PersistenceUnit « Map « JPA Q&A

1. @PersistenceUnit annotation won't create an EntityManageFactory emf=null

I'm try to use the Sun Java PetStore Demo.
In the CatalogFacade class there is the following annotation:

private EntityManagerFactory emf;
In all the methods of the CatalogFacade Sun has:
    EntityManager ...

2. How to access @PersistenceUnit private EntityManagerFactory emf in soaphandler

I have implemented SOAPHandler, now in my handleMessage method i want to save SoapHeader into oracle database. I got soapHeader like following @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) {


3. @PersistenceUnit annotation not working

I want to use the @PersistenceUnit annotation in my app to create an application managed EntityManager


private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;        
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
This doesn't ...

4. @PersistenceUnit not working

I want to use the @PersistenceUnit annotation in my app to create an application managed EntityManager Code: @PersistenceUnit(unitName="primary") private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory; EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(); This doesn't seem to be working. I run my code through a debugger and discover that ...

5. @PersistenceUnit problem...