Class « Jar « JPA Q&A

1. Which hibernate jar has the OracleDialect class?

I'm trying to install GridSphere through some app, there's an ant task that creates a database. So I changed the file to use Oracle (instead of HSQL) but i'm getting ...

2. JPA 2.0: Adding entity classes to PersistenceUnit *from different jar* automatically

I have a maven-built CDI-based Java SE app, which has a core module, and other modules.
Core has the persistence.xml and some entities. Modules have additional entities. How can I add the entities to ...

3. Distributing a persistance class that uses Hibernate

So I have a standalone application and a web application to do, but the persistance classes that I've created in the standalone gonna be used in the web application too. Since my ...

4. Subclassing a hibernate class from a different project/jar

Hi there, I want to subclass a hibernate entity class that is defined in a different project that is loaded as dependency into our web application. The parent class is hbm.xml-defined, the new subclass could be hbm.xml-defined, too, but I would prefer annotations. The subclass is not adding properties to the parent but just adding new 1:m relationships that are not ...

5. Hibernate3.jar classes are built with target setting 1.4

Yes, certainly it is my fault :( But I've never had the nedd to recompile hibernate, the minimum requirements are for 1.3.1 so I've assumed that it was built with this version and I skipped reading CVS and Compiling Hibernate. Can I at least suggest to put a note into Hibernate 3 migration guide, so, everyone is going to migrate form ...

6. different ClassLoaders between hibernate.jar and my class

Hi, I am writing two eclipse plugins. One of my plugins loads hibernate.jar and all of its dependencies. Another one adds some other functionality. In the second plugin I create a new onfiguration, but this always fails with a MappingException. The cause is that the classloader of the first plugin is not the same as the one of the second plugin. ...

7. which Hibernate jar has StringClobType.class

8. Query in Entity class inside jar not found

Hello, I'm using a deployer that puts all my sources into a jar and then copies it into the /lib folder. The application seems to work fine except for the fact that it doesn't find the namedQueries which are in my entities. Does anybody know a way to sort this thing out? Thank u 4 ur help!