Class « Key « JPA Q&A

1. Class Foo contains objects Bar, Foo table has no pointer to Bar object, Bar object has FK to Foo.

I hope I can explain this problem clearly. I have a class Foo which contains 2 objects of type Bar. I have two mapping files, one for Foo and one for ...

2. JPA problem with primary key class interitance hierarchie

Hi there, I've implemented an Entity with a seperate primary key class as embedded-id field. My embeddable primary key inherits from a super primary key class. My problem is that the primary key class fields of the child class are correctliy initialized, but not the "derived" fields from the super class. These fields a empty. The table/column-mappings are defined in my ...

3. [SOLVED] Foreign key without involving 2 classes?

Hi, I'm having a problem when inserting into a MySQL database with this error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails because I'm trying to insert a Hibernate Entity which is associated with a Table (the child one) with a foreign key referencing parent table. The issue is that I'm making some tests and I don't ...

4. Using primary key classes with hibernate

For performance reasons, I set up all of my value objects with primary keys to handle the key definition as well as the 1..* relationships within the value objects. We had just waaaaaaay too much data coming back and lazy loading was out of the question. Anyway, I'm not completely sure how to map the key into the vo with the ...

5. Using a class as a key?

I have a conceptual problem. My java object HAS-A identity object that corresponds to the key column in the database. This identity object in turn extends from a base ID class. doesn't support the class keyword so I haven't found a satisfactory way to represent this in my hbm file. How should I approach this? I looked at components but ...

6. one-to-one not using pk on either class

I need to create a one-to-one relationship between the Device table and the Status table based on the Device.hostname and Status.hostname relationship. The Status table is populated by an external application and is readonly to Hibernate. Is one-to-one the way to do it? All of the documentation seems to point to the fact that one-to-one only supports the PK on the ...

7. Physical Keys with First Class Objects

Hi, Before using hibernate, I used to have first class domain objects without any database physical keys. And another class extending the first class domain objetcs will have physical keys. Like Customer and CustomerDB. CustomerDB will have the customer_id which is the primary key of the corresponding table "customer". And also CustomerDB will have the necessary SQLs to insert/find/delete/update the Customer ...

9. Many to one populate foriegn key in class problem

Newbie Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:49 pm Posts: 5 HI Using Hibernate 3.0.5. I am trying to figure out if this is a problem or if this is done by design. For the Many-to-one, after executing a query, the many-to-one app_id attribute in AppfObjectVO is NULL. My question, is this by design, or is there a way to get hibernate ...

10. Can class be identified when no PK specified?

Hi, An application that I'm working on has a Person class that consists of a Location class that contains a Country class. These objects are read from a feed every day before inserting into or updating the database. Primary keys will be generated automatically by Hibernate. Say I have a Country class with attributes as follows: countryID (Primary Key, not included ...