disable « Load « JPA Q&A

1. disable property/collection loading with hibernate    stackoverflow.com

does anyone know how to prevent hibernate from loading a collection or many-to-one assocation? i have a use case where i need to load an object, but the calling program can determine ...

2. Disable Hibernate lazy fetching many-to-one associations    stackoverflow.com

A topic of many previous questions I see - but not quite as this one however. I understand Hibernates lazy fetching strategies, open-session-in-view etc., but I cant seem to find the ...

4. disable lazy loading via API?    forum.hibernate.org

I have a set of objects which all use lazy loading. However, I have to ship data from a server to to a client with an identical database in large batches. I think about using JSX (java serialization to xml) fot that. Having all lazy="false" is great - just fetch the root object an serialize it and I can send the ...

5. Enable lazy loading, but disable transparent persistence    forum.hibernate.org

From my reading so far, I have not been eble to determine if its possible to have an object enabled for lazy loading, but prevent transparent persistence. My real issue is, I would like to keep the functionality of lazy loading, for when I pass my objects to the UI. However, it might be too easy/tempting for my UI guys to ...

6. Disable lazy loading. setLazy(false)    forum.hibernate.org

7. no security manager: RMI class loader disabled    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I am using EJB client inside of Jboss to access another JBOSS instance(EJB server). The EJB server uses hibernate 2.1.8 to for database operation. One of my object 'User' has a set of 'email'. When the User is returned too client, I got the "no security manager: RMI class loader disabled". See below for the stack trace. When I use ...

8. Disabling proxies for lazy loading    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.2.1 Mapping documents:

9. Disabling aspects when loading and initializing a domain obj    forum.hibernate.org

I have an application where I am injecting aspects to intercept all setter methods on my persistent objects to track if they have have been dirty or not. However, I do not want this aspect to be invoked when I load the object from the database. I am assuming that Hibernate would invoke the setter method to initialize the newly created ...

10. Serialization, disable lazy loading    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Contains various classes with lazy collections Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): // Get list of Object X // Serialize list Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 9 Hello, We have an hibernate configuration with various classes defined in various included hbm.xml files. Those work well in our webapp environment, using leazy loading ...

11. How to disable the lazy loading function globally?    forum.hibernate.org

Now I am currently analyzing a complex project which using hibernate as persistent infrastructure, so that need a lot of debugging work. When I get some object from Hibernate session and before invoking any methods on it, the object is a proxy of the actual object what I need, such as Node$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$9501f8c6. Though I can void the scenario by setting attribute ...

12. Disable lazy-load in configuration file    forum.hibernate.org

I believe till 2.0 you need to explicitly mention the lazy attribute in associations if you want them to be lazy but 3.0 onwards everything is lazy by default and you need to override the default behavior by setting lazy="false" in required associations. No idea if it is possible to set the lazy settings globally.

13. enable lazy-loading but disable auto-save    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message armo Post subject: enable lazy-loading but disable auto-save Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:28 am Newbie Joined: Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:46 am Posts: 5 Hello! While enabling the lazy-loading I have run into the following problem - hibernate automatically saves the persistent object if the one of it's setters is called. I have the impression that ...

14. dynamically enable/disable lazy loading?    forum.hibernate.org

I would like to be able to programmatically enable/disable lazy loading at a certain table level. Normally, I prefer lazy loading. However, there are certain scenarios where I need to disable it for a Session (or a Transaction or .execute() call if necessary). Is there a way to do this? If not, what is the recommend method of doing this? Scenario: ...

15. Is it impossible to disable lazy loading?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have following entities: Code: class User { Integer id; Set roles; } class Role { Integer id; } In my application I have logic layer and persistent layer. Logic is executed outside of Hibernate session, so lazy loading cannot be used. When business logic ask entities from ...

16. Disabling lazy loading at runtime    forum.hibernate.org

Dear all, I'm using Hibernate + XStream to serialize objects to XML files. All had always gone well until I decided to take more advantage of Hibernate's lazy loading: that's when my problems started. I'm keeping on getting LazyInitializationExceptions ("no session") on some field attributes, despite a session having been explicitly open just before serializing the entire object, so I guess ...