criteria « Load « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate get object with linked objects

I have a problem with my hibernate mapping and queries. I have an object A which have a relation with B and C. The fetch mode is lazy (@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)) and I ...

2. Eagarly loading many-to-many relationship

I have a Category type and an Item type, with a bidirectional many-to-many relationship in-between. Both sides of this relationship are lazy. I want to write a query, either ...

3. Programatically specify lazy loading for many-to-one in hibernate

I am using Hibernate 3.6 with Spring 3.0.5. I have the following mapping for a User object

<class name="foo.User" table="FOO_USER">
    <id  column="USER_ID" name="id" type="java.lang.Integer">

4. Criteria, Projections and Lazy Loading

You may try to run Hibernate.initialize() on the elements of the list before closing the session, because hibernate probably returned you a proxy and not the real object. How do you know hibernate uses an arraylist? I haven't found that in the source code. You should probably use List<>. Shouldn't the type of the list be TroubleTicketDetail instead of MostRecentTroubleTicketDetail, because ...

5. RESOLVED criteria with join and eager loading

Beginner Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:46 am Posts: 29 hi all - I am having problems figuring out if this is an issue or correct behaviour, and if it is correct behaviour, how to achieve desired result. I have 2 entities, ProductionOrder and Model. Each order has one model, model can have multiple orders against it. Code: ...

6. Howto Eager loading a many-to-many association with Criteria

Hibernate: select as id0_1_, this_.title as title0_1_, this_.text as text0_1_, this_.tempo as tempo0_1_, this_.genre as genre0_1_, this_.type as type0_1_, authors3_.work_id as work1_0_, as author2_, as id2_0_, author1_.alias as alias2_0_ from works this_ inner join author_work authors3_ on inner join authors author1_ on where this_.title=? and author1_.alias like ? Hibernate: select authors0_.work_id as work1_0_1_, authors0_.author_id as author2_1_, ...

7. Early Loading 3 tables using Criteria interface

Newbie Joined: Mon May 31, 2004 8:31 am Posts: 9 I am using hibernate version: 2.1.3 Oracle 9i I have three classes/tables. Order, LineItem and Item. Order has 1->M with LineItem and LineItem has M->1 with Item. I would like to use Criteria interface to early load all the 3 tables from Order Side. The code is as follows: Code: ...

8. criteria loading many-to-one too soon

i have a graph of objects. a contains b and b contains c. when i access a the proper sql select is sent. when i access a.b another sql select is sent. this is what i expect. however, when i access a.b a third sql select is sent for c. i have not yet accessed c so why is the select ...

9. Load extra lazy collection with Criteria?

10. Criteria query: Collection is not loaded completely

Hibernate version:3.22 I have a object relation like this: |InstrumentHeader|1--*|InstrumentAlernateId|*--1|InstrumentNumberScheme| Part of the Mapping Files: InstrumentHeaderDTO: ... ... InstrumentAlternateIdDTO: ... ... InstrumentNumberSchemeDTO:

11. [Hibernate 3.2.5] Criteria save & load problem

Hello, I'm facing a strange problem with Hibernate 3.2.5 with Struts/mySql application. I update a record in a table, everything's allright, the new record is correctly insterted int the database, and my page reloads the data (with a createCriteria()), and shows the corrects informations. If I hit a "refresh" button (who makes the same 'reload' as in the save function), ...

12. Loading association Set via Criteria

... public class Primary { private Set secondaries; ... @OneToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "primary" ) public Set getSecondary() { return secondaries; } } ... public class Secondary ...

13. criteria.createAlias() and Lazy Loading Troubles

Newbie Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:23 am Posts: 1 I have been having some troubles with some of my queries that are using the Criteria object since I changed the fetchType (from EAGER to LAZY) of the model objects in the project I am part with. the following code works perfectly fine when the model objects are still eagerly fetched: ...