ManyToOne « Jar « JPA Q&A

1. @ManyToOne in multiple jars with Glassfish/EclipseLink

I've got two jars, dog.jar and person.jar, both packaged as ejb modules within a single ear. is an Entity that references another Entity via a OneToMany mapping on ...

2. @ManyToOne between entities in two different jars

Hello, I use Hibernate as JPA implementation and I need to create a @ManyToOne link between two entities in two different jars. But I can't find the way to do this. On server startup (OpenEJB used for unit tests in a Maven project) I have the following exception : Code: org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException: createApplication.failed [C:\Documents\t4-core-commons\core\target\classes]: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @OneToOne or @ManyToOne on t4.core.commons.reasonInstruction.internal.Reason.process references an ...