partial « Key « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate : partial update of row using Primary key

Hi All, I have a scenario in Hibernate where in I have the Primary key information of a table and I want to update a specific column value. I don't want to load all the column data for each row as the number of columns is pretty large. When I try to do something like this Hibernate updates the specific column ...

2. v3.5b2 partial comp-key join; alt to @JoinColumnOrFormula?

I have a legacy database which has a central table of re-usable, user-configurable GenreCodes, which has no primary key but is unique across code and type: Code: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "codetype") @IdClass(CodeId.class) public class GenreCode { @Id private String code; @Id @ManyToOne ...

3. Partial Foreign Key Lookup

I'm trying to get a list or array of objects using a (partial) foreign key lookup and Hibernate. Essentially there's a Composite Primary Key in the table 'Document' and a "partial" foreign-key in the table 'Page'. Given a Document object, I'd like to select all Page objects that share the same ID (ie. select * Page where Document.ID = Page.DocumentId). Here's ...