key « Key « JPA Q&A

1. name forgeign key in JPA?

I am using the Hibernate Tools ant task to generate DDL from JPA annotated entities. With hibernate annotations you can name the foreign key using

@JoinColumn(name = "foo")
@org.hibernate.annotations.ForeignKey(name = "fk_foo")
Is there a ...

2. Business key in hibernate

A business key is a property, or some combination of properties, that is unique for each instance with the same database identity. I am confused with "the same database identity" . excluding this "the same database identity" , i understood that business key is different for each instance. can any one give me an example of what the definition means.

3. problem with key-many-to-one

Hi have a problem with key-many-to-one. Please explain me if you know the solution. My hbm files are: 1)

4. Multi part key set (many to one)?

I am just missing this one! For each foo, each can contain a collection of Bar. This example is in the docs: But what if I have a two part key, say the Bar.X and Bar.Y has to be tied to my Foo.X and Foo. I am not sure how to specify this. I ...

5. duplicated keys problem

Newbie Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2003 6:12 am Posts: 13 In a helpdesk application, all entity(s) have an id field well-mapped with an tag in the Schema. Being this a table-per-entity mapping structure, each register of, in principle, any table should have a distinct value at the id column. On the other hand, we aren't properly deleting registers when an ...

6. problem with keys

Newbie Joined: Fri Sep 26, 2003 10:46 am Posts: 6 Hi All, Unable to generate .hbm file.. Using Oracle 8i & hibernate 2.1 I have 2 tables a) Department Table b) Divsion Table The Department Table contains 2 primary keys deptid and divid.. these are associated to the Division tabel as foreign keys.. Code: public class TblMst_Department { ...

7. Problem with key-many-to-one : bug ?

8. What is "key" element good for?

.... .... ...

9. Why not using key with business meaning

10. Encapsulating Keys

Hello. To maximize the encapsulation, I'd like to model Cat like this: public abstract class Cat { protected Key getPrimaryKey(); protected void setPrimaryKey(Key k); } public abstract class Key { public abstract String toString(); } The objective of this design is to allow independence on using the internal representation of key e.g. change from long integer to UUID. The problem goes ...

11. Surrogated key

Hi all I have some questions about db designed and hope it is the right place to get the answer. In the document said "assign keys with business meaning is almost always a terrible design decision" I am working a system that has a table contains bank card information and if I use the card's number as the primiary key, is ...

12. What is the meaning of "key-many-to-one"?

14. [HELP] Coposite Key Maping One-to-Many

Hi All, I am lost trying to create a relationship for table with composite key. Here is my example: . . .

15. Using

I am trying to understand how to use the composite-id with a tag. Consider I have 2 tables:- REF_ROUTE route_cd(PK) REF_ROUTE_LOCATION route_cd(FK) seq_num route_cd and seq_num together form a composite-id for REF_ROUTE_LOCATION table. Actually I am writing generic code to save, load and delete single objects from the database using reflection and hibernate. But these kind of relationships creates problems ...

16. one-to-many and key-many-to-one problem

Newbie Joined: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:06 am Posts: 3 Hi all, First, my hibernate mapping file: Code: ...

18. Using Uniqe-key

Can someone tell me if I am missing something? I have a class, see mapping below, with a unique-key set on 2 columns. My understanding is that I should not receive a Data Integrity violation if all the columns in the unique-key are themselves unique within the rest of the table. Am I wrong in thinking this? I am guessing that ...

19. one-to-many w/natural key

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Can anyone help me out here? I suspect that I'm misunderstanding something pretty basic. My Hibernate in Action (8.3, pp. 330-338) talks about some of this (via composite keys) but I'm having trouble translating those examples into my problem. I'm trying to establish a One-To-Many relationship between two tables based on a natural key. My situation is this ...

20. many-to-one with tricky keys

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 hi, i've got a many-to-one relation which i think is a little bit tricky and i haven't found a really satisfying solution so far ... I've got two classes: Code: public ClassA { Long id; ClassB cb; public void setCb(ClassB b) ...

21. Many-to-many with key in the middle?

Hibernate version: 2.1.8 I want to implement a mapping for the following schema: create table person { id number(19,0) not null, fname varchar(255) not null, lname varchar(255) not null, type varchar(255) not null, primary key (id) }; create table account { id number(19,0) not null, name varchar(255) not null, primary key (id) }; create table account_to_person { person_id number(19,0) not null, ...

22. Autogenerated Keys with Hibernate

23. Problem with

24. Help understanding a couple of key Hibernate concepts

Hello, I'm using Hibernate 3 and already have a bunch of very simple one-class-per-table type stuff working, so I'm not 100% newbie (just 90% :-)) However, I'm having trouble grasping the difference between these three concepts -- any explaination would be helpful. Thanks in advance. 1. When do you use versus a collection (e.g. )? 2. What is the difference ...

26. reference non prime key ??

I'm a newbie at hibernate and don't seem to understand the doc. I'm trying to do a simple thing i guess i have two tables/classes containing following simple items I've tried several combinations of Properties and keys mappings but do not seem to understand the XML mapping structure can anyone please help me with a good mapping file ?

27. Simple koreign key

Hibernate version:3.1 Name and version of the database you are using:POSTGRESQL 8.1 I have 2 tables: CREATE TABLE h( id serial NOT NULL, nume varchar(30), prenume varchar(20), CONSTRAINT h_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) CREATE TABLE honey( id serial NOT NULL, name text, taste text, id_h int4 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT honey_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT "FK_h" FOREIGN KEY (id_h) REFERENCES h (id) ...

28. key-many-to-one

I have a table with only two columns, both are primary keys in other tables. I am trying to put many-to-one relations in my "table.hbm.xml" for both columns. Those two columns are the primary key in my table. I have this in the hibernate mapping: ...

29. Confusion on the key-many-to-one syntax

[b]Hibernate version:[/b] 3.x [b]Mapping documents:[/b]

32. problem with one-to-one and keys

"USERS_User_ID_seq" ...

33. unknown handler key

Hello, I am using Hibernate 3.2 with Eclipse 3.2.1 RCP. I try to load a single result from my database, but get the following error: Code: 2006-11-20 19:01:04,984 [main] DEBUG org.dseas.base.dao.PersistentContext - Transaction started. 2006-11-20 19:01:04,984 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select appuser0_.ID as ID2_, appuser0_.USER_CRE as USER9_2_, appuser0_.USER_UPD as USER8_2_, appuser0_.TIME_CRE as TIME2_2_, appuser0_.TIME_UPD as TIME3_2_, appuser0_.USER_GROUP_ID as USER7_2_, appuser0_.CODE_ID as ...

34. foregin key problem

hi , i am new to it,but i wanted to know code for ,I have a master table ,inwhich column has primay key and another table has reference of it but that table doesnot have primary key eg. table :state columns=state_id(primary key),state_name table :state_detail columns:state_id(foregin key),state_des now i ahve to insert data in state_detail and state table has data and i ...

35. Problem with Key

public class Page { private int code; private String name; private Category category; // Getters and setters methods .... } public class Category { private int ...

36. need help with

Newbie Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:34 pm Posts: 6 Hello, I'm having a big problem with my Hibernate Mapping files when I try to map a bi-directional relationship (one-to-many) where the parent's composite key is part of the child's composite key. Here's the mapping for the parent: Code: ...

37. Informix and Serial key

We are getting error while inserting data in informix db where PK is defined is serial key. Informix requires identity colum to be sent in insert query with value 0 but seems hibernate generated queries do not do so when we select generator as native. Do we need to modify the query. Any help will be appreicated. Best regards, Animesh

38. Key increment issue

hi I have two methods that save data in same table of database using hibernate + spring...Primary key is auto-generated and has increment as generator..However i am getting a very strange result..When i save an object using first method,object gets persisted let's say at primary key value 45.Now i save some objects using other methods in same table lets say at ...

39. System Key to Hexadecimal

Hi I am using hibernate to retrieve data from a db2 database on a mainframe. The problem I have is with the System key. The System Key when retrieved from the database is not readable with square boxes for character I think java does not recognize. But when I query using this system (e.g. where systemKey =) I get the right ...

40. Key-many-to-one always eagerly fetched

Looking at the SQL output of my test, whenever I load a collection of objects that have a composite key (2 FKs, one property), the FKs are being eagerly fetched, even though the HBM does not turn off lazy loading. I don't believe there's anything I need to do to cause proxying to happen, and CGLIB is loading properly. Is there ...

41. IdentifierProjection - toSqlString - multi col key

Hi I think that org.hibernate.criterion.IdentifierProjection should look something like this: Code: public String toSqlString(Criteria criteria, int position, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery) throws HibernateException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String cols[] = criteriaQuery.getIdentifierColumns(criteria); ...

42. How to assign compsite keys manually

43. Is 'key' a reserved word?