problem 1 « Join « JPA Q&A

1. HQL left join problem: Path expected for join!

I am new at Hibernate, and I have a question regarding HQL Lejt join. I try to left join 2 tables, patient and provider, and keep getting "Path expected for join! " ...

2. i have some problem with left join JPQL

there is something wrong with ths way i use left join, and i dont understand what am i doing wrong. can you see it?

select distinct r.globalRuleId,
       r.ruleId, ...

3. Hibernate HQL m:n join problem

I am very unfamiliar with SQL/HQL , and am currently stuck with this 'maybe' simple problem : I have two many-to-many Entities , with a relation table : Car , CarProblem , and ...

4. hibernate criteria api join table problem

i cannot use sorting on join tables. Let me explain; i have three tables. users, roles and user_roles. my JPA entities are User, UserRole, UserRolePK, Role.

|User    |    ...

5. Hibernate Left Outer Join problem: path expected on join

I have two tables, something like:
Article and ArticleRelevance
They have a one to one relationship, and ArticleRelevance is optional, meaning a Article may (or may not) have a ArticleRelevance. I want to select ...

6. Hibernate Criteria Join problem

I have a 2 classes that share a UUID and are uni-directionally mapped. I use the UUID to group related rows, and this group shares many details (this is just ...

7. Linq to Hibernate: problem with joining

I am new to Linq and Hibernate. I am working on programs for a project that is already set up as following: MVC2, C#, NHibernate. I want to use Linq to ...

8. HQL JOIN Problem

I have 2 classes: ClassRoom, Student

Class Student {
 private Integer id;
 private ClassRoom classRoom;
 private String name;


Class ClassRoom{
 private Integer id;
 private Set<Student> students;

 /* GETTERS ...

9. Problems with left outer join and Hibernate

Two tables with parent child realtion ship

private List<Favorites> favorites= new ArrayList<Favorites>();

public String getAccFav() {
    return accFav;
public void setAccFav(String accFav) {
    this.accFav = accFav;
@OneToMany(fetch = ...

10. Problem in Criteria with Inner Join

I am running a criteia with following code..

Criteria c = session.createCriteria(BasicTransaction.class);

c.createCriteria("basicTransactionType","basicTransactionType", CriteriaSpecification.INNER_JOIN);

//c.setFetchMode("basicTransactionType", FetchMode.JOIN);

 c.add(Restrictions.and("id", l),
            Restrictions.eq("isCommon", true)));

return c.list();
where "basicTransactionType" is ...

11. HQL join problem

I have no problem writing sql for the following problem. However, I would like to write it as HQL or ICriteria. I am using fluent nhibernate and the latest nhibernate. The ...

12. Problem with joining of two tables with Hibernate

I have a Hibernate mapping against a database table which is working. However I have another table which contains extra information. I've tried a join in the mapping file but somehow it fails. Lets call them Table1 og Table2. Table1 has an attribute TAB1_Var_ID(not a primary key) Table2 has a primary key TAB2_Var_ID which is connected to the TAB1_Var_ID There is ...

13. HQL Inner Join problem

I have a table a1. Its columns are: identity(int type) and name(varchar type). I am trying to perform an inner join on this table and then print out the first column of the result obtained. Here, is the code snippet which is supposed to do this: public static void main(String[] args) { Session session = null; try { // This step ...

14. join problem in hibernate 3.x

Hibernate-Version: 3.2.4.sp1 I am a beginner in hibernate, I used to use microsoft sql server T-SQL and there is left outer join, inner join, right outer join keyword. but is it not support in hibernate? I find left join fetch, right join fetch, inner join fetch keyword in hibernate, is it similar to left outer join, inner join, right outer join ...

15. Problem while Join in hibernate

Hi all i am new to hibernate, and i am trying to join two tables called person and contact.I am getting the error in mapping. Please tell whats the problem. Person Table SQL create table person (Personid int Not null, street char (20) not null, contactid int not null, constraint primary_table Primary key (personid), constraint foreign_contact foreign key (contactid) references Contact ...

16. Problem in hibernate join result

Hi all, I am trying to fetch some information from two tables in the database. I used the inner join, and i can able to get the data from the database. The only problem is the resulted data is not in the way i expected. Please see the code here. Table Striucture [B]Person Table SQL[/B] create table person (Personid int Not ...

17. Problem with OUTER JOIN hibernate

Hi, I have two classes - abbreviated for clarity. 1: @Entity @Table(name = "category") public class Category extends BaseEntity implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Integer id; private String name; private List progress; @Override @Id @Column(name = "id", precision = 11) public Integer getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId(Integer id) { = ...

18. Hibernate Join Problem

Hi, I have the following HQL(Join operation) which should return two objects of type RecruitmentManagerSchedule and RecruitmentManagerRequirement. The HQL should return two objects try { Query query = session.createQuery("select recMgrSch, recMrgReq from " + "com.hrms.persistence.beans.RecruitmentManagerSchedule as recMgrSch, " + "com.hrms.persistence.beans.RecruitmentManagerRequirement as recMrgReq " + "where recMgrSch.requirementid = recMrgReq.requirementid and recMgrSch.statusid = :statusId"); query.setInteger("statusId", 31); log.debug("Getting Query : " + query); List ...

19. Hibernate Join Problems

Hi All, I'm trying to do this SQL join in HQL in Hibernate . . . SELECT FA.AreaName as FunctionalArea from Defect D JOIN functionalArea FA on FA.functionalAreaId = D.functionalAreaId basically a join on Defect and FunctionalArea Table. However, I'm still learning Hibernate and I don't understand how to do the configuration properly and the exact HQL syntax. Here's what I ...

20. HQL join problem

Hi all, I have a table named doc_type and another one named release. In doc_type.hbm.xml i have defined a many-to-one mapping for release like this: note that DocType can be without release too. I wrote a HQL like this for a scenario where i needed to get all the doctypes (with or without ...

21. 61 Join Problem

22. Problems with inner join and Criteria api

Hi, I have one class "Entity" which has a realtionship "one to many" to another class "Rating". The rating has (among others) an attribute "validTo" which are nullable. What I'm trying to do is to fetch an Entity (by its id) together with all it's ratings where validTo is null. I do this by creating an alias on the criteria and ...

23. Problem with left join

Newbie Joined: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:04 am Posts: 3 Location: Norway Hello I'm having trouble using LEFT JOIN in a JPQL with nullable sub-entities. It seems to me that the SQL is created incorrectly by Hibernate. This JPQL... select, e.subEntity from TestEntity e left join e.subEntity ...results in this SQL: select as col_0_0_, testentity0_.subEntity_id as col_1_0_, as ...

24. Inner join problem

Author Message baktha.thalapthy Post subject: Inner join problem Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:16 am Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:35 am Posts: 19 I have two table 1. speeddemaill 2. highspeedd Code: /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package pip; import; import ...

25. inner join problem

Author Message baktha.thalapthy Post subject: inner join problem Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:29 am Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:35 am Posts: 19 i have 2 tables Code: /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package pip; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Date; import ...

26. Problem join table - Table not found

Hallo, i have this class @Entity @Table(name = "operator") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) public class Operator { private Long id; private Operator operatoractive; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) public Long getId() { return id; } ... @OneToOne( targetEntity=it.rovell74.Operator.class, cascade={CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.MERGE}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER ) @JoinTable( name = "operatoractive", joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="idoperator")}, inverseJoinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="idoperatoractive")} ) public Operator getOperatoractive() { return operatoractive; } public void setOperatoractive(Operator operatoractive) { this.operatoractive ...

27. Hibernate Outer Join Problem with Derby

Hi, i'm trying to use hibernate 3 with Derby 10.6. Normal queries work good but using left outer join creates problem. The query i'm trying loads project program if it exists and if programm not exists the project information is loaded: SELECT proj, prog FROM Project LEFT OUTER JOIN Program ON Program.programId = Project.programId WHERE Project.projectName = '"MyProject" The error on ...

28. Problem with Hibernate Left outer join

Can anybody tell me how to convert the following sql query to hql Code: "select c.c_menu_id,c.c_menu_name,ifnull(d.c_permission_type,'NO') Permission " + "from t_gb_menu_items c left outer join t_gb_user_group_permissions d " + ...

29. criteria api join table problem

30. problems with 'join'

On a start, hello to everyone! I have two classes Code: class Source{ int id; Set threads; String lang; ... // other fields, getters and setters } class Thread{ long id; Source parent; String lang; ... // other ...

31. Criteria problem with double inner join

Newbie Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:48 am Posts: 1 Good morning, im newbie in Hibernate and im facing this challenge. Im trying to develop a many to many relationship split into two one to many. This is my configuration mapping file:

33. Problem with joins in hql

Hi, Im having so many trouble to pass from sql to hql. The query is select distinct E.CODIGO_ENTIDAD CODIGO_UDAF, e.razon_social NOMBRE_UDAF, e.nemonico_entidad NEMONICO_UDAF, E.RUC_ENTIDAD RUC_UDAF from Entidad e LEFT JOIN Relacion_Entidad a ON e.codigo_Entidad=a.entidad_A AND a.codigo_Tipo_relacion=33 LEFT JOIN ( select substr(nemonico_Entidad,0,length(nemonico_Entidad)-4) Nemonico from Entidad where nemonico_Entidad not like '%0000' ) T ON substr(e.nemonico_Entidad,0,length(e.nemonico_Entidad)-4) = Nemonico where e.nemonico_Entidad like '%0000' and length(e.nemonico_Entidad)>5 ...

34. Problem with join

Hello All, I'm having a problem creating a query using criteria, take a look at my code: Code: DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(ScoListasSiafi.class,"LST"); criteria.createAlias("LST." + ScoListasSiafi.Fields.ITEM_AUTORIZACAO.toString(), "IAF", Criteria.INNER_JOIN); criteria.createAlias("IAF." + ScoItemAutorizacaoForn.Fields.AUTORIZACAO_FORN.toString(), "AFN", Criteria.INNER_JOIN); criteria.createAlias("IAF." + ScoItemAutorizacaoForn.Fields.FASES_SOLICITACAO.toString(), "FSC", Criteria.INNER_JOIN); criteria.createAlias("AFN." + ScoAutorizacaoForn.Fields.PROPOSTA_FORNECEDOR.toString(),"PFN", Criteria.INNER_JOIN); criteria.createAlias("PFN." + ScoPropostaFornecedor.Fields.LICITACAO.toString(),"LCT", Criteria.INNER_JOIN); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("LCT." + ScoLicitacao.Fields.NUMERO.toString(), numLicitacao)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("AFN." + ScoAutorizacaoForn.Fields.NRO_COMPLEMENTO.toString(), nroComplemento)); List ...

35. Join Problem

Newbie Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:11 am Posts: 14 hey all, i have these two mapping XML`s for Inventory and ProductInformation tables respectively: Code: ...

36. problem with multiple table join

Hi, I cannot find any example from doc, so I am asking this here. This may be very simple for you guys, please bear with me. I try to do a join based on multiple tables, for example: if I have a Book table, and a User table, a Book can have multiple users, and they have one-to-many bidirectional association. That ...

37. Extra SQL join added in a HQL left outer join causes problem

I have an HQL query: Code: "SELECT DISTINCT, ir.weeksToPromoteStart, ir.weeksToPromoteStart, ir.auditInfo," + " ir.risk, ir.item.itemUPC, ir.item.itemName, ir.item.top20, ir.item.itemSize, ir.item.itemPack, ir.costs.trend," + " ir.costs.currentCostRange.lowCost, ir.costs.currentCostRange.highCost," + " ir.costs.projectedCostRange.lowCost, ir.costs.projectedCostRange.highCost, ir.costs.currentCostsLastUpdated," + " ir.item.subCommodity.comp_id.commodity.description, ...

38. Problem in join HQL


39. problem with multiple left outer join

Hi, I am using the following HQL to find out the product, product Image and related product from 3 different tables on certain condiction: From Product as product left outer join fetch product.productImage left outer join fetch product.relatedProduct where In my test, I try to print out the following information 1 prodct name // this is OK 2. ...

40. Problem with external join

41. Problem with hibernate.use_outer_join

Hi all... When I specify hibernate.use_outer_join=false, does this mean that Hibernate will never generate a SQL query that uses outer joins? If so, this doesn't seem to be working for Hibernate 2.1.2 against Oracle when using joined-subclass and attempting to retrieve a set of these subclasses based on a superclass. For example, if I have FooA and FooB which extends FooBase, ...

42. RIGHT OUTER JOIN problem

43. left outer join problem

I am using hibernate-2.1 with Oracle 9i database. I'm trying to run the following query: "select quest, count(answerResp) " + "from Survey survey, " + "User user, " + "SurveyParticipant participant, " + "SurveyResponse surveyResp, " + "Question quest, " + "QuestionResponse questResp " + "AnswerResponse answerResp " + "where survey.primaryKey = ? " + "and user.primaryKey = ? " + ...

44. join problem

45. Problem with outer-join

hibernate.max_fetch_depth=8 A-->B is a many-to-one relationship. In the tag of the mapping file for A, outer-join="true" is set. In the Java application, I used HQL "from A" to get all objects of A and for each of them traverse the association A-->B to visit B. I am expecting a SQL statement to retrieve from an outer join of A and ...

46. problem with Hibernate3

Newbie Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:21 pm Posts: 6 Hibernate version: 3.0 (latest from cvs) Mapping documents: ObjectItem.hbm.xml Code: ...

47. outer join problem

Hi all I try to use a left outer join in my sql. But I always got this error net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: outer or full join must be followed by path expression and that my query Please help. Regards

48. Join restriction problem

49. Joining tables problem.

Hi, I tried to write HQL for the following SQL: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 table1 LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE2 table2 ON table1.x = table2.x LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE3 table3 ON table1.x = table3.x where table1.y = ? table1.x is not a primary key but all these three tables will be joined through their column x. table2 and table3 may not have ...

50. Problem with outer join in hql

51. Hibernate Outer Joins Problem !

Hi there Just a complete beginner question. I'm trying to replace some Oracle specific joins in my SQL to make them work with hibernate / postgres and am having some real problems when it comes to joins. What I'm trying to do is create a query which has multiple outer joins, the code looks like this from my oracle version select ...

52. outer-join problem

ok solve, thanks now other problem: KF_SEQ_CATEGORIA ...

53. Problems with implici joins

54. problem with inner join

55. Outer join problem

Hibernate version 3.0 I have two tables A and B. Table A is the parent and table B the child. My hibernate mapping file uses a many-to-one with outer-join="true". When I get a list from the A class, I get all of the data in A even if there is no row in B. This works great until I impose an ...

56. Left outer join problem -- urgent!!! Migration issue)

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3 Recently I have migrated my application from Hibernate 2 to Hibernate 3. Earlier i had queries which made use of "=*" for joins. BEFORE select insti.institutionName, from compass.domain.Institution insti, compass.domain.InstitutionLocation loc, compass.domain.InstitutionDispCycle disp where disp.institutionLocationId =* loc.institutionLocationId NOW since i have shifted to Hibernate 3 i have to ...

57. problem with outer join

this is how i ported it to hql select distinct os.ObjectId , sa.UseCount from StudAct as sa right outer join sa.ObjSet as os where sa.Student=12249 but this is giving me different results than the sql query. sql query is taking a cartesian product and somehow hibernate is not doing it. please help me.

58. Left Outer Join problem in Hibernate 3 migration

Hi, I have this HQL Query that was working fine with Hibernate 2 lList=SchoolDAO.getInstance().find("from School school where not in(select from District dist " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN dist.schools school where is not null)"); Now I migrated to Hibernate 3.0.5. And the above query is generating the following error message. [JDBCExceptionReporter] [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Incorrect syntax near the ...

59. Problem using outer join in HQL

java.lang.NullPointerException at org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlSqlWalker.createFromJoinElement( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.joinElement( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.fromElement( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.fromElementList( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.fromClause( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.query( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.selectStatement( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.statement( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.analyze( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.doCompile( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getQuery( ...

60. left out join Problem

61. Joining Problems with Hibernate

*/ select etcontacts0_.CON_ID as col_0_0_, etgenderty1_.GENDER as col_1_0_, etcontacts0_.NAME as col_2_0_, etphonepre2_.PREFIX as col_3_0_, etcontacts0_.PHONE as col_4_0_, etfaxprefi3_.PREFIX as col_5_0_, etcontacts0_.FAX as col_6_0_, etcontacts0_.EMAIL as col_7_0_ from EDITOOLS.ET_CONTACTS etcontacts0_, EDITOOLS.ET_GENDERTYPE etgenderty1_, EDITOOLS.ET_PHONE_PREFIX etphonepre2_, EDITOOLS.ET_FAX_PREFIX etfaxprefi3_, EDITOOLS.ET_CON2CONTYPE etcontactt4_, EDITOOLS.ET_CONTACT_TYPE etcontactt5_, EDITOOLS.ET_PA2CON etedipartn6_, EDITOOLS.ET_EDI_PARTNER etedipartn7_ where etcontacts0_.CON_ID=etedipartn6_.CON_ID and etedipartn6_.PA_ID=etedipartn7_.PA_ID and etcontacts0_.CON_ID=etcontactt4_.CON_ID and etcontactt4_.CON_TYPE_ID=etcontactt5_.CON_TYPE_ID and etcontacts0_.FAX_ID=etfaxprefi3_.FAX_ID and etcontacts0_.PHONE_ID=etphonepre2_.PHONE_ID and etcontacts0_.G_ID=etgenderty1_.G_ID and lower(etcontactt5_.CON_TYPE_ID)=? and lower(etedipartn7_.PA_ID)=? ...

62. left outer join problem with SQLServer2000

hql.append("SELECT i, od FROM Item i "); hql.append(" JOIN OrderDetail od where i.itemId = od.itemId"); session = getSession(); query = session.createQuery( hql.toString() ); ...

63. Outer join problem

Author Message alexburchak Post subject: Outer join problem Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:58 am Newbie Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:50 am Posts: 1 I have found a problem using outer join, in last Hibernate version it is too. I have two class hierarchies 1. superclass B and two of it's subclasses B1 and B2. 2. superclass A ...

64. QuerySyntaxException. Problem trying to join classes

Hi there! Could anyone of you please tell what is wrong with the Syntax of the following query? FROM ConfigLocalValue configLocalValue INNER JOIN ConfigValue configValue on configLocalValue.configValue.valueID=configValue.valueID INNER JOIN ConfigValueCategory configValueCategory ON configValueCategory.metaID=configValue.configValueCategory.metaID AND configValueCategory.metaID=12 AND configLocalValue.languageID =1 (It seems to be a general syntax problem, so the mappings are not that important I think) Thanks in advance! Toby

65. SQLQuery join tables problem

Hi I have a problem like this. Can anyone help me? Table1 id, code1, code2 ======================== Table2 id, code3, code4 ======================== class Table1 { private Long id; private Long code1; private Long code2; private Long code3 } the relationship between these tables is one-to-one(code1 from Table1=id from Table2) ======================== in mapping xml for Table1 ... .... ======================== ...

66. SQLQuery join tables problem

Hi I have a problem like this. Can anyone help me? Table1 id, code1, code2 ======================== Table2 id, code3, code4 ======================== class Table1 { private Long id; private Long code1; private Long code2; private Long code3 } the relationship between these tables is one-to-one(code1 from Table1=id from Table2) ======================== in mapping xml for Table1 ... .... ======================== ...

67. Problem with invalid SQL when using joins

68. OnoToOne Join Problem

69. problem in JOIN

I have two mysql tables, person and personoptional. At some stage I want to check the value of 'isemployee' column (it can be 0 or 1). I have written the query below and it is quite right, but i am having trouble in writing it in the .hbm file. Can someone please guide me how to do it. CREATE TABLE IF ...

70. problem with syntax - join on the same table

Hibernate 3.0.5 I am sorry that i totally messed up the description of the problem. Here is the problem : The table has 2 columns X1 and X2 Here is samle data for the example: X1 X2 1 a 1 b 1 c 2 a 2 b 2 c 7 d 8 e Here is what i tried : Select count(*) ...

71. problem with HQL outer join

Hi, I am trying to execute a HQL query which has an outer join. It is giving an exception. Can someone help me correct the query? Code Code: public static final String FIND_DELIVERYNOTE_LINEITEM_ETA_SHIFTS = " SELECT s.suppDelNoteLineItemId, s.spicsPartNumber, s.revisedEtaDate, po.dcaupPurchaseOrderId, " + " po.originalEtaDate, pli.quantityOrdered, v1.spicsCustomerNumber " + ...

72. Problem joining legacy tables

I am using Hibernate 3, and attempting to use the tag to join 2 legacy tables together. Unfortunately, the IDs for the tables are composites. Not a problem, Table 1 has a to do the query. This works fine. Table 2 unfortunately names the columns differently from Table 1. Here is an example of how the ID fields map. ...

73. [Migration 2.8 -> 3.1] Join problems

Hi. I'm migrating from Hibernate 2.8 to Hibernate 3.1 I had an HQL query which worked fine in the 2.8 version : SELECT a, b FROM A.class a, B.class b WHERE = b.foreignKeyA (+); My mapping is the following A.hbm.xml S_A B.hbm.xml

74. Problem upgrade to 3.1.3 using readonly tag

Newbie Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2004 1:25 am Posts: 8 First of all I want to thank the Hibernate team for developing a great product that does a A+ job in solving the OR mapping problem. We are currently facing this problem upgrading from 3.0.5 to 3.1.3. We are using the join tag to gather additional properties for our model object. ...

75. Join problem

76. Problem doing join.

I have a single object that maps to two tables. Object is FeedEntry and the tables are Persons [id (pk), handle] and feedentries [id (pk), firstname -etc, person (fk) ] Where feedentries.person maps to I'm useing Hibernate 3.2 and here is my mapping document ...

77. Problem with left outer join

If you look at the generated SQL, you will see, that all JOINs are applied in a flat manner, from left to right. That means, that any inner join affects the result. You would need to add parentheses to create a composite "sub-join". I can't explain it more accurately now. Please post the generated SQL and I will reply with a ...

78. JOIN problem - Can't do grouped sum on 4 joined tables

Hi there, I'm using Hibenate 3.2.1 GA with MySQL 5 database and I'm trying to do a grouped sum of 2 columns joined by 4 tables, its easy to do in the SQL select statement below: SELECT crate.type, SUM(stackedproduct.no_of_crates) FROM crate, stackedproduct, orderproduct, product WHERE stackedproduct.orderproduct_id = AND orderproduct.product_id = AND product.crate_id = GROUP BY crate.type; I can't ...

79. JOIN problem - Can't do grouped sum on 4 joined tables

Hi there, I'm using Hibenate 3.2.1 GA with MySQL 5 database and I'm trying to do a grouped sum of 2 columns joined by 4 tables, its easy to do in the SQL select statement below: SELECT crate.type, SUM(stackedproduct.no_of_crates) FROM crate, stackedproduct, orderproduct, product WHERE stackedproduct.orderproduct_id = AND orderproduct.product_id = AND product.crate_id = GROUP BY crate.type; I can't ...

80. Problem with left outer join

HQL Query select from Person p left outer join PersonEvent pe on p.personId=pe.person.personId In PersonEvent table personId is foreign key of Person table. Person table is having one-to-many relation with PersonEvent I am getting exception : outer join or full join must be followed by path expression If I modify above query with following one then it executes fine. select ...

81. join table problem

82. InheritanceType JOINED stategy problem

83. problem with outer-join

Newbie Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:10 am Posts: 2 HI, I have a small query. Although I have set the outer-join property of user in the Child class as "true", but when I retrieve the children of the Parent class it fails to eagerly fetch the user elements associated with the Child class. Can anyone help me with this? Hibernate ...

84. Simple Join Problem

I know this should be pretty simple, but I have been a couple days trying to figure it out and I just cannot find a solution! This is what I have... Code: ...

85. Criteria problem - JOIN

Hi, I have problem with Criteria joins. With following code >> Criteria selectCriteria = session.createCriteria(Flat.class); Criteria crit = selectCriteria.createCriteria("OutputDefinition", "od"); crit.add(Restrictions.eq( "od.Checked" , "Y" )); selectCriteria.setMaxResults(100); selectCriteria.setFirstResult(pagingFrom); result = selectCriteria.list(); I got following SQL >> select this_.NAME as FS1_7_0_, this_.GEN as GEN7_0_, this_.INC as INC3_7_0_, from T540 this_ where od1_.IS_CHECKED=? fetch first 100 rows only instead of query with inner join ...

86. left outer join problem

87. Problem Regarding With Join

Hi All, I am having two table like A and B. A is having x as its primary key and also having a foreign key relationship using x with the table B. table B is having one more column as y which manages a parent relationship with x. I am writing my sql query like this. Select something from A a ...

88. Problem With Inner Join

Hi All, I am having two tables A and B. A is having its primary key x which is a foreign key to B. My hql is like Select something From A a join a.somename added mapping with A mapping file is Pojo is having setter,getter of B class with is having name as somename. But its ...

89. Problem with join conditions

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp [b]3.0[/b] [b]Mapping documents:[/b] [b]select pro.productName,br.buyRateFormula from ProductsVO as pro left join pro.branchRates as br with pro.ehCode=1[/b] [b]org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxError: unexpected token: with near line 1, column 119 [select pro.productName,br.buyRateFormula from com.ifacts.vo.masters.ProductsVO as pro left join pro.branchRates as br with pro.ehCode=1] at org.hibernate.hql.ast.ErrorCounter.throwQueryException( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.parse( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.doCompile( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getQuery( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.getQueries( at ...

90. Facing problem when using inner join on in HQL

Check for you sub query and likewise perform on the full query... ok This is your sub query select distinct orbt.objective.pmcId from ObjectiveResultBt orbt inner join ResultBt rbt on orbt.resultBt.pmcId = rbt.pmcId where rbt.metricMeasurementPeriodType.measurementTypeID <= :lgm_Id SELECT distinct orbt.objective.pmcId FROM ObjectiveResultBt orbt INNER JOIN orbt.some_x_name_for_ResultBt as somealias where somealias.measurementTypeID<=:lgm_Id now add the given mapping to hbm of ObjectiveResultBt


Hi All Gurus, I have a problem with a left join definition: I have this tables: TABLE1 TABLE1_ID INTEGER4 NOT NULL - PK OTHER FIELDS ... TABLE2 TABLE1_ID Integer4 NOT NULL - Composite-PK1 many-to-one with TABLE1 SEQUENCE Integer4 NOT NULL - Composite-PK2 OTHER FIELDS ... VIEW1 (SELECT OF MANY TABLES COLLECTING TABLE1_ID) TABLE1_ID Integer4 NOT NULL - PK I need to ...

92. problem with join table

93. Problem With JOIN

94. Join problem

Hi, I have join problem between two tables. Cod status table is: K CO_BANK K CO_STATUS DE_STATUS MacroOutcome and Cod status table is: K CO_BANK K CO_MACRO_OUTCOME K CO_STATUS CO_STATUS_NEXT I success to join CO_STATUS using a Set definition, but I have a problem to join CO_STATUS_NEXT, probabily because this is not a key in our table. I can't change the ...

95. Problems With Subcriteria and Joins

I'm using eager fetching by setting the mode to join. The SQL generated executes the correct query. If I access the contents of the subfleet collection outside the context of a session I get a lazily initialization exception. If I access the contents inside a session it executes more queries Why does it still try to evaluate the queries lazily? Thanks! ...

96. Problem with HQL inner join

Hi, Does anyone know why the following hql results in an inner join instead of a left one : ***from User as user left join fetch user.tasksWorkingOn as task where :id and task.deleted=true*** ...also any other syntax other than ***left join*** fails. So, if you try ***left outer join*** HQL fails... ...also Criteria has a problem with Boolean expressions : ...

97. Problem while using inner join with hibernate

98. join problem

Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: categories of: model.Products [from model.Products p join p.categories categories where categorieId=1 ] at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractPropertyMapping.propertyException( at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractPropertyMapping.toType( at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.toType( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.FromElementType.getPropertyType( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.FromElement.getPropertyType( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.DotNode.getDataType( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.DotNode.prepareLhs( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.DotNode.resolve( ...

99. Problem with duplicate entries on the join table

Newbie Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:45 pm Posts: 10 Hi, I have the following database tables: Parent (id int primary key, name varchar(10)) Child (id int primary key, name varchar(10)) Parent_Child(id int primary key, parent_id int, child_id int) In the Child POJO, I am trying to override .equals and hashCode taking its name field as this field has to be ...

100. Problems with HQL left join

View unanswered posts | View active topics Board index Hibernate & Java Persistence Hibernate Users All times are UTC - 5 hours [ DST ] Problems with HQL left join Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message mcburton3 Post subject: Problems with ...