JPA stackoverflow.comHow to write this kind of complex join query with JPA, Some of syntax I have denoted below not work with JPA. I have used them for demonstrate way that sql ... |
36. Refactoring complex project to JPA or Hibernate stackoverflow.comI have big enough and already working project, written not by a programmer, but a scientist. The program holds lot of data in a huge object tree. Almost all of the ... |
37. JPA native query fails with complex type stackoverflow.comI'm quite new to JPA. I have to use a native query :
38. Many to many complex hibernate mapping stackoverflow.comI have a DB scenario like this; Base tables:
Many to many mapping tables:
Can anyone suggest a way to map this ... |
39. Complex Many-to-Many JPA CriteriaQuery stackoverflow.comI have two entities, Ablum and Image, which are in many to many relationship. I wanna make a criteria query that to get all Albums and the counts on how many Images ... |
40. Hibernate: Using collection of complex objects throws exceptions stackoverflow.comI am looking into Hibernate and storing collections of complex types. But I run into exception. I have the following persistent class:
41. complex JPA inheritance with JAXB specific contract stackoverflow.comHi guys I've searched everywhere for this, so this is literally a last resort, I am trying to get a nice database structure for the following code:
42. Complex use case about JSR-303, Tapestry, and JPA entity inheritance stackoverflow.comI have a JPA entity called |
43. Moderately complex JPA HQL: subqueries & group by stackoverflow.comI have the following data model: SessionTemplate, this defines the base characteristics of a course, most importantly a String property denoting the 'color' of the course. SessionInstance, this holds course offerings. There may ... |
44. Error: detached entity passed to persist - try to persist complex data (Play-Framework) stackoverflow.comI have a problem with persisting data via play-framework. Maybe it's not possible to achive that result, but it would be really nice if it would work. Simple: I have a ... |
45. Complex hibernate criteria with subqueries on collections stackoverflow.comI have a requirement where I need to reproduce this query using a Hibernate criteria:
46. complex query in hibernate coderanch.comI am looking for writing a complex query in hibernate. Can anybody provide me useful tutorial. The scenario is: 1> I have to get the list of data(ie.object) from 1 table using where clause. and then for eve 2> Then for every item in the list I have to get the list of data(ie. object) from 2nd table. Both tables are ... |
48. Complex HQL query conversion (from SQL) coderanch.comHello, I'm having trouble constructing a query in HQL for my mapping. Please excuse the size of the following but I feel including the bits of code concered will help matters, (I've tried to remove fields/detail not relevent to this example). I have a database which maintains the status of an order. The current status of the order is determined by ... |
49. Complex Objects with Hibernate coderanch.comHi! I want to save complex Objects from Flex in a Database with Life Cycle Data Services and Hibernate (if possible, with the LCDS HibernateAssembler) but i have some questions about it. Example: I want to save the mx.controls.DataGrid Class from Flex because I want to save all individual changes from a special DataGrid. For this, I have to write a ... |
50. I got rid of all complex data types in my Hibernate entities coderanch.comAdvice on coding practices needed. I *am* big on OO; however, I am a Hibernate newbie, am under a deadline (who is not?), and the whole cascading business and all the complexity under the hood just drives me nuts. What, I have to keep an open Session or pre-load the whole structure?? An open session might not be a bad idea ... |
51. Need help with a complex hibernate mapping coderanch.comHi, I am looking at the mapping given on pg. 143 of Hibernate 3.0 reference manual. In a more complex example, imagine that the association between Employee and Organization is maintained in an Employment table full of historical employment data. An association to the employee's most recent employer, the one with the most recent startDate, could be mapped in the following ... |
52. Complex HQL Query coderanch.comOkay, so I have the following classes. Class A (abstract class) ID Name Class B (subclass of A) Prop 1 Prop 2 Prop 3 Class C (subclass of A) Prop 4 Prop 5 Prop 6 One-To-Many with Class B Now I'm trying to write a query in order to select prop 3, prop 4, and whether or not there is a ... |
53. Working with complex detached object graphs in EJB3 or hibernate in 3-tier architecture coderanch.comThanks Billy, I guess creating another transient property for the purpose of flagging an entity dirty or new or deleted is really a manageable approach. I couldn't think of anything better than that unless I perceive keeping a separate collection of entities for every state a good idea. The project we've been doing has been manageable so far using this approach. ... |
54. Complex math in HQL coderanch.com |
55. Very complex query with JPA CriteriaBuilder java.netI want to write a query in jpa criteriaquery. Here is the query: |
56. A complex @OrderBy definition (JPA/Toplink) java.netHi to All! I have an answer for this question. I look to new JSR-317 (JPA 2.0) and found this: Expanded object/relational mapping functionality, including greater flexibility in combining existing mapping options, support for collections of embedded objects, [b]multiple levels of[/b] embedded objects, [b]ordered lists[/b], combinations of access types, etc. For JPA 1.0 it's impossible. |
57. JPA - A Complex Relationship Scenario. Help!!! java.netThe domain objects concerned in this scenario are User, Mentor, Topic. User U1 can be a Mentor M1 of other User U2 in a particular Topic T1. Again, the same user U1 can also be a Mentor M2 for another User U3 in a Topic T2. Also, User U2 can be a mentor M3 of a fourth User U4 for a ... |
58. complex query string : howto ? forum.hibernate.orgHi all, I'm a newbie to HQL \ EJBQL, and I hoping to get some help with the right way of composing a query string: (It's a Seam project) a Sale has a List of Items: Code: @Entity @Name("sale") public class Sale extends MyEntity { private List |
59. Ordering a set. A complex case forum.hibernate.orgI have the following mapping in hibernate 3.2.6: Code: |
60. Cannot figure out how to implement complex query forum.hibernate.orgpublic class OfficeView implements java.io.Serializable { private Integer officeId; private List |
61. Second Level Cache and complex properties forum.hibernate.orgThe following config is in my code that runs in production. I would like to use Second Level Cache on entity B and I generally run a query on entity A. My problem is, that B entities are not in the the cache, and Hibernate always runs a second select, that queries B from the database. It is possible to force ... |
62. Help with complex hql query forum.hibernate.orgBeginner Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:11 am Posts: 25 Hi, I have a quite complex and very long running query (> 15 minutes): Code: select new " + CustomerFeedback.class.getName() + " ( cus, cs, c, (select count(cd2) from ... |
63. Converting a complex HQL-query to use the Criteria API forum.hibernate.orgHi. I'm having huge problems converting a specific HQL-query to using the Criteria API. I'll first start with my datamodel. Code: class User { ... @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; @ManyToMany private Set |
64. Help with complex mapping forum.hibernate.orgHello there! We have the following schema: MEDIA{ ID} METADATA{ ID DESCRIPTION} MEDIA_METADATA{ ID_MEDIA ID_METADATA } METADATA_VALUE{ ID_MEDIA ID_METADATA VALUE } The whole idea here is that a Media has a collection of metadata elements. Each metadata has a collection of values. So let's say I have a metadata named "TAG" I would have just one entry on METADATA: ID:1 VALUE:TAG ... |
65. Persisting the same complex object in different rows. forum.hibernate.orgI'm using ids generated by hibernate for all my entities. I have one object that was persisted in hibernated in other session, so its id is already set. I want to persist it again but in other row, like if it was a new object. It is a complex object, many associations, so I don't want to "sweep" the object to ... |
66. Complex Single Table Mapping forum.hibernate.orgHi, I'm relatively new to Hibernate (though I have done a fair amount of general JPA work) and I have having serious trouble finding information on the following. I would like to create an Entity that looks like (annotations/getters/setters omitted): public class TestEntity { @Id private Long pk; public ComplexPojo fieldOne; public ComplexPojo fieldTwo; . . .y public ComplexPojo fieldX; } ... |
67. Mapping complex objects with big collections - pls advice forum.hibernate.orghi, trying to fully use the strength of OOP in my application i've reached a point where most of my objects have one common parent object (like Car objects which obviously has Wheels objects ). This probably isn't a bad thing as such as long as the parent object doesn't hold too much information. Unfortunately in my case my parent objects ... |
68. Fetching strategy for complex object graphs forum.hibernate.orgHi, we are developing an application with a quite complex object graph. An extract of our domain model looks like this: Organsiation --1 ------- 1 -- User Organisation --1 ------- n -- OrganisationalUnit Organisation --1 ------- 1 -- OrganisationalUnit (root unit) Organisation --1 ------- n -- CampaignType Organisation --1 ------- n -- Campaign Campaign --1 ------- 1 -- Campaign (parent/child dependency) ... |
69. HQL how to implement complex order by clauses? forum.hibernate.orghi i need to implement a non-trivial order by clause in HQL, but looks like i can't really do anything more than just plain field names. examples: 1. sort by "all the transactions that have specific credited account by parameter" (sorting by a boolean result - first all false values, then all true values) 2. sort by a different field that ... |
70. Complex order by clause forum.hibernate.orgI would like to express the following sql query with hibernate criteria but I don't know if it is possible: SELECT person.name, COUNT(person_addresses.address_id) FROM person LEFT JOIN person_addresses ON person_addresses.person_id=person.id GROUP BY person.name ORDER BY COUNT(person_addresses.address_id) DESC I have a class "person" (with field id and name, and a list of addresses) and a class "adress" (with id, street,...) I have ... |
71. Complex Query in Formula Annotation forum.hibernate.orgHi guys, I have a calulated column in my bean which fetches data from 2 tables using unions and sums. Instead of executing the query for all my VOs inside a list and populating a transient field, I would like to use the @Formula annotation to fetch all data in a single query. This query works fine when executed as a ... |
72. complex HQL problem forum.hibernate.orgI cannot issue a complex query: select prof.lastName , course.courseTitle from Professor as prof inner join Course as course with course.professor.idProfessor = prof.idProfessor How can I do this? (this is the SQL equivalent select Course.courseTitle, Professor.lastName from Course inner join Professor on Professor.idProfessor=Course.courseId; ) The documentation for hibernate uses this syntax Table.column for where I have Course. But this is not ... |
73. HQL how to express complex join with two paths. forum.hibernate.orgThanks for the answer and the link to the issue. This is my first hibernate project with some serious queries and I'm forced to go to native SQL. I might get around with a patched version, but I'm not that trained to get it done is reasonable time. Have people posted hibernate distribution with including this fix? Thanks, Erik |
74. Complex sqlGroupProjection group forum.hibernate.orgcriteria.add(Restrictions.between("ctime", loRange, today)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("clientId", clientId)); criteria.add(Restrictions.gt("status", 0)); ProjectionList pl = Projections.projectionList(); pl.add(Projections.count("id")); pl.add(Projections.sqlGroupProjection(String.format("to_char(%s_.ctime - " + offsetHours + "/24, 'YYYY-MM-DD H24') as ctime", criteria.getAlias()), String.format("to_char(%s_.ctime - " + offsetHours + "/24, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24')", criteria.getAlias()), ... |
75. How do i project the result of the Criteria to a complex typ forum.hibernate.orgHi Hibernate Devs I'm trying to wirte some criteria to return the complex id or other complex object (e.g. parent) from a Criteria. However I keep on getting a org.hibernate.QueryException: property does not map to a single column: id How do i project the result of the Criteria to a complex type? Code: ... |
76. best practice for working with complex object forum.hibernate.orgHello. Could anybody please recommend me what would be the best practice in my case? 1. My objects contains several one-to-many relationships with other objects, which in turn contain several one-to-many relationships. I do not want to keep an object in memory as a whole, so I use a lazy loading scheme. 2. A user works at a time with different ... |
77. Complex mapping: map of lists of objects with one table forum.hibernate.orgI have two tables Item and Custom_Relation. The Custom_Relation table describes abstract relationships between Items. CREATE TABLE ITEM ( ITEM_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, ... other values ... ); CREATE TABLE CUSTOM_RELATION ( CUSTOM_RELATION_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, ITEM_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, RELATED_ITEM_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, CUSTOM_RELATION_NAME VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, RELATION_SEQUENCE INTEGER NOT NULL ); The CUSTOM_RELATION_ID is just a unique ID for ... |
78. Complex queries (tough one :))))) forum.hibernate.orgSo, dunno really how to begin... there is this call-center, people (Customer) calling in and ordering something (ServiceTask). Call center agents (User) taking their calls. Customers are grouped by regions (SalesorganisationCustomerData) where one customer can belong to more than one region ((List) Customer.salesorganisationCustomerData). Users have rights ((List) User.roles). ServiceTask has reference to User who created it and Customer to whom it ... |
79. Error with complex mapping containing object w/ simple mappi forum.hibernate.orgNewbie Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:10 pm Posts: 10 I'm refining down the trouble I mentioned in another thread. The first mapping below works fine. The second mapping fails. Note the only different is that "ValueObject" has a simple map added to it. Can anyone explain why this fails? Quote: Schema text failed: Problem trying to set property type by ... |
80. Mapping a complex tree-like Database Model forum.hibernate.orgHi Folks, I'm currently using Hibernate for a simple homegrown application and it works fine. As a Hibernate beginner I'm don't know who powerful really hibernate is. The problem is: We have a very generative table model representing a graph mapped into relational tables. (It is not designed by me, I'm the poor person that have to implemend Java access methods.) ... |
81. How can I perform complex post-flush operations? forum.hibernate.orgI am using Hibernate in a complex system. Often I need to perform further work on entities after they are created or saved. Here is an example: There is a User entity, and an Audience entity, and a UserAudienceAssociation entity that is the relationship between the two. When a User is created, it is necessary to create UserAudienceAssociations. Similarly, changing or ... |
82. Need help on complex Subquery with Aggregate functions forum.hibernate.orgselect e.certSerNbr, e.psdVendId, e.psdModId, e.psdSerNbr, e.dupErrCode, e.postgType, e.mailType, e.POSTAGE, e.COUNT, first.orgnScanFclt, e.MINTIME, recent.orgnScanFclt, e.MAXTIME from (select es.certSerNbr, es.psdVendId, es.psdModId, es.psdSerNbr, es.postgType, es.mailType, count(es.mailpieceId) as COUNT, es.postVal as POSTAGE, min(es.orgnScanTime) as MINTIME, max(es.orgnScanTime) as MAXTIME from ExceptionSum es where es.dupErrCode = 'D' and es.dupErrCode not like '%O%' group by es.certSerNbr, es.psdVendId, es.psdModId, es.psdSerNbr, es.postgType, es.postgVal, es.mailType) e, ExceptionSum first, ExceptionSum recent where ... |
83. Please Help! "The statement is too long or too complex& forum.hibernate.orgHi all, I am stuck with this one: Caused by: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/SUN] SQL0101N The statement is too long or too complex. SQLSTATE=54001 at COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.SQLExceptionGenerator.throw_SQLException(SQLExceptionGenerator.java:270) at COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.SQLExceptionGenerator.throw_SQLException(SQLExceptionGenerator.java:207) at COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.SQLExceptionGenerator.check_return_code(SQLExceptionGenerator.java:458) at COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2PreparedStatement.execute2(DB2PreparedStatement.java:2110) at COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2PreparedStatement.executeQuery(DB2PreparedStatement.java:1596) at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0PreparedStatement.executeQuery(C3P0PreparedStatement.java:188) at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0PooledConnection$2.executeQuery(C3P0PooledConnection.java:473) at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.getResultSet(BatcherImpl.java:83) at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.getResultSet(Loader.java:631) at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.doResultSet(Loader.java:166) at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.doFind(Loader.java:111) at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.loadEntity(Loader.java:663) at net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader.loadEntity(Loader.java:678) at net.sf.hibernate.loader.EntityLoader.load(EntityLoader.java:57) at net.sf.hibernate.loader.EntityLoader.load(EntityLoader.java:49) at net.sf.hibernate.persister.NormalizedEntityPersister.load(NormalizedEntityPersister.java:415) ... 14 more Exception in thread ... |
84. Complex object not being saved properly in an EJB system forum.hibernate.orgHere is the scenerio. 1. A standalone client program loads a list of DistributionPlan objects. This is accomplished by calling a SSB which creates a new Hibernate Session object which is used to create a Query which then returns the list of object via the list() method. 2. The client program then presents a DistributionObject to the user for manipulation. When ... |
85. How to save a complex object forum.hibernate.orgI'm using struts and so, trying to implement your solution, I've got the desired object back from the session (using inbuilt functionality), altered it to my requirements and then tried to pass it back to the save method. All works well until it finds an 'old' version of the object already in the session (I assume from when I got the ... |
86. previousState Null during Complex Validations forum.hibernate.orghiebrnate has a strange behaviour in cascade collections saving new entities. situation: entity E has a cascade=all collection of F's. after loading E, adding a new F into it's collection and updating E, hibernate calls onFlushDirty on the freshly created F instance, and later on calls an onSave, too. in the onFlushDirty call the previous state is null. i've not seen ... |
87. Complex mapping question forum.hibernate.orgGreetings, I have a fairly complex mapping problem. I have one solution for it but it is not as elegant as I would like. Hopefully someone on here has run into a similar problem and found a cleaner solution. Having said that, I have four tables that are linked together with foreign keys, etc. Parent ------------- id:long (other junk) MetaFields ---------------- ... |
88. HELP-Transform a complex sql query into HQL forum.hibernate.org |
89. complex query forum.hibernate.orgHello im making a complex query(at least for me),and the results are not what i'm expecting. The thing is very simple ,date before and date after,when the date after is null ,i have to verified that the parameter is bigger than date before else check that the parameter is smaller than date after. The query is the following. losSuplementos = BossDB.find("from ... |
90. complex query forum.hibernate.orgHi all, I am having trouble to get this query to work, and wondering if you all more experienced hibernate users can shed some light on this. Let's say I have a class that holds, say, cvs files and their versions: public class CvsFile { private String fileName; private int version; ... } How do you write a query to return ... |
91. Extremely Complex Object Chart forum.hibernate.orgI would like to thank anyone who helps in advance. I have a webapp (think tomcat,jsp,jdbc, etc.), which I think could benefit from hibernate. It has not yet been deployed and the database backend can be changed to the object-per-table. The only problem I am having is that the object model for the data is extremely complex. For instance, I have ... |
92. why does not work: select count(*) from (complex subquery) forum.hibernate.org |
93. Modeling Complex State... forum.hibernate.orgThere's two ways to look at this. #1 is that an Item class has a reference to a Rejection class because the item itself is "rejectable". In this case, just map the Item class with a reference to the Rejection class. #2 is that an Item and a "RejectedItem" are conceived differently. Here an Item does *not* have a reference to ... |
94. more complex substitutions possible? forum.hibernate.orgIn hibernate 2 I want to have it send: {call nextval('foo')} instead of select nextval('foo) The susbstitutions setting seems to do simple things, but I would need something more complex. Or change the dialect, which looks like a source code change? Before you ask, I need this for clustering (so this command will get propogated out to all servers as a ... |
95. Hibernate and complex oracle SQL queries forum.hibernate.orgHi all I would like to do the following oracle sql query with hibernate by using session.createSQLQuery but I don't know how... SELECT fabId, produitId, SUM(total) AS total FROM ( SELECT p.fab_id AS fabId, p.produit_id AS produitId, SUM(p.penalite_Valeur) AS total FROM PFT_PENALITE p GROUP BY p.fab_id, p.produit_id UNION SELECT f.fab_id AS fabId, f.produit_id AS produitId, SUM(f.fiche_Penalite) FROM PFT_FICHE f WHERE f.fiche_penalite ... |
96. Complex sql Update/delete/insert forum.hibernate.orgHi There, Is there a way to issue a sql update with certain where clause via Hibernate? For example, I have a table with two columns: key int, value int. I want to be able to update the row to the effect that's similar to the following sql statement: update table tableName set value= (select value + 1 from tableName where ... |
97. using complex sql query with createSQLQuery()----please help forum.hibernate.orghi yesterday i posted a message to know whether sub query can be written inside aggregate function.the answer was no. Now i am trying to write the following query with createSQLQuery(). but it is giving a invalid character exception. the equivalent of the following query is running in Oracle console. please tell me whether the query syntax is correct or not. ... |
98. Complex Subtyped Relationship table forum.hibernate.orgHibernate version: 2.1.6 Mapping documents: Well that's what I'm trying to create. I have some legacy data which has a many-to-many table which is too complex for my understanding of hibernate. The table is: CREATE TABLE matrixLink ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, sourceCode char(1) default NULL, sourceId int(11) default NULL, sourceField varchar(40) default NULL, destinationCode char(1) default NULL, destinationId int(11) ... |
99. Complex mapping with linking tables forum.hibernate.orgHi. I have a pretty complex problem and i'm not sure how to map it. I have a standard tomcat User & UserRoles tables setup. I also have what's going to be an event/class scheduler with the tables Event & EventInstructor the schema looks like this: Code: ---------- ---------------- | User ... |
100. Complex SQL query in Hibernate forum.hibernate.orgHibernate version: 2.1.4 Hibernate's native SQL query support doesn't seem to be supporting "native" sqls. It requires me to specify "hibernate" syntax inside my native query. Can't I just pass a native sql like: "SELECT a.col1, a.col2, b.col3, c.col4 from table1 a, table2 b, table3 c where a....= b.... and b.... = c.... group by ... order by ..." to hibernate ... |