hql « Load « JPA Q&A

1. How to lazy load a one-to-one composition via hql    stackoverflow.com

If have an entity A with a bidirectional one-or-zero-to-one mapping with entity B. The mapping is as follows:

<class name="EntityA" table="TABLE_A" mutable="true" lazy="true">
    <id name="idA" type="long" column="pk_a" unsaved-value="null">

2. HQL and loading .csv, possible?    zkoss.org

1. We get a .csv file from an Url as an ZipInputstream. ( We need this for periodically update a table from the web).2. All csv fields for every line of this InputStream we mapped as a Bean (used the SuperCSV lib) and store it to a list3. We iterate through this list and make a hibernate saveOrUpdate(aBean) for all entries. ...

3. Different order loading from HQL and session.get()    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all. I'm using hibernate3 and trying to retrieve an Object which has another object in it. Something like: If I try to retrieve this object using HQL, I see (with Eclipse debugger) that Hibernate first create one object o type A and after that one object of ...

4. HQL and eager/lazy loading    forum.hibernate.org

I have a Person that has a Set of Addresses. I need to find the Person using an HQL like this: from com.oreilly.hh.Person as person where upper(person.name) = upper(:person) Now I want that the addresses load eagerly, so I set the outer-join = true. But I still find that eager-fetching does not ...

5. Entity Loading with HQL?    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:48 pm Posts: 8 I am currently using MySQL 4.1 and Hibernate 3.0 to persist some data involving the Spatial types (Geometry object). My question isn't a specific error but how to attack the problem; I've been going at it different ways but keep running into blocks. In my Java classes I store the geometry ...

6. Different load behavior: Session's "get" and HQL    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed May 02, 2007 5:59 pm Posts: 6 Hibernate version: 3.2.5ga Mapping documents: User.hbm.xml Code: ...