Intercept « Interceptor « JPA Q&A

1. How to use hibernate interceptors to populate extra fields in a join table?

I have a legacy object model that has content objects and a table designed to express relationships between content objects. The latter is called a content_content_connections table, and in addition ...

2. Intercepting queries to a database

So I'm trying to intercept calls made to a database. Right now I have a java program which listens for notifications (calls made by various programs). I'm trying to extend this ...

3. Why does audit logging using Hibernate Interceptor hang at SocketInputStream.socketRead0?

This is baffling to me. I have searched numerous forums for clues. In the postFlush method, I open a new hibernate (v. 3.3 - also tried v.3.5) session using ...

4. Hibernate Interceptor: How do I override onCollectionUpdate and onCollectionRecreate to not populate my entities with database values?

I am extending org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor to decrypt and encrypt fields. The goal is to always have in-memory domain objects in a decrypted state, and always have the stored database values in an ...

5. Hibernate Interceptors with Annotations

I'm migrating an app from hibernate xml configuration to annotations, I'm not sure how to adapt my BusinessObjectInterceptor class to the new annotations based format. We are changing our HibernateUtil class from ...

6. Envers with Hibernate Interceptors, onDelete

I'm trying to implement a simple Envers + interceptor based approach to audit my Hibernate entities. For this, as per the typical approach, there's a BaseEntity with all the audit properties:


7. Seam & Hibernate, Listeners and Interceptors dont work...

11:56:14,065 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=persistence.unit:unitName=xyz-ear.ear/xyz-persistence.jar#xyz state=Create javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Unable to create instance of as a listener of beanClass at org.hibernate.ejb.event.CallbackResolver.resolveCallback( at org.hibernate.ejb.event.EntityCallbackHandler.addCallback( at org.hibernate.ejb.event.EntityCallbackHandler.add( at org.hibernate.ejb.EventListenerConfigurator.configure( at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.configure( at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.configure( at org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence.createContainerEntityManagerFactory( at org.jboss.jpa.deployment.PersistenceUnitDeployment.start( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.jboss.reflect.plugins.introspection.ReflectionUtils.invoke( at org.jboss.reflect.plugins.introspection.ReflectMethodInfoImpl.invoke( at org.jboss.joinpoint.plugins.BasicMethodJoinPoint.dispatch( at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.KernelControllerContextAction$JoinpointDispatchWrapper.execute( at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.ExecutionWrapper.execute( at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.KernelControllerContextAction.dispatchExecutionWrapper( ...

8. Hibernate Interceptors

9. Hibernate Interceptors, getting old values

> In my project need to maintain History something likes > I wrote AuditLogInterceptor class it has four methods > > boolean onFlushDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] > newValues, Object[] oldValues,String[] properties, Type[] types) > > int[] findDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] newValues, > Object[] oldValues, String[] properties, Type[] types) > > void onSave(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] newValues, > ...

10. What are the limitations in EJB interceptors and JPA listeners?

Seriously, we've been seeing just the weirdest behaviors. Our most recent example, tho I'm not the expert on the auditing code so I can't comment on what it's doing, if you simply create a new Entity, and called em.merge on it, the EM was trying to insert the value twice (it'd get the Sequence once, then call INSERT twice, and then ...

11. triggers / Event Listeners / Interceptors / ??

I have a Web App (WAR1) that writes the database. I have another (WAR2) that reads the database and distributes the data. The only contact the two currently have is the db. Both use Hibernate. What are my options for WAR2 being notified of changes written by WAR1, or ideally, by any mechanism? Sorry, but I don't have the DB background, ...

12. NoopAccessor and Interceptors

If I declare a field to use the NoopAccessor (as the DB field isn't mapped to my pojo), is there a way to write to the field? (background: I'm trying to historize records, for that the record itself gets copied to a new table which has one extra field containing the date, when the record got historized; the mapping with the ...

13. Interceptors: Previous Collection State = Current State

Version info: hibernate-annotations-3.4.0.GA.jar hibernate-core-3.3.2.GA.jar hibernate-entitymanager-3.4.0.GA.jar I'm currently working on a interceptor for a more condensed form of logging than envers gives me(I need a single table to rebuild what happened more efficiently and send notifications to interested listeners in other apps). However, I'm running into some trouble with removals from collections. Previous state always has the same contents as current state(its ...

14. Forcing When Interceptors fire

Hi i have a contention issue with an app. The solution is to re-write how we use the audit info and when. however, for a quick patch fix, I was wondering if I can force when a Interceptor fires or when not. I have Code: public class AuditInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor implements Interceptor, Serializable { // some stuff ...

15. Interceptors and Effective Dating

We essentially have multiple objects in our model and some objects extend an EffectiveEntity to signify that they are constrained by what is necessary for effective dating. This means the following: INSERT 1) A new record is a default insert. DELETE 1) A delete is actually an update, updating the expDate. UPDATE - The most complicate 1) A record has been ...

16. Hibernate Interceptors with Annotations

Author Message redmond007 Post subject: Hibernate Interceptors with Annotations Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:13 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:28 pm Posts: 4 I'm migrating an app from hibernate xml configuration to annotations, I'm not sure how to adapt my BusinessObjectInterceptor class to the new annotations based format. We are changing our HibernateUtil class from creating ...

17. Why do Interceptors pass Object arrays?

I glanced at that pattern before, but didn't appreciate it -- thanks for "helping" me take a closer look. Indeed, a map is not itself useful for maintaining deltas between new/old state. But two maps would work nicely for this :) I suppose it just depends on the use case/access pattern. If the Interceptor is just going to iterate over all ...

18. Rules for Interceptors

I have written an Interceptor to validate that records have not been tampered with. It is loosely based off the example "Security: adding message digests via interceptors". Mine is slightly different in that it also digitally signs the SHA1. In the onLoad it performs another SHA1 and then validates that the SHA1 and digital signature are correct. The question is: If ...

19. jboss 4.0 interceptors in standardjboss

20. Implementing Cascades with Hibernate Interceptors

Newbie Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 5:07 am Posts: 9 I've implemented cascades for a parent/child relationship in application code using the Lifecycle callbacks. When my application code calls SessionImpl.saveOrUpdate on my parent (Address) object, my code instantiates a new Distance object with a reference to the parent (Address) object and calls saveOrUpdate. No problem. However, I migrated to the Interceptor ...

21. multiple interceptors

Hibernate version: 2.1.x It seems the current SessionFactory API only allows one interceptors per session. What if I have multiple interceptors, such as one for security, one for logging, ect.? How do I add multiple ones to a session? Of course, if I fully control all the interceptor implementation, I can write one interceptor to have all the functionality. But some ...

22. Howto:Intercept BEFORE Interceptor (to set orphan's parent)

Beginner Joined: Wed Aug 27, 2003 3:46 am Posts: 34 Location: Taiwan Hi , I have a legacy PHP forum (just like classical User/Board/Post forum) , I want to use Hibernate to map the forum to Java classes. The schema is simple : The POST TABLE has two fields link to USER / BOARD TABLE's primary keys , indicating the poster ...

23. Attaching different interceptors to already opened session

Hi, I use Session in View pattern, one session per thread. I would like to use different interceptors in duration of one request. Can it be done? Currently i see i have to get my session with interceptor, and do some ugly stuff like public boolean onFlushDirty(Object entity, ..... if (entity instanceof someType) { //do some stuff } else if (entity ...

24. AutoFlush and Interceptors

I am finding the onFlushDirty() method on my Interceptor is being repeatedly invoked when I would expect it to only be invoked once. Here is the scenario: I have a dirty entity. In the same session I have several calls to session.getNamedQuery().list(). Each of these calls triggers my Interceptor. Here is what I see is happening: Each call to session.getNamedQuery().list() makes ...

25. Running multiple interceptors and audit fields

I'm running Hibernate 3. I have two types of domain objects. One has a base set of audit attributes (e.g., addedBy, editedBy) and another set has additional audit attributes (e.g., approvedBy). I was considering using two interceptors for this: one for the objects with just the standard audit attributes and one for the objects with the extended set. The question is... ...

26. Interceptors not properly called with CMT

The interceptors callback methods concerning transactions (i.e. afterTransactionBegin, afterTransactionCompletion) are not properly called when using Hibernate within CMT context. Is this by accident or not? I want to implement an event system which only fires if an entity physically changes, i.e. if the transaction is commited. Without these callbacks it seems hardly possible. Btw, I am using Hibernate 3.0.5

27. Interceptors for currentSession doesn't work

Steve, I think he's refering to the one-line example in section 13.1. He's missing the point that the line shown is part of the overal configuration and can't be executed on it's own and separate from the overall SessionFactory configuration. The following code is from with the exception of the single change to include your interceptor. Code: public class HibernateUtil ...

28. Auditing using Interceptors

I am using Hibernate 3.1 and am trying to audit searches performed from the code on the DB. I have started looking at Interceptors as a way of doing this. My problem is that although I can get the result set out when my onLoad method is called I cannot work out how to get what query was passed in. Is ...

29. HQL update queries and interceptors

30. Auditing with interceptors and EJB's

Code a PrincipalHolder that has a ThreadLocal attribute and static accessors where you can store the Principal in the ThreadLocal. Then you have basically two hooks where you can retrieve and set the Principal on the PrincipalHolder: in the Session Bean using 'getSessionContext().getCallerPrincipal();' in a Servlet Filter casting the ServletRequest to a HttpServletRequest and using 'request.getUserPrincipal()'. This of course only works ...

31. Interceptors / event listeners and audit trail

32. Auditing Using Interceptors - For Composite PK

I am having a table called User_To_Role where userid and roleid are the fields and they are composite PK, i am storing the relationship entries between the User and Role in the table. So whenever there is a new entry into this table as well as delete from this table, i need to audit that information in the Audit Info Table. ...

33. Hibernate Interceptors in hibernate.cfg.xml file?

I am working on a Seam prototype that uses Hibernate rather than EJB3. In my prototype I want to use some existing Hibernate Interceptors that I wrote earlier. In the Hibernate tutorial, I've read about how you can programatically set an Interceptor in your SessionFactory. Seam is managing my SessionFactory so I can't set an Interceptor as far as I know. ...

34. Complete hibernate generated SQL in Interceptors/Events?

Hi, I have a scenario where I need to log complete SQL statements for audit purposes. I need to pack them with some additional information about the user. I could turn the default hibernate logging on and this produces the SQL statements, but I need to pack additional information. Is there a way I could get the complete SQL (insert/update/delete) in ...

35. Difference between Interceptors and Listeners

Well, there are a couple of notable differences. You can pass constructor parameters to interceptors. I do not believe that you can do that with the listeners on a session-by-session basis. If the AuditInterceptor needed a username for the current unit-of-work, you could create a constructor to do so: factory.openSession(new AuditInterceptor('username')) . The detriment to using interceptors: you have to use ...

36. Child objects and interceptors

Hibernate version: 3.2.2 Hi all, I've got a bit of an unusual use case. I need to send MyEntity to a JMS queue when any change occurs or when any child object of MyEntity changes. Code: MyEntity | / | \ a b c ...

37. Interceptors to set a security context

We have a requirment for partitioning data for certain clients via horizontal database partitioning - in other words we do not mix data in a table amongst clients so it is partitioned. How Oracle figures out which partition you need to query against is with a generic id (for our POC we call it Bank ID as shown in the code ...

38. Linking updates to child objects in Interceptors

Hi, Is there an accepted way of linking together a record of the changes to a parent object and those of its children? For example, if I update MyParent and an interceptor records something representing that transaction, is there a common way of pushing that change down to any cascaded children that have changes logged? This would be a way of ...

40. Interceptors and composite element collections

42. Audit Interceptors

Hi, I want to automatically add some audit information when saving data (create_user, create_date, update_user, update_date, etc.). I've seen some example of using an intercepter to add this information to persistant classes. No problem there. My question is this: is there a way to automatically add audit information to relationship tables? Since the relationships are not actually modelled as entities the ...

43. Using interceptors for Auditing

Hi, I am planning to use hibernate EmptyInterceptor for performing database auditing. The idea is: once a record is updated, audit information will be inserted in a separate table. For updates, it should also track old values. (Hence I choosed EmptyInterceptor and also tried PostUpdateEventListener). Is EmptyInterceptor can be used for such audit requirement. I have refered hibernate reference chapter 12 ...

44. Using interceptors for Auditing

Hi, I am planning to use hibernate EmptyInterceptor for performing database auditing. The idea is: once a record is updated, audit information will be inserted in a separate table. For updates, it should also track old values. (Hence I choosed EmptyInterceptor and also tried PostUpdateEventListener). Is EmptyInterceptor can be used for such audit requirement. I have refered hibernate reference chapter 12 ...

45. Interceptors and Transient varaible

46. Weird behaviour using Interceptors

Newbie Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:44 pm Posts: 13 Hi. I'm working on a content manager, and I need to execute some logic whenever an entity (a Publication) changes one of its properties (its validation state), so I'm currently building my SessionFactory with an Interceptor bound to it. The only method I'm implementing is onFlushDirty. It looks like this: Code: ...

47. Using hibernate Interceptors

I have used hibernate interceptors to populate the createdDate and modifiedDate property of an entity at insert and update operations respectively heres my code implementation Code: import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor; import org.hibernate.type.Type; public class SaveOrUpdateDateInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor{ public boolean onSave(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, ...