parameter « JDBC « JPA Q&A

1. Reusing an anonymous parameter in a prepared statement

I am customizing the insert SQL generated by hibernate and have hit an issue. When Hibernate generates the query by itself, it inserts data into the first two columns of ...

2. How to cope with 'org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No value specified for parameter 1'?

Upon registration to my Grails app, the user receives an email with a confirmation link. Clicking that link, takes her to the according 'enable' action. This worked flawlessly. However, there now seems ...

3. logging all prepared statement parameters to std out

I have the log level set to debug in the and I have hibernate.show_sql = true in but the output from hibernate is just showing the prepared statement. It doesn't show the actual values being set on the prepared statement parameters, when the statement fails! Code: [1/12/04 10:44:30:647 EST] 32a032a SystemOut O Hibernate: insert ...

4. WHERE IN (1, 2, 3) and JDBC "in" parameters