JPQL « Join « JPA Q&A

1. From SQL with Left Outer Join to JPQL or Native SQL

Hiya all, my problem is related to converting one of the Sql with left join into jpa and entity structure, but i am stucked with it here is my sql


2. Left join bringing 2 different objects

I could not make a better title, if anyone can do it please, help me out! Same for tags. I've made a JPQL to bring me one Object with a List of ...

3. Need to convert an LEFT JOIN to JPQL

immagine following problem: somebody wants to buy a basket of fruit containing green fruits from Africa and South America but no red fruits from Africa. for that we think about following classes:


4. how to do a join in JPQL?

I need help getting started with a JPQL query, I have a Program that has many Sessions and each Session has an Instructor. Given an Instructor, I need a query that returns the ...

5. JPQL: Inner Join without duplicate records

Below is a question which supposedly was part of the official exam from Sun:

A Reader entity has a one-to-many, bidirectional relationship with a Book entity. Two Reader entities ...

6. JPQL and outer join

I have this problem with this simple left join. I have two tables: Employee and Department Employee has a many-to-one association with Department:

public class Employee {

7. Regarding apply JOIN by using JPQL.

Hi All, I am facing problem while apply *JOIN* on 2 Tables(Parent-Child) by using Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL). Code is given below : Tables: Employee (Parent Table) EmpID Name 1 Tina 2 Mina 3 Gita 4 Sita Task (Child Table) TaskID ProjectID EmpID 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 4 5 5 1 6 5 ...

8. jpql, join on?

a simplified example: i have two tables, dog and cat, there are not foreign key reference between them. i use openJPA to implement jpa mapping, and two entities are generated: Catty and Doggy. and there are not reference between these two objects too. but in my app, i want to implement join query. something like following in NATIVE SQL: select * ...

9. JPQL: join with unmapped tables

@Entity public class News implements Serializable{ @Entity public static class NewsIndex { @Id int id; String query; // some col mappings... } @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = ...