collection « Load « JPA Q&A

1. Which Hibernate FetchMode will cause collections to be lazy-loaded?

I asked a this question on the Hibernate forums, but did not get a full response, so I thought I'd repost it here. Here's the original question thread: In a ...

2. How to lazy load a many-to-many collection in hibernate?

I can lazy load one-to-many and many-to-one associations but I can't with the many-to-many associations. We have a city in wich we have merchants wich have adresses. Merchants can have multiple addresses and ...

3. Collections get loaded even when they are declared as Lazy

public class User {

    @ManyToMany(cascade = { MERGE, PERSIST, CascadeType.REFRESH }, fetch = LAZY)
    @Cache(usage = READ_WRITE)

4. Lazy loading and collections in Hibernate

If I want to fetch a single, or just a small number of items (for instance, the 1st, the 3rd, and the 5th) from a lazy loaded collection, will Hibernate fetch ...

5. Hibernate lazy-loaded collections and PropertyChangeSupport

I have an entity that lazily initializes a Set, and I have also added PropertyChangeSupport to that entity class. Here's how the setter looks like for the Set:

public void ...

6. Hibernate - load object's collection

7. Tuning Hibernate Collection Loading

I need help. I have a class, Region. Region has a Collection of Organizations belonging to it (i.e. an Organization exists in the Northeast, etc). It's defined as a bi-directional One-To-Many/Many-to-One: @OneToMany(targetEntity = Organization.class, mappedBy = "region", fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE) @org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch(org.hibernate.annotations.FetchMode.SUBSELECT) public Collection getOrganizations() { return organizations; } @ManyToOne(targetEntity = Region.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = ...

8. Loading and Garbage Collection of EntityClasses by Hibernate

Started learning hibernate a few days back. Was wondering about something. I wanted to know the lifecycle of the entity classes? Specifically when are they loaded and when are they garbage collected? 1>When we start an application, or the first time we open a hibernate session the COnfiguration factory would take care to load all the entity classes into memory based ...

9. [hibernate] How to load lazy collections

What technique do you use, when you need to access the lazy collections (those collections defined as lazy=true)? Below is from hibernate document showing invalid access: s = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); User u = (User) s.createQuery("from User u where") .setString("userName", userName).uniqueResult(); Map permissions = u.getPermissions(); tx.commit(); s.close(); Integer accessLevel = (Integer) permissions.get("accounts"); // Error! I am thinking of ...

10. how to eclude a collection from a loading

But i'm not more advanced, i need this collection from this class in other page. For the benchmark, i removed the declaration of the collection from the file myClass.hbm.xml ... But it isn't what i want, i need to exclude the load of a collection in the query. I don't want to remove this collection from the class.

11. [n00b-Q] load collection twice returns different objects

i probably don't understand the documentation, but i thought that whenever you ask hibernate to fetch an object from the DB it checks whether this object is already loaded in memory, and if it already is, it returns the already loaded object, right? If i understand it correctly, that is certainly valid within the same session... Sessions have a lifetime that ...

13. Lazy loading collections

hi I am using hibernate with gwt. i placed the hibernate session factory in the http servlet context. then opening current session from that factory in every gwt service call and begining the transaction,saving,updating or getting the data and then comitting the transaction. i have a college domain model. i have an Student object which contains list of Course object. for ...

14. lazily loading collection

Suppose I have following class, Code: public class Event { private Long id; private String name; private Date startDate; private int duration; private Set speakers; private Set attendees; private Location location; } Code:

15. Loading and Garbage Collection of EntityClasses by Hibernate

Started learning hibernate a few days back. Was wondering about something. I wanted to know the lifecycle of the entity classes? Specifically when are they loaded and when are they garbage collected? 1>When we start an application, or the first time we open a hibernate session the COnfiguration factory would take care to load all the entity classes into memory based ...

16. How to load lazy collections

s = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); User u = (User) s.createQuery("from User u where") .setString("userName", userName).uniqueResult(); Map permissions = u.getPermissions(); if (I_NEED_THEM_LAZY_COLLECTIONS){ Set keys = permissions.keySet(); //get all keys for (Iterator i=keys.iterator;i.hasNext();){ ...

18. Check for lazy loaded collections

19. How to load an object with a collection of values?

Hello, I am new to Hibernate and I don't know how to load an object with a collection of values. Consider the following mapping: Code: ...

20. loading only part of a collection

If I would have the following mapping: public class Wallet { private int id; private List transfers; // getters and setters .... } public class Transfer { private int id; private int walletId; private long timestamp; // getters and setters .... } ...

21. Loading set of String Collection

When load the parent object, the child collection was always empty. Following is the mapping file: Is it because the parent class has composite key?

22. Lazy collection loading disregarded - why?

Newbie Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:27 pm Posts: 2 We're using hibernate 2.0.1 with Oracle 9. There's a parent-child relation between Content and ContentLink - a Content is mapped to have a lazy list of ContentLinks. (I am attaching the mapping below.) The problem is that the list is loaded every time as soon as the parent object is loaded ...

23. Lazy load collection

" Hibernate.initialize() for each collection that will be needed in the web tier (this call must occur before the session is closed) or retrieves the collection eagerly using a query with a FETCH clause. " -> the mapping file indicates lazy=true for the collection -> I retreive a collection using the fetch and the collection is empty (no associations in the ...

24. How to Detach Objects and load lazy collections

Hello, I have an object of type A which is composed of an object of type B. Type B contains two collections, both of which are mapped with lazy load. I have a mapper for A and a mapper for B, but there is a slight difference. When dealing with objects of type A, the information in B (including the collections) ...

25. Problemof lazy loading collections

Newbie Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:06 pm Posts: 7 Hi all; i do not undersand a behaviour of hibernate concerning lazy loading in batch (with the attribute batch-size) of collection. Here is my mapping files: I have an objet LotTF which has a collection MouvementsTF

26. hibernate code, lazy load of collections, smallBatchSize

Hi; I saw in the code of Hibernate that batch loading of collections is not executed if the number of objects where there is a lazy collection to load is inferior in session to smallBatchSize. I saw also that smallBatchSize = round(sqrt(batchsize)). And i wonder why smallBatchSize is initialised at this value. What is the reason? Is it an empiric value? ...

27. Hibernate is loading collections even though lazy=true???

I have a one to many association from Eventtype to Event, relationship mapped (using Middlegen) as follows: From Eventtype to Event Code:

28. one-to-many collections not being lazy loaded

Newbie Joined: Thu Jul 22, 2004 7:24 am Posts: 10 Hello, My problem would seem like an FAQ, but I've spent two days going through the forum for a solution and haven't found one. I use Hibernate 2.1 and Oracle 9i, and a simple command line program. I have the following mapping, with the class HeaderImpl associated with 3 collections of ...

29. loading component with one collection

30. Loading object with related collections

Newbie Joined: Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:30 am Posts: 14 Hey all I am trying to load an object and it collections Unfortunatly the collections arent there, even though I know they are saved. The object is an object called Person, and a person have a Set of projects. I cannot retrive the Projects. Thanks - Middy My loading code Code: ...

31. Large collections: how to load partially?

Hello, We have Objects that contain very large collections, for example an Asset class that has a price history of 10 years, i.e. it has about 2000 prices as a Map of date -> price. Is it possible in Hibernate to load only a part of a collection? Usually we only need quite recent prices and loading the complete price history ...

32. loading certain collections in unidirectional many-to-many

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hello Everyone: I have unidirectional many to many association From "Product" table to "Category" table. I have been trying to load eagerly ONLY CERTAIN CATEGORIES [Those categories whose parent category is null] of a product NOT ALL THE CATEGORIES, however, I have been unable to do it so far. Currently I ...

34. Temporal collections and lazy-loading

I have a class (Cheque) with a temporal collection (situacoes). Most often, I just need to access the most current object in this collection, but the whole collection is fetched when I call it's getCurrentSituacao() method. Is there some way to instruct Hibernate to fetch only the most current object in this temporal collection? Mapping: Code:

35. load-collection with many-to-many no longer works in 3.2CR3

We have the following mapping, which works fine with Hibernate 3.0.5: Code: ...

36. Collection not loading

Hi, I am having an issue with a "Collection" not loading. I am using lazy="false" in my hibernate mapping file. One thing I have noticed is that if I use the ".get" method using the key object, the collecion does not load. However, if I find the row of data using a simple HQL query then the collection does load successfully. ...

37. why is my collection not loaded?

Ingenu, Try playing with the lazy settings for the many-to-one association. You can set lazy to false if you are sure you always want the association or you can play with Hibernate.initialize(). The load() api just generates a proxy, the get() api downloads from the database. The load() is very useful for example when you only know the id of an ...

38. Contents of lazy-loaded collection

Hibernate 3.2.1 I'm rolling through a collection that has been lazy loaded, calling equals() on all the objects to try and find one, and I'm getting inconsistent results. For some reason, the contents of the collection are mixed between non-proxied and proxied objects. This makes my equals() calls fail when they are called on a proxied object. It seems that the ...

39. Is it possible to load a collection of objects?

40. Understanding lazy loading in collections

Hi, I'm using a simple one-to-many relationship between two classes. The relation is mapped as a simple set collection, nothing strange. In the web I'm using the open session in view filter as suggested in the Hibernate in Action book. The problem is that when you load a class in a view, store it in the session context and then try ...

41. Generically load all lazy collections

Simple question: How can I create a function getWithLazyAssociationsInitialized(Class clazz, Serializable id)? loadAllLazyAssociations(Object object) would also be nice. I'm tring to avoid having to write a separate function for each entity. It seems like this would be widely desired functionality but I can't find the answer or even much discussion of it. Thanks!

42. Using @NamedNativeQuery to load a collection

@Entity() @Table(name="worker") @NamedNativeQuery(name="retrieveManagersWorkers", callable=true, resultClass=Worker.class, query="{ ? = call RetrieveManagersWorkers(:in_manager_id) }") public class Worker{ @Id private String id; @Version private Integer version; @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(name="manager_id") @Loader(namedQuery="retrieveManagersWorkers") ...

43. Collection Loading

Author Message fredzep Post subject: Collection Loading Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:32 am Newbie Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:09 pm Posts: 6 Hi, I have a collection that it is not loaded, in log it seems to be ok, but when i access the collection there is no element. Code:

44. Lazy load still tranverses collections

I have a problem with lazy loading still transversing the relationships. Here's my config file: Code: ...

45. How to speed up collection loading

In my application I have lazy collections. I load ALL objects from database. Consider standard parent-child example: ... ... I begin transaction. First I read ...

46. loading collections; values are not correct


47. Forcing LAZY collections to load in a PostLoadEventListener?

I have a class that has several collections associated with it, all of which need to be fetched eagerly when an instance of the class is loaded. However, I get the usual "cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags" exception - unfortunately "classic" solutions for this problem don't work in this case (see the explanation below), so I've decided to create a PostLoadEventListener ...

48. Collections not being loaded

Newbie Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:14 am Posts: 4 I have spent a bunch of hours hacking at this new task, and I am still having issues. Everythinga compiles fine, and I am able to retrieve the locations using the query "getLocations", but the data in the collection tables is not being returned. No errors are generated. I am logging ...

49. how to load the *content of* a collection in lazy mode?

Hi, I have a table called "projects". Each project has a list of "developers". Only for the sake of the example, a particular project has more than 100.000 developers, and I want to add one more developer to this list. I do like this: Code: Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Map project = (Map) session.load("Project", (long) ...

50. How to uninitialize already loaded lazy collection

Is there any way to uninitialize back already loaded lazy collection, so that the next call to this collection would cause the loading data from the DB again. It would be useful to free memory occupied by a large collection that is no longer needed in long-running sessions, but the parent object is still need for conversation. E.g. top-level objects in ...

51. Mark collection as loaded

52. lazy collection loaded during "flush"

I have a class with a collection marked as lazy. None of my code is interacting with the collection property, but I'm noticing that it is being loaded during a flush. I stepped through some of the hibernate code (specifically the PojoEntityTuplizer and AbstractEntityTuplizer) and saw that it wasn't treated "channels" as lazy. I *think* it's because lazyAvailable is false (inside ...

53. Collection lazy loading

I have a User table and a Group table. Their relation is a simple many-to-many one, since I am eventually interested in things like: user.groups() // groups the user belongs to group.users() // members of this group I also have a UserDAO with basic methods (persist, update, etc). I would like to load a User and eventually let hibernate lazy-load their ...

54. Unsustainability of explicitly loading lazy collections

Hi I have declared several of my collections and associations to be loaded lazily (for performance). However, this does seem to give rise to a load of code in my service layer where I have to explicitly load a collection (using Hibernate.initialize) and then loop over the returned collection, and explicitly load other collections/proxies etc etc. The only other option would ...

55. unnecessary loading of a lazy collection on flush

Hello, I'm using Hibernate 3.2.4.sp1 via JPA together with a JSF and Seam. I only use persistent objects, nothing is detached. I use only LAZY mappings of collections. There are 2 PERSIST cascades, one on a collection, the other on an association. The scenario with the problem is the following: I'm loading two entities in the persistence context. I do some ...

56. Help required on "load-collection", Please help

Newbie Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:31 pm Posts: 2 Hi I need some help in getting "load-collection" working, I have been trying this for hours now, but no help. Please check the below mapping file and error . Please check the "loadIface" SQL and "ifaceIds" property. QosPath.hbm.xml Code: ...