Associate 1 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. How to stop Hibernate from eagerly fetching many-to-one associated object

I have a property on a domain object that is declared in a many-to-one element. The basic syntax of this property looks like this:

<many-to-one name="propertyName" class="propertyClass" fetch="select" not-found="ignore" lazy="proxy" />
Now, ...

2. Query for restricting associated entities

I would like to form a query where an associated collection has been restricted, ideally with Hibernate Criteria or HQL, but I'd be interested in how to do this in SQL. For ...

3. hibernate many-to-one hql query, when inner join fetch property not associated

I have a many-to-one association set up like this, in the hbm.xml:

<many-to-one name="gigVenue"
class="" fetch="select"
lazy="no-proxy" not-null="true" >
<column name="N_VENUE_ID" precision="18" scale="0" not-null="true" />
And I am using instrumentation to do true lazy loading. BUT when ...

4. Hibernate: How to eagerly fetch un-associated entities?

Java Persistence with Hibernate shows lots of examples of how to eagerly fetch associated entities, such as:

  • Adding @org.hibernate.annotations.BatchSize to the associated class
  • Adding @org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch to the field that references the associated class
  • Using ...

5. What are the problems associated with sending a Hibernate Proxy class to clients

I have a POCO classes that I am using with NHibernate in a WCF service layer. And I am thinking about trying to send the NHibernate proxy classes down to ...

6. Prevent the same object from being associated to two different sessions in hibernate

Using jsf 1.2, hibernate, richfaces 3.3.0GA and facelets. I have this code in my backing bean:

public List<Rater> getFreeRaters(){
    GP myGP = (GP) user;

7. Going "behind Hibernate's back" to update foreign key values without an associated entity

Updated: I wound up "solving" the problem by doing the opposite! I now have the entity reference field set as read-only (insertable=false updatable=false), and the foreign key field read-write. This means ...

8. Removing associated entity JPA (or delete orphan equivalent in EclipseLink)

I have a question regarding JPA persistence in Glassfish. Situation: I have a Supplier class that has a 1:n bidirectional relation to SupplierAddress. I would like to have the following behaviour: If I ...

9. Hibernate - filtering by associated property

I have an ExamResult class which has a link back to it's parent Exam. I wish to filter by a boolean property on exam result.

List<ExamResult> examResults = session

10. (N)Hibernate: deleting orphaned ternary association rows when either associated row is deleted

I have a ternary association table created using the following mapping:

<map name="Associations" table="FooToBar">
    <key column="Foo_id"/>
    <index-many-to-many class="Bar" column="Bar_id"/>
    <element column="AssociationValue" />
I have ...

11. [N]Hibernate: view-like fetching properties of associated class

(Felt quite helpless in formulating an appropriate title...) Is it possible to define a mapping for a class such that some properties are fetched from another table using a join query? In my ...

12. Is there a way to reduce the amount of boiler-plate code associated with a CriteriaQuery (in JPA 2.0)?

I love the type safety CriteriaQuery brings ing JPA 2.0 but it also brings a bit of boiler-plate code. For example, let say I have an entity called NamedEntity, ...

13. Hibernate Validator 4+. Get all Constraints associated with a class

How can I get all constraints for a class. For instance I have

class A {
   private SomeBean field;
When I call:
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator ...

14. when saveorUpdate, an Error "a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session"

Using Hibernate, I'm facing an exception saying a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session. I don't know what's the cause of this exception and ...

15. Correct way to count associated objects using JPQL

What is the correct way to write this JPA query? I am just guessing as I cant work it out or find it in my JPA book.

Query query=em.createQuery("select m from Meeting ...

16. Hibernate: different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

when I use the DAO.update(userbean), session.SaveOrUpdate(e);throw the Exception:different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session the function is like next:

    public E save(E e) ...

17. Hibernate: Risks associated with changing DiscriminatorValue


@DiscriminatorColumn(name="postType", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public class Post {}

@DiscriminatorValue(value = PostType.BUG)
public class BugReport extends Post {}
That is ... Bugs start life in this system as a Post. Later, they can be promoted(?) to being ...

18. hibernate illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions

I'm using persistence in a project for school, and I have a problem when I'm try to deleting and updating object, all others queries works. The exception is :

Illegal attempt to associate ...

19. Can I group by an a nested associated entity using Projections in hibernate?

If I have entities like:

public class Person {
   public String name;
   public Location location;

public class Location {
   public String address;

20. How do you synchronize the id of a java object to its associated db row?

How do you synchronize the id of a java object to its associated db row after you've called entityManager.persist(object); and committed the transaction? If you are using any strategy by which the db ...

21. Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions

I've got a j2ee web application and I'm using hibernate and struts2 framework. the project works fine on local server but when I upload the application on the web and more users ...

22. How can get JPA to use an outer-join on a condition involving an associated entity?

I have two JPA entities:

public class TaskSchedule {
    private String name;

public class Task {

23. query with criteria on associated objects

I've been struggling with this Hibernate query problem and I'm hopeful I can get a nudge in the right direction. I have an object named FlashCard which has associated objects named Tags. ...

24. Find instance with at least one instance of a specified type in associated collection

I have an existing domain at work and haven't been able to limit the result of a query based on at least one instance of a specified type in an associated ...

25. Hibernate: updating associated objects

I have two tables say parent and child. PARENT STRUCTURE ID || NAME primary key is ID CHILD STRUCTURE ID || NAME || PAREND_ID primary key is ID foreign key is PARENT_ID The ...

26. JPA/Hibernate using associated object in setters while fields are null

My code looks like this. Why do I get name in setChildren() as null??

    public class Node {
      private String id, name, parentName;

27. how to create jpql query to get Entity with no associated parent

I have a unidirectional relationship between an Employee and his Location.The Location is unaware of Employee.

emp1-----------> loc1
emp2------------> loc1
emp3------------> loc3
Using JPA, I mapped this as follows
class Employee{

28. Hibernate criteria upon associated objects

There is a class"Item" and it has some associated classes called Vehicle,Vmodel,Category,ItemName,Brand,SizeModel.Those each class has properites id and a name(for example Vehicle class, "vid" and "vname").Item class has itemcode. Also ...

29. Lucene/Hibernate Search - Query associated collections?

I'm writing a Seam-based application, making use of JPA/Hibernate and Hibernate Search (Lucene). I have an object called Item that has a many-to-many relation to an object Keyword. It ...

30. different obj with the same identifier was already associated with hibernate session

Hi, I am using following code to update SolutionCategory, simple update without validation is working fine..... public void update(SolutionCategory o, Errors e) throws ServiceValidationException { SolutionCategory solutionCategory = (SolutionCategory) o; DynamicCriteria dynaCrit = new DynamicCriteria(); dynaCrit.add("name",solutionCategory.getName(),DynamicCriteria.EQUAL); List list = findAll(dynaCrit); SolutionCategory tempSC = (SolutionCategory) list.get(0); if(list.size() > 0 && !tempSC.getID().equals(o.getID()) ){ e.reject("DUPLICATE_CATEGORY_NAME"); throw new ServiceValidationException(e); } dao.update(solutionCategory); } Before updating the ...

31. Help With Associated Class in Hibernate Criteria Query

I need help with creating a criteria query with an associated class. First, here is a partial implementation of a Project class: public class Project implements Serializable{ int projectId; List projectMemos; public List getProjectMemos() { return this.projectMemos; } } And the Memo class: public class Memo implements Serializable { int memoId; Project project; public Project getProject() { return this.project; } } ...

32. Associated objects in Hibernate findByExample is not working for associated objects s

Hi all, I am working on Hibernate and Spring Dao getting some problem when accessing associated objects. I am tring to search Objects in hibernate by using findByExample it is working fine, when i gave straight objects. I am unable to search associated objects, that time it is returning all list in database.

34. hibernate one-to-many mapping, inserting associated objects in collection along with parent

hi everyone, I created a one-to-many mapping between two table for example employee and emptechnologies, its like an employee knows many technologies here are the respective mapping files employee table emptechnologies table ...

35. Saving associated objects in hibernate one-to-one mapping

I have one-to-one relationship between two objects (EventActivity & Event). public class EventActivity extends AbstractTrainingActivity { @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn private Event event; public Event getEvent() { return event; } public void setEvent(Event event) { this.event = event; } } when I try to save EventActivity, everything in AbstractTrainingActivity is getting saved but the Event Object is not getting saved. Is ...

37. Hibernate Error:different object with the same identifier value was already associated with session

Hello, We tried to simulate the hibernate error in DEV and QA environments, but no luck. If I didn't re-produce the problem in DEV and QA, there is no point of 'fix' in production. Here is the error message: ERROR webServiceMessageCall - "nested exception is org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session:" I ...

38. Result of HQL for associated objects

39. HibernateException: collection not associated with session

I'm seeing a really strange error. I basically do this: pojo = getSession().load(getPersistentClass(), id); Hibernate.initialize(pojo); Hibernate.initialize(pojo.getChild()); Hibernate.initalize(pojo.getChild().getCollection()); .... etc .. to initialize the object graph so that I can evict a pojo and use it throughout ajax requests.. This error happens when a page initalized and then the initialize is run again after some ajax requests have called. After investigating, it ...

40. Proxy class objects break removal of associated object

Newbie Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:23 pm Posts: 2 I have a class that references parent instances and child instances of the same type: Code: @Entity public class BusinessInstance { @Id private String id = UUID.getUUID().toString(); @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinTable(name="BusinessHierarchy", joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="childId"), ...

41. Associated Object Persistence problem

I am relatively new to hibernate, hence my apologies if the question turns out to be a dumb one... I am trying to persist data in a following scenario: Here is some background information: TableObject1 : is a pure table which hold new data TableObject2 : is a relationship table with Foreign Key pointing to A sample illustration of code ...

42. Collection is not associated with any seesion

I am trying to I am having a problem with @ElementCollections when I deploy to tomcat. When I run under eclipse w/o tomcat, there is no problem, I get the elements back. But when I move to tomcat, it throws an error. The element in my java entity file is: Code: @ElementCollection(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) @Column(name="description",updatable=false,insertable=false) ...

44. Associated Set multiple sort orders at run time

How can I at runtime specify a sort order for an associated Set of entities? Given the following Company class and a query like " from Company order by foundedDate ", I'd like to be able to sometimes iterate over employees in name order and other times in age order. class Company { Set employees = new HashSet(); } I could ...

45. primary key from an associated class?

46. Ordering none associated collections - via database query

Hello, In my @Entity I want to specify the column by which the data brought back from the database is to be ordered. Also I want the ordering to take place in the database i.e. via the order by clause of the query. Can you please tell me which annotation to specify in order to achieve this. Please note, there is ...

47. Strategy Illegal associate collection with 2 open sessions

Hi, I'm new to hibernate and I'm having a problem of Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions. I'm working with Hibernate 3.3 in JTA mode with Jboss and already configured hibernate.transaction.factory_class to org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory and hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class to org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup. I have two session beans that can access and use the same entity at the same time. For performance reason ...

48. Mapping a Bill of Material With Associated Tables

I'm planning to map a bill of material structure, where each node needs to be joined to another table based on a column value determined at run time. Rows from this second table appear as a Set in the node POJO. There are many rows in the joined table that belong to each node, but I don't want any that don't ...

50. Illegal attempt to associate ...

Hi, I think it is a basic problem, but I don't know how to solve it. I have a class generate by hbm2java, that contains lazy instanciation. When I try to delete it , hibernate throw an exception with this msg : Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions It is sure that it is due to the ...

51. Another object was associated with this id

This is the error I get. I cannot find any documentation on this. When do you get an error like this ? net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Another object was associated with this id (the object with the given id was already loaded): [nl.mcb.sfa.vo.transactie.TransactieVO#0281e549f7fc8a1400f7fc931fb50001] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.doUpdate( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.update( ..... Anyone any helpfull reaction ?? Thanks. Geert. MAPPINGS : ...

52. Solutions to "attempt to associate a collection with tw

I know that this issue has come up before on Hibernate message boards but I still haven't come across any possible solution. The problem is intermittent errors of the type: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions e.g. ... 02239.html in a multi-user tomcat application using Hibernate. I'm terribly worried that this is happening because of ...

53. Another object was associated with this id: on Orion only

themax wrote: I then update a (non-id) field on nextId, and update it, which is when I get the Exception. Is this what the code looks like more or less? Code: Entity e = session.load(Entity.class, id); Collection ids = e.getNextIds(); for (Iterator i = ids.iterator; i.hasNext(); ) { NextId nextId = (NextId); ...

54. Really stuck! Another object was associated with this id

Hello there, I am really stuck! I have to classes an Order that contains a Collection (Set) of OrderItems. The ids are taken care off via sequence (PSQL). If I add one OrderItem to the Order and save the Order all is fine. However, if I add two or more OrderItems to the Order I get a: Code: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Another object ...

55. Please Help. Another object was associated with this id ...

No, obviously, Hibernate will not throw this Exception just because two different types of objects have the same ID. I don't know how helpful it will be to you but we recently ran across this exception in the following situation: We were using Hibernate to load a list of objects. Within the same session we were later attempting to save an ...

57. Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sess

Newbie Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:30 pm Posts: 7 Hi All, I'm new to Hibernate & am having trouble with deleting an object that is part of a Parent-Child relationship. Yes, I've read the chapters in the documentation. But, obviously, I'm still missing something! :) I have an object "Group" that can has two types of children: Users and other ...

58. Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sess

Newbie Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:30 pm Posts: 7 Hi All, I'm new to Hibernate & am having trouble with deleting an object that is part of a Parent-Child relationship. Yes, I've read the chapters in the documentation. But, obviously, I'm still missing something! :) I have an object "Group" that can has two types of children: Users and other ...

59. Illegal attempt to associate a collection...(new twist)

Ok, here's a new twist on a frequently asked question: Given the following classes: UserSession - stored in a table called user_sessions, represents an http session. SessionAction - Every click created by the user generates one of these. A SessionAction has a method setSession(UserSession us); to allow association of actions to sessions. User - information about a user, this class does ...

60. HOW can I make a class associate with multi-table DYNAMIC!

It is a big problem for me. my project is a refactoring project to a old system. in the old system, we create a table by each year. such as: TBL_NEWS_2003, TBL_NEWS_2002 so when we need search in years, we use UNION to select from all table. BUT how can i do this in hibernate?? I create a class named: News, ...

61. Deleting Associated Objects

62. Trying to associate two objects not yet saved

I have a object called Setor, which is already saved. Now, I want to add an object Quadra to Setor, and many objects Lote to Quadra. Neither Quadra or Lote are saved. The following code shows the way I'm trying to do it (I get a null pointer exception). It may give you an idea of what i want to do. ...

63. Another object was associated with this id

I'm new to hibernate/struts so please forgive my ignorance. I'm passing an identifier for one method of my Action which gets the relevant info and puts it into a form bean. I then alter the form bean object and then send the mapping, form, request and response objects onto my save method. The object is the same as if I had ...

64. Illegal attempt to associate a collection

Author Message dtam Post subject: Illegal attempt to associate a collection Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 11:00 pm Beginner Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:51 pm Posts: 48 Hi, I understand that this exception is quite self-explanatory: Code: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions However, I can't identify where in my code it could ...

65. Finding the table associated with a class

66. HibernateException:Another object was associated with this i

Newbie Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:46 pm Posts: 1 I am getting the following error: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Another object was associated with this id (the object with the given id was already loaded): [ actMechanismType#1] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.doUpdate( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.saveOrUpdate( at net.sf.hibernate.engine.Cascades$4.cascade( at net.sf.hibernate.engine.Cascades.cascade( at net.sf.hibernate.engine.Cascades.cascade( at net.sf.hibernate.engine.Cascades.cascade( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.doSave( at at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.saveOrUpdate( at net.sf.hibernate.engine.Cascades$4.cascade( at net.sf.hibernate.engine.Cascades.cascade( at net.sf.hibernate.engine.Cascades.cascadeCollection( at net.sf.hibernate.engine.Cascades.cascade( ...

67. how to associate a dirty collection to a session w/o update?

Can anyone please advise how to go about this one with Hibernate 2.1.2: - I have a persistent object in memory that spans several sessions - it's manipulated over HTML UI through a webapp. I have a servlet filter that lock()s all in-memory objects at the beginning of each HTTP request. All works nicely while simple properties of the object are ...

69. error in inserting data in to associate table

Author Message gimhan90 Post subject: error in inserting data in to associate table Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:05 am Beginner Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:43 am Posts: 42 error when i am going to enrering data into associate table(order items table) following error is occured. but the other tables are inserted successfully. In a my OrderItem table ...

71. Many-to-many associate class with child/parent

72. Problem: same identifier value was already associated

Hibernate throws: Another object was associated with this id For a particular session, there may be at most one object that represents a particular database row. So, if you already loaded an object with a particular identifier, you can't then try to associate a different object with the same identifier by calling update(). If you absolutely must do this, evict() the ...

73. Illegal attempt to associate a collection

Hi, I meet an error "Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions". By searching related mails in this mail list, I find similar problem. However, i still cannot figure out my problem. I track the source code of hibernate, i find the error happens when handling proudcts collection, which has o2r mapping as follows: ...

74. help, exception: illegal attempt to associate a..with 2...

hibernate version: 2.0.3 hi, i've got the following exception when i try to save an object: [java] net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions [java] at net.sf.hibernate.collection.PersistentCollection.setSession( [java] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.removeCollectionsFor( [java] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.removeCollectionsFor( [java] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.doUpdate( [java] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.saveOrUpdate( [java] at [java] at com.pcxion.genesis.test.Test.main( mapping file: *** Catalogue.hbm.xml ***

75. How do I know whether an object is associate with a session

I am trying to load a lazily initialized collection. Sometimes (it is hard to tell because there is a wrapper handling hibernate stuff) the session associated with the object is closed and I get a LazyInitializationException. I can fix this by calling session.lock(item, LockMode.NONE); and the collection works. When try the acces the collection, catch the exception and reassociate all is ...

76. Is there a way to evict associated collection?

addEducation (Applicant a, Education e) { -- open new session -- lock applicant record if (a.getEducation ().size () >= 2) { trhow exception (too many education recs) } else { a.getEducation ().add (e); } s.saveOrUpdate(a); }

77. associate a collection with two open sessions

78. Criteria by Example giving:owner not associated with session

I've got an object model that utilizes Processes (a sub class of what were calling Tasks) which can have one to many Schedules underneath as children... see below for the mapping relationship. I'm seeing a problem when getting Processes using the list method of the Criteria class filtering by Example (see below). Basically when Hibernate is flushing collections before retrieving my ...

79. Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sess

Newbie Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2004 6:07 pm Posts: 7 We are using Hinernate for the last one year in development, and had very good luck with it. Now, the time has come for production deployment and we did some performance testing to make sure that the app can sustain load. We are using Jmeter and when the load increases (more ...

80. xDoclet tags for Many-to-Many with associated attributes

Hibernate version: 2.1 Using latest version of Xdoclet, How do I write the xdoclet code to generate hibernate mapping documents for a "many-to-many" relation between UE table and TRAFFIC with an additional column. UE (UE_ID, ...) TRAFFIC(TRAFFIC_ID, ...) UE_TRAFFIC(UE_ID, TRAFFIC_ID, IS_UE_ORIGINATING) I've created a UeTrafficBean but are a bit unsure of how to set the primary key here... In TrafficBean I've ...

81. Programatic Access to Associated Class Type

Author Message karokain Post subject: Programatic Access to Associated Class Type Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:40 pm Newbie Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:27 pm Posts: 15 Location: Brazil Hibernate version: 2.1.4 Mapping documents: Here is a sample (User) class: Code: package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; import com.pcpower.amss.PersistentObject; /** * @hibernate.joined-subclass table="Users" * @hibernate.joined-subclass-key column="id" */ public ...

82. Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sess

Senior Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2003 4:24 am Posts: 188 Hi everyone: I want to save and update two object in one method.I use the code: Code: public boolean insertArticle(Article a, User u){ boolean obj_id = false; ...

83. update does nothing (object already associated with session)

[b]Hibernate version:[/b] 2.1 [b]Mapping documents:[/b] This code : assoc.setParentProfileId(parentId); session.update(assoc); Doesn't do anything. Before I've added the many-to-one relation it worked ok. Why is that? Thanks a lot [b]Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:[/b] [DEBUG] ...

84. Collection associated with 2 open sessions - Best practice?

I have a command that access an object and calls another command that accesses the same object. Each command has its own open session. This causes an "Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions" exception to be thrown for abvious reasons. One way to solve this problem it to evict the object from the first session. I am ...

85. Save parent and associated objects to DB

I have a parent class (classA) which has a set of associated objects (classB) in it. classA maps to table A, and classB maps to table B. Table B has Table A's foreign key. In the mapping file, I set the for the id in both classA and classB as 'identity' (for Microsoft Sql Server). I've instantiated several classB objects ...

86. Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sess

Author Message juan110470 Post subject: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sess Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:34 pm Beginner Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:15 am Posts: 47 First let me preface this post by saying that I am aware that Hibernate is not the suggested tool for what we are trying to accomplish. Having ...

87. Flushing all session-associated objects...Flawed SOA design?

Hi ng, Well, i've got a bit of a gripe about's this automatic persistance of associated objects in the session. eg from doco: Code: DomesticCat cat = (DomesticCat) sess.load( Cat.class, new Long(69) ); cat.setName("PK"); sess.flush(); // changes to cat are automatically detected and persisted What was the reasoning behind this design decision? This results in a complete loss of control ...

88. Map associated rows to properties Hibernate?

89. session.refresh and associated collections

90. Collection is not associated with any session

Regular Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:13 am Posts: 68 Location: San Diego, CA I'm currently seeing the above error when I have a save() called followed by a read() operation. These operations exist as service calls that are exposed to a higher level business component, so the order is as follows: 1.) Business component (BC) starts a JTA transaction 2.) ...

91. Cannot associate one end of collection to the other

Beginner Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:15 am Posts: 47 Read the rules before posting! ... AskForHelp I have a many to many relationship between two objects resolved with a join table. I keep on getting NonUniqueObjectExceptions whenever I try to add to one side of the collection: My code is as follows: List updatedPayPlans = new ArrayList(); for(int i ...

92. How to associate a class to multiple classes

Hello, Need some advice for how I can make this work with hibernate. I have a class Address that needs to be associated as a collection in several different classes e.g: One of my class "Employee" needs a collection of "Address". Another class "Manager" needs a collection of "Address" and there are few other classes that needs Address collection. What is ...

93. Moving associated objects between parents

Visitor /** * @hibernate.set lazy="true" inverse="true" * @hibernate.collection-key column="VisitorID" * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="Address" */ public Set getAddresses() { return addresses; } public void setAddresses(Set addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; } ...

94. associate criteria with session

95. Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sess

Getting the following Exception sometimes in a random manner while performing the session.lock Kindly help. This stopping us fromgoing to production. HTTP Status 500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processException( org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform( org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process( org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process( ...

96. Getting a session associated with an entity?

97. Filter associated set

Hi, I have a many-to-many association between 2 objects in which they are linked by a link table. My question is how do I filter the set of associated object B objects based on some criteria? In SQL terms, I need to have the associated set filtered like this: Select * from table_B, link_table where = link_table.id1 AND link_table.id1 = ...

98. Hibernate Mapping Associated Entity?

99. problem with Removing associated table data

100. Problem doing a save with many-to-many associated entities

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: As follows: Code: ...