provider « JBoss « JPA Q&A

1. Trying to use Infinispan as a JPA/Hibernate second level cache provider, without success

I would like to use Infinispan to cache repeatedly called queries. I followed this tutorial to set up Hibernate for this: Using Infinispan as JPA-Hibernate Second Level Cache Provider. I followed every ...

2. JBoss Cache 2 as second level cache provider

Got some help over in the JBoss Cache forum. Looks like contrary to the Hibernate documentation, you do not specify a cache provider (via hibernate.cache.provider_class) as the documentation might lead you to believe. Instead, you use the hibernate.cache.region.factory_class property, specifying a value of org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.MultiplexedJBossCacheRegionFactory. It would be interesting to understand the decisions leading to breaking with the existing convention.

3. hibernate.cache.provider_class for JBoss-Cache 3.1.0-GA

Hi there, I used JBoss-Cache 1.4.1.GA with Hibernate 3.2.6.GA with success by defining in my persistence.xml for my EJB3-WebLogic-Environment. Now we want to migrate to JBoss-Cache 3.1.0-GA and I wonder what I have to define for hibernate.cache.provider_class for JBoss-Cache 3.1.0.GA, since I've got a NoClassDefFoundError for the class org.jboss.cache.TreeCache during the deployment of my ear-file. Any help will ...