LazyInitializationException « Load « JPA Q&A

1. JPA - Lazy Loading - LazyInitializationException - When Not accessing child collection

I am building a project with Stripes, Spring, JPA & Hibernate amd have an object with a many to one child collection. I have set the loading as Lazy eg.

@OneToMany(cascade ...

2. illegal access to loading collection (hibernate.LazyInitializationException)

I am using JPA with Hibernate persistence provider. I have one to many mapping, i used

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "mSearchPreference", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
i can see the one to many SQL statements on ...

3. Hibernate : load and LazyInitializationException

According to the tutorial :,

If you initialize a JavaBean instance with a load method call, you can only access the properties of that JavaBean, for the ...

4. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: How to properly use Hibernate's lazy loading feature

I got some trouble loading a list of objects from my database using Hibernate and lazy=true mode. Hope that someone can help me out here. I have a simple class here called UserAccount ...

5. LazyInitializationException:19 - illegal access to loading

Newbie Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:54 pm Posts: 2 I'm using Spring and Hibernate LazyInitializationException:19 - illegal access to loading collection. I get above exception when trying to access the size of the detail collection set. ((WVmi945m)returnedList.get(0)).getWVmi945dSet().size(); I have tried using Hibernate.initialize(((WVmi945m)returnedList.get(0)).getWVmi945dSet()); but i get the same exception. I have set my mapping file to lazy="true" and I'm not getting ...

6. LazyInitializationException with Session#get() NOT load()

Beginner Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:11 am Posts: 25 Hi, I have a problem with the differences of Session#load() and Session#get() in combination with a reflexive one-to-many dependency. I have a entity Unit with the following (simplified) implementation: Code: @Entity public class Unit{ private Long id; private String name; private Unit ...