glassfish « JDBC « JPA Q&A

1. GlassFish 3.1.1 - getting jdbc connection

I'm trying to get OracleConnection from glassfish by this lines:

EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
Connection c = em.unwrap(Connection.class);
But, in debugger I see that the actual class for c is ConnectionHolder40 class. Where I ...

2. Some confusion surrounding JDBC Resources and JDBC Connection pools Glassfish

I am about to make a connection to my database and I am using EJB and JPA. I have recently started doing these technologies so I have some problems understand it ...

3. Hibernate on Glassfish not working ;(

Hi experts, I'm trying to persist some data to my database with help of Hibernate. My app is running on Glassfish. I configured my ConectionPool and i can connect to my schema. I also fixed my persistence.xml to work with Hibernate provider when but as soon as i, in my EJB call my persistence-unit i get compilation error: org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Deployment Error ...

4. JPA NamedQueries and JDBC 4.0

We are doing big migrations (in multiple customers) from EJB 2.0 (or hibernate) to EJB3/JPA and we are really enjoying the benefits. But one of the issue we have with EJB2 to EJB3 is the lost of finder methods. I'm really happy about loosing the home interface but the @NamedQuery is a lot more error prone than finder methods. So, working ...

5. How to simulate JPA's "strategy=TABLE" PK generation using JDBC?

I have to insert large amount of Transaction entities into database - 20000 or more and each transaction requires Loan entity. If I would invoke em.find(...) for each Loan - the operation would last for ever and it would eat entire memory, so I have to do it using plain JDBC (stmt.addBatch() and stmt.executeBatch()).

6. JPA: speed vs JDBC

as this is an enterprise computing forum, my assumption is a multi-tiered architecture (JDBC Driver must cross the LAN), as we all have to keep scalability in mind. As a result, the JPA cache is on the client side, while the JDBC / DBMS cache is on the server side. Assuming a JDBC-based JPA implementation, you will benefit from this double ...