javassist « Load « JPA Q&A

1. Loading javassist-ed Hibernate entity

I have a JSF converter that I use for a SelectItem list containing several different entity types. In the getAsString() method I create the string as the class name suffixed with ...

2. Lazy loading of Lob property with javassist

Hello, I want to lazy load of @Lob properties.I first try using CGLIB but as i described here i got exception and it seems no one can help me. So then i try javassist. First ,i use javassist and using the following Ant task to instrument my class: Code: ...

3. Javassist cannot load classes (undeterministic behaviour)

Hi all! I am not really sure whether this is a Hibernate or a Javassist issue: I will try to describe my findings about this topic: I have a multi-module .ear project where my entities are placed in separate libraries included in the .ear file's /lib/ folder. I follow the interface-implementation pattern with my entity classes, so I have an interface ...