inner join « Join « JPA Q&A

1. jCombobox JPA HQL inner join error

i am new at Java , i got a problem like this ; i have got a desktop application , there is 2 jComboBox in JFrame.One of this jComboBox is hold ...

2. hibernate inner join

i need inner join with "select rc.* from"

"from RateCode rc inner join rc.rateCodeParams rcCod where rc.rateCodeId = and rc.travelFrom <= '2011-05-09' and rc.travelTo >= '2011-05-13' and = 1" +

3. Hibernate hql inner join

Hi am newbie to hibernate.. I have two tables like student and phone number these two tables had a common column as student id.i want do inner join with these two table ...

4. Hibernate one-to-many inner join?

I'm working w/ a one-to-many relationship in Hibernate and while I'm able to retrieve all of my records in one query, it's an outer-join, not an inner-join, which I would prefer. I'd also prefer to stick w/ Critera queries and not use HQL, if I don't have to, is this all possible? Thanks!

5. How to do inner join while working with set in Hibernate

Hi, I am using hibernate 3.1 I have a one-to-many association. I am using a set to represent the same. By default hibernate retrieves the associated instance using an outer join but i want it to be inner join. How can i achieve this? if you need any further details i will post them. Please help me solve this issue?

6. Inner Join in HQL

7. Inner Join example in Hibernate

8. Reg how to write Inner join in hibernate

There should not be any "on clause" in your HQL. This is because Hibernate does a Join based on the associations between the tables. So, if you have two Entities A and B, with A having a relationship with B, you can write your HQL like "Select ...... from A Left Join B where...." There should not be any on clause ...

10. Inner join in Hibernate

Hello, I have the following scenario : - Three tables Product Customer Customer_Product(having customerId as well as productId) I have POJO's for all the three tables and also hbm.xml files I want to execute a query which will fetch all the products purchased by a particular customer SELECT productName,productDetail,customerId from Product p inner join Customer_Product cp ON p.productId=cp.productId AND cp.customerId = ...

11. inner join not working !!! plz help

------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- package contact; public class part { private String PART_ID; private String ...

12. [hql] "member of" vs "join" vs "inner join"

13. creating inner join namedquery

Newbie Joined: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:34 pm Posts: 10 Hello, I am stuck in creating an inner-join namedquery. I have a Product table, CategorySubcategories table and a ProductCategoryAssociate table. My inner join query is shown as below: Code: select * from product p inner join category_subcategories c where c.category_name = 'Electronic'; In CategorySubcategoryAssociate class, I created the following namedquery: Code: ...

14. Criteria with Inner Join

15. Use Inner Join With Criteria

16. inner join

hello, I was wondering if there was a way to generate inner join instead of outer join for getting sub objects. I have a class User and a class Group. One user is necessairly in a group and a group can have more than one user. My pleasure would be to generate almost this : select * from user, group where ...

17. Inner join insted of outer join

Hi *, I have the following situation: There is a Person entity which has a many-to-one relation to a Country entity. When I load a Person I can see that Hibernate generates an outer join for gathering the Country info. Is it possible to tell somehow Hibernate (not-null attribute or something) that it should not generate an outer join but an ...

18. Inner join or left join?

19. Oralce 8 inner join not support

The following is XML mapping file: ...

20. Inner-Join on VIEWs does not work - so what now?

Newbie Joined: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:00 am Posts: 1 Hi, our db-system is not able to execute inner-joins on views. Our mapping bases on views and hibernate produces an inner-join on these views, which does not work. Are there any workarounds? Hibernate version: hibernate-2.1.6 OS-Veriosn: AIX 4 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle The generated ...

21. Forcing inner join without HQL

Hello, I must use Criteria and due to performance reasons I need to have `inner join' instead of `left join' in generated SQL. Mapping is classic many-to-one. When I use `fetch="join"' I get left join in generated SQL (which is significantly slower than inner join in that specific query) When I use `fetch="select"' I get 100s of unwanted additional queries To ...

22. Need outer join to be used but Hibernate using inner join

Hibernate version: 3.0.3 Mapping documents: Name and version of the database you are using: SQL Server 2000 The generated SQL (show_sql=true): select ... from CUSTOMERS this_ inner join PERSON_NAMES person1_ on this_.pauth_id=person1_.pauth_pauth_id inner join ORG_NAMES org2_ ...

23. Criteria - Left Outer Join x Inner Join

Good list, but unfortunely no answer... I made a few tests with Hibernate 2 and 3 using HQL (not criteria) and the problems remains : left join becomes inner join. So it may seem there is no solution yet. This is too bad, a lot of people were waiting for this feature.


I'm using the last version of Hibernate i think 3.1.. By having lazy=true in all may asosciation I have to create a an inner join between several tables in order to upload all the info from the db when needed. I have a table A which have a one to one relation with tables B and C. Then i have a ...


I have such sql: SELECT * FROM Alpha INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(created) AS pcreated FROM Alpha GROUP BY id) ids ON created = ids.pcreated WHERE id = '100' ORDER BY created DESC How could I pass this to session in order to retrive data from db? ERROR: , expected in SELECT Thanks.

26. Inner joins in Hibernate: Example request

Hi - thanks for the quick response. The two tables (read objects) do not have an association between them. Hence I cannot do a join based on a 'child' object. These are two non-associated classes that I'd like to join. My purpose is to retrieve records from one table based on common data between the two tables. Any more inputs will ...

27. INNER JOIN throws NullPointerException in HqlSqlWalker

I want to get the children of the Mother with the max name... I can do a work around by getting the max from mother first, then getting her children, but I want to find out why the inner join is not working. Thanks. Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: ...

28. inner join syntax

Hello all, I'm trying to figure out how to write an inner join in HQL. I've checked the HQL doc which doesn't seem to help .. I'm doing an inner join on the same table (from one column to a different). The SQL that I'm trying to translate to HQL is: SELECT * FROM pets p INNER JOIN pets pp ON ...

29. INNER JOIN between two tables - how to do with Criteria API?

At first I am sorry for bad English, it's not my mother tongue. But I will try my best... Basic things... Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Using: the Criteria API (very important, because I generate the queries dynamically!) Database: a Lotus Domino database (connected through a dominoJDBC driver) Hi! =) I already worked with Hibernate, but I think I am still new to ...

30. Inner and outer join syntax (book errata)

31. Bad inner join

32. Some trouble with Inner Join operator

33. How to do inner join while working with set

Hi, I am using hibernate 3.1 I have a one-to-many association. I am using a set to represent the same. By default hibernate retrieves the associated instance using an outer join but i want it to be inner join. How can i achieve this? if you need any further details i will post them. Please help me solve this issue?

34. How to write in Inner Joins using Criteria API

Hi All: I have two tables which are mapped independently in the hbm.xml Files. They donot have any kind of one to one or many-to many etc relationship specified in Mapping. I would like to do something like the following using an Inner Join with the Criteria APIs: select tab1.* from TABLE_1 tab1, TABLE_2 tab2 where tab1.licenceNumber = tab2.licenceNumber and tab2.score ...

35. Criteria inner join

List listaElements = HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ElementoValorVO.class).setProjection( Projections.distinct(Projections.projectionList().add( .add(, criteriosTipologia.getFechaActualizacion())) ...

36. Please Help: Trying "inner join on" to unrelated

Hibernate version: 3.0.x Name and version of the database you are using:Oracle 10g for the sql written below, I created the HQL : ************************************* select searchtypeid , pageid, ms.market_segment_name , flighttargetid, sum(eventcount) as ec from adsinv.ads_inv_data_h_mv inv inner join adsinv.ads_market_segments ms on inv.MODELID = ms.SEGMENTATION_VARIABLE_ID where siteid=2797 and adsizeid=2820 and pageid in (2716,2812) and modelid in (1331, 2611, 1392 ) and ...

37. Can't understand inner join behaviour

38. Error with inner join

Hi, I wanted to write the following sql query using hibernate. Code: select c."name", cv."version", c."id", cv."componentLicenseID", cv."platformID", cb."componentBinarySizeUnit", cl."id", cl."nameDescLocaleID", cl."name", cl."description", cb."componentBinarySize" from "public"."C" c inner join "public"."CV" cv on cv."componentID" ...

39. inner join & hibernate