Cascade « Map « JPA Q&A

1. NHibenate cascade problem

Hi I'm having a problem updating child objects in the following scenario. The mappings are as follows: Parent: Calendar

  <bag name="defaultCategories"  inverse="true" lazy="false" 
  <key column="parentID" ...

2. Hibernate many to one delets all parents when a child is deleted

I have Country and State objects. I intend to have unidirectional many to one relationship from State to Country. I don't want to store any references to States in Country I ...

3. How to setup Hibernate @ManyToMany association with cascades on both foreign keys?

I'm trying to map a @ManyToMany association using hibernate. But so far I only managed to have cascade on one of the foreign keys. My source code goes like this:

public class ...

4. Hibernate many-to-many mapping and cascade=delete

I have a mapping (only important parts):

<class name="xyz.Role" table="ROLE" lazy="true">
  <id name="id" type="java.lang.Integer">
    <column name="ROLE_ID"/>
    <generator class="increment"/>
  <set name="assignments" lazy="true" table="PERSON_ROLE" ...

5. Get the ID of a Child in a cascade="all" relationship, while adding it to a collection, in Hibernate

i have two Entities, "Parent" and "Child", that are linked through a bidirectional one-to-many relationship with the cascade attribute set to "all". When adding a Child object to the Parent children collection ...

6. JPA Cascade delete

I am new to JPA/Hibernate. Currently using EJB3, Hibernate/JPA. I have an inheritacnce structure as follows..

@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "form_type")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@GenericGenerator(name = "FORMS_SEQ", strategy = "sequence-identity", parameters = @Parameter(name = "sequence", value ...

7. Cascade deleting from join table with @ManyToMany annotation

Hi I got a problem with mapping my entities. I'm using JPA2 and Hibernate implementation. I got tables with @ManyToMany annotation I mapped it with :

class Employee {

8. Hibernate Cascade in Inheritance

I have 3 classes where Users<------PersonalUser<------Administrator sample user mapping file:

<class name="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Users" table="USERS">

sample personal user mapping file
<joined-subclass name="com.BiddingSystem.Models.PersonalUser" extends="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Users" table="PERSONALUSER" lazy="false"   cascade="all">

sample Administrator user mapping file:
<joined-subclass cascade="all" name="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Administrator" extends="com.BiddingSystem.Models.PersonalUser" table="ADMINISTRATOR" lazy="false">

but ...

9. Hibernate cascade save parent and children - parent key not found

I am using Spring, Hibernate and oracle for a project. The database schema was created manually by running sql script. Everything works fine until I encountered a problem with hibernate one-to-many ...

10. ManyToMany cascade relationship alternative

I have an Auction and an Item class having a many to many relationship with each other.

public class Auction implements BaseEntity,Comparable<Auction>{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

@Basic(optional = false)
@Column(name = "auction_id")
private ...

11. can not delete the entity which have collection as child with hibernate

NOTE: This is a croass post at:hibernate forum Since I got no answer ,so I ask here to see if I can get some help. :) If this is solved here,I will ...

12. @OnDelete(action=OnDeleteAction.CASCADE) hibernate annotations - with child objects

i have a class AAAA that has 2 members

  1. bbbb of type BBBB
  2. ccccList, list of items of class CCCC
from the user interface i delete the referenced "bbbb" instance the @OnDelete is triggered, ...

13. cascade delete and one-to-one mapping in hibernate

In a web application which creates Bill for SaleOrder for a Buyer,I tried to create database tables and hibernate mappings.The relationships between the entities are

1.A Bill has a ...

14. hibernate: cascade="none" Not working for update. Child objects are updated even after this option

Hi All, Help required about one-to-many operation. I have set cascade="none" explicitly on the relation. Even then an update operation on parent object triggers an update on child operation. Please help me in identifying the possible issue & also the cause. Thanks Anand Vardhan Below is my relation: I ...

16. One-to-one mapping cascade error

You have two OrderHeader and one OrderAdress. The way how I see it is for you to use one-to-many association not one-to-one, OrderAddress has one or more OrderHeader. If you can explain to me what an OrderHeader is I might be able to see it clearly what you are trying to do.

17. How to setup Hibernate @ManyToMany association with cascade?

I'm trying to map a @ManyToMany association using hibernate. I want to have cascades on both foreign keys. But, so far I only managed to have cascade on one of the foreign keys. My source code goes like this: @Entity public class Airplane { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; @OnDelete(action=OnDeleteAction.CASCADE) @ManyToMany(mappedBy="airplanes", cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}) private Set passengers; ... } @Entity public ...

18. [SOLVED] Parent Child cascade

I've solved this problem myself. In case anyone else comes across this, try adding inverse="true" to the set. I have class Parent and Child. If Parent is deleted I want Child to be deleted as well. With these mapping it works, but I do get a very long error. Can someone help me? Mappings: Code: ...

20. How to do parent/child cascading mapping & delete correctly?

I have a question about parent/child mapping. I'm being guided in the 'correct' or 'elegant' way to do this by the Hibernate Docs: It seems I'm being forced to deviate from a POJO design I would normally use, in order to implement Hibernate cascading deletes for a parent/child relationship. Maybe someone could help and tell me if I'm understanding it ...

21. cascading parent and child

22. Map key cascade

23. Child Collection and cascade

25. Cascading non foreign key to Child Table

I have a parent table, t_books_category and a corresponding child table T_Book with a 1-n mapping. My configuration files for the two tables are as under: Mapping for T_BOOKS table Code: ...

26. Many-to-many mapping not cascading save to children

I am using a many-to-many relation ship between to classes. When I create the parent class Scenario and add some Gif's to it then save only the Scenario is saved. If I manually save the gifs and create the association in the link table it loads the associated Gifs so it appears only the cascade on save option is not working. ...

27. Cascade saving Parent Child tables - ConstraintViolation

Newbie Joined: Tue May 31, 2011 1:47 am Posts: 2 Code snippets for the tables, hibernate mapping and Main class are given below. Basically I am trying to use cascade feature to save the Parent and child records. I am getting the following exception. Please let me know where I am going wrong. Code: Hibernate: select max(ID) from T_PARENT Hibernate: select ...

28. Ternary mapping not cascading.


29. Mixed cascading for map keys/values

30. Is it possible to cascade on mapping?

Hello. I have following tables: ---------------- T_LOCATION location_id street_address city country ---------------- T_PERSON name location_id ---------------- T_COMPANY name location_id ---------------- The idea is to just extract all location specific information into separate table. Every row in the location table used only once - either single Person or single Company points to it. Using for Location in the Person class works, ...

31. Cascading stops after 2nd child level

I have many related objects, mostly one-to-many relationships, that are not cascading past a certain level. In the code, I iterate through each child object and create a new Set and populate the Set member with the appropriate child objects, then call update on the root object. I can see that all the child objects are there in the debugger before ...

32. child not deleted after cascade delete parent?

33. Parent - Child Cascade Updation

I have a parent class(CONTRACT) which has one to many relation with the child class(SPLIT). In the parent .hbm.xml i have defined the following relationship... and in the child class i ahve defined T_SPLIT_SEQUENCE Now when i am trying ...

34. Cascade saving objects in a One-to-One mapping

Hello, I have a class A that has a one-to-one relationship with class B The mapping of class A is of the form: but class B doesnot have any reference to A. The mapping is thus unidirctional. Since I have specified cascade=all thus when ...

35. Parent-Child cascade problem, cannot disable cascade?

Hibernate version: 2.0.3 I have a User class and a Permission class, both are entities. When I update a User's Set of Permissions in the GUI, I need to delete the old Permissions set and insert the new one. I'm using synthetic ids for both. I gave up on finding how to use cascade for this scenario. I spent 2 days ...

36. Problems with Cascade="all" on parent map.....

Hi, I have 2 maps. On the child map I have a foreign key generator and a one to one relationship on the parent. This works fine. If I add a new parent, the generated key of the parent is written to the child as well. I then added a cascade="all" to the one to one relationship of the child map, ...

37. parent/child relationship cascade delete question

Author Message yangleibj Post subject: parent/child relationship cascade delete question Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 11:03 pm Newbie Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 8:23 am Posts: 16 Location: beijing/china hibernate version:2.1.2 db version:hsqldb,1.7.2 eclipse version:3.0 when i cascade insert the parent/child ,there are not problems,but when i delete the parent,and i want delete child auto.there are problem,pls see the ...

38. Parent-Child cascade delete issue

I am using Hibernate 2.1.2 and I have the following bi-directional parent/child mappings SC01_SEQUENCE SE01_SEQUENCE

39. Cascade saves not saving map keys

Is there something special that needs to be done to get Hibernate to cascade the saving of key values when the map itself is saved? I'm getting the error message: net.sf.hibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing when I try to where the object contains a map if I don't individually save the ...

40. cascade update in many-to-many mapping

Hi, I am trying to map two classes ( User and Role) using a many-to-many mapping table (TBL_USER_ROLE). The problem is when I call setRoles() in a User object and then to update(user), the new Roles are not being saved in TBL_USER_ROLE. Please help! DB : Sql Server 2000 Hibernate: 2.1.3 Here are User and Role classes /** * @hibernate.class * ...

41. Cascade delete & Inheritance

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to tell Hibernate how to deal with cascade delete and inheritance. Well, let me explain the situation. I have implemented the classes and the according mapping for the following outcut of an ER diagram. The entity type "AbstractResource" has the following attributes: - ID - Title This ET is supposed to abstract from ...

42. How add child using cascades when 100s of children

Hi, question about using cascades and performance, situation: Parent has a one to many relationship to children, it is not bidirectional, so children do not have a reference back to the parent. The cascade is set to all-delete-orphan. There is potential to have 100's or even thousands of children associated with the parent, the children don't hold much data but Id ...

43. trouble disabling cascade in many-to-one mapping


44. cascade delete error when deleteing a child in many-to-one

Hibernate version:2.1.6 Mapping documents:

45. can't get cascade in association mapping


46. parent child cascade save issue

Hi, I have a parent class with multiple child classes.The parent class in my case is consumers and one of its child classes is otheridentifiers. I have defined the cascade=all option for ever child class in the parent class mapping file. Hibernate generates sql statements for every child class except for otheridentifiers. Other identifiers is the only class with a composite ...

47. Cascade save map key objects

Hello All, I'm using Hibernate 3. I have a Party class with a Map of Capability objects using CapabilityType objects as keys. I need the map to be persisted when detached Party objects are saved (using merge() ). The mapped values all cascade perfectly (thanks!) and the keys cascade if I map them as a like this: Code:

48. Mapping Bidirektional one-to-many cascade Problem

Mapping documents: SEQ SEQ

49. Cascades not working for parent/child relationship

Hibernate version: 3.0.3 Mapping documents: Code: ...

50. How to get map with cascade to save

51. cascade and mapping a map of references

Hello, I'm trying to map the following Object relations: AssemblyType - contains a Collection of Assemblies Assembly - contains a map with the key bieng of type PiecePart and the value being an Integer representing the quantity of said part. I wish to perform a "save" on the AssemblyType and have it cascade through to the PiecePart level. Relavent bits of ...

52. Cascading delete children doesn't

I have an Order class, with a contained Set of OrderItems, marked with 'cascade="all-delete-orphan"'. When I remove an item from the OrderItems set and then save the Order, I want the OrderItem to be deleted, and I imagined that it would be, given that cascade. However, what is happening instead is that MySQL returns a constraint error as a result of ...

53. Mapping Help: Multiple Parents, Same Child, Cascade Delete

Newbie Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:10 am Posts: 5 Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 4.1.7 I am having some trouble trying to create a mapping where a child table may have multiple parents and then having cascade delete the child when all the parents are gone. Basically I have a parent table ...

54. cascading deletes with multiple sets of children

Newbie Joined: Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:16 pm Posts: 3 Hibernate version: 3.0.5 We have an object model that has a parent object that has multiple child object sets. Each child object type is modeled as a one-to-many (1-0..*) set with all-delete-orphan cascading. The specific mapping file is shown below. Customer is the parent object and it has Domain, UserGroup, and ...

55. Problem with cascade deletion of children in v2.1

Newbie Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:44 am Posts: 5 I'm new to this, and having a problem I don't understand... I have two tables - Party and PartyNote. A Party may have many PartyNotes, and a PartyNote must belong to one Party. This is working fine, until I come to delete a Party. What I want to happen is that ...

56. Unexpected update to child with cascade level set to "n

Beginner Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:52 pm Posts: 26 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Whenenver I try to update a parent object with empty child collection i get the following exception because hibenrate attempts to cascade changes and update children. I have collection set up as a 'cascade="none"' and i have no problem inserting parent ...

57. Mapping.Delete.Cascade?!

Suppose i have 2 tables, that are related: One is Terminal table and has following mapping to another table called TerminalModel: And happened that i need to delete a row from TerminalModel, but if i delete it is gone but termmodel_id in Terminal table stays same and i get an error while getting list of ...

58. Hibernate cascade mapping help (unecessary sql generated)

Newbie Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 1:46 pm Posts: 10 Hello there, I'm using hibernate 3.1.2, and I have a one-to-many association using a set. My cascade is set to save-update. When I add a new element to my collection and update it, it's generating a insert for the new element (expected) and updating every element of the collection, plus updating ...

59. Use of cascade=all from child to parent side

Hibernate version: 3.2.2 GA Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: Name and version of the database you are using: DB2 7.2.5 Hi All, We have been using hibernate 3.x for the last few months in an application which has about 200 tables and lots of foreign key relationships. We have followed the practice of using cascade=all from the one-to-many ...

60. Cascade delete not propagating to children

Author Message rdleeper Post subject: Cascade delete not propagating to children Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:17 pm Beginner Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:22 am Posts: 36 Hibernate version: 3.2 Mapping documents: Code: ...

61. Cannot specify on-delete="cascade" for a map or a


62. Cascading Ignored (Annotation Mapping)

Hi All, Hibernate version: Hibernate-Annotations version: Hibernate-Commons-Annotations version: I am having a small problem with OneToMany assosiations. Small, because actually they work. But what does not work is the CascadeType.ALL or CascadeType.PERSIST. I want the owning Object to Persist the Collections Objects when saved. My Annotation Mapping is this: PARENT: public abstract class AccountGroup extends Account { @OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}, ...

63. ManyToMany and Cascade

Author Message Mathias Post subject: ManyToMany and Cascade Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:54 am Beginner Joined: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:22 am Posts: 44 Location: Sweden Here is a really annoing thing. I can't get cascade to work with ManyToMany. It my java annotated files below. A User can have many MarketsToLanguages. A MarketToLanguages i a Language, Market ...

64. "True Maps" with @MapKeyManyToMany and @Cascade's

/** * @return Regresa el valor de listasPorZona. */ @CollectionOfElements @MapKeyManyToMany @LazyCollection(value = LazyCollectionOption.FALSE) @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.ALL) public Map getlistasCentroEmbarcador() { ...

65. Cascade only to values?

I'm wondering if it is possible to cascade a association only to the value collection, but not to the key collection. In particular, my application uses s to store many-to-many associations in which the mapping table has extra information; the keys are the objects at the other end of the association, and the values are the mapping rows themselves. It ...

66. Cascade delete - hibernate nulls parent id on child first

15:01:56,709 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 1407, SQLState: 72000 15:01:56,709 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] ORA-01407: cannot update ("SCHEMA"."TABLE"."COLUMN") to NULL 15:01:56,709 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 1407, SQLState: 72000 15:01:56,709 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] ORA-01407: cannot update ("SCHEMA"."TABLE"."COLUMN") to NULL 15:01:56,709 ERROR [AbstractFlushingEventListener] Could not synchronize database state with session org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not execute JDBC batch update at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.handledNonSpecificException( at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert( at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert( at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.executeBatch( at org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.executeActions( ...

67. Cascade delete problem in Parent-child pointing same table

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp I am having scenario where my parent child relation points to the same table, with cascade enabled my inserts/ updates works as expected but when i try to perform a delete operation I get a "not-null property references a null or transient value" exception. for a scenario of one record (here, ...

68. cascade="none" deletes and reinserts the child obj

I have cascade set to "none' for a set on a many-to-many relationship. When I save(session.update) the parent object I see hibernate issues a delete statement to delete all the child for the set and then issues insert statements to reinsert all the child objects. I thought cascade="none" should not touch the set objets for that associaion. I would appreciate any ...

69. using Cascade on ManyToMany associations

Hi, I use hibernate 3.3.0ga. Let's say we have a simple Person Entity which could have several employers and severals employees. There would be an ManyToMany association like : Code: @Entity public class Person { ... @ManyToMany ...

70. Fail to cascade delete child object from parent

well, I don't know if the slight differences from my working example make the big differences. Anyway, here it is: Code: // 1) // the owner (parent) of the bankAccounts is a Contact @OneToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name = "CONTACT_ID", nullable = false) @org.hibernate.annotations.IndexColumn(name="BANK_LISTPOS") @org.hibernate.annotations.Cascade(value=org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN) private List bankAccounts ...

71. ManyToMany Cascading problems

Author Message brecht.yperman Post subject: ManyToMany Cascading problems Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:52 am Newbie Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:47 am Posts: 5 Hi, I've got a collection of users and a collection of usergroups. There is a connection between these two: one user is member of many groups and one group has many members. In this ...

72. ManyToMany association not updated with Cascade ALL

@Entity @Table(name = "person") public class Person { long id; String firstName; String lastName; int age; String email; Collection organizations; @ManyToMany(targetEntity = Organization.class, cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }) ...

73. One-To-One mapping, cascade delete issue

Newbie Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:30 am Posts: 11 Hello Hibernate Gurus I have two classes (Purchase & PendingPayment) mapped with One-To-One bi-directional relationship. A Purchase may or may not have a pending payment but a purchase must exists for a pendingPayment. The classes share the primary key. When I add the pendingPayment object to my Purchase and save it, ...

74. Cascade Operation on set one many mapping

Hi, I have two tables on Person and other one is i am using many to realtion ship in person table PERSON_SEQ

75. Map Cascade delete

76. Cascade, child object's id is not updated

I am working with a parent object which has a Map collection map with child objects like this: My problem is that as you can see I'm cascading the save to the child objects. They are being saved properly, but they id is not being ...

77. Save object cascade when child is an existng entity.

hi, I want to save an object and it child cascade. but the child is not a new instance, how should i do it ? E.G class Item{ Set tags = .... //cascade = "save-update". ... } class Tag{ Long id; String tag; //this one is unique .... } everything is ok when save a new child. but when i replace ...

78. Can Hibernate cascade delete multiple level child entity?

Hi, One of my entity structure is as below: Parent - Child - Sub-child however, even when I specify the child set in each level with cascade="all,delete-orphan", it's always complaining that child record found for Child entity if I try to delete from Parent level. I just wanna ask, whether Hibernate support deleting mulitple level's entity all at once? Thx

79. How to avoid cascading delete in bi-dir ManytoMany?

a student can have many courses and a course can have multiple students. THus, it is modeled as bidirectional manyTomany with a jointable, the owner being course. But with any of the Cascading enumeration type i tried (persist, merge, refresh..) or even none specified, the delete of a student deletes automatically all the courses the student was associated with. Which I ...

80. Update not cascading to update children

Hi, I have a problem at the moment that when I do an update the parent is updated but the children of the one:many relationship are not. I am fairly new to hibernate but I assumed that when I called save() the updates would cascade and not just update the parent. Any ideas as to where I might be going wrong ...

81. Child-dependent Cascade Delete?

Here is my situation - the code I have to refactor uses an ALL and DELETE_ORPHAN casade to delete the children of the parent. However, this has been identified as not always desirable, as the child may be owned by another parent. It is intended that the child should only be deleted if no parents exist for it. I'm relatively new ...