object « Join « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate - join un related objects    stackoverflow.com

I have a requirement, wherein I have to join two unrelated objects using Hibernate HQL. Here is the sample POJO class

class Product{
int product_id;        
String name;
String ...

2. Hibernate - Object Graph using outer join    coderanch.com

Hi, I want to create Object Graph from three (or more) related tables by querying it with criteria. I have learnt that using left join fetch we can do it in single query but it seems there are certain limitations. I have following mappings: Question.hbm.xml

3. Hibernate join into single object    coderanch.com

I would like to do a select that joins two tables by id (j.id = m.jobId) and get a single value (j.name) that will be single object. When I make a join call, I get an array of objects. I need to pass a single type of object to a DisplayTag page. What is the best way to do this? Jim ...

4. how can i get one object from an inner join?    forum.hibernate.org

i use a HQL like this: "from Post as post inner join fetch post.thread , post.thread.forum" in my opion , it will return an object instance of Post , am i right? but when i do this, java.lang.ClassCastException is thrown Code: Collection result = testquery.list(); logger.debug("get test post list ...

5. how to use criteria join many object?    forum.hibernate.org

I find Criteria + Example is a good way to implement most query. But I happen a query and I do not know how to use Example to query. Class A join B, C, D with many-to-one or one-to-one association. A query codition include sample data of Class A, B, C, D. I try this way to query Code: ...

6. Hibernate Joins and objects    forum.hibernate.org

How does Hibernate process a join result if the result has not been mapped to a defined class? For instance if my user table/mapping includes columns a b c, and my books table/mapping includes columns a d e, my join may look like the following: select user.a, b, d, e from user, books where user.a = "xyz" and user.a = books.a; ...

7. Pulling back objects that join two tables calls upadate..?    forum.hibernate.org

I have what seems like a very odd situation. I have an Image Object (id and filename) which has a ref to a DataObject (the image byte[] data). when pulling back the images the following sql is ran select image0_.id as id, image0_.filename as filename9_ from Image image0_ followed by a series of... select data0_.id as id0_, data0_.data as data5_0_ from ...

9. How to get only one object from Criteria with some joins?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello. I've complex Criteria with several joins (createAlias for many-to-one and other relations). And after criteria.list() I got a list of Object[], where every class from join is situated in separate array item. But I really need objects for only one base class - class for whom I had created my Criteria. For example, sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria( Account.class, "account" ); So I need ...