cfg « Jar « JPA Q&A

1. Error in reading hibernate.cfg.xml after updating hibernate3.jar

Hi, I was getting some errors on initializing hibernate environment: 1) FACADE_KEY: CommonSession Hibernate 3.1 rc3 not found using CGLIB reflection optimizer using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml Reading mappings from resource: com/igt/atg/persistance/common/IbeCityMasters.hbm.xml Warning parsing XML: XML InputStream(932) 932, Column 69>: XML-0135: (Warning) Attribute 'cache-mode' already defined, using the first ...

2. Accessing hibernate.cfg.xml from web project through JAR file

Well, the Java see the file hibernate.cfg.xml (File.exists() and File.canRead() returns true), but the message "fine!" after sessionFactory doesn't appears, doesn't catch an exception and the connection with database not works. I don't have idea what is wrong. public class HibernateUtil { private static SessionFactory sessionFactory; static { String file = null; try { file = HibernateUtil.class.getClassLoader().getResource("hibernate.cfg.xml").getPath().toString(); sessionFactory = new AnnotationConfiguration().configure(file).buildSessionFactory(); ...

3. cfg.xml inside a jar

4. Configuration file from jar, but not hibernate.cfg.xml

Configuration config = new Configuration(); URL confFile = this.getClass().getResource(configFile); ...

5. read hibernate.cfg.xml from within a jar file

hibernate.cfg.xml IS in the root of the jar. My package heirarchy looks like this: hibernate.cfg.xml log4j.xml com ___company - opens all Sessions ___common ______program1 (uses SessionManager) ______program2 (uses SessionManager) The only way I've found to get it to work is to have *2* copies of hibernate.cfg.xml (1 at the root, the other in along with SessionManager). ...

6. hibernate.cfg.xml in jar file how do I read it.

Hibernate version: 3 I know this has probably been covered a 1000 times, but I can not seem to find the right keywords to pull up any info on the subject. Basically I need to find a way to read a configuration file + map files out of a jar. I have a project that communicates with several databases. I need ...

7. Packing project in jar: Hibernate.cfg.xml or other not found

Regular Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:05 am Posts: 53 Location: Troisdorf, Germany Hi, wrote a persistence layer for my project with hibernate tools and now I want to pack it in a jar, so that I could run it somewhere outside from eclipse. For this I use an ant file which we used before, when the persistence layer didn't existed. ...